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2019-2020年高中英语Module3AdventureinLiteratureandtheCinema单元加餐练一-二外研版.完形填空My tenyearold son, Anton, is crazy about cars. He will watch any new and flashy car in _1_ whenever were out driving.The frustrating event for my son, _2_, is that we are driving along in my large xx Dodge Raider. My son is at an age when he is _3_ by many things: our old house, the food I cook, and my attempt to talk with his friends. But _4_ the list is our car. Perhaps this is why he _5_ to walk the mile to school, even in the most challenging weather.One day Anton asked, “Dad, why do you drive such a(n) _6_ car?”“Anton,” I said, “a car is a _7_ choice to get us from Point A to Point B. I dont need a car that _8_ me. I dont need to turn my car into a movie theater. Actually, theres so much _9_ in the Raider that I could _10_ a person in need. Understand?”Anton obviously didnt expect my _11_ and he sat there, confused. “Well,” he said. “Why do you have manual windows? They are _12_ if I want to open the windows.” “Thats easy,” I replied, “I can roll down the window and _13_ if I ever drive off a bridge into the river. Wouldnt that be _14_?”My son stared at me, looking pletely defeated. To _15_ him, I suggested we go out for a _16_. Driving such an old vehicle (交通工具), and living in a small town, friends _17_ us along the way, and I waved to them. “See, Anton?” I said. “If this were an Audi, _18_ would notice us but only the car.”My son _19_, “Yes, now we just need a vehicle to drive us for pizza. It does well _20_ it is old.”语篇解读:本文是记叙文。作者的儿子痴迷于好车,不理解作者为什么要开一辆让自己难堪的旧车。在作者的循循善诱下,儿子终于明白了车本身的意义所在,也理解了父亲的良苦用心。1A.surpriseBsorrowCanxiety Dadmiration解析:选D由下文作者开着一辆xx年的旧车可知,每当坐车出行时,Anton总会怀着“羡慕(admiration)”的心情注视外表华丽的新款车。2A.besides BinsteadChowever Dtherefore解析:选C喜欢好车与自己家开着旧车形成对比,故用however。3A.embarrassed BpuzzledCmoved Dimpressed解析:选A由本句中的our old house .可知,这些事情都让儿子感到“难堪(embarrassed)”。4A.saving BtoppingCmaking Ddrawing解析:选B由上下文可知,家里的旧车是最让儿子感到难堪的。top the list表示“居首位”,符合语境。5A.agrees BhopesCprefers Drefuses解析:选C由上文儿子觉得旧车丢人可知,即使在最糟糕的天气,儿子也“宁愿(prefers)”步行上学。6A.strange BterribleCordinary Dold解析:选D由上文中的“my large xx Dodge Raider”以及倒数第二段中的“Driving such an old vehicle (交通工具)”可知,儿子不明白父亲为什么要开这么“旧(old)”的一辆车。7A.primary BpossibleCnecessary Dunique解析:选B作者认为车只是从一个地方到另一个地方的一种“可能的(possible)”选择,即仅仅是一种交通工具。8A.educates BattractsCdisturbs Dentertains解析:选D由下文“I dont need to turn my car into a movie theater.”可知,作者不需要车的娱乐功能。9A.room BenergyCwonder Dvalue解析:选A由上文中的“in my large xx Dodge Raider”可知,这辆车很宽敞。由后面的“I could _10_ a person in need”可知,作者之所以一直开着Raider,是因为它的“空间(room)”大,可以“搭载(pick up)”需要乘车的人。10A.pull up Btake upCpick up Dbring up解析:选C参见上题解析。11A.idea BsuggestionCmeaning Dexplanation解析:选D由后面的“he sat there, confused”可知,儿子没有预料到父亲会给出这样的“解释(explanation)”。12A.unusual BinconvenientCdifficult Dspecial解析:选B由“Thats easy,” I replied.“I can roll .”可知,作者的儿子认为手动车窗“不方便(inconvenient)”。13A.breathe BdisappearCrelax Descape解析:选D由“if I ever drive off a bridge into the river”可知,作者认为手动车窗不会被锁死,可以手动摇开,这样有利于“逃生(escape)”。14A.dangerous BpleasantCtiring Dinteresting解析:选B作者认为便于逃生是件“好(pleasant)”事。15A.change BencourageCfort Dcalm解析:选C听了作者的一番话儿子很沮丧,作者为了“安慰(fort)”儿子,决定带他出去吃饭。16A.meal BtripCwalk Dpicnic解析:选A参见上题解析。且由最后一段中的“now we just need a vehicle to drive us for pizza”可知选A。17A.weled BpassedCfound Dgreeted解析:选D由后面的“I waved to them”可知,路上有朋友们向他们“打招呼(greeted)”。18A.nobody BsomebodyCanybody Deverybody解析:选A由上文提到的一路上人们跟他们打招呼的事实可知,作者认为如果开的是一辆奥迪,就“没有人(nobody)”会注意谁在开车,而只顾关注车了。19A.shouted BnoddedCannounced Dapologized解析:选B从Anton回答的内容可知,他认同了父亲的观点。故用nodded。20A.because BifCbut Dthough解析:选DAnton说“尽管(though)”车很旧,但它发挥了它应有的功能。.阅读理解When I decided to write the story of my early years growing up in poverty, many of my friends and family members were shocked. They were more interested in my story of success, such as how I was able to create the nations largest law firm and sell it to a bank. “How does one sell a law firm for millions of dollars?” Thats the story everyone wanted me to write, but its not the story I wanted to tell.Looking back, I see so clearly how often, throughout my boyhood, I was touched by the acts of kindness that helped shape me into the man I am today. And the acts of violence and ignorance played just a powerful role in making me who I am. Being a successful lawyer involves hard work, but escaping generational poverty is the hardest thing I have ever done. I chose to write the story of my childhood years in poverty, with the hope that a child somewhere in the world will read my story and be inspired to break the cycle of poverty.My publisher was quick to point out that the market would be small for a memoir (回忆录) written by an unknown author. To everyones surprise, the book received over 1,000 prepublication orders one month before the scheduled launch date (发行日). The book launch scheduled for October 1, xx, was moved up to September 14,xx. Less than four months later, the first print run of 5,000 hardbound copies (精装版) were sold out.Today, the memoir is being used by universities, high schools and middle schools, as a case study of the behavioral example of the culture of poverty as well as valuable lessons on how to succeed in life. Here are words from a president of a middle school in Texas on October 27, xx, who is using my memoir for students 5th through 8th grades:“We are halfway through your story. It is changing the lives of our students and the views of our teachers.”