2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》教案15 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》教案15 新人教版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5Nelson Mandela-a modern hero教案15 新人教版必修1授课对象高一学生人 数48人时 间40分钟授课内容Warning-up, pre-reading and talking(Workbook P69)教具准备puter, projector, some slides教学环境Classroom teaching, multi-media teaching教学重点1. Talk about peoples qualities2. To enable Ss to use the expressinos in the functinal item proficiently教学难点How to improve the students speaking ability 教学目标 认知1-1 Talk about great people and their qualities 1-2 Pratice asking for opioions and give opinions情感2-1 Learn about great men and follow their examples2-2 Students can take an active part in the class activities技能3-1 Cultivate students creativity and independent thinking ability3-2 Cultivate students ability to cooperate with others when doing pair or group workTeaching Procedures时间分配教师活动学生活动教学工具的使用2minutes5minutes3minutes8minutes10minutes10minutes2minutesStep 1 Greetings and revision1.Greet the whole class as usual.2.Check the homework.Step 2 Lead-inAsk the Ss the following questions: (Boys and girls, this morning well take up Unit 5 in which well learn to describe people.Now lets discuss people around us first.)1. Who do you think is the most important student in your class? 2. Can you use some adjectives to describe him/her?(Teacher writes down Ss answers on the Bb.)3. Can we say he/she is a great person?Why?Step 3 Warming up 1. Show the words box containing different adjctives to the Ss by PPT on the screen .Ask them to pick out the adjectives used to describe great people. 2. Discuss in pairs: What qualities does a great person have? Do all famous people great? What are the differences between the famous people and the great men?Step 4 Pre-reading 1. Show the Ss some pictures by PPT on the screen. Ask Ss to name the people in the pictures and say something they know about them.2. Introduce the famous people in the pictures one by one. 3. Ask Ss to discuss the following questions: Which of these famous people do you think are great men? Which are not?Why?Can you list some famous people who you dont think are great men? (Like:Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Zhou Jie-lun)Step 5 Talking 1.In groups of four, let students talk about their heroes.Use the questions on P69 as guide. During the group discussion,Ss should remember to use the expressions on P39.2.After the discussion, ask some representatives to report their teammates heroes to the whole class. Step 6 Summary and homework1.Today we reviewed some adjctives to describe both mon people and the great men. We got to know the qulities that great men have and we learned more about a great person William Tyndale who wrote the Bible in English and died for his ideas.A great person need not be famous .Whoever has given up something (like time or money or even life) can be called a great person .Not everyone can be great person but everyone should learn from those great men and make more contribution to society.2.Preview the new words and the reading part.Greet the teacherAnswer the questionBrainstorm as many adjectives as possibleLook at the words box carefully Have a pair discussionName these famous people and try to say something about them.Group workBrainstorm the answers to take an active part in the discussionTry to sum up the knowledge learned in this periodKnow their task BlachboardPowerpointPowerpoint课后记录与反思Appendix:Adjectives to describe people:mon:hard-working, talkative, easy-going, honest, kind, smart Great:determined, devoted, generous, selfless, braveFamous people and great men:Famous:Neil Armstrong, Bill Clinton, Bill GatesGreat:William Tyndale, Norman Bethune, Nelson Mandela1. The layout of Bb What qualities make a great person?2. The slides used in teaching procedure

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