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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第1部分基础知识考点Module4SandstormsinAsia课时训练外研版必修.单句语法填空1Tom came up with a good idea to deal with the _ (pollute) water.2I think the answer is right but Im not _ (absolute) sure about it.3There is clear _ (evident) that the pany is losing money.4At present the government is taking some measures to _ (strength) the economy.5Dont let the children watch the _ (frighten) film.6The government has introduced _ (protect) for the local green agriculture.7Everyone _ (concern) in the incident was questioned by the police.8Its no use _ (plain) without taking any action.9It is _ fine weather that we all want to go out for a walk.10Our money is running out. We should cut _ expenses.11It took me a long time to take _ what you were saying.12. While _ (walk) the dog,it got loose and was hit by a car. 答案1.polluted2.absolutely3.evidence4strengthen5.frightening6.protection7.concerned8plaining9.such10.down11.in12.walking .单句改错1Its frightened to think how easily children can be hurt.2Caught by the rain on my way home,I had a bad cold.3Toms illness made impossible for us to finish the work on time.4When arrived,send me a telegram.5Some people have made their suggestions concerned the terms of the contract.6As an employee,I couldnt help but to stand still for hours as the boss told me to.7They urged that the library must be kept open during the vacation.8He had so little education that he cant teach so little children.答案1.frightenedfrightening2.byin3.made后加it4.arrivedarriving5.concernedconcerning6.去掉to7.mustshould或去掉must8.第二个sosuch.课文缩写语法填空Sandstorms have been a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries.Scientists have tried many ways 1._ (solve) this problem and in China,a mass campaign 2._ (start) to help solve it.Sandstorms are strong,dry winds that carry sand.They are often 3._ thick that you cant see the sun,and the wind is sometimes strong enough 4._ (move) sand dunes.Northwest China is part of the sandstorm center in Central Asia.Sandstorms begin 5._desert areas.Sandstorms sometimes affect Beijing.Citizens wake up to an orange sky and strong winds 6._ cover the city in a thick,brownyellow dust.The Chinese Central Weather Station can forecast a sandstorm some weeks 7._ it arrives in Beijing,but the 8._ (strong) of the storm sometimes surprised people.The desert is only 250 kilometers away to the west of Beijing.In order to prevent it 9._ (e) nearer,the government has planted more than 30 billion trees and plans 10._ (continue) planting for the next five years.答案1.to solve2.has been started3.so4.to move5in6.that7.before8.strength9ing10to continue.单元考点作文串记一、根据提示翻译句子1现如今,老师每天分发大量的试卷以至于孩子们没时间锻炼来增强体力。(give out,build up ones strength)_2家长担心他们的健康,一方面,他们抱怨孩子们的作业太多;另一方面,他们也希望孩子们能够考上大学。(be concerned about,plain)_3他们知道我们国家急需有知识的人。(in urgent need of)_4他们向政府呼吁减少作业量以便留出时间给孩子们锻炼。(appeal to,cut down,so that,set aside)_5只有这样他们的子女才能精力旺盛,更好地吸收领会所学的知识。(take in)_答案1.Nowadays teachers give out so many papers every day that children have no time to exercise to build up their strength.2Their parents are concerned about their health.On one hand,they plain that their children have so much work to do; on the other hand,they hope their children can be admitted into the college.3They know that our country is in urgent need of those who have much knowledge.4They appeal to the government to cut down the amount of homework so that time can be set aside for their children to exercise.5Only in this way can their children be full of energy and take in what they have learned much better.二、加上适当的过渡词,连句成篇【参考范文】Nowadays teachers give out so many papers every day that children have no time to exercise to build up their strength.Therefore,their parents are concerned about their health.On one hand,they plain that their children have so much work to do; on the other hand,they hope their children can be admitted into the college.They know that our country is in urgent need of those who have much knowledge.So they appeal to the government to cut down the amount of homework so that time can be set aside for their children to exercise.Only in this way can their children be full of energy and take in what they have learned much better.阅读理解Weather experts said this year could be one of the strongest El Nino events in recorded history.El Nino means severe weather conditions in parts of the world.In eastern Africa, for example, Kenya and Uganda are preparing for possible flooding.Yet South Africa and Malawi are already dealing with extremely dry weather.El Nino is Spanish for “the child”It usually begins in December, near the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.In fact, the weather event was named in his honor.El Nino develops when winds off the west coast of South America weaken.This permits warm water in the western Pacific to expand toward the east and the Americas.At the same time, clouds and rain over the warm water move east, too.El Nino conditions normally appear only about twice every 10 years.Usually, El Nino conditions continue for about 12 to 18 months.They bring warm weather to some areas.These areas bee wetter than normal, while others bee drier.The United Nations Childrens Fund warns that many people are at risk from hunger, disease and water shortages resulting from El Nino.In east and southern Africa up to 11 million children could be affected.East African countries usually experience heavy rainfall during the El Nino.Southern Africa usually has little rainfall, which may lead to wildfires or drought (干旱)Weather changes caused by El Nino depend on the strength of the condition.In the early 1980s, strong El Nino was linked to dry weather in Australia and Asia, rain and flooding in South America and high temperatures in many parts of the US.Ten years later, smaller El Nino caused trouble in parts of the US.It caused severe floods in the Southeast and the Middle West.Tom Di Leberto is a meteorologist (气象学家) at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Washington, DC.He said this year could be the third strongest El Nino on record.But we will not know for sure until all the weather records are examined.