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2019-2020年高中英语第二册上Unit9Savingtheearth-theFirstPeriod1Brief Statements Based 0n the Unit In this unit,Ss will do some listening speaking,reading and writing practiceAlso, they will learn to use the InversionIn the first period,Ss wi1l improve their speaking ability by talking about nature ecology and the environment and they will listen to some listening material about our environmentAfter the study of this period,they will improve their speaking and listening abilities and also know something about the problems facing the earthIn the second period,Ss will read a passage about the Earth SummitFrom the passage Ss will know more about the importance of protecting our earthIn the third periodSs will study the grammar item:InversionAfter doing some exercises provided in this periodand with the help of the teacher,Ss will know how to use the InversionTeacher may provide more exercises for Ss to consolidate if necessaryIn the last period,Ss will listen to two speeches from the Earth Summit and finish the practice provided in the first partSs will know more about the Earth Summit and improve their listening abilityIn the writing part, Ss will improve their writing ability by writing an evaluation paragraph with the help of some given expressionsAfter the study of this unitSs will know how to support an opinion,and they will know more about environment protectionThey will know that if all of us make small changeswe could make a big differenceThey will do more to protect our earthIITeaching Goals 1Talk about nature ecology and the、environment2Practise supporting an opinion3Learn to use inversion4Write an evaluation paragraphIIITeaching time:Five periodsIVBackground Information1Protect The Ozone Layer In the middle of winter,when snow is falling in many parts of the United States,scientists have sounded a warning to people who plan to spend many hours in the sun this summerThe warning:The suns summer-time rays are more dangerous than oncethought A team of scientists from 80 nations recently reported to the United Nations that a layer of ozone in the atmosphere, which protects humans from harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation,will be thinner over the United States this summerThe thinner 1ayer allows more ultraviolet rays from the sun to reach the earthThe extra amount of ultraviolet radiation could cause an increase in the number of cases of skin cancer Scientists first became concerned about the ozone layer in the mid-1980s when a hole was discovered in the layer above Antarctica during the winterThe hole was caused by chemicals used in refrigerators and air conditionersWhen these chemicals are sent out into the atmosphere, they produce gases that destroy the ozone Concern about the protective ozone layer rose more recently when data from satellites and ground stations showed that ozone levels were dropping over areas other than AntarcticaLow ozone levels were recorded in the spring and summer over the United States and over other populated areas in the world Although many countries have already begun stopping the use or ozonedestroying chemicals, the new findings are expected to advance the timetable for a total ban of the chemicals2PollutionPeople today all over the world are beginning to hear and learn more and more about tile problem of pollutionPollution is caused either by the release(排放)of pletely new and often artificial substances into the environment, or by releasing greatly increased amounts of a natural substancesuch as oil from oil tankers into the seaWith the development of modern industry,many of the goods and machines we need and use in our daily lives are creating a number of waste products which upset the environment balanceMany of these waste products can be prevented if people pay more attention,but clearly while more and more new goods are produced and made plex,there will be new dangerous wastes to be thrown away,for example,the waste products from nuclear power stationsMany people,therefore, see pollution as only part of a larger and more plex problem There is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only panies, individuals and government would make more effortsIn the home there is an obvious need to control litter and wasteFood es wrapped up three or four times in packages that all have to be got rid of;drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or times which cannot be reusedThis not only causes a litter problem,but also is a great waste of resources,in terms of glass,metals and paperAdvertising has helped this process by persuading many of us not only to buy things we neither want nor needbut also to throw away much of what we do buyPollution and waste bine to be a problem everyone can help to solve by cutting unnecessary buying, over consumption and careless release of the products we use in our daily livesThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Train the students listening ability2.Improve the studensspeaking ability by talking about nature ecology and the environment3.Learn and master some useful expressions for supporting an opinion4.Help the students to know something about the pollutionTeaching Important Points:1Improve the studentsspeaking ability2Improve the studentslistening ability3Help the students to learn to support an opinionTeaching Difficult Points:1How to improve the studentsspeaking and listening abilitiesTeaching Methods1Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening material2Discussion to make the students practice supporting an opinion3Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in classTeaching Aids:1the multimedia2a tape recorder3the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step I GreetingsGreet the whole class as usualStep II Warming up (Show the pictures on the screen)T: Look at these pictures. How beautiful they are! Do you want to pay a visit to these places?Ss:YesT:But in some places,its not so beautiful Look at the picturesplease (Show the following pictures on the screen) T:What can you see in the pictures?S:1 can see a river,which is pollutedThe river water is very dirtyS:I can see smoke ing from many chimneys,and the air is darkThe air is pollutedT:GoodWhich problem do you think is the biggest one facing the earth?S:I think it is the water pollutionT:Why do you think so?S:Because if water is pollutedPeople will not be able to get clean water to drink;therefore,many people will get sickIts terribleT:Very goodWho has a different opinion?S:I think the air pollution is the biggest problemBecause if the air is