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2019-2020年高考英语考前语法精讲精练-代词 代词是语法结构中的重要一环,代词是用来起替代作用的。经常出现在高考试题中的代词有:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词,指示代词、疑问代词和不定代词等。 近几年来对代词的考查比较多,代词的漏用、误用;各种人称代词的主格、宾格形式;某些不定代词、指示代词的特定用法;it的用法;从句中连接代词用法、关系代词的用法及区别等是高考的热点。 非常明显,近五年代词的考查点集中在不定代词及指示代词上,考查角度有两个:一是考查它们相互间的意义和功能差别,如:a11,everything和anything等的意义差别.it that和one不同的指代功能;二是它们之间语法特征的差异,如it(代词)和which(关系代词)的区别。 试题注重了情景干扰,注重了特定语言环境中上下文的联系,而且题干的语义结构越来越复杂,正确分析其结构、理解句意在解题中起着很重要的作用。it的用法考查着重在其作形式宾语或形式主语上,另外一些特定的句型结构也该引起注意,如强调句型以及前面提到的有关句型。再就是要注意it和定语从句中关系代词 which引导非限制性定词从句代替主句一句话的意思时的区别。应试高分瓶颈 首先要从整体上把握代词的知识,如代词种类的划分:人称代词;物主代词:形容词性物主代词,如your;名词性物主代词,如y。urs;反身代词;相互代词;指示代词;不定代词;疑问代词;连接代词(名词性从句);关系代词(定语从句)。了解各类代词的一般用法,更重要的是,根据上面所介绍的高考热点,要重点掌握几组易混词,尤其是不定代词的用法区别。 不定代词在具体语境中的区别:部分否定与完全否定的区别;特指与泛指;两者与三者或以上;人称代词与关系代词的区别。做题的关键在于分析透句子的结构,理解语境的要求,达到正确交际目的。命题点1 物主代词命题点2 指示代词命题点3 疑问代词命题点1 物主代词本类考题解答锦囊物主代词可分为形容词性和名词性。 形容词性:my,your,hiS,her,its,our,your,their 名词性:mine,yours,hiS,hers,itS,ours,yours,theirs 用法:形容词性物主代词作定语;名词性物主代词作主语、宾语和表语。如: He is my teacher(宾语) 一Whose book is this?一Its mine(表语) Ive finished my homework Have you finished yours?(宾语) He is and old friend of mine(介词宾语) 例:ThereatthedoorstoodagirlabouttheSalveheieht_. A.asme B.as mine C.with mine D.with me 【解 析】 根据语境,本题要考的是物主代词的用法。thesame常用as连用,表示“与相同”,所比较的是某人的身高,用名词性物主代词mine 【答 案】 B命题目的与解题技巧:解答本题的关键是习语及代词的宾格和名词性物主代词的区别。命题点2 指示代词本类考题解答锦囊 指示代词有this,that,these,those,等。 this,that,these,those的用法: (1)在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语。如: This is my pen(主语) Do you want this?(宾语) That book is mine(宾语) What I want is this?(表语) (2)this(these)一般用来指时间和空间上较近的人或物;而that(those)常指时间和空间上较远的人或物。如: This isa penand that is a pencil These days we are very busy (3)this(there)一般指后面要讲到的事物;而that(those)常指前面讲过的事物。如: What he told me is this:he wanted to go to Beijing He didnt eThat is why he didnt know (4)that(those)常用来指前面提到过的名词。如: This books is not so interesting as that I read yesterday(that代替the book) 例:(典型例题Equipped with modem facilities,todays libraries differ greatly from_. A.those B. the past athe past CwhichOf the past D.these past 【解 析】 those在句子中指上文提到的图书馆,those of the past指过去的图书馆,the past和which othe past都不正确。 【答 案】 A 命题目的与解题技巧:解答本题的关键是语境以及四个选项的具体意义。命题点3 疑问代词本类考题解答锦囊 常用的疑问代词有who,whom,whose,whoever,which,whichever,what,whatever疑问代词一般放在句首,用来构成特殊疑问句,可用作主语、宾语、表语和定语。 疑问代词的用法比较 (1)which 和what的区别: 两者均可就人或物提问,但which一般用于有选择范围的情况,what用于无选择范围或不清楚选择范围的情况。 (2)who和whom的区别: who通常作主语和表语,whom作宾语,但在口语中,该用“whom”的地方常用“who”代替,前面有介词的例外。 (3)who与what的区别: who多指姓名、关系等,what多指职业、地位等。 高考最新热门题 1.(典型例题I intended to pare notes with a friend, but unfortunately_couldnt spare me even one minute.A. they B. one C. who D. it命题目的与解题技巧:该题考查代词的和法。 【解 析】 从句子结构上,可排除选项C;从代词的意义上可排除D;根据前半句的意思,句中的a friend 指任意一个朋友,可理解为 a friend of mine,而后半句意指“我”这些朋友们,为复数,故答案选A. 【答 案】 A2.(典型例题)-One weeks time has been wasted. -I cant believe we did all that work for_. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything 答案:B指导:由One weeks time has been wasted可知我们一无所获。