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2019-2020年高中英语第一册上Unit1GoodFriendsTeaching aims:1. Get new students familiar with senior English book and the teachers requests.2. Learn and master the new words: honest, brave, loyal, wise, handsome, smart, argue, solution, classical, fond, match, mirror, fry, gun, hammer, saw, rope, pass, movie3. Lead the students to the topic of this unit “friendship” by warming up exercise.4. Listening practice.Important points:1. Master the new words.2. Lead the students to the topic of Unit 1. Difficult points:1. How to improve the students speaking and listening abilities.Teaching Methods:1. Discussion method to finish the part of warming up.2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching procedure:Step 1. Greetings and Lead-in 1. Because the Ss is new to senior school, lead them to find out the differences between junior and senior school life. And introduce the new book to them.2. Make demands for the students English study.In order to help the Ss get used to the new school life, give out some demands about study and life.3. Give some learning methods to the students.Read and recite native expressions and passages as many as possible.Learn English through mass medium like films, TV news, newspapers, etc.Try to find useful ways to reduce the burden of reciting.Step 2. Warming up 1. Ask the Ss to think of the qualities of a good friend.Ask some Ss to express their opinions and list the relevant adjectives on the blackboard.2. Add new words honest, brave, loyal, wise, handsome, smart and explain the usage of the words.3. Lead in the topic about friends: the students listen to the introduction of a good friend read by the teacher and find adjectives learned just now to replace the description of the good friends.4. Ask the students to describe themselves and their good friends with the words and the sentence structure “I think I am/ she is/ he is” on Page 1.Step 3. Listening 1. Help the Ss guess the contents of the listening material by reading the questions on Page 2.2. Play the tape for three times: First timeask the Ss to listen carefully without taking notes, pause in each situation to ask the students to talk about whats each situation about briefly; second timepause for the students to write down the details; third timeplay the tape for the students to check their answers. Step 4. Homework1. Review the words learned in this lesson and preview the rest ones.2. After class, listen to the material on Page 2 to make sure that its clear to you and finish off the listening practice on Page 85, it will be checked next lesson.3. Preview Speaking on Page 2 and Talking on Page 85 and choose a situation to make a dialogue with your partner according to the example on Page 86. Next lesson Ill ask some pairs to act it out. Period TwoTeaching aims:1. Learn and master the following words: cast, survive, deserted, hunt, share, sorrow, feeling, airplane, parachute, lie, speech, adventure, notebook, scared, e-pal, formal, errorSentence pattern: So/ Nor + link/ auxiliary/modal verb+ subject, in order toPhrases: be fond of, surf the Internet, hi there, be into sth, hunt for, care about, such as, drop sb. a line2. Learn the useful expressions to talk about likes and dislikes and to make apologies.3. Stimulate the students interest about the text by doing Pre-reading activity.Important points:1. Words and useful expressions.2. Speaking activities.Difficult points:How to stimulate the students to speak.Teaching methods:1. Role playing2. Discussion in groupsTeaching procedures:Step 1. RevisionCheck the listening practice in workbook.Step 2. Speaking 1. Listen to the six persons self-instruction and fill in the list on Page 3 without the help of the original texts on Page 2.2. Check the list by asking some Ss to re-introduce the six persons and try to use the expressions on Page 3. NameJohnStevePeter AnnSarahJoeAge1514151614GenderboygirlboygirlgirlboyLikesfootball,readingskiing,readingsingingdancing,puters,rock musicreading,footballputers,skiingDislikessinging, puters,rockmusic hikingrockmusicfootballfootball,classical music,dancinghiking,readingdancing,putersfootball,hiking( The teacher lists the useful expressions on the blackboard while students are answering.)1. Make the students think about who could be friends and give the reasons according to the sentence patterns the teacher gives: Im sure _ and _ could be friends, Im not sure that _ and _ could be friends, I think / dont think _ and _ could be friends, Perhaps_ and _ could be friends, because she/he likes/enjoys/loves/is fond of because she/he doesnt like/enjoy/ love because she/he hates/dislikes because she/he thinksis boring/terribleFrom the list, the six peoples hobbies are clear to Ss, so its easy for them to decide who could be friends. Use these sentence patterns to give out the answers. For example, “Im sure John and Sarah could be friends, because they are both fond of football and reading and hates puters.”2. Learn how to make apologies and act out the dialogue.Turn to Page 86 and do the talking in workbook. First, learn the useful expressions in the box. Some of the expressions are used to express the problem, anger and plaints. They are: Why did you?