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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3putersSection课时作业新人教版.阅读理解 Cody Hartley, 11, has tirelessly raised money to get a very important piece of first aid (急救)equipment put in at her primary school, secondary school and karate (a Japanese fighting sport) club. She has spent eight months so far trying to raise the money needed.The money Cody has been collecting is for defibrillators (除纤颤器)a kind of medical machine that gives the heart an electric shock to make it start beating again after a heart attack.“I went on a firstaid course with my karate club. I learned how to use a defibrillator and how important they are for saving lives,” Cody told MailOnline.A couple of weeks later she was reading in the local paper about a 12yearold boy who had a heart attack during his swimming lesson, “Although he received good first aid, there was no defibrillator and he didnt make it,” she says. “I couldnt stop thinking about that.”Then Cody started to do some research about them online and realized how important they are. “Theyre not just for old people who have heart attacksthere are also hundreds of children out there who die from heart conditions,” she says.She wanted to get one for her primary school, so she did a 20mile sponsored (为慈善目的发起的) walk with her dad. She did other sponsored events, raised money at car boot sales (汽车后备箱集市) on a Sunday morning and got five of her friends to help her pack bags at a supermarket.She adds, “In all Ive raised over 2,000. I want to keep going and Ill not stop until all the schools in Yorkshire get defibrillators.”【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了十一岁女孩为给学校安装除纤颤器而筹款的故事。1Cody began collecting money for defibrillators _.A. before she joined a karate clubB. because she once received good first aidC. because she learned how to use defibrillatorsD. after reading about a young boy who died from a heart attack without defibrillators解析:D细节理解题。根据第四段描述可知,由于当地某学校没有除纤颤器,致使一个在上游泳课时突发心脏病的12岁男孩死亡。Cody看到这则消息后意识到除纤颤器的重要性,因而受到启发,开始筹款来为她所在地区的学校安装除纤颤器。2What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 5 refer to?A. Heart attacks.B. Defibrillators.C. Firstaid courses.D. Swimming skills.解析:B代词指代题。根据上文的there was no defibrillator以及本段的Theyre not just for old people who have heart attacks可知,此段的them指代可以帮助心脏病病人恢复心跳的医疗设备除纤颤器。3Which of the following can best describe Cody Hartley?A. Easygoing. B. Shortsighted.C. Kindhearted. D. Hardworking.解析:C推理判断题。从Cody致力于为学校安装除纤颤器而募捐善款的行为可知她心地善良。4What you have just read is probably from _.A. a research paperB. a schoolgirls diaryC. a newspaper reportD. a poster about a charity event解析:C文章出处题。根据文章出现的Cody told MailOnline可知,本文是一则关于女人好事的新闻报道。BA warm smile, a quick hello, an offer of directions or perhaps maybe a place to stay. The kindness of strangers is one of my fondest experiences and memories from my travels.When arriving in Slovenia from Croatia just before dark, I made a line to my hotel on the map, thinking I could easily find it. After walking around in circles for what felt like hours, I approached (靠近) a bus driver and tried to explain where I was heading. After a few failed tries because of our different languages, he signaled to me to get on the bus and took me to my hotel free of charge.Once again, I got lost in Turkey. After almost running my rental car empty, luck would have it that I found a gas station and another kind person. The young cashier did not speak a word of English, but pulled his phone out and opened a translation app (应用软件). We managed to have a whole conversation of broken English/Turkish. I even wrote “tesekkr ederim” (thank you) and if his kindness hadnt already melted (软化) my heart, his smile certainly did!And finally, my favorite act of kindness: My husband and I had just boarded a bus heading from Nice to Menton in France. A lady sitting across from us noted our accents and upon finding out that we had traveled all the way from New Zealand, stood up and offered us her window seat. We kindly refused. But she insisted,“There is nothing quite like watching the sunset over the ocean on the French Riviera”. Not only did her kindness take me by surprise, we got to see one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world.Strangers owe (欠) you nothing. Their acts of kindness show you that the world is an amazing place. So, enjoy the kindness of strangers and the unexpected human connections they bring.【文章大意】本文是记叙文。作者在国外旅行时遇到过很多陌生的好心人,让她感觉到了世间的美好。5Why did the author ask the driver for help?A. To get a free ride.B. To borrow some money.C. To help her find a place to live.D. To find out how to get to her hotel.解析:D细节理解题。根据第二段中的I made a line to my hotel on the map, thinking I could easily find it和I approached a bus driver and tried to explain where I was heading可知,作者向司机打听如何去她将要入住的宾馆。6. Which can best describe the conversation between the author and the cashier?A. Painful. B. Boring.C. Pleasant. D. Serious.解析:C推理判断题。根据第三段中的another kind person和his smile certainly did可以推测,作者与那位出纳员的谈话很愉快。7Why did the lady offer her seat to the author and her husband?A. She noticed they felt unwell.B. She found they were too tired.C. She would get off to watch the sunset.D. She wanted them to enjoy the window view.解析:D细节理解题。根据第四段的There is nothing quite like watching the sunset over the ocean on the French Riviera可知,这位女士将窗边的座位让出来是为了让作者和她丈夫能够欣赏到那里的日落美景。