polluted, there will not be clean air for us to breatheEverybody will get terrible diseasesT:Quite rightNow,who can tell us what causes these problems?S:I think it is because people pay no attention to our environmentThey pourwaste water into rivers,1akes and seas without cleaning itS:The air pollution is caused by the factoriesPeople build factories to developthe industry,but they never pay attention to controlling the pollutionTheharmful smoke should be made harmless before it goes into the air,but few factories would like to do so because this will cost muchT:Very goodNow,who knows what we can do to solve these problems?S:I think our government should pay more attention to environmental protectionThey should check the factories as often as possible to make sure they dont pour waste water into rivers or lakes and make sure they dont letharmful smoke go into the airT:Good ideaNow,please open your books and turn to Page 65There are six pictures in Warming upWe have just talked about two of themNow,work in groups of four to talk about the other picturesAnswer the questions below the pictures (A while 1ater,ask some students to act out)Step III Preparation for Listening and ListeningT:Very goodI think youre known something about our environment.Now,please turn to Page 66Look at the picture in ListeningWhat can you see?Ss:A person is making a speech to the audienceT:Can you guess what speech she is giving?Ss:Maybe about our earthT:OKNow,lets listen to the tapeIll play it twice for youListen carefullyto answer the questions in Part 1(Play the tape twice for Ss to listen and write down their answersThen ask some students to read out their answersCheck with the whole classThe teacher says the following)T:GoodYoure done very well But from the passage we know that she hasnt finished her speechWhat do you think she wi1l say next? Have a short discussion in pairsplease(Ss have a short discussion and then the teacher asks one or two pairs to say their answers)Well doneNow1ets listen to the second partListen carefully to outline the speakers two arguments. Fill in the table in Part 2Are you ready?Ss:YesT:OKLets begin(Play the tape twice for Ss to Listen and write down their answersPause the tape if necessary. Then ask several students to read out their answers)T:Now,lets listen to the tape again to check your answers(Play the tape once more and then check the answers with the whole class)GoodP1ease think a bout what the speaker will say nextYou call use what you have heard on the tape to predict what will e nextMake an outline like the one in the table and then write down what you think the speaker will sayYou can work in pairs or groups of four as you like (A moment 1ater,ask some students to read out their paragraphs and pare different speeches to choose the best one)Step SpeakingT:Well done! Weve talked much about pollutionWe know that pollution is a big problem facing the earthBut why cant we stop the pollution? Why doesnt our government shut down the factories that pollute the environment badly? Who knows?S:I think our government must have its own opinionMaybe they think the factories are more important than the environmentBecause the government can get lots of money from factoriesIf they shut the factories down ,it will not be able to get so much moneyAnd this is not good for the development of the city or town.T:YesDifferent people have different opinionsThey may not agree with one anotherSo sometimes its very hard to make a decision and to make a changeFor example,we know that coal is a valuable resource that can be used to produce energy,but it also causes serious pollutionWhat should we do with it? (Ss may have various answers) You see,you dont agree with each otherNow,we need to have a meeting to discuss this problemPlease work in groups of fiveYou should play different roles:a businessmana scientist. a local citizen,an environmentalist and a local leaderDifferent people have different opinions(Every person has hisher own opinion) Please discuss the issue first andthen the local leader should summarise and make a decisionYou can have a look at the table and the useful expressions in Speaking Part before you begin your discussionTheyre very helpful(Give the students enough time to have a discussion and then ask the students who play the role of the local leader to read out their decisionspare them and choose the best decision)Sample dialogue:A:Today we are here to decide whether we should burn the coalPlease tell uswhatever you thinkB:I think we should burn the coal1f we dont burn it now,maybe it will beuseless in the future,New energy wi1l be used instead of coal,such assolar energyC:But burning coal causes too much pollution to our environment1t pollutes the air badly. If nothing is done to stop its pollution to our earth,then we willHave no fresh air to breatheD:Yes,I quite agreeI think we shouldnt burn the coal now. It would be betterif we spend more money on science to find a better way of using the coalOncewe know how to burn it with out polluting the environment ,we can make full use of itE:That sounds quite reasonable,but its clear that if we want to develop our area as soon as possible,we need moneyHow can we get money? We can only burn the coal to make the factories work to make moneyIf we stop using the coal now ,how shall we continue our production and development?A:OKAll that you said are reasonableI believe that we must try our best tofind a better way to use the coalMeanwhile ,we must make sure that the factories which burn the coal take measures to stop polluting the environmentStep V Summary and HomeworkT:Well doneAfter class,please write down your dialogue in your exercise bookTodayweve talked about our environmentWe know that there are some big problems facing our earthWe must try to do what we can to protect the earthBesidesweve practiced supporting an opinionWho can e to the blackboard and write down the useful expressions weve practiced just now?(A student writes them down on the blackboardIf this student cant write all of them,the teacher may ask another student to write the other expressions)T: Very goodAfter class, you need practise more to master them better。Thats a11 for todaySee you tomorrow!Ss:Se you tomorrow!Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 9 Saving the earth The First PeriodUseful expressions:We must make sure thatIts clear thatI believe that we mustIm all forIf nothing is done,thenI cant imagine thatSureCertainlyAbsolutelyIt would be better if weIs there a better way toStep Record after Teaching

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