/Why didnt you?/ You promised to, but/You said that you wouldTheyre used to make apologies.Step 3. Language points1. honest adj. telling the truthe.g. an honest businessman(honesty n. honestly adv.)2. brave adj. ready to face danger, difficultye.g. Its brave of him to save so many people from the fire.(bravery n.)3. loyal adj. true and faithfule.g. Im a loyal fan of Tom hanks. (loyality n.)4. wise adj. having good judgemente.g. Its not wise of you to sell the house at a low price.5. smart adj. having or showing intelligen, clevere.g. you look smart in the new suit.6. handsome adj. (of men) good-looking; (of women) having a fine figure; of fine appearance; generous7. argue v. with sb. about/over sth.; for/against sth.; for the right of old people (argument n.)8. solution n.( solve v. =work out)9. classical adj. e.g. He is fond of classical music/ works.10. fond adj. be fond of=like, enjoy, love11. pass: device for finding direction, with a needle that points to magnetic northe.g. The pass is one of the four greatest inventions in China.12. movie n.=filme.g. go to a movie=go to the cinema13. cast v.: throwe.g. cast a stone into the water/ cast glance atcast sb. away/ sb. be cast away14. survive v.: continue to live or exist, though nearly being killed or destroyed(survival; survivor n.)15. deserted adj.:without any personStep 4. Pre-reading 1. Remind the Ss of “Robinson Crusoe” to lead them to the situation of Pre-reading and arouse their interest by showing them the pictures of the items in the box. Tell them sth. about Robinson.Ask Ss to suppose the modern Robinson, left on an deserted island and there are some tools, but he/she is allowed to choose the three most useful items, what will he/she do? 2. Lead the Ss to review the words of some subjects.3. Give Ss 3 minutes for discussion and then choose some Ss to express their opinions.Step 5. Homework1. Prepare a self-introduction according to the speaking part on Page 2.2. Review the words in this unit and finish the word study on Page 4 and vocabulary exercise on Page 87.3. Preview Reading and Post-reading and find out the main idea of each paragraph and the difficult points.Period ThreeTeaching aims:1. Consolidate new words study by checking vocabulary exercise on Page 4 and Page 87.2. Learn the passage in the reading part.3. Enable the students to value the friendship.Important points: Get the students understand the text and master the language points in it.Difficult points: How to make the students understand the text better.Teaching methods:1. Skimming and scanning methods to go through the passage.2. Consolidation through listening.3. Ask-and-answer activities to get the information in the passage. Teaching procedures:Step 1. Revision 1. Check the vocabulary exercises on Page 4 and Page 87.(1) Check the answers in Word Study on Page 4. Ask one student to read out the whole sentence, and his partner translate it and point out the phrases in the sentence. (2) Check the Ex 1, 2, 3 on Page 87.2. Ask some students to introduce their hobbies and dislikes.Step 2. Reading 1. Lead in the text by asking some questions about the new text.(1) Who is Chucks friend?(2) How can Chuck make friends with Wilson, a volleyball?(3) Whats the name of the movie in which Chuck is a character? Whats its Chinese name?(4) Who plays Chuck in the movie? What do you know about him?2. Analyze the four paragraphs from main ideas to details, including the language points. (1) Read Para. 1 and answer the questions: a. What does Chuck do? b. How do he treat his friends?c. How does he treat his friends? d. What happens to Chuck one day?e. How many people stay on this island?(Answers: a. Chuck is a manager in a pany that sends mails all over the world. b. Hes successful in his career. c. Hes so busy that he has little time for his friends. d. One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes. e. No one.)(2) Read Para. 2 to find how Chuck survives all alone on the deserted island. (Answer: He has to learn collect water, hunt for food, make fire and make friends with a volleyball.)