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2019-2020年高中英语Unit1Nothingventured,nothinggained(part1)-Period2LearningaboutLanguage(The Attribute ) AimsTo help students learn about The Attribute To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressionsTo help students discover and learn to use some useful structuresProceduresI. Warming up by talking about “ A successful failure”A: What did you see when you put your head out of your sleeping bag and look around you?B: I found everything is grey: the inside of the hut appears grey, the morning light looks grey and the pot bubbling on the oil stove is grey. A: What about the smell?B: The smell is, as usual, almost unbearable, being a mixture of sweat, seal oil fat, and dirty underwear. A: What do you do then?B: I try to think of happier things: warm and dry clothes, a cosy bedroom, sunny days, my mothers face and the celebration we will get when we return, for I am part of a failed expedition that tried to cross the continent of Antarctica, something that had never been done before. C: Then what happen to you?B: As I think of this, a black blanket drops and covers me, almost blocking out the memories of happier times. I feel breathless as I remember my rotten toes that had to be removed when they became blackened from frost-bite. A: What about your circumstances?B: Our circumstances are so desperate that it is uncertain whether we will ever return alive. Perhaps our bodies will be recognized and collected by some other expedition team many years from now. D: You are about to bee self-pitying.B: Yes, I am. At this moment, the door to our shelter opens and a blast of cold air tears through the hut. C: You yelled that “Shut that door!” , did you?B: Yes, I did. I yelled in a hoarse voice that I hardly recognize as my own. D: Did somebody reply?B: “Hold on now, Perce. Dont you go turning into another Tom,” was the reply. A: By the way when the expedition was announced, how old were you?B: I was only twenty and I had always dreamed of adventure. C: Could you recite the advertisement?B: Yes, I could. It read: Men wanted for a dangerous journey: small wages, bitter cold, months of plete darkness, and safe return uncertain. Honour and reward will follow if it is successful. Sir Ernest Shackleton.D: So it is an expedition with the great Sir Ernest Shackleton to the South Pole.B: Yes, it is. I was hooked! D: What were you like then?B: I was an amateur but I was young, fit and energetic. A: What did you do then?B: I secretly hid aboard the ship, Endurance, in a small cupboard. Nobody found me until the ship had sailed and I was suffering badly from seasickness. Anyhow, Shackleton seemed interested in my silly behaviour and accepted the situation. He made me a steward to help cook twenty-eight meals three times a day.D: When was the ship stuck?B: On January 18th, 1915 the Endurance became stuck in pack ice (which can be solid or broken into huge floating pieces of ice) as we approached Antarctica. C: Was it dangerous?B: The ice froze around us and we were well and truly stuck! The ship was gradually crushed in front of our eyes. I believe Shackleton must have mourned this unexpected end to his expedition, but he did not waste time on regrets. A: What did he do then?B: Calling us calmly together, he made an urgent announcement that we must save only essential supplies before the ship sank, particularly the small boats, food, cooking equipment, candles, bedding and clothes. D: I learned that to show his determination, Shackleton threw some gold coins and his gold watch onto the ice. B: Yes, he did. But to my surprise he encouraged Hussey to bring his banjo. He described it as vital for keeping us cheerful.C: So his perseverance won your plete faith in him. I believe he was always honest with you (as in the advertisement) and never gave way to disappointment, even when the ship sank. A: What happens next to you?B: On April 9th 1916, we moved to our present camp on Elephant Island. Soon Shackleton set out the framework for our life here: no differences in rank or in social status; everyone to keep busy; a fair division of food and bedding; and a concern for all. This team-spirit contributed to the morale of the crew and saved our lives.D: And what did Shackleton do finally?B: Once we were settled on Elephant Island, Shackleton explained his plan to save us: twenty-two of us were to remain here and he would select five others to go to South Georgia and bring help. No rescue attempt could be expected from outside as nobody knew where we were. I will never forget watching the little boat disappear through the booming waves into the stormy ocean. We who remained on Elephant Island swore that we would do as he advocated: remain optimistic and recover our health before he returned to rescue us. II. Discovering useful words and expressionsYou are next to use the words and expressions in the box on page 5 to plete the diary.Do exercises 2 and 3 in pairs.III. Revising useful structuresWhat is an attribute in grammar?An attribute is a word or phrase syntactically subordinate to another word or phrase that it modifies; for example, my sisters and brown in my sisters brown dog.Now in pairs do exercises 1, 2 and 3. IV. Grammar Quiz 1. Which of the sentences below is correct? a. The first house on the block to sell was theirs; ours took two months longer.b. The first house on the block to sell was theirs; ours took two months longer.c. The first house on the block to sell was theirs; ours took two months longer.Correct answer: cExplanationPossessive pronouns such as theirs, ours, and yours never contain apostrophes, so the first two answers are both wrong.2. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? a. Our experts include: translators, publicists, and marketing specialists.b. Our experts include translators, publicists, and marketing specialists.Correct answer: bExplanationMany people have acquired the unfortunate punctuation habit of inserting a colon any time they feel a list ing on. In this example, it is wholly unnecessary and in fact interrupts the flow of the sentence. Dont include a colon after a form of the verb include, unless you are introducing a bulleted list, as in this example:Our experts include: translators publicists marketing specialistsIn case you are perturbed by the ma before the and, dont be: this is one of those grammar situations where you simply cant go wrong, with or without the ma. Despite the thousands of business hours wasted each year in arguments over this issue, the serial ma is generally a question of stylistic choice, not grammar law.3. Which of the following sentences illustrates the correct use of quotation marks? a. The CEO described her successor as “a profoundly ethical leader.”b. The CEO described her successor as “a profoundly ethical leader”.Correct answer: aExplanationTreatment of quotation marks varies from country to country. In the U.S., mas and periods should always be placed inside the closing quotation marks, however illogical it may seem