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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2LanguageSectionProject教学案牛津译林版必修3原文呈现读文清障The development of Chinese charactersThe Chinese language differs from Western languages in that, instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds.Chinese words are formed by putting together different characters.In many cases, a single character can also make up a word.The history of the Chinese language can be examined by looking at how these characters developed.Chinese writing began thousands of years ago.According to an ancient story, a man named Cang Jie invented Chinese writing.One winter day while he was hunting, he saw the tracks of animals in the snow and observed that the appearance of each one was different.Then he had the idea that he could use different shapes to represent different objects.The first Chinese characters were drawings of physical objects.Some characters have been simplified and others have been made more difficult over time.However, as a whole, the characters have developed from drawings into standard forms.The character for a mountain was at first three mountaintops together.This became one mountaintop and three lines, and over time turned into the character used nowadays.Chinese character 汉字differ from 和不同,不同于differ/dIf(r)/vi.相异,有区别in that“在于,因为”,引导原因状语从句。alphabet/lfbet/n.(一种语言的)字母表,全部字母which引导的定语从句,修饰characters。stand for 代表,象征deed/did/n.行为,行动in many cases 在许多情况下make up构成writing/raItI/n.文字;文字作品according to根据,是介词短语,后跟名词作宾语。过去分词短语named Cang Jie是后置定语,修饰a man。invent v发明;创造;捏造discover 发现hunt/hnt/vt.&vi.打猎,猎杀;搜寻track n踪迹appearance/pIrns/n.外观,外貌that he could .是同位语从句,解释说明idea的具体内容。represent/reprIzent/vt.代表;展示,描绘drawing/drI/n.绘画,绘画艺术physical adj.有形的;实物的;物质的;物理的simplify/sImplIfaI/vt.简化over time随着时间的推移;久而久之as a whole作为整体,总体上mountaintop n山顶汉字的发展第12段译文汉语与西方语言不同,区别在于它不使用字母,而是用汉字表示思想、物体或行为。中文的词语是通过把不同的汉字放在一起而组成的。在许多情况下,一个单字也能构成一个词。通过研究这些汉字是如何发展的就可以考察汉语的历史了。汉字起源于数千年前。根据古代传说,一位名叫仓颉的人发明了汉字。他在某个冬日打猎时,看到各种动物留在雪中的足迹,他发现足迹的外观各不相同,接着他有了用不同形状代表不同物体的想法。最初的汉字只是表现有形物体的图画。随着时间的推移,一些汉字被简化了,而另一些则变得更加复杂了。然而,总体看来,汉字已从图画发展成了标准形式。表示“山”的汉字最初是三座山峰并列,继而变成了一座山峰和三条线,随着时间的推移,最终演变成了现在使用的字形。Not all characters were developed from drawings of objects.Sometimes to express ideas, some characters were made by bining two or more characters together.For example, rest was made up of the characters for a man and a tree.The character prisoner was formed with a man inside a square.Other characters were developed for directions and numbers.It is easy to distinguish their meanings by looking at them, for example, the characters for up and down, which are opposites of each other.Though these kinds of characters indicate meanings, one of their shortings is that they do not show how they should be pronounced.Therefore, a method was developed to have one part of a character indicate the meaning and the other suggest the pronunciation.Many Chinese characters used today were made this way.In the 1950s the Chinese government introduced simplified Chinese characters and now they have widespread use in Chinas mainland.Not all .