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2019-2020年高中英语Module4Period1ProductionandReadingAims and requirementsTo enable the students to give opinions of their own orally on arts, encouraging them to try the vocabulary, patterns and everyday English in this unitTo develop the students reading abilityTo help the students learn and use two grammars: -ing form and the infinitive as the object and ing form as the subject To help the students to write a paragraph that gives opinions on paintingsTeaching procedures:Period 1: Production and ReadingStep 1: Warming up1. Warming up by operating and explainingWrite Chinese calligraphy and make Chinese painting (maybe you are not good at it, do it just to show the students how it works) with a brush. Ask the students: how do you think of my “works”? Tell the students: you see that these two are closely related because lines are used in both. The Chinese people have turned simple lines into a highly-developed form of art. Lines are not only to draw contours but to express the artists concept and feelings. For different subjects and different purposes a variety of lines are used. They may be straight or curved, hard or soft, thick or thin, pale or dark, and the ink may be dry or running. There are many things to talk about Chinese arts, and western arts, and our text will tell you more. Please open your books, turn to page 32, lets learn some new words first and then read the passage.2. Warming up by showing some paintings and discussing with the studentsHello! Boys and girls, I have some paintings (any Chinese painting will be OK) here to show you: 1) Do you like traditional Chinese arts using brush and ink? 2) Which one do you prefer?3) Are you interested in art?4) What do you think of the second painting? Can you give it a title?Of course, we know unlike Western paintings, where a specific point is made, for Chinese painting, you need to look at the painting as a whole to understand the philosophy behind it. Each object in the painting and the way they are presented has a symbolic meaning that is essential to understanding the painting. The painter can also use different ink strokes to transmit the spirit of his painting and bring movement and life to his work. From an aesthetic point of view, Chinese Traditional Painting still possesses Chinese unique national character although it has much in mon with western painting. Please discuss this topic with your partner.3. Warming up by learning a group of descriptive wordsGood morning, class. Today we are going to read a passage about arts-western, Chinese and pop arts. When we look at a painting, when we want to share with others, we need to describe it. When we want to describe it, we need descriptive words. Now, lets learn some useful descriptive words. They will help us to express us when we are appreciating paintings with others.Step 2: Pre-reading1. Imagining and sharingClose your eyes and imagine you are before a painting. Make a list of adjectives to describe the painting. Look over the list. Is there a pattern or theme to the words on your list? Decide on a theme or a sense that you want to create. Is this painting making you feel peaceful? Or does it make you feel sad? Is it a Chinese painting or Western? Is it Traditional or modern? Who is the painter? . Keep in mind that we are sharing this painting all together.2. Introduce some new wordsShow the following new words from the text and ask the students to read them all together twice, correcting their pronunciation while they read each word. alive aspect imitate (art) movement artist delightful draw style scene observe brush contemporary reality ink colorful gallery ordinary painting Ok, we are to have a small quiz. Read each word, think about its meaning, and then make them go to its proper group to match its definition.1) the day in which something is done _2) to watch carefully _3) a style of painting adopted by a group of artists _4) to copy _5) living or full of life _6) not special or unusual _7) one of the separate parts of something _8) the way something really is _Keys: ( 1 style 2 observe 3 movement 4 imitate 5 alive 6 ordinary 7 aspect 8 reality )Step 3: Reading1. Leading-inSince you have got familiar with these words which are connected with arts, I guess it will be quite easy for you to do another match-exercise: match paintings 14 with descriptions in paragraphs AD (page 32). Now, please read the passage quickly and do it as quickly as you can.( Key: 1C 2A 3D 4B )Now please read the last paragraphs and say which paintings are mentioned in paragraphs E and F.2. Fast reading to get general understandingRead the text again, and then think how many artists the text refers. (Five: Pablo Picasso, George Braque, Roy Lichtenstein, Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong) How many kinds of arts the text refers? (Three: Cubism, Pop art, Chinese painting)3. Careful reading for some details Read the passage again as carefully as you can and then choose the correct answer.1) The Cubist art movement _.(a) showed different sides of an object in the same picture(b) is considered to be the greatest art movement of the 21st century2) Pop art_(a) advertised the 21st century life (b) tried to show ordinary life in the modern world3) Qi Baishi _(a) painted in a very unusual way (b) was a very traditional Chinese artist4) Xu Beihong _(a) wanted to do more than imitate reality (b) tried to point horses5) Wu hang _ the picture of a golden-haired girl.(a) loves (b) dislikes6) Sarah Hardwick thinks that _(a) a Chinese artist painted picture 3 (b) Pablo Picasso painted picture 3(Keys: a b b a b b)4. Listen to the tape of the text and try to find which of the following words appear in the passage. alive aspect imitate (art) movement artist delightful draw style scene observe brush contemporary reality ink colorful gallery ordinary painting (Keys: artist; aspect; movement; imitate; ordinary; painting; contemporary; reality; delightful; gallery; style; brush; observe)Step 4: Reading practiceRead the following passage within 5 minutes and make a proper choice to each problem.The ANB Painting Art Gallery, you are visiting now, presents good-quality handmade oil paintings for sale. Our paintings include reproduction of masterpieces, creation from your pictures, portraits painting, wedding photopainting and original ones. All of the artists are graduates from the art universities and academies - so you wont have to worry about the quality of the oil paintings you buy from our oil paintings gallery. Also, an oil painting lover will find the diversity of styles and topics at our oil paintings site. We have hundreds of different styles and also can make our products according to your special requirement. Whether you are looking for original modern art for sale or more traditional still lives, landscapes or portraits - you are at the right place to find an oil painting you would love to buy.We guarantee both museum and mercial quality with petitive prices. We would be happy to quote if you contact us with Item Number or the photo of the masterpiece and the painter.1). Where do you think this passage most probably be taken from? A. a magazine B. a newspaper C. Internet D. Musium2). Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. You are visiting a very good-quality art gallery. B. We sell all kinds of paintings if you are an oil painting lover. C. Our gallery is the best place for you to find an oil painting you would love to buy. D. We can make our products to meet your special requirements.3). The underlined word “quote” in the last paragraph most probably means _. A. name as the price of something B. in support of a statement C. repeat in speech or writing D. quotation marks4). The purpose of this passage is mainly to _. A. to satisfy the oil painting lovers various tastes B. to offer the visitors information about the ANB Painting Art Gallery C. to keep the visitors stay in the gallery D. to persuade the visitors to buy their paintings(Keys: C D A B)Step5: Homework1) Try to repeat the text.2) Try to describe a painting to your class orally.3) Learn the new words again, using the dictionary if necessary.

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