2019-2020年高二英语Unit3 Project Researching on the Internet教案.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit3 Project Researching on the Internet教案Teaching Aims:(1) To give students a chance to practice their English by pleting a project.(2) To help students make a poster explaining how they have searched and what they have found.Teaching Procedure:Step One: Brainstorming In what ways can we get information?Step Two: Reading 1. Pre-readingDiscussion: (1) Internet has bee part of peoples life and there have been an argument about the effects of it. Whats your opinion? How do you make use of it?(2) When you research information on the Internet, what do you do step by step? Please write your steps down.2. While-readingRead the article in Part A and underline the key word, phrases or sentences about Internet research given in the article while reading. Then:(1) Try to pare the two search services.Search engines Subject directories a type of puter programbased on the key word(s) you type inchoose pages for you which contain the word(s) you ask forpresent unevaluated contentspresent the full article or pagesbuilt by humanselected by a person and divided into specific subject categoriespresent a bunch of titles of articles or pages, sometimes a short summarypresent evaluated, relevant and correct information, not up to date(2) When were doing research on the Internet, what shall we pay special attention to? (We should check the date of the website we find; we should do cross-check; we should pay special attention to how we can use the information found on the Internet, etc.)3. Post-readingFinish PartB on page 47.Step Three: Important phrases1. do research on 对进行研究2. the more the more 越就越3. keep in mind 把牢记在心4. be based on 建立在基础之上5. ask for 要求6. be related to 与有联系7. a bunch of 一串8. right away 立即9. make a decision 作决定10. up to date 最新的11. take into consideration 将考虑进去12. at the bottom of 在底端13. be careful about 小心14. be (not) sure about 对(不)确定15. make a difference 有关系,有影响16. search for 寻找17. belong to 属于18. make a list of 列出19. follow these tips 遵循这些建议Step Four Language points1. The more you know about Internet research, the faster you will find what you are looking for, and the better your information will be. (P46)The +比较级,the +比较级: 表示越,就越。Ex. (1) The more you practise,(你练得越多) the better you speak.(2) The older I get, the happier I am.(我就越幸福)(3)你越早出发,你就会越早到达。The sooner you start, the more early youll get there. 2. The results of your search are divided into specific subject categories. (P46)(1) After World War Two, Germany was divided into two separate countries.(2) What do you get if you divide 6 into 18? divide & separate (1) The teacher divided the students into small groups.(2) Will you separate the good apples from the bad ones?3. , but not every person will proofread their own writing. 部分否定,“并非所有,并非都”,其句式结构为: Not all (both, every) = All (Both, Every) not 翻译(两种)(1) 并非所有的书都有帮助。Not all the books are helpful.All the books are not helpful. (2) 并非他们两个都不会讲英语。Not both of them can speak English.Both of them can not speak English.全部否定 neither, nor, none, nobody, no one, nothing 没有一个答案是正确的。 None of the answers is/are right.Step Six Homework: Finish the exercises of the workbook on page118-119.

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