是部分否定句式,意为“并不是所有的都”。动词不定式短语to express ideas作目的状语。bine/kmbaIn/vt.&vi.组合;(使)联合bine sth. and sth.(together)使某物与另一物结合起来bine sth.with sth.把某物与另一物相混合for example 例如be made up of 由组成/构成be formed with 由组成it为形式主语,真正的主语是to distinguish .。distinguish/dIstIwI/vt.区分,辨别;使具有某种特征which are opposites .是非限制性定语从句,修饰the characters for up and down。opposite n对应物;对立面indicate/IndIkeIt/vt.显示,表示;象征,暗示shorting/tkmI/n.缺点,短处pronounce v发音therefore adv.因此;所以have sb./sth.do sth.让某人/某物做某事get sb./sth.to do sth.让某人/某物做某事used today作后置定语,修饰characters。in the 1950s 在20世纪50年代simplified Chinese characters 简化汉字第35段译文并非所有的汉字都是由用来描绘物体而发展的。有时为了表达想法,某些汉字由两个或多个汉字联合起来而创造的。比如,“休”是由表示“人”和“树”的汉字组合而成的,“囚”字则是由人字位于框中构成的。另一些汉字则用于表示方向和数字。通过看它们的字形,很容易区别它们的意思,比如汉字“上”和“下”,其字形恰好相反。虽然这几种类型的汉字能够表意,但是它们的缺点之一是其字形不能显示怎样发音。因此便出现了一种应对之策,即汉字的一部分表意,另一部分表音。今天使用的许多汉字便是用这种方式创造出来的。20世纪50年代,中国政府推广简化汉字,现在它们已在中国大陆全面普及。The story of BrailleUsually, when we talk about reading, we think of using our eyes to see letters written in ink on paper.However, this is not always true.For example, blind people cannot see, but they can still read books.The man who introduced blind people to reading was Louis Braille (18091852)Braille lost his eyesight at the age of three as a result of an injury.When he was ten, he went to a school for the blind in Paris.In those days, books for blind people used paper pressed against metal wireto form letters.Since the metal wire was heavy, each book weighed as much as 100 pounds.The whole system was not convenient for use.Indeed, the school library only had fourteen such books in it.In 1821, a soldier visited the school and showed the students a system for passing messages at night during times of battle.His system used paper with small, raised dots that could be felt with the fingers.Each letter of the alphabet was represented by a different patternwhich consisted of twelve dots.The soldiers would drag their fingers over the raised dots to read the message.talk about 说到;谈到think of 想到;考虑ink/Ik/n.墨水,油墨however是副词,意为“然而”,表示转折关系。who引导定语从句,修饰the man。introduce .to/into把引入,介绍到。eyesight/aIsaIt/n.视力at the age of 在岁时as a result of 由于;因为;作为的结果the blind盲人;theadj.表示一类人,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。press/pres/vt.(被)压,挤,推,施加压力n.报刊;新闻界;出版社;press against 压在上(压住,施压于)wire/waI(r)/n.金属丝;铁丝网动词不定式短语to form letters作目的状语。since用作连词,意为“因为”,引导原因状语从句。weigh v重达;有重量as much as 多达;和一样多convenient/knvinInt/adj.方便的be convenient for sb.对某人来说方便indeed adv.事实上;的确battle/btl/n.&vi.战斗with small .fingers作定语修饰paper;that引导定语从句,修饰先行词dots。represent v代表;表示pattern/ptn/n.图案,花纹;模式,方式consist of 由组成/构成,不用于进行时态和被动语态。which引导定语从句,修饰先行词pattern。drag/dr/vt.(使劲地)拖;拉布莱叶盲文的故事第13段译文通常,当我们谈到阅读时,我们会想到用眼睛去看纸上墨水写成的字母。然而,情况并不总是这样的。比如,盲人无法看到东西,但他们仍能阅读书籍。将盲人领入阅读世界的人是路易斯布莱叶(1809 1852)。布莱叶在3岁时因为受伤而失明。10岁时,他进入巴黎的一所盲人学校就读。那时候,盲人用书是用纸压在金属丝上来形成字母。因为金属丝很重,所以每本书都会重达100磅。整个系统使用起来不方便。事实上,学校图书馆也只有14本这样的书。1821年,一位士兵参观学校并向学生们展示了一种战时夜间传递信息的方法。他的方法是使用带小凸点的纸张,这些小凸点可以用手指感觉出来。字母表里的每一个字母都由12个点组成的不同形状来表示。因此士兵们可以用手指触摸凸点来阅读信息。