因此B为正确答案。3.(典型例题She doesnt know anyone here. She has got_to talk to.A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. no one 答案:D 指导:根据前面一句的意思,没有一个认识的人,为全否定,那么,后一句也应是全否定,故答案选D.4.(典型例题)-ich of the three ways shall I take to the village? -_way as you please.A. Each B. Every C. Any D. Either C 指导:根据上下句的意思,这里含有选择的意思,因此,排除A、B;选项C表示在三者或三者以上中选择其一;而选项D表示在二者中选择其一。根据句子的意思,答案选C5.(典型例题)I will never know what was on his mind at the time, nor will_. A. anyone B. anyone elseC. no one D. no one else答案:B 指导:首先根据句子间的连接词nor排除C、D;选项A包括A包括说话者本人,根据上句的意思需排除,以免重复;选项B指除说话者以外的人,符合句子意思,因此答案选B. 题点经典类型题 1.(典型例题We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. SO Peter made_from some wood we had.A. it B. one C. himself D. another命题目的与解题技巧:该题考查代词。 【解 析】 由题意可知,因为我们需要一个新的,所以Peter就做了一个新。one表前面提到的同一类人或事物,it则指同一物,another指在原来的基础上加外的.因此本题答案应选B。 【答 案】 B2.(典型例题) _can help but be attracted by the science stories. A. Everybody B. Anybody C. Somebody D. Nobody 答案:D 指导:没有人不被这些科普故事吸引的。nobodybut为关键结构。“cantcouldnthe lpbut do sth”means3.(典型例题测)_happened to be out that day, so you didnt find me.A. It B. This C. You D. I 答案:D 指导:I happened to be outIt happened that I was out “那天碰巧我不在”。4.(O5,全国领航)-I saw no more than one motor car in that shop. Will you go and buy_? -No,Id rather find_in other shops.A. one;one B. it;it C. one;it D. it;one 答案:D指导:no more than one motorcar表示“只有一部车”,只能买那一部,故第一空填it;第二空表泛指同类中的一个,故用one5.(典型例题研)He was a man of strong feelings,_normally lay hidden deep inside him. A. it B. that C. those D. which答案:D 指导:which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前边一句话。 本题涉及句法知误简单句、并列句、复合句。比如:He has two daughtersTheyare doctors(简单句)He has two daughters and they are doctors(并列句)He has two daughterswhoaredoctors(复合句) 新高考命题探究 1. Teenagers are warned to be careful when making friends online, because when you cant see a person, they could be_. A. everybody B. somebodyC. anybody D. nobody 答案:C 指导:网上交友要小心,“因为当你看不到那一个人时,他可能是任何一个人”,指任何情况都可能发生。2. No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to _ A. the other B. anotherC. any other D. other 答案:A 指导:“讨论没有最终达成一致意见,因为双方都不愿向对方让步。”3. Clothing made of man-made fibers has certain advantages over_ made of natural fibers like cotton, woolon, silk. A. the ones B. oneC. that D. what 答案:C 指导:“人造纤维做成的衣服比用棉毛丝做成的衣服有着明显的优势。”在对比结构中,that指代前文中的不可数名词clothing,the one(ones)或those 指代可数名词。4. All his life_ had been his fate to be busy with things without any hobbies to kill time. A. it B. heC. that D. which 答案:A 指导:allhislife作时间状语,it作形式主语指代后面的不定式短语。5. If I were you,I would take it easy; _is no need to be nervous. A. it B. thisC. there D. which 答案:C 指导:thereisnoneed为常用句式。在therebe结构中,后跟名词,在it is结构中跟形容词,两者意义相似。6. The thought flashed across my mind: By some means or_she has some information about my engagement, but how? A. others B. otherC. the others D. another答案:B 指导:by some means or other常用短语“想尽办法”,someother探究性命题综合测试 考场热身 1. -How do you like it_ here so far,Mr. Cox? -Well, Ive really enjoyed meeting many nice people here and everything here is quite different. A. it B. themC. that D. this 答案:A 指导:构成固定说法,“无具体含义。