2019-2020年高二英语Unit15 Destination 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit15 Destination 人教版(New words)1.Every now and then, we get the itch to travel.every now and then:every now and again2. Should you feel the urge to pack your bags = If you should feel urge 1)n. 强烈的渴望 He felt an urge to hit him.2) 驱赶 驱策She urged her horse to jump the fence.3) 诚恳地催促urge sb.to do /urge sb.into doingThey urged me to go out with them. 4) 竭力推荐或力陈某事He urged the importance of speed.urgencyurgent n. 紧急 迫切adj.急切的 急迫的adv.紧急地 急迫地urgently1plaint nplain (to sb)(about/at/of sth)plain that.1).他向我抱怨他的卤莽. She plained to me about his rudeness。2). 他向服务员抱怨说饭菜是凉的。He plained to the waiter that the meal was cold.She often plains that he is dishonest.3). The road-works caused much plaint among local residents. (U)n. 不满4). I have a number of plaints about the hotel room youve given me. (C)不满的原因:申诉,投诉2.upset (1)adj 难过的 不高兴的 不舒服的 难受(指胃部) She is really upset about losing the money. She had an upset stomach. (2) V 使难过 使不舒服,弄翻 (upset, upset, upsetting); His friends death upset him very much. I was upset by the results of the mid-term exam. He upset the milk.(3) adj 令人难受的 The news is upsetting.3.look into 调查;向里看The police looked into this matter soon.He looked into the room and found nobody in.Look after 照顾,照料Look down upon/onLook forward to . Look on/upon . asLook out4.itch n&v 痒;渴望(1)Vi 发痒 She itches all over.(2) V 渴望 热望 itch for sth itch to do Im itching to tell you the news. The pupils are itching for holidays. (3) n.渴望 have an itch for / to do He has an itch for writing a book. She has an itch to go abroad.Ex.翻译: 这小伙子渴望去上大学。 The lad is itching to go to university.itch n./vi.渴望 痒 have an itch to do/for 渴望itching adj.痒的 渴望的我巴不得把这消息告诉你。I am itching to tell you the news.他渴望出国。He has an itch to go broad.他全身发痒。He itched all over.5. .itch n&v 痒;渴望(1)Vi 发痒 She itches all over.(2) V 渴望 热望 itch for sth itch to do Im itching to tell you the news. The pupils are itching for holidays. (3) n.渴望 have an itch for / to do He has an itch for writing a book. She has an itch to go abroad.Ex.翻译: 这小伙子渴望去上大学。 The lad is itching to go to university.itch n./vi.渴望 痒 have an itch to do/for 渴望itching adj.痒的 渴望的我巴不得把这消息告诉你。I am itching to tell you the news.他渴望出国。He has an itch to go broad.他全身发痒。He itched all over.6. get/be tired of : have had enough of对受够了大家对你的抱怨感到厌倦了。Everybody is tired of your plaints.be/get tired from/with . 由于做某事而疲倦He is tired with walking.7.Cool off ,变凉,平静下来,冷淡下来= cool down1)After a morning in the sun he liked to cool down /off in the sea. 凉快2)He has cooled off a lot towards those people. 对.冷淡3)I tried to cool her off but she was still very angry when she left.8. guarantee (1) v.保证 确保 (2) v.为提出保证 保修 (3) n.保修期 质量保证guarantee sth./ sb.sth.guarantee to do sth. guarantee that1)我不能确保你能得到这份工作. I cant guarantee you the job. I cant guarantee that you will get the job.2)我保证下一次考好. I cant guarantee get better results next time.3) 厂家对这台电脑保修三年。 The factory guarantee the puter for three years.The puter has a three years guarantee.guarantee vt.保证,确保*guarantee a product*guarantee freedom of speech*My watch is guaranteed for one year.The rain guarantees a good crop this year. gather vt.&vi. 聚集,集合,收集*gather information*gather experienceClouds gather before a thunderstorm.* People gathered round, curious to know what was happening.10.Feast, n.宴会,盛会;节日;享受宴会 a wedding feast a festival feast The king held/made/gave a feast.(2)赏心乐事 The classical music is really a feast for the ears. The paintings on display are indeed feasts for the eyes.(3) V 宴请 The family feasted their friends on chickens.11.dip n 洗澡,游泳 vi.浸,泡Take a dip have a dip/ go for a dip 游泳He dipped his pen into ink.他把笔浸在墨水里。11. rate n.价格,费用,速度,比率birth ratea tax rateinterest ratesa rate of speed of 60 miles an hourat any rate 无论如何Vt评定,认为She is highly rated as a novelist.I rated the house at $5000.I dont rate this play at all.* Do you rate Tom among your friends?12. look into He looked into the room and found nobody in. The police will look into the matter.13. get / be tired of 对感到厌倦 Im tired of your conversation. be tired with / from 对感到疲乏,劳累 He was tired with / from the heavy work.14. At high altitudes of Tibet it is difficult to breathe. The plane flew at an altitude of xx0 meters.15. analyse vt.分析analysis n. analysesThey are analyzing the problem and trying to find a solution to it.16. chat with sb. have a chat with sb.17. arrangement n. 安排,准备工作,整理arrange v.安排Lets make arrangements for getting there on time.*I will arrange for somebody to meet you at the airport.

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