While the students found the soldiers idea interesting, the system was too difficult to be of practical use.However, young Louis Braille took the idea and worked on it.At the age of fifteen, he created a system with patterns of six raised dots representing each letter.Braille, the system for reading used today by blind people around the world, was thus born.The blind can easily recognize Braille with the fingers.They can also easily write in Braille with a special typewriter.Today, it is the most mon system used by blind people for reading and writing, and nearly every language, including Chinese, has its own version of Braille for its people to use.while引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然,尽管”。too .to .太而不能practical/prktIkl/adj.切实可行的,实用的of practical use意为“实用的”,一般来说,“of抽象名词”相当于形容词,常用作表语。work on 从事with patterns of six raised dots .是由“withn.v.ing形式”构成的with复合结构,作后置定语,修饰a system。around the world 世界各地thus/s/adv.以此方式,如此;因此,从而recognize v识别;认出;认识typewriter/taIpraIt(r)/n.打字机过去分词短语used by blind .作定语,修饰system。version/vn/n.版本第45段译文虽然学生们都觉得士兵的想法非常有趣,但这个方法太过复杂而不实用。然而年幼的路易斯布莱叶采纳了这个想法并着手完善它。15岁时,他创造出了可以由6个凸点来表示每个字母的体系。“布莱叶盲人点字法”,这一当今被全世界盲人广泛使用的阅读体系就此诞生了。盲人可以轻松地用手指辨别布莱叶盲文。他们也可以使用特殊的打字机,方便地用布莱叶盲文书写。今天,布莱叶盲文是最为普及的盲人阅读及书写体系,几乎每种语言,包括汉语,都有着自己的布莱叶盲文版本供盲人使用。Step 1Read the text and choose the best answers.1The Chinese language uses _ which stand for ideas, objects or deeds.AalphabetsBlettersCcharacters Ddrawings2The character for a mountain was at first _.Athree mountaintops togetherBtwo mountaintops togetherCone mountaintopDone mountaintop and three lines3_ the Chinese government introduced simplified Chinese characters.AThousands of years agoBIn 1950CIn 1905DIn the 1950s4In 1821 a soldier showed the students a system _.Ausing paper with small raised dotsBof practical useConly used at midnightDwidely used by the blind soldiers5The first passage is mainly talking about _.Ahow the Chinese characters were inventedBhow the Chinese characters have developedChow the Chinese characters have been influenced by Western languagesDhow the simplified Chinese characters were introduced答案:15CADABStep 2Fill in each blank with only one word according to the text.The development of Chinese charactersBrief introductionIn Chinese language, we use characters instead of an alphabet.Many words are formed by 1bining different characters.Sometimes a single character can also make up a word.OriginCang Jie, who was 2.inspired by the tracks of animals in the snow, invented the first Chinese characters.He used different shapes to 3.represent different objects.Different 4.ways/methods of forming charactersSome characters were 5.made up of two or more characters.Some were made for directions and numbers.Some characters consisted of two parts, one 6.indicating/suggesting the meaning and the other the pronunciation.Simplified Chinese charactersIntroduced in the 1950s and ing into widespread use now.The story of BrailleThe 7.inventor of BrailleNameLouis BrailleExperiencesLosing his eyesight at the age of three 8.due to an injury.Going to school for the blind at ten.FormationIts development was 9.based on a soldiers idea.Being a system with patterns of six raised dots which stand for each letter.AdvantagesBeing 10.easy/practical for the blind to recognize with the fingers and write with a special typewriter.