2. Im not a painter,and to me,one painting is much like_ A. one B. the otherC. others D. another 答案: D 指导:自己不是画家,所以一幅画与另一幅画基本一样,看不出区别,此外表示不确定的另外一个,所以B项不对,因为它表示剩下的唯一一个。3. It is one thing to make a promise, but it is quite_to carry it out. A. other thing B. the otherC. others D. another 答案:D指导:onething与quiteanother形成对应说法,后者意为“(完全不同的)另二回事。”4. Science is more than a collection of unrelated facts;to be meaningful and valuable, _ must be arranged to show generalized character. A. which B. itC. those D. they 答案:D 指导:代替前面的facts,因为句中用了分号,所以此处不能构成定语从句,A不对。5.David has lived in London and Manchester,but he doesns like_city very much. A. both B. eitherC. each D. another 答案:B 指导:意为“对这两个城市都不太喜欢。”全部否定,若选A则构成部分否定。6. She won the first prize,though_ of us it. A. no one;expected B. none;had expectedC. nobody; was expecting D. none; would expect 答案: B 指导:It one及nobody后不可跟of短语;D项中第二空时态有误,故只有B正确,“期望”应发生在“赢得”之前。7. -Some young people today seem to believe in_ more than fashion and pop music. -I agree. But they should seek after elegant taste. A. not B. nothingC. nobody D. none 答案:B指导:nothingmorethan在此相当于noting out或only8. All his life_ had been his fate to be very busy doing things without any hobbies to kill time. A. he B. thatC. which D. it 答案:D 指导:it在此为形式主语,真正的主语为后面的不定式。 其他各项都不具备此语法功能。9. The book is _boring;it is, in fact,rather exciting and fascinating. A. anything but B. nothing butC. no more D. all but 答案: A 指导:anything but意为“一点也不”。nothing but意为“正是、只是”。allbut意为“只有”。It more意为“不再”。10. Professor Zhang gave all the textbooks to all the pupils, except_who had already taken them. A. these B. ones C. the ones D. the others答案:C 指导:those who意为“的人”,由此可排除A项。句中出现了a11thepupils,由此可知题意为“除去的学生”,故D项排除。ones表泛指,theones表特指。命题点5 代词本类考题解答锦囊 1人称代词应注意:不能错用格式上下文单复数一致。 2指示代词应注意。this,that指单数,these,those表示复数。this,that可作副词用,意思相当于soSuch,same多用于固定结构,例如Suchasthat,the sameasthat 3关系代词不能跟关系副词混在一起。 4熟记常用的不定代词,如one,a11,both,either,neither,each,many,mach,little,few,other,another,something,nothing等,并注意以下几点:这些词本身不同的意思。若在定语从句中做先行词,关系代词应用thatsomething,anything,nothing常看作单数,代词用it修饰他们的形容词应后置。 高考最新热门题 1.(NMET20典型例题d every year more and more people start a stamp collection of your own【答案】 将your改为theirtheir指上方中的people命题目的与解题技巧:此题考查代词的基本用法。代词表语言中使用极为频繁,它的用法看似简单,其实不易,在处理此类题时,一定要根据特定语言环境中上下文的联系排除干扰,正确分析句子结构,理解句意。2.(NMET 20典型例题For example, you can find such information like how to kill people. 答案:1ikeas,suellas像样。3.( 典型例题At once I apologized and controlled me at my best till the dinner started. 答案:memyself.宾语应用反身代词。4.(NMET 20典型例题main problem was that I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English.答案:anythingeverythingtriedtotranslateeveythingintoEnglish把一切都翻译成英语。anything用于肯定句时,意思是“任一(个)”。题点经典类型题 1.(典型例题) Sometimes I even coant to kill me indeed.【答案】 memyself, kill myself 自杀 2.(典型例题断)To his surprise, Li Ping found the old man waiting ron her. 答案:hisherLiPing是个女孩。3.