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2019-2020年高中英语Unit1TalesoftheunexplainedGrammarandusage一 现在完成时的构成 助动词( have/ has) +动词过去分词二 现在完成时的用法1)现在完成时可以表示动作在说话之前已完成,而对现在有影响;句中没有具体的时间状语。already(用于肯定句或疑问句) ,yet(用于否定句或疑问句),往往可成为现在完成时的标志,例如:The disappearance of Justin has made Kelly very unhappy. ( Justin 在过去失踪,但是至今仍旧为他的失踪感到不高兴) 2) 现在完成时所表示的动作开始于过去,一直持续到现在的动作或状态。常用for 和since表示一段时间的状语或so far, now today, this week(month, year )等表示包括现在时间在内的状语,也可用表示到说话为止的过去时间状语,just, before, up to now, the past few years例如:Mary has lived in China for five years.Her parents have stayed in Beijing since xx.-Have you met him this term? -No, I havent.Now Ive finished the work.He has been taken away by aliens before and he still has nightmares of that now.Chinas total GDP has increased a lot during the last few years.3) 表示说话前发生过一次或多次的动作。常带有twice, ever, never, three times等-Have you ever seen any aliens by yourself?-Ive never seen any aliensMary has been to Hong Kong many times .4) 表示刚结束的动作。The police have just finished searching the area.(警方刚结束对该地区的搜查)5) 表示动作的确切时间不明确或不重要The boy has already e home.现在完成进行时的构成 have/has +been+现在分词现在完成进行时的用法1表示过去开始的动作一直延续到现在并仍在继续中。It has been raining for a week.I have not been sleeping well since I returned home.( 我回家后一直没睡好,现在也没睡好)Ive been waiting for her half an hour, but she hasnt turned up.-You look tired. - Ive been painting the walls the whole day.有些词如work, study, live , teach用现在完成进行时和用现在完成时意思差不多,如I have worked here for three years.Ive been working here for three years但多数动词在这两种时态中表示不同意思。Ive written a letter. ( 已写完)Ive been writing a letter.( 还在写)2表示过去开始的动作刚结束并在某种情况下与现在有关系。Kelly: Sorry, Im late. I have you been waiting long.Sally: Yes. I have been waiting for an hour.现在完成时与现在完成进行时的区别1现在完成时与现在完成进行时都表示动作从过去开始,但现在完成时可表示事件或动作刚结束。而现在完成进行时则强调动作仍在继续。Helen has read a book about Stonehenge. ( 可表示海伦已经读完了)Helen has been reading a book about Stonehenge.(表示海伦仍在读)2现在完成时可表示反复发生的动作,提问时用how many times 而现在完成进行时表示持续的、不间断的动作,提问时用 how long-How many times have you visited Egypt this month?-I have visited Egypt twice this month.-How long have you been touring Egypt?-I have been touring Egypt for two months.3现在完成时可以用表示状态的动词或表示动作的动词作谓语,而现在完成进行时只能用表示动作的动词作谓语。I have had this camera for five years. ( had表示拥有状态的动词)I have taken photos of UFOs with this camera. (take表示动作的动词)I have been taking photos of UFOs with this camera.(taking表示动作的动词)4现在完成时的句子中可以用never, yet, already, ever 这样的词,而现在完成进行时的句子中则不可以用这样的词Ive never visited Paris.Ive already been to Paris.现在完成时与一般过去时的比较1 现在完成时与一般过去时都表示在过去发生的动作,但现在完成时强调过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,而一般过去时不强调过去的动作与现在的关系。如:I have lost my pen. 我把笔丢了(现在还没找到)I lost my pen yesterday. 我昨天丢了笔。(过去丢了笔,找没找到不知道)2 现在完成时可用来表示过去某一动作一直延续到现在。He has been an English teacher for ten years. 他当了十年英语老师了He was an English teacher for ten years. 他当过十年英语老师。另外,要特别注意现在完成时表示过去动作一直持续到现在的这种情况。这时,像等终止性动词不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,否则必须将其变为等延续性动词来表示。一般过去时中也要注意此种情况下动词的选用。Exercises:1 Where _ the recorder? I cant see it anywhere.-I _ it right here, but now its gone.A. did you put, have put B have you put, put C had you put, have put D were you putting, have put2. Hello, I _ you _in London. How long hve you been here? A. dont know , were B hadnt known , are C. havent known , are D didnt know, were3. They asked me to have a drink with them. I said that it was at least ten years since I _ a good drink. A had enjoyed B was enjoying C enjoyed D had been enjoying4. No permission has _ for anybody to enter the building. A been given B given C to give D be giving5. Do you know our town at all? -No, this is the first time I_ here. A was B have been C came D am ing6. -We could have walked to the station. It was so near. - Yes. A taxi _at all necessary. A. wasnt B hadnt been C wouldnt be D wont be7. Tom _ into the house when no one _. A slipped , was looking B had slipped, looked C slipped , had looked D was slipping , looked8. The last time I_ Jane she _ cotton in the fields. A had seen, was picking B saw , picked C. had seen , picked D. saw , was picking9. -e in ,Peter, I want to show you something.-Oh, how nice of you! I _ you_ to bring me a gift. A never think, are going B never thought, were going C. didnt think , were going D hadnt thought , were going10.When I was at college I _ three foreign languages, but I _ all except for a few words of each. A . spoke , had forgotten B spoke, have forgotten C had spoken , had forgotten D had spoken , have forgotten11.-We havent heard from Jane for a long time.