一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.deedn行为,行动2.writingn. 文字,文字作品3.huntv. 打猎,猎杀;搜寻4.representvt. 代表;展示;描绘5.distinguishvt. 区分,辨别;使具有某种特征6.shortingn. 缺点,短处7.eyesightn. 视力8.patternn. 图案,花纹;模式,方式9.dragvt. 拖,拉10.thusadv. 以此方式,如此;因此,从而11.versionn. 版本.拓展词汇1.differvi.相异,有区别difference n差别,不同different adj.不同的,有差别的differently adv.不同地,有差别地2.appearancen外观,外貌appear vi.出现;出场3.drawingn绘画,绘画艺术draw v绘画,画4.simplifyvt.简化simplification n简化simple adj.简单的5binevt.&vi.组合;(使)联合bination n组合6.indicatevt.显示,表示;象征,暗示indication n征兆,迹象;指示indicator n指示者;指示器,显示器7.pressvt.(被)压,挤,推,施加压力 n报刊;新闻界;出版社pressure n. 压力;挤压;压强;压迫(感)8.convenientadj.方便的convenience n方便,便利inconvenient adj.不方便的9.practicaladj.切实可行的,实用的practically adv.讲究实际地;从实际出发地practice n实际;练习;惯例;实习practise v实践;实习,练习1.“ing”结尾的名词集合heading标题reading 阅读;读物ending 结局,结尾finding 发现,调查的结果being 人,生物;存在spelling 拼写,拼法learning 知识,学问saying 谚语,言论writing 文字,文字作品drawing 绘画,绘画艺术2.不怕“缺点,短处”多shorting 缺点,短处disadvantage 缺点,劣势weakness 弱点,缺点fault 缺点,毛病drawback 缺点,不足之处weak point 缺点,弱点3.含词根“press”的单词impress 使印象深刻express 表达,特快depress 压下,使沮丧repress 抑制,镇压press 压缩4.语境巧记convenient派生词You can visit professor Li when it is convenient, that is, at his convenience.His house is conveniently near the bus stop.你可以在方便时拜访李教授,也就是说在他方便的时候。他家就在车站附近,很方便。二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.differ from与不同,不同于2as a whole 作为整体,总体上3stand for 代表,象征4instead of 代替,而不是5turn into 变成6think of 想到7as a result of 由于8at the age of 在岁时9work on 忙于,努力改善1.Chinese writing汉字2thousands of years ago 数千年前3a man named Cang Jie 一个名叫仓颉的人4by looking at them 通过看一下它们5be made this way 用这种方法造出来6a school for the blind 一所盲人学校7written in ink on paper 用墨水写在纸上的8be of practical use 实用9in the 1950s 二十世纪五十年代三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that, instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds.汉语与西方语言不同,区别在于它不使用字母,而是用汉字表示思想、物体和行为。in that意为“因为”引导原因状语从句,但不能放于句首。She was fortunate in_that she had friends to help her.她很幸运,因为有朋友帮她。2.Not all characters were developed from drawings of objects.并不是所有的汉字都是由用来描绘物体而发展的。Not all .“并非全都”,表示部分否定。Not_all birds fly away to the south in winter.冬天不是所有的鸟都飞往南方。3.Therefore, a method was developed to have one part of a character indicate the meaning and the other suggest the pronunciation.因此便出现了一种应对之策,即汉字的一部分表意,另一部分表音。have sth.do sth.“使某物做某事”。If you cant work out this problem, you can have_your_brother_help_you.如果你解不出这道题,你可以让你的兄弟帮助你。4.While the students found the soldiers idea interesting, the system was too difficult to be of practical use.虽然学生们都觉得士兵的想法非常有趣,但这个方法太复杂而不实用。be ofn.相当于“beadj.”的用法。Basic research is_of_great_importance in all scientific fields.在各个科学领域里,基础研究是非常重要的。1(教材P38)The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that, instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds.汉语与西方语言不同,区别在于它不使用字母,而是用汉字表示思想、物体和行为。differ vi.相异,有区别(1)A and B differ (from each other)A与B不同differ from sb./sth.in sth. 