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2019-2020年高中英语第三册(全一册)Unit3Period3IntegratingSkills-AustraliaStep 1 Lead-inStep 2. Fast-Reading: fill in the tableInformation about AustraliaAnimals:_ _ Distance _Size:_Population:_ _Agriculture:_ _Natural resources:_ Climate:_ Sports:_ Step 3. Careful-Reading: Choose the best answer.1. Australia has many plants and animals that cant be found anywhere else in the world because _.( para. 1)A. it is as old as time. B. it was once connected to South America.C. it has been separated from other continents for so long.D. these plants and animals cant live anywhere else.2. In area it is approximately the same size as the USA (without Alaska), which, however, has more than fourteen times as many people. Here “which” refers to _. A. Australia B. USA C. Alaska D. USA without Alaska3. From paragraph 3, we learn that_.A. Australia is wealthier than any other country. B. Australia is very rich in natural resources.C. Fruits and vegetables are grown all over the country. D. Half of the worlds wool is produced there.4. Which of the following is NOT true?A. A long fence extends hundreds of kilometers across Australia.B. People usually use motorbikes or helicopters to round up sheep or cattle because farms in Australia are so large in the middle of Australia.C. Dingoes like to attack sheep and cattle at night.D. People built a fence to keep out wild dogs called dingoes .5. In the text the writer implies but not states directly that_.A. Australia is the only country in the world that covers an entire continent.B. Australia is a wealthy country with lots of natural resources.C. People in Australia like outdoor sports.D. Australia is a powerful country of sports in many events.Step 4. Language points.1. ,but the continents separated as the earths plates movedas 表示”随着”是连词, 而with表示”随着”是介词,要注意之间的差别.e.g. 随着时间的推移,一切发生了很大的变化。1) _2) _the production up by 25 percent, the pany will have a harvest year. A. With B. As C. For D. Because2. Having been separated from other continents for millions of , Australia has many plants and animals = _ (替换黑体部分)判断正误并改正:1). Having known about the news, you neednt tell him.2). Hearing the bad news, tears came to her eyes.3). There being no enough money, so I cant afford to buy the car.3. keep out (of) (to not go into a place, or to stop someone or something from going into a place)He locked the room and put up a sign asking people to keep out._They have shut the door to keep us out. _Keep 相关词组:keep away from _/ keep off _/keep back _/keep up _/ keepfrom _/keep up with_ etc.)4.The climate is different depending on the area. depend on 1) 依赖, 依靠 良好的健康状况依赖于良好的食物、运动和充足的睡眠。_ 2) 信赖,信任Hes a man to be depended on. _3) 依。而定 价格得看质量而定 _ That depends = It all depends _本单元重点词组:1. as a consequence (of) / as a result (of) 作为的结果2. break out ( 指激烈事件)突然发生3. feed on 喂养,给食物(和live on的区别)4. round up使集合在一起5. enjoy the same rights 享有同等权利6. recognize the importance of a diverse society 意识到一个多元化社会的重要性7. be made up of / consist of 由组成8. be surrounded by被包围9. have a influence on对有的影响(effect)10.suffer from感到疼痛,不适,受苦11.transforminto使转变(化)成12.differ from sb/sth 与某人某事物不同,有区别13.give birth to生,产生14.keep sb/sth out (of) 不让某人或某物进入某处15.all the year round整年16.change ones attitude towards改变对的态度17.benefit from从获益18.warn sb of sth提醒某人,警告19.represent/stand for 代表,象征20.be harmful to /do harm to有害的,可致损伤的21.get away from sb/逃离或摆脱开(某人或某地)22.hand sth down (to sb)传递某物,把某物往下传23.be suitable for/to(sb/sth)适合的,适宜的,恰当的25.set foot on/in 进入或参观某地;到达26.suffer from 遭受;受之苦27.depend on 依赖;相信28.be delighted to 高兴;喜欢29.on the open fire 在野外生起的篝火上30.round up 把。聚集在一起

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