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2019-2020年高中英语周末培优第06周Unit3Lifeinthefuture2含解析新人教版.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)1. A fast-developing China has made a great _ on the foreign guests.A. expressionB. emotionC. impressionD. instance【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。根据句意“快速发展的中国给外国客人留下了深刻的印象(impression印象)。”可知C项符合句意;expression表情,表示;emotion情感,情绪;instance情况,例子,实例。故选C。 2. Mary worked here as a secretary and ended up getting a full-time job with the pany. A. pessimisticB. temporaryC. previousD. cautious【答案】B3. Some insects the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves. A. take inB. take offC. take onD. take out【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语。句意:有些昆虫为了自我保护会随着周围环境改变自身颜色。take on a .colour呈现颜色。take in(吸收,欺骗), take off(脱衣,起飞,成功)和 take out(掏出,取出)均不合题意。4. Those who know how to_ others can naturally lead a happy life.A. approveB. tolerateC. exchangeD. contain【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。approve批准,赞成;tolerate容忍,包容;exchange交换;contain包含,包括。句意:那些知道如何包容他人的人能自然地过着快乐的生活。故选B。5. _ confidence resulted in his failure in the interview.A. A Lack ofB. Lack forC. Lacking ofD. Being lacked【答案】A【解析】考查名词搭配。句意:缺乏自信导致他面试失败。lack可以作名词,a lack of意为“缺乏”。也可以作动词,动词后面可以搭配in或for,不能搭配of,C是错的,B项应该用动名词,D项不能用被动。故选A。6. The Australia state of Victoria will _a “zero tolerance” policy towards drunken drivers.A. absorbB. adoptC. adjustD. adapt【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:澳大利亚维多利亚州将采取对酒驾司机的零容忍政策。A. absorb吸收;B. adopt采纳,收养;C. adjust调整,调节;D. adapt适应,改编。故选B。7. We are tired of the boring topic. Why not _ it to an interesting one?A. deliverB. switchC. connectD. direct【答案】B【解析】考查动词。句意:我们讨厌这个令人厌烦的主题,为何不换一个有趣的呢?switch.to. “把换成”。8. Tom was to miss the early bus because he got up late.A. possibleB. probableC. likelyD. maybe【答案】C9. The reason he was late for the meeting was he was held up by traffic jam during the rush hour.A. why; becauseB. that; thatC. why; thatD. that; because【答案】C【解析】考查定语从句和名词性从句。句意:他开会迟到的原因是他在交通高峰时刻被交通堵塞耽搁了。当the reason作先行词且定语从句缺少原因状语时,因此第一空填why;第二空为表语从句,且意思和结构完整,因此第二空填that,故选C。10. The Eagles went home because they did not win the tournament.A. angrily and bitterlyB. angrily and bitterC. angry and bitterlyD. angry and bitter【答案】D【解析】考查形容词作状语。英语中,形容词可位于主谓结构之前或之后作状语,说明主语所处的状态或具有的特征,故选D项。11. The police had to employ force _ the crowd got out of control.A. the instantB.at the instantC.in an instantD. for an instant【答案】A【解析】考查连词短语。句意:人群一旦失控,警察不得不动用武力。the instant 是连词短语,意为“一就”;at the instant在那个瞬间;in an instant很快;for an instant一会儿。故选A。12. The main reason for which they cannot learn English well is that they cannot see the importance of it. That is, they lack_ to do it.A. inspirationB. motivationC. regulationD. cooperation【答案】B13. At the foot of the mountain .A. a village liesB. is lying a villageC. does a village lieD. lies a village【答案】D【解析】考查倒装和时态。句意:在山脚下有一个村庄。表示地点的介词短语位于句首时,句子的主谓结构使用完全倒装语序,故排除A、C两项;根据句意可知此处为客观事实,应用一般现在时,故选D。14. Peter will _ his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month.A. take up B. put up C. add up D. break up【答案】A 【解析】句意:Peter在这个月底将从事旅行社负责人的职位。take up拿起,开始从事;put up举起;搭建;add up加起来;break up结束;分解。根据句意可知选A。15.(xx北京)Jim has retired, but he still remember the happy time _ with his students.A. to spend B. spend C. spending D. spent 【答案】D. 阅读理解(每小题2.5分,共20分)Oh my God, the robots are taking over! Were doomed! Doomed! Now that Ive gotten that out of my system, its bee clear that while we may or may not be doomed, the robots are taking over. The latest example is the governments new guidelines for self-driving cars.Tesla, Google and Uber are already testing driverless cars in cities across America. Uber chief executive Travis Kalanick is among those predicting that by 2021, self-driving cars will play a big part in urban settings.Nearly 40,000 people died last year in this nation in automobile-related accidents, and we believes driverless cars can save tens of thousands of lives annually.Makes sense. Robot drivers are less likely to get drunk, drive without a license, text while driving or feel agitated at the scene of a pileup. On the other hand, I wonder how these highly sensitive cars will react, with walkers constantly dashing into the street. Will they jam on the brakes every 10 