与某人/某物在某方面不同differ with .on . 在上与不同(2)different adj. 不同的,有差异的be different from .in . 在方面与不同(3)difference n. 不同,差别tell the difference between A and B区别A与B,说出A与B的区别make a/some/little/no difference有/有些/几乎没有/没有影响Things in the world differ from each other in a thousand ways.世界上的事物千差万别。My brother and I are alike in appearance, but differ in our tastes.我们兄弟俩长得很像,但爱好却不相同。We differ with your opinion on that point.在那一点上我们和你持不同意见。American English is significantly different (differ) from British English.美国英语与英国英语有很大差异。Jim, can you tell the difference (differ) between this picture and that one?吉姆,你能说出这幅图画和那幅图画的不同吗?One false step will make a great difference.失之毫厘,谬以千里。stand for 代表,象征;主张,支持;忍受写出下列各句中stand for的含义。Could you tell me what VOA stands for?代表People usually eat mooncakes which stand for a happy reunion.象征I want to know what she stands for before I vote for her.支持,主张I am not standing for it any longer.忍受名师点津与stand相关的其他短语:stand by 袖手旁观;支持,忠于stand out 出色,杰出;显眼,突出stand back 往后站,退后stand up 起立,站立;经得起stand aside 站到一边,置身事外stand for 代表;支持,主张stand up for 支持,维护2(教材P38)Then he had the idea that he could use different shapes to represent different objects.接着他有了用不同形状代表不同物体的想法。represent vt.代表;展示;描述;声称(1)represent .to sb. 向某人描绘represent sth./oneself as/to be 把描绘成,自称是represent .to do sth. 代表做某事(2)representation n. 代表;描绘;陈述(3)representative adj. 典型的,有代表性的 n. 代表,代理人This picture represents a scene at King Arthurs court.这幅画描绘了亚瑟王法庭的一个场面。Let me represent my ideas to you in another way.让我用另一种方法向你说明我的想法。The young represented himself as/to_be a lawyer.那个年轻人声称自己是律师。名师点津represent用来表示“代表某人/团体/政府等”,也可以表示“把某人/某物描绘成”;stand for指字母、图形或符号代表或象征某人/某物。3(教材P38)However, as a whole, the characters have developed from drawings into standard forms.然而,总体看来,汉字已从图画发展为标准字形。as a whole作为整体,总体上on the whole总的说来;大体上;基本上the whole of 全部的;全体的;所有的We must consider these matters as a whole.我们必须从整体上考虑这些事情。I analysed his words as_a_whole.我是把他的言论作为一个整体来分析的。My opinion is on_the_whole the same as yours.我的意见大体上同你的差不多。名师点津as a whole“作为一个整体;整体来说,总体上”,侧重于表示所有部分都已考虑;on the whole与generally同义,表示“大体上,总的来说”,多用来表示并非百分之百的意思。4(教材P38)Sometimes to express ideas, some characters were made by bining two or more characters together.有时为了表达想法,某些汉字由两个或更多的汉字联合起来而创造的。bine vt.&vi.组合;(使)联合;使结合;兼备(1)bine A and/with B 把A和B结合/联合;兼有bine to do sth. 联(结)合起来做某事bine against . 为反抗而联合(2)bination n. U联合;结合;C混合体,结合体in bination with 与联合/结合(3)bined adj. 联合的,结合的The teacher asked us to bine the two short sentences to make a new sentence.老师让我们把这两个短句合成一个新的句子。We consider it necessary to_bine (bine) work with rest.我们认为劳逸结合是必要的。Efforts and confidence bine to_make (make) a full man.努力与信心结合造就完人。He carried on the business in bination with his friends.他与朋友们合伙做生意。名师点津bine不与together连用。5(教材P38)It is easy to distinguish their meanings by looking at them, for example, the characters for up and down, which are opposites of each other.通过看它们的字形,很容易区别它们的意思,比如汉字“上”和“下”,其字形恰好相反。distinguish vt.区分,辨别;使具有某种特征(1)distinguish between .and .区别/辨别和distinguish .from . 使有别于,使具有区别于的特征distinguish oneself 使出众;使著名(2)be distinguished from 与不同,有别于be distinguished by 以为特征(3)distinguished adj. 