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2019-2020年高中英语Unit1Theworldofoursenses教学案牛津译林版必修3Teaching content(教学内容): word powerLearning aims(学习目标): Get to know different parts of speech of words.Learn words and expressions related to weather.Important and difficult points(重难点):Learn words and expressions related to weather.Emotional goals(情感目标):Encourage students to learn to remember and practise what they learn by listening and translation.Teaching procedures(教学步骤):Preview (课前预习)一、Revision(复习)根据所提供的10个单词和短语,编写故事,至少要用上8个in the distance stare at on such a freezing cold night at the sight of fear make sense deserted observerough confident二、Lead-in(导入)Pay attention to the word stop in these two sentences. Do they have the same meaning? 1. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. 2. Here we are, King Street. he stopped. 三、New lesson(新课)【独立自学】(A级)I. Self-study ( Part A on page 6 )find the words listed below in the story and plete the table. Use a dictionary to help you if possible. Part of speech Meaning Exampleonce (line 7) (line 42) left (line 2) (line 43)still (line 5)(line 28) 2. Try to find out more words in the text Fog that can be used as both a noun and a verb.(1) work in “Polly leaves work early.”(L4)_work in “Polly works very hard.” _(2 ) sense in “She sensed she was being watched.” _sense in “People have five senses.” _(3) brush in “felt a rough hand brush her face .” (L23) _brush in “paint the wall with a brush” _ 3. Finish exercise B on page 6【合作交流、质疑解难】(A B级)II. PracticeFill the blank,decide the correct part of speech. Sense 1.Doctors often uneasiness in people.2. Your are the physical abilities of sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. 3. I looked at the printed page but the words made no .Desert 1.All his friends have him.2.On his return from his office, he found the house .3.They were lost in the .Time 1.Itll take you a long to learn English well.2. I have seen the movie three .3. He her as she swam a mile【检测巩固】(B级)Consolidation As Polly observed the passengers on the train, she sensed that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat.(page 2, line 14)Observe 释义: a. to see or notice sb / sth 看到 注意到 观察到 b. to watch sb / sth carefully 观察;监视 c. to obey rules, laws, etc 遵守(规则、法律等)猜猜下面各句中的observe的含义与上面哪种释义相匹配。(1) The speed limit must be strictly observed. _(2)The far side of the moon is difficult for us to observe. _(3) They are observing her movements. _observe的常见用法 observe sthobserve sb doingobserve sb that clause / wh-clause完成下列句子的英文翻译:【延伸扩展】. Guess the meaning of the old saying:Dont trouble yourself until trouble troubles you._【独立自学】.Describing the weatherClear/ to overcast 晴转多云 sleet 雨夹雪 hail/hailstone 冰雹 typhoon 台风 drought 干旱 frost 霜冻 hurricane 12级风/飓风 .Sentences used in a weather reportIt will be cloudy /overcast /drizzly It be + 表示天气情况的adj (+时间+地点)There be +表示天气情况的名词(+时间+地点)The morning /afternoon will be , with heavy showers A thin mist /cloudy weather will develop .A thin mist will turn to fog.Discussion1.What kinds of weather do you prefer?2.Please forecast the weather of tomorrow.四、Exercises:(当堂检测)Task : Read the text and finish the exercises part B on page 7 五、summary(小结)Write down some words and expressions used to describe weather: _ _ _六、Preview(课后预习)GrammarNoun clauses(page 8-9)七、Homework(课后作业) 1. Try to find more words with different parts of speech.2. Do exercises on P94.3. Talk about different kinds of weather in different seasons and places.八、Reflection(课后反思)

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