【语篇解读】本文是说明文,题材为科普环保类。气象专家表示今年可能经历有记录以来最为强烈的厄尔尼诺之一。1The author writes the text to tell us_Amany countries are preparing for the ing floodsBAfrica will probably suffer a lot from this years El NinoCthis year could be one of the strongest El Nino on recordD11 million children could be affected by this years El Nino答案C目的意图题。通读全文可知,本文主要向读者介绍气象专家表示今年可能经历有记录以来最为强烈的厄尔尼诺之一。2The second paragraph is mainly about_Awhat El Nino actually meansBhow El Nino es into beingCwhen El Nino will occur next timeDwhy El Nino causes weather changes答案B细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,本段主要向读者介绍厄尔尼诺现象是如何形成的。3Which of the following countries often suffers from flooding caused by El Nino?AKenya. BMalawi. CAustralia. DSouth Africa.答案A细节理解题。根据文章第一段In eastern Africa,for example,Kenya and Uganda are preparing for possible flooding及第三段East African countries usually experience heavy rainfall during the El Nino可知,东部非洲国家通常在厄尔尼诺期间遭受暴雨。肯尼亚和乌干达正在准备迎接可能到来的洪水。4The author mentioned the 1980s El Nino and the 1990s El Nino to_Aexplain why so many countries were affected by El NinoBprove weather changes caused by El Nino depend on its strengthCargue that El Nino conditions usually appear about twice every 10 yearsDshow scientists doubt whether this year will have the strongest El Nino答案B推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,厄尔尼诺导致的气候变化取决于该现象的强度。之后又举例说明了这一点,故选B。.阅读七选五Feeling both positive and negative emotions is a natural part of being human.We might use the word “negative” to describe difficult emotions, but it doesnt mean those emotions are bad or we shouldnt have them.Still, most people would probably rather feel a positive emotion than a negative one._1_What matters is how our emotions are balancedhow much of each type of emotion, positive or negative, we experience.Negative emotions warn us of threats or challenges that we may need to deal with.For example, fear can make us aware of possible danger._2_Angry feelings warn us that someone is stepping on our toes, crossing a boundary, or losing our trust.Anger can be a signal that we might need to act on our own behalf.Negative emotions focus our awareness._3_ But too many negative emotions can make us feel anxious, exhausted, or stressed out.When negative emotions are out of balance, problems might seem too big to handle.Positive emotions balance out negative ones, and they have other powerful benefits, too.Instead of narrowing our focus like negative emotions do, positive emotions affect our brains in ways that increase our awareness, attention, and memory.They help us take in more information and hold several ideas in mind at once._4_When positive emotions open us up to new possibilities, we are more able to learn and build on our skills._5_AWhat helps you feel confident?BThat leads to doing better on tasks and tests.CIts a signal that we might need to protect ourselves.DThey help us focus on a problem so we can deal with it.EFor example, its likely youd prefer to feel happy instead of sad.FAnd they then make us understand how different ideas relate to each other.GPay attention to these powerful tools and find ways to make time for them.【语篇解读】本文是议论文。文章论述了消极情绪和积极情绪的作用。1EE项是对上文most people would probably rather feel a positive emotion than a negative one的举例说明。2CC项与上文的fear can make us aware of possible danger相呼应。3DD项是对上文Negative emotions focus our awareness的进一步说明。4FF项与上文的hold several ideas in mind at once相呼应。5BB项中的That指代上文的learn and build on our skills,说明积极情绪的好处。.语法填空Two or three times a week, Miss Martha had a customer in _1_she began to take an interest.He was a middleaged man _2_glasses and a brown beard.He spoke English with a strong German accent.His clothes were worn, but he looked neat and had very good manners.He always _3_(buy) two loaves of stale bread.He never asked for anything but stale bread; it cost a lot _4_(little) than fresh bread.Once Miss Martha noticed a red and brown stain on _5_(he) finger.She was sure that he was an artist and very poor.Often when having her evening meal, Miss Martha would sigh and wish the artist might share her food instead of _6_(eat) his dry bread.One day the customer came in as usual and asked for his stale bread.As a sudden noise made him hurry to the door, Miss Martha inserted _7_generous quantity of butter into the loaves and put them into a paper bag.It turned out _8_the stale bread was used to rub out the pencil _9_(line) in the mans drawing of a new city hall.And Miss Marthas kindness _10_(plete) ruined the artists work.答案1.whom考查关系词。“介词关系代词”引导定语从句修饰customer,故填whom。2with考查介词。根据设空处后面的glasses和a brown beard可知需填介词with(带着,留着)。3bought考查一般过去时。由上下文可知应用一般过去时,故填bought。4less考查副词的比较级。根据设空处后面的than可知应用比较级,故填less。5his考查代词。根据设空处后面的finger可知应用形容词性物主代词,故填his。6eating考查动词ing形式作宾语的用法。instead of是复合介词,其后用动词ing形式作宾语。7a考查不定冠词。a quantity of意为“许多”。8that考查连接词。设空处引导主语从句且从句意义及成分均完整,故填that。9lines考查名词。图画中有很多铅笔画的线,故填line的复数形式。10pletely考查副词。设空处修饰动词ruined,故填pletely。

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