2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit3 The land down under(第三课时).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit3 The land down under(第三课时)Teaching Aims:1.Review some words learnt in the last two periods.2.Review the Predicative and the Predicative Clause.Teaching Important Points:1.Master what part of speech can be used as the Predicative.2.Summarize the link verbs.3.Review the words introducing the Predicative Clause.Teaching Difficult Point:How to make the students use the Predicative correctly.Teaching Methods:1.Exercises to review the usages of some words.2.Inductive method to summarize the link verbs and the words introducing the Predicative Clause.3.Lots of practice to help students to use the Predicative correctly.4.Individual or pair work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.a cornputer2.a coursewareTeaching Procedures:Step GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step RevisionT:Yesterday we learnt the outline,history and language of Australia.Now Ill ask three students to talk about them freely.Any volunteers?S1:Australia is made up of six states and two territories.S2:.Step World StudyT:Very good.In the last two periods,we learnt many important words.Now look at the words on the screen.Try to think of their Chinese meanings.(Teacher shows a form on the screen and asks some students to give the Chinese meanings.)T:Well done.Now write the definition of each word using simple English and make a sentence with each one to fill in the form.If necessary,you may use an English dictionary to help you.(Two minutes later,teacher asks some students to finish the task.)WordsDefinitions in EnglishExamplesnewera person who has recently arrived in a placeHe is a newer in our class.islandera person living on an islandThe islanders live a rich life.criminala person who mits a crimeMany criminals are put into the prison.governora person who govern a state or a provinceHe was made governor of Hubei Province.fellowpanion or radeHer fellows share her interest in puter.femalea person who can give birth to children or produce eggsThey only e mploy females.The female sat on the eggs while the male bird brought food.transformto plete changeA mass immigration transformed Australia into modern nation.strengthento bee strongerThe latest development has further strengthened my determination to leave.T:OK.Now open your books at Page 24.Please look at Ex.2.There are some words given in the box.Please fill in the blanks using their proper forms.(Three minutes later,some students are asked to say their answers.Teacher or students correct the mistakes if there are any,and give some explanations.At last,teacher asks students to read aloud the passage for a while.)Suggested answers on the screen.(1)differ(2)resembled(3)newers(4)governed(5)immigration(6)transformed(7)strengthen(8)claiming(9)diverseStep GrammarT:Now turn to Page 25.In the first exercise,some words and phrases are given.Please tell me their Chinese meanings one by one.(Teacher asks students to do this together.After a while,teacher says the following.)T:Please use the words and phrases to plete the following sentences.After doing it,please check the answers with your partner.(Two minutes later,some students give their answers.)T:From the sentences,we can see the words and phrases used to fill in the blanks are put behind the link verb “be”,so they are called the Predicative.What part of speech can be used as the predicative?Please tell me one by one.S3:.Suggested answers on the screen.1.(n.) a big business2.(adj.) slow3.(pron.) somebody4.(num.) four5.(adv.) away6.(prep.) in great trouble7.(to do) to be tasted8.(v.-ing) offering more jobs9.(v.-ed) encouraged10.(clause) what it used to beT:Now we all know the noun,pronoun,numeral,adverb,adjective,preposition,the v.-ing form,the past participle and the indefinite are used as the Predicative(Write them on the Bb.)Besides,a sentence can also be used as the Predicative,which is called the Predicative Clause.T:In the tenth sentence,“what is used to be” is used as the Predicative Clause introduced by “what”.What other words can also be used to introduce the Predicative Clause?Whod like to tell me about this?S4:Ill try.that,what,whether,who,whom,whose,when,where,which,why,because,as if,how,.T:Can “if” be used to introduce the Predicative Clause?Ss:No,“if” can only be used to introduce the Object Clause.In general,“if” can be replaced with “whether”.T:You are right.Now well do an exercise to see if youve known their exact meanings.Please look at the sentences on the screen.There is a mistake in each of them.Correct the mistakes and then check your answers in pairs.(Show the screen.)Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.1.Our country is no longer that it used to be.2.Thats where we differ from.3.Things were not like we seemed to be.4.It appears she has known all about it.5.It looks that its going to rain again.6.She was absent from school.That was why she was ill.7.That was which he solved the problem.8.Are these where you bought yesterday?9.The problem is that he will e.(A few minutes later,some students are asked to say their answers.Give some example if necessary.)Suggested answers:1.thatwhat2.differ fromdiffer3.likeas4.appearsappears that5.thatas if6.whybecause7.whichhow8.wherewhat9.thatwhetherT:Now we all know the Predicative must be put behind the link verb.And weve learnt many verbs which are followed by the Predicative.Who can tell me as many verbs as possible?S5:The link verbs that we often use are:be,feel,look,sound,taste,smell,seem appear.S6:bee,get,turn,grow,fall,go,e,run.S7:remain,continue,stay,keep,rest,prove,turn outS8:.(Teacher writes the link verbs on the blackboard when students are saying them.)T:Quite right.Now look at Part 2 on Page 25.Use the given link verbs in the box to fill in the blanks.While doing this,you must pay attention to their proper form.Suggested answers:1e2.remains3.stand4.keep5.looks6.fell7.smells,goes8.seemsStep ConsolidationT:Now well do an exercise to consolidate the grammar item.(Teacher shows an exercise on the screen.)plete these sentences using the given words.appear,prove,sound,make,bee,grow,turn,feel,taste,turn out1.I think she_a good president,so I am going to vote for her.2.At the age of nineteen months Helen_deaf and blind.3.The village_deserted,and not even a dog was to be seen.4.The boats engine_all right to me,in fact I think it is running very smoothly.5.Collecting money for the trip _an easier task than he had expected.6.The noise from the crowd _louder and louder.7.Your soup_ delicious.8.It_a fine day.9.She suddenly_pale when she heard the bad news.10.My leg _as if its broken.Suggested answers:1.will make2.became2.appeared4.sounds5.proved6.grew7.tastes8.turned out9.turned10.feelsStep Summary and HomeworkT:In this period,weve done some exercises to review some important words and the Predicative.Besides,weve practised the link verbs and the Predicative clause.After class,you should do another exercise on the screen to practise more to master them better.OK.Thats all for today.See you.(Show the homework on the screen.)plete the following sentences with proper conjunction.1.I dont know_ bike this is.2.The problem is not_we leave,but_we can get there.3.The question is _can plete the difficult task.4.The question is_he will e or not.5.The reason why he was late was_he got up late.6.My suggestion is_the party should be put off.7.Our city isnt_it used to be.8.I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella.Thats_I got wet through.9.Go and get your bag.Its_you left it.10.It looks_it is going to rain.Suggested answers:1.whose2.when,when3.who4.whether5.that6.that7.what8.why9.where10.as ifStep The Design of the Writing on theBlackboardUnit 3The land down underThe Third Period1.used as the Predicative:adj.,n.,adv.,pron.,prep.,to do,v.-ing form,the Past Participle2.the Conjunction:(1)that,whether(2)what,which,why,when,where,how,who,whom,whose(3)as if,because3.link verbs:be,feel,small,look,taste,sound,appear,seemget,bee,turn,grow,go,e,fall,standremain,prove,keep,continue,stayStep Record after Teaching_

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