著名的,杰出的,高贵的be distinguished for/as 因(作为)而著称I could not distinguish her words, but she sounded very excited.我听不清她说的话,但听得出她非常激动。At what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong?儿童到什么年龄才能明辨是非呢?The twins are so alike that it is difficult to distinguish one from the other.这对孪生儿长得很像,很难分辨出谁是谁。He distinguished himself by his performance in the examination.他在考试中成绩优异,因而显得突出。The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak.雄鸟有别于雌鸟,其喙呈红色。Hangzhou is distinguished for its beautiful scenery.杭州因其风景秀丽而著称。6(教材P38)Though these kinds of characters indicate meanings, one of their shortings is that they do not show how they should be pronounced.虽然这几种类型的汉字能够表意,但是它们的缺点之一是其字形不能显示怎样发音。indicate vt.显示,表示;象征,暗示(1)indicate sth.to sb.向某人指出某物indicate that . 表明/标示indicate wh to do . 表明/指出/标示(2)indication n. 显示;表明;迹象indicative adj. 指示的;暗示的A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow.一个路标给我们指出应走的正确的路。She took out a map and indicated the quickest route to us.她拿出一张地图,给我们指出最快捷的路线。The research indicates (indicate) that it may raise the speed of drawing and simplify the process.研究表明,此法可以提高成图速度,简化过程。Indications (indicate) are that the situation hasnt improved much.迹象表明,情况并未有大的改观。7(教材P39)In those days, books for blind people used paper pressed against metal wire to form letters.在那时,盲人用书是用纸压在金属丝上来形成字母。press vt.(被)压,挤,推,施加压力;敦促;逼迫 n报刊;新闻界;出版社(1)press ones way through 从中挤过去press sth.on sb. 把强加于某人(2)at press/in the press 在印刷中,即将出版(3)pressed adj. 加压的,紧张的pressing adj. 紧迫的,迫切的(4)pressure n. 压力,压迫The little girl pressed her nose against the shop window.小女孩把她的鼻子紧贴在商店橱窗上。They are pressing us to_make (make) a quick decision.他们正在敦促我们迅速做出决定。He pressed his way through the crowd.他从人群中挤了过去。This young writer has already published two novels, and the third is at press.这位年轻作家已经出版了两部小说,第三部正在排印。8(教材P39)The whole system was not convenient for use.整个系统用起来不方便。convenient adj.方便的(1)be convenient to/for 对于是方便的It is convenient for sb.to do sth. 做某事对某人来说是方便的(2)convenience n. U便利,方便C便利的事物for convenience 为了方便起见at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候May I e and talk with you whenever its convenient?在你方便时我能来和你谈谈吗?I live just by the market, and its very convenient to_go (go) shopping.我家就住在商场旁边,买东西很方便。Please send me an answer at your convenience.请你在方便时给我回信。名师点津convenient作表语时,不可用人作主语,要用事物作主语或用it来充当形式主语。1The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that, instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds.汉语与西方语言不同,区别在于它不使用字母,而是用汉字表示思想、物体和行为。本句为双重主从复合句,in that引导的是原因状语从句,意为“因为”,该原因状语从句中又包含which引导的限制性定语从句。引导原因状语从句的从属连词有:(1)because/as由于,因为(2)since/when/now that 既然,因为(3)seeing that/considering that/given that 考虑到,既然,因为The new system is better in that it provides faster access to the Internet.新系统更好是因为它的网络连接速度更快。A gas differs from a solid in that it has no definite shape.气体不同于固体的是它没有固定的形态。I said nothing about it because his wife was there.因为他妻子在那儿,我对此事只字未提。Seeing/Considering/Given_that its raining outside, wed better stay indoors.考虑到外面在下雨,我们最好待在室内。2Ther


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