(典型例题)There have always been people have looked ron adventure. 答案:在people后加who,关系代词who引导一个定语从句修饰people4.(典型例题附中模拟) Other renson lies in studentsbad habits.答案:OtherAmtherothen后面跟复数,another后面跟单数表示不确定的另一个。 新高考命题探究 1.代词 (1) My father asked Tom and I to help. 答案:I改为me作宾语用宾格。(2)If you meet Jack or Tom,tell them to call me. 答案:them改为himhim与前面Jack or Tom一致。(3)h was me who cleaned the classroom this morning. 答案:me改为l被强调部分为主语I.(4) I heard that Mr. Wu would teach our English this term. 答案:our改为usteachsbsth(5)I found that difficult to speak in front of so many people. 答案:that改为it ,it作形式宾语,that不能。(6)If anyone happened to call while I am out of the offlee, please have them leave a message for me. 答案:them改为him或her;与前面的anyone一致。(7) This isnt your book. Your is on the desk. 答案:Your改为Yours名词性的物主代词作主语。(8) This book is my sisters,but that one is not her. 答案:her改为hershers名词性物主代词,相当于herbook(9) I have a black bike and a red. 答案:red后加oneone代替bike(10) Nobody of the girls came on the trip. 答案:Nobody改为Nonenobody后不接Of短语;可以说none of”(11) My parents were all at home yesterday evening. 答案:a11改为bothboth,两个都。(12) The wounded soldier lived for other five days. 答案:other改为another另外五天,再有五天:anotherfivedays或fivemoreotherdays(13) There is so little left that I cant spare you one. 答案:one改为anyany指代不可数名词。(14) I invited Bill and Tom to my birthday party, but none of them came. 答案:none改为neithernone指三者或三者以上都不;neither 两个都不。(15) Some people like to stay watching TV at home, while other like to go to the cinema. 答案:other改为othersothers另外一些;some people,others“一些人,另一些人”。(16) Please help you to some fish. 答案:you改为yourselfhelp oneself to自己拿取吃。(17) Open the door,please. This is me. 答案:This改为ItItsme是我。h指双方心目中所指的那个人。(18) Neighbours ought to respect each another. 答案:another改为othereach other相互;或each改为one,one anothereach other(19) Every a few weeks he pays a visit to his aunt. 答案:去掉第一个a. every few weeks每几周。(20) That was not until eleven oclock that I finished my work last night. 答案:That改为II强调句式用“hiswasthat”2.定语从句 (1)The book I need it is not in the library. 答案:去掉iI(thatwhich)Ineed是一个定语从句,need后it多余。(2) This was all which Oxford had to offer. 答案:which改为that先行词是不定代词时,其后用that引导定语从句。(3) Is this the restaurant in where you work? 答案:去掉介词in或将where改为whichwhereinwhich引导定语从句。(4) It is known to all,Taiwan belongs to China. 答案:It改为AsAs isknownt。a11是一个非限制性的定语从句,as指代Taiwan整句的内容。(5) That is one of those books that is worth reading. 答案:第二个is改为arethat指先行词thosebooks(6) Paris is the place where Id better visit first. 答案:where改为whichthat或将where去掉。which或that在定语从句中作visit的宾语。(7) Do you work near the building which color is white? 答案:which改为whosewhose引导定语从句,指某人的或某物的。(8) Last night I took a taxi,and which took me straight home. 答案:去掉and定语从句与主句之间不用and连接。(9) China has hundreds of islands, the largest of them is Taiwan. 答案:them改为which后面是一个非限制性的定语从句;或在the前加and,后面是一个并列分句。(10) He is the only one of those students who are able to read in English.答案:are改为iswho引导的定语从句修饰one,因为one前有theonly修饰。

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