(3) Ask Ss to read Para. 3 to find out the topic sentence. (Answer: the first sentence)(4) Read Para. 4 to find out the value of friendship. And learn about the attributive clause.Retell the details of each paragraph with the help of the hints on the blackboard. Step 3. Post-reading1. Discuss the value of friendship.2. Ask Ss to use imagination to discuss Question 4 and ask the students to act out the situation.Step 4. Summary and homework1. Summarize the language points again and ask the students to underline them. 2. Homework:a. Read the passage and recite Paragraph 3,4. b. Review the language points in this unit.c. Do the reading prehension Page 88.d.Preview Grammar on Page 5 and Page 177180 and try to do Exercises1,2 on Page 5. Period Four Teaching aims:1. Review the reading material and the words in Unit 1.2. Learn and master direct and indirect speech.Important points:1. Consolidate the knowledge in reading part.2. Master the interchanges of direct speech and indirect speech in the declarative and interrogative sentences.Difficult points:The changes of the pronouns, tenses, adverbials in the interchanges of direct speech and indirect speech.Teaching methods: 1. Consolidate the language points by dictation.2. Explanation and inductive methods to make the students master the interchanges of direct speech and indirect speech in the declarative and interrogative sentences.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warming up1. Check the language points through dictation.2. Check the details of the passage learned last lesson by asking some questions.Step 2. Grammar 1. Let three students make sentences and ask another three students what they said just now so that direct speech and indirect speech are introduced.2. From the three examples given above summarize some rules of changes between direct speech and indirect speech. 3. Summarize the changes of the predicates, verbs, pronouns, tenses, adverbials in the interchanges of direct speech and indirect speech, besides the special cases.Next pay attention to the change of predicates: A say to B A tell B thatIn the case of questions the predicate is changed to ask.pare verb tense in the three examples and refer to Page 178:present past past past perfect future past future present perfect past perfectpast perfect: unchanged present continuous past continuous On Page 178 to 179 the list show you the rules about how to change some adverbial words, verbs and pronouns.Step 3. Practising 1.Do Exercise 1 on Page 5 and check them together.2.Do Exercise 2 on Page 5 and ask the groups of three to act out the dialogue.3.Do Exercise 1 in the part of grammar on Page 87 and consolidate the rules of changes.Step 4. Homework1.Review the grammar in this lesson.2.Finish Exercises 2, 3 on Page 88 and hand in the answers.Preview how to write an e-mail and answer one of the e-mail ads on Page 7 in the form of e-mails. Period FiveTeaching aims:1.Review the grammar.2.Promote the students writing ability after learning the rules of e-mail writing and revising their own positions.3.Train the students integrating skills by prehending the text on Page 88.Important points:1.Master the interchanges of direct speech and indirect speech in the declarative and interrogative sentences.2.Learn to write an e-mail.Difficult points:How to improve the students integrating skills. Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warming upStep 2. Reading 1. Read the short passage on Page 6 to be clear about the questions:(1) Whats a pen pal?(2) Whats a e-pal?(3) Whats the advantage of e-mails?2. Read the e-pal ads on Page 7, and found a new phrase.(Answer: drop sb. a line=write to sb.)Step 3. Writing 1.Ask the students to list the rules of an e-mail and then explain the tips one by one.Pay attention to the form of an e-mail and read the tips of writing e-mails.2.According to the tips to check their own positions and then hand them in.Step 4 Integrating skills ( on Page 88-89) 1. Analyze the passage(1) Read and learn the long passage on Page 88 to find its main idea of Para. 1. (Answer: Friends e in many flavours.)(2) To know the characteristic of different kinds of friends in Para. 2. (On Page 89)(3) Read Para. 3 and learn about Friends Across Boarders and language points.2. Words: flavour 种类、味道 culture 文化, have a problem/ problems with sth. 出了问题overe her shyness 克服了她的羞怯explain sth to sb 向某人解释despite the fact that 尽管make fun of= laugh at 嘲笑be curious about 对很好奇Step 5. Revision1. Review direct speech and indirect speech by checking Exercises 2,3 on Page88.2. Have a dictation of the phrases in this Unit. ( If time is enough.)Step 6. Homework1.Finish the writing practice on Page 90.2.Preview the words in Unit 2 and the part of Warming Up.3.Do the listening exercises on Page 9.

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