语篇解读:作者没有将自己在事业上取得的成功写下来,而是选择以自己多苦多难的童年为主题写回忆录,去激励那些生活在贫困中的孩子。起初朋友和家人并没有看好书的销量,然而作者的回忆录却卖得出乎意料得好,并且被用在中学和大学的教学中。1.In the view of people around him, what the author chose to write is _.Aoriginal BsuccessfulCattractive Duninteresting解析:选D推理判断题。根据第一段前两句可知,当作者决定写自己小时候贫穷的生活时,作者的朋友和家人很是吃惊。他们感兴趣的是“我”成功的故事“我”如何创建了美国最大的法律事务所,并将它卖给了银行。由此可推知,作者决定写的内容是大家不感兴趣的。2In Paragraph 2, the author is mainly trying to show _.Awhy he chose to write about his early yearsBhow poor his family was when he was youngCeveryone should remember their childhoodDhe is always a hardworking man解析:选A段落大意题。第二段旨在阐述作者为什么写自己小时候贫困的生活。3In the authors opinion, his book was written for _.Aworkers in law firms and banksBchildren living in povertyCstudents all over the worldDhis family members解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,作者写这些是用来激励生活在贫困中的孩子,希望他们能打破贫困,走向美好的未来。4What do we know from the passage?AAs a lawyer, the author lived a poor life at one time.BThe authors story has led to many students success.CThe authors book sold so well beyond the publishers expectation.DThe author was amazed that he earned much money by selling his firm.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第三段内容可推知,作者的回忆录的销售量远远超出了出版商的预计。.语法填空Once there were two mice, a city mouse and a country mouse. They were _1_ (distance) relatives. One day the city mouse, _2_ lived in a big house, wrote a letter to the country mouse inviting him for a visit.Delighted, the country mouse accepted the _3_ (invite) and came to the city mouses house. He was greeted by the city mouse cheerfully. The country mouse was surprised _4_ the house was so big. The city mouse was pleased _5_ led the country mouse to the kitchen. Then _6_ climbed up the table, and they found a large piece of bread, fruit and cheese on it. But just as they began to eat, they heard a great noise. They city mouse cried, “Run! Run! The cat _7_ (e)!” They ran away quickly and hid._8_ (breathe) heavily after hiding in the mouse hole, the country mouse said to the city mouse, “I should go _9_ to my house in the country. Even if I eat nothing but beans, I can live _10_ (peace). Why dont you e with me to the country? It is nicer to be poor and happy than to be rich and afraid.”1_ 2._ 3._ 4._5_ 6._ 7._ 8._9_ 10._答案:1.distant2.who3.invitation4.that5.and6they7.is ing8.Breathing9.back10.peacefully.短文改错A few days before, Miss Wang was going home by bikes. While she was riding in the street, she sudden saw a man with a knife in his hand and with his face covering with a piece of black cloth running towards her. The man had pulled her handbag out of the basket of her bike and ran away before she could find a person to turn for help. Luckily, she had the mobile phone in her pocket. She took it out, dialing 110 and told the police in which direction the man had run. She also told the police that the man was like. The police came five minutes later, but caught the man soon.答案:第一句:beforeago; bikesbike第二句:suddensuddenly; coveringcovered第三句:去掉had; turn后加to第四句:thea第五句:dialingdialed第六句:thatwhat第七句:butand.书面表达请根据要点提示,写一篇关于电影泰坦尼克号的影评。1泰坦尼克号是由James Cameron导演的一部讲述Rose与Jack爱情故事的影片。2当大船撞上冰山(iceberg)开始沉入水里时,Rose放弃了生还的希望和Jack一起等待死亡的来临。3泰坦尼克号真实地演绎了一幕幕感人的场面:家人、朋友在危难降临之际的表现。4你的感受注意:1以上要点必须包含在作文之中,不能逐词翻译;2词数100左右。参考范文:Titanic directed by James Cameron tells a love story of Rose and Jack. I personally find it the greatest movie Ive seen.My favourite part of the film is that after supper the ship hit the iceberg and sank into the deep sea, Rose gave up the chance of surviving and stayed with Jack waiting for the death ing. This love story created sympathy which we felt for Jack and Rose. It made us truly feel how the people on the Titanic were feeling at that exact moment. Families, loved ones and friends were being torn apart. We were deeply involved in the feelings the director created.The film brought our thought of the meaning of the life: what is the most important in our life? It also told us a truth: we must cherish our life.


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