8What can we learn about the author?A. She enjoys helping strangers.B. She has toured some foreign places.C. She speaks many foreign languages.D. She likes making friends with strangers.解析:B推理判断题。根据文中的arriving in Slovenia from Croatia, I got lost in Turkey以及heading from Nice to Menton in France可知,作者去过一些国外的地方旅行。CChoosing a hotel, restaurant or new product can be a hard task. There s so much on offer, and making a mistake can be expensive. This is why many people turn to online user reviewsopinions and information thats supposedly written by people who have used a service or bought a product. But can we trust them?About 70% of Americans say they believe online user reviews. According to experts, this is because when we read a review by another person, we feel like were getting a personal remendation (推荐) from a friend. But a recent study shows that about one third of online reviews are not true.Of course, panies are in need of good reviews so some of them have started to “play” the system. But how do they do it? Simple! One way is to give good reviews of your own product or service. Bestselling writer RJ Ellory was recently caught writing 5star reviews of his own books on Amazon. He called one of his books a “modern masterpiece” and said another would “touch peoples souls (心灵)”. RJ also wrote unkind reviews of his petitors books.Another way is to “buy” good reviews. Just recently, the Cove Hotel in Cornwall was caught giving guests discounts (折扣) if they wrote “honest but positive” reviews on TripAdvisor. The idea workedone guest called the Cove “a dream e true” and another simply wrote, “I didnt want to leave!”Some people are even making a living by writing untrue reviews. In xx, American Todd Rutherford created GettingBookReviews (it has since closed down). For $99, Todd would write a positive review of your book on Amazon. ; and for $999, hed write 50. At one point, Todd was making more than $28,000 per month; and one of his clients (客户) (John Locke) became a bestselling author because of Todds reviews. So, just be careful when you are looking for reviews of the things you need on the Internet.【文章大意】本文是说明文。作者主要对网上购物后产品或服务质量的评语提出了质疑。9Which of the following words can best describe RJ Ellory?AProud. BFriendly.CImpolite. DDishonest.解析:D推理判断题。由第三段中的writing 5star reviews of his own books和RJ also wrote unkind reviews of his petitors books可知,RJ Ellory这个人很不诚实,故选D项。10What do we know about the Cove Hotel?AIt is the most popular hotel on TripAdvisor.BIt is close to the city center but has poor service.CIt is not as good as what people say on the Internet.DIt allows guests to pay less if they write reviews.解析:C细节理解题。由第四段中的the Cove Hotel in Cornwall was caught giving guests discounts if they wrote “honest but positive” reviews以及两位顾客的评语可知,这家宾馆实际上并没有评语说的那么好,故选C项。11GettingBookReviews. _.Amade John Locke a popular writerBoffers 50 reviews at most for one bookCwas created by Todd Rutherford in xxDis a good website to learn about new books解析:A细节理解题。由最后一段中的American Todd Rutherford created GettingBookReviews和one of his clients (John Locke) became a bestselling author because of Todds reviews可知,在该网站的宣传下John Locke成了一名畅销书作家,故选A项。.七选五Easy and relaxing novels, like love stories and actionpacked mystery stories, are popular in summer. Many people who take a holiday in summer want to read such books to relax. _1_ Instead, you can choose something better, according to a recent paper.Researchers studied 65 MBA students on what they read most frequently. _2_ As the result shows, the students who read academic (学术的) journals and wellwritten novels were likely to do better in writing than those who read easy and relaxing novels. They also did better than those who did all of their reading through onlineonly news sources, like BuzzFeed or The Huffington Post. Study author Yellowlees Douglas told The Boston Globe,“_3_ You should think twice when choosing what to read.”_4_ Thats what the study authors say. “Surprisingly, the reading materials we provide most frequently for our students are not that good. They may be more closely like the simple sentences our students read on BuzzFeed than those they would read in, for example, The Big Short,” the study authors wrote.Of course, thats not to say you should give up reading altogether. _5_ For example, it leads to better sleep and reduced stress. Also, if you enjoy fiction, youll have a more developed sense of empathy (移情)ASuch books can really help people relax.BChildren should read textbooks less than before.CHowever, youd better avoid such books in summer.DEven reading the easy and relaxing novels does good to us.EAnd poorlywritten textbooks may be the worst example of all.FThen they pared the students writing skills with their reading habitsGIf you spend all your time reading through BuzzFeed, your writing is going to suffer.【文章大意】研究发现,读什么样的书对我们的写作会有不同的影响。解析:1C根据下文的Instead, you can choose something better, according to a recent paper.可知,这里建议我们这个夏季不要读这样的书籍。2F根据下文的the students who read academic journals and wellwritten novels were likely to do better in writing than those .可知,那些研究人员还比较了阅读习惯对写作能力的影响,故选F项。3G根据上文的They also did better than those who did all of their reading through onlineonly news sources, like BuzzFeed .可知,如果花所有时间读网站上的文字也不好。4E根据下文的Surprisingly, the reading materials we provide most frequently for our students are not that good.可知,这里是指教科书上面的文字也不是很好。5D根据上文的thats not to say you should give up reading altogether.可知,作者并不建议我们彻底不读书,因为即使简单、让人放松的书对人也是有好处的。

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