- What do you suppose _to her ? A was happening B to happen C has happened D having happened12. If city noises _ from increasing, people _ should to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now. A are not kept , will have to B are not kept , have to C do not keep , will have to D do not keep , have to13.The pen I _ I _ is on my desk, right under my nose. A. think , lost B thought , had lost C think , had lost D thought , have lost14. -How long_ each other before they _ married? - For about a year. A have they known , get B did they know , were going to get C do they know , are going to get D had they known , got15. My dictionary _. I ve looked for it everywhere but still _. A has lost , dont find B is missing , dont find C has lost , havent found D is missing , havent found16. - I m sorry to keep you waiting. - Oh ,not at all. I _ here only a few minutes. A have been B had been C was D will be17. -Your phone number again? I _quite catch it. - Its 9568442. A didnt B couldnt C dont D cant18. -_ the sports meeting might be put off. - Yes , it all depends on the weather . A Ive been told B Ive told C Im told D I told19. You dont need to describe her . I _ her several times. A. had met B have met C met D meet20. Alice , why didnt you e yesterday?-I _, but I had an unexpected visitor.A had B would C was going to D did21. Nancy isnt ing tonight. - But she _. A promises B promised C will promise D had promised22. Shirly _ a book about China last year but I dont know whether he has finished it . A has written B wrote C had written D was writing23. Hi Tracy , you look tired.-I am tired . I _ the living room all day. A . painted B had painted C have been painting D have painted24. The price _, but I doubt whether it will remain so. A went down B will go down C has gone down D was going down25. Hey, look where you are going! -Oh, Im terribly sorry . _. A Im not noticing B I wasnt noticing C I havent noticed D I dont notice26.- How are you today? - Oh , I _ as ill as I do now for a very long time. A. didnt feel B wasnt feeling C dont feel D havent felt27. You havent say a word about my new coat, Brenda , do you like it?-Im sorry I _ anything about it sooner. I certainly think its pretty on you.A wasnt saying B dont say C wont say D didnt say28.All morning as she waited for medical report from the doctor, her nervousness _. A has grown B is growing C grew D had grown29.great changes _ in the city , and a lot of factories _. A have been taken place, have been set up B have taken up , have been set up C have taken place , have set up D were taken place , were set up30.He _ for three hours. A has bought it B has received it C has got here D hasnt e here31. Mike _ with Jane for one year. A. has been in love B has fallen in love C has been loved D has loved32. Tom was said to _ Marry for 40 years. A . has been married to B have married with C has been married D had married with.33. The girl_, that is , she _ a _ shot. A. was shot dead, died of , deathly B shot at death, died for , dead C. was shot to death, died from, deadly D was shot deadly, dead of , dying34. In front of the hall color flags were _ A. hunged B hanged C hang D hanging35.The living standard of the people in Nanjing _ since 1930.A. has raisen B had been risen C has risen D rose36.When I got to the meeting- room , the leader_ for over 20 minutes. A has talked B had already said C has already been speaking D has spoken37. Is this the watch which you wish _. A to repair it B to have it repaired C to have repaired D will be repaired38. Although he has lived with us for years, he _ us much impression. A. hadnt left B didnt leave C doesnt leave D hasnt left39.How can you possibly miss the news ? It _ on TV all day long. A. has been B had been C was D will be40. The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _with each other.A. they had quarreled B they have quarreled C have they quarreled D. they have quarreled41.-How long _ at the job? - Since 1990. A. were you employed B have you been employed B. had you been employed D will you be employed42.I wonder why Jenney _ us recently. We should have heard from her by now. A hasnt written B doesnt write C wont write D hadnt written43. My grandpa died when I was five years old and by now he _ for over 15 years. A. has been dead B died C have died D has been dying44. He works in a factory now, but he _ on a farm for 20 years. A worked B has worked C had worked D had been working45. Glad to see you back. How long _ in Russia? A did you stay B.have you stayed C were you staying D have you been staying46. -_my dictionary ? - Yes. I put it in your desk just now. A. Do you see B Have you seen C Did you see D Had you seen47. I _violin lessons every two weeks, but I think Ill make it every three weeks next month. A. am having B have had C have D have been having 48. - Why dont we take a little break? - _ A. Didnt you feel tired ? B Didnt we just have one C Dont say anything about it D Didnt we need one?49. Mr White didnt e last night , did he? -No, We_ for him. A whole night was wasted. A had waited B have been waiting C were waiting D had been waiting50. The rain had cleaned the air , and the grass _ fresh and sweet. A. had smelt B has smelt C smell D smelt


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