in sentences such as the one above. (A question mark or exclamation point, on the other hand, should go inside the quotation marks when the quoted material is itself the question or exclamation, and outside when it is not.)4. In which of the following sentences does passive voice appear? a. The presentation was long.b. The book was missing a few pages.c. The deadline was missed.d. All of the above.Correct answer: cExplanationIn passive voice, the grammatical subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb. In addition, the verbs generally include a form of the verb to be along with a past participle. (The past participle in case your memories of seventh grade English have faded! is the form of a verb that would fit in the following blank: I have _. For a regular verb, such as to walk, the past tense and past participle are identical: walked. For irregular ones, they often differ. Consider the verb to write, for example, whose past tense is wrote, while the past participle is written.)The only example of passive voice appears in Answer c, where the subject, deadline, receives the action of the verb and the verbs are was missed (missed is the past participle). Answers a and b do not contain examples of passive voice. First, the subjects presentation and book, respectively do not receive the action of their verbs. Second, long in the first sentence is an adjective, not a past participle; missing in the second sentence is an example of a present participle and could not fit in the blank in I have _.Passive voice is a significant problem in business writing. Many businesspeople overuse it, and it can create unnecessarily wordy, convoluted structures. It isnt the universal evil some writing teachers would have people believe, but it is generally a good policy to keep passive voice to a minimum.5. Martha is one of the few people who _ how to operate the equipment. a. knowsb. knowCorrect answer: bExplanationMost people mistakenly choose the singular verb knows here, but the verb is actually the plural form, know. (Remember: although adding an s to a noun makes it plural, adding s to a verb makes it singular.) Does more than one person know how to operate the equipment? The answer is yes Martha is one of the multiple people who know how to operate it. Alternatively, you can think of the issue in more grammatical terms: the verb goes with who, so you have to figure out whether who is singular or plural. To decide that, figure out which word in the sentence who refers back to; that word will then determine whether who is singular or plural. Since who refers to people, which is plural, who requires a plural verb: know.6. The number of lawsuits _ increasing. a. areb. isCorrect answer: bExplanationDepending on the context, number can be singular or plural. If it is used in bination with the indefinite article a, it should generally appear with a plural verb. When used with the definite article the, however, number generally requires a singular verb. In the sentence above, the singular verb choice would be is.7. Which of these sentences is correct? a. Between you and I, I think this project has great potential.b. Between you and me, I think this project has great potential.Correct answer: bExplanationThe second sentence is correct because between is a preposition, and the pronouns you and me are objects of that preposition. I is a subject pronoun and cannot act as the object of a preposition. Between you and I would never be correct in any context; the phrase is always between you and me.8. Dont call Mark and _ until tomorrow. a. Ib. meCorrect answer: bExplanationCross off the words Mark and, so that you are left with:Dont call _ until tomorrow.You wouldnt write Dont call I, would you? The name in front of the pronoun has no effect on it, so no matter how many names you inserted between Mark and the pronoun, the correct form would still be me.9. Which of the following sentences is correct? a. Overe with homesickness, the analysts work suffered.b. Overe with homesickness, the analyst found it hard to concentrate on his work.c. Overe with homesickness, work was difficult for the analyst.Correct answer: bExplanationModifiers, including individual words as well as phrases such as overe with homesickness, should generally appear as close as possible to the words they modify. Since overe with sickness describes the noun analyst, analyst should appear right next to the phrase. Answer a is incorrect because analyst is turned into the possessive analysts, which has an adjectival function; grammatically, the phrase modifies the nearest noun, which is work. Answer c is also incorrect, because analyst is too far from the modifying phrase, and overe with sickness grammatically and incorrectly ends up modifying the noun work. The correct answer is the second one.10. Which of the following sentences is preferable? a. The play was confusing, offensive, and a bore.b. The play was confusing, offensive, and boring.Correct answer: bExplanationThe second sentence illustrates parallel grammatical structure. In the list of qualities associated with the play, all three confusing, offensive, and boring are adjectives. In the first sentence, the last item bore is a noun and therefore doesnt match the two adjectives that precede it. The second sentence is preferable, both grammatically and stylistically.V. Reading On page 7 there is a short article. You are going to read it to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. In sight of Shackletons landing place, our boat hit a rock. Even tourists /who like to visit sites of historic places /rarely land here/ and we could understand why. We left our boat, walking through the freezing water /to the shore. What Shackleton /and his men must have felt /doesnt bear thinking about. Yet /apparently/ they fell on the beach /where they had struggled to land in relief /and gratitude. A soft-eyed seal /and her baby /stared at us /as we walked up the beach /to the old campsite. Standing on the beach /which looked grey /and forbidding /we stared out /at the sea /that surrounded the camp/ on two sides. It must have seemed like a terribly unfair punishment /being forced to live/ on one of the coldest, most unfriendly places /on earth. No trees, no vegetables - only penguins /and seals to eat. It was no wonder that /Frank Wild, the kindest of men, describes “crying like a baby” /when he saw Shackleton return at last/ with the rescue party. VI. Copying expressionsin sight of, hit a rock, like to do, visit sites of historic places, walk through, bear doing, think about, fall on the beach, struggle to land, in relief, stare at, walk up, stand on, stare out, at the sea, surround the camp, on two sides, seem like, live on places, on earth, no wonder that, see sb. return, at last, with the rescue party VII. Closing down by saying a tongue twister Peter Piper Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,wheres the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

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