seconds?But theres a bigger picture. Not only are robots replacing humans behind the wheel, but behind the work desk, in warehouses, senior homes, you name it. Robots arent just taking over in the workplace.The question is, where cant a robot function better than a human? How about writing songs? A robot can go through every bination of notes in record time and e up with a pleasing melody. The lyrics might be a different story. Is a Grammy-winning song co-written by Hank Human and R-3071 in our future?Finally, its only a matter of time until we have robot politicians and presidential candidates. Why not? They can be programmed to be experts in world and domestic affairs and e up with the best solutions without corruption and bad humors.Actually, its too bad such technology isnt available in xx. Pretty sure the robot would win in a landslide.1. What does the underlined word “agitated” mean?A. TiredB. CautiousC. CarefulD. Anxious2. What doubt does the writer have about self-driving cars?A. How passengers behave in it.B. How robot drivers get the licenseC. How they avoid crashing into other carD. How they respond to walkers on a busy street3. The last questions asked in the sixth paragraph reflects the writers .A. confidence in robots, winning Grammy AwardsB. eagerness to listen to songs written by robotsC. doubt about robots ability to write songsD. curiosity about the future Grammy songs4. What might be the most suitable title for the text?A. Robots will control the world in every fieldB. Robots are ing but not soon enoughC. Robots are being used in our daily lifeD. Robots can drive cars and write music【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。作者讲述无人驾驶的汽车和机器人等现代科学技术,从而联想到未来机器人将会代替人类做好一切,并发表了自己的观点。3. A【解析】推理判断题。根据上一段最后一句Robots arent just taking over in the workplace.可推断,第六段作者用问句讲述机器人将要接管人类。由前文对于机器人谱曲写歌的描述:机器人可以很快完成每一个音符的组合,谱写出令人愉悦的旋律可推断最后的问句“在未来获得格莱美奖的歌曲是Hank Human和机器人R-3071合作的吗?”是以问句的形式表明作者相信机器人未来会赢得格莱美奖。故选A。4. B【解析】标题判断题。根据第一段首句Oh my God, the robots are taking over!和最后一段Actually, its too bad such technology isnt available in xx. Pretty sure the robot would win in a landslide.可推断,文章主要讲述机器人时代将要来临但是还没有到来,因此推断B项“机器人将要来到但还不足够快”为最佳标题。故选B。BOur environment isnt as green and beautiful as it should be. There are steel(钢铁) monsters blocking out the sun, blowing out dangerous smoke, and letting out poisonous chemicals into rivers, cars producing harmful waste gas, people throwing out waste in a wrong way and all other kinds of sources that ruin the planet. Facing current environmental problems, people need to do their best to save the earth.You can see many big garbage dustbins in the streets. Theyre not there for a show, but for you to drop your waste. We should realize that what we do does count. So next time you get that urge to throw gum or a chocolate package out of the car window, or “accidentally” drop as you walk down the street, ask yourself how much waste youve been contributing to the environment with that bad habit going on for years.At home, the first thing we can do to protect the environment is avoid letting water run continuously and make sure that taps(水龙头) are not leaky(漏的), which would help greatly in scrimping(节省). Another is to use energy-saving lights, and turn them off before you leave the rooms. It is not only energy-saving, but also cuts down electricity costs.Recycling is a method to make items reusable. Many things you want to throw out can be made into new products through the reproducing process. Use your imagination to e up with ways on things that you can use again.Pass the message of simple ways to save the environment on to kids. Starting with kids is a good way of teaching the message early in their lives, in the hope that they can carry it forward as they grow older.With environmental protection awareness in mind, we can do what we can, for the results are to have a big effect on the planet. As long as we do our part, the world is one small step closer to being saved.5. In the first paragraph the author uses “steel monsters” to describe_.A. huge buildingsB. high mountainsC. big factoriesD. characters in fairy stories6. From the fifth paragraph, we can know that _.A. protecting the environment begins with small choresB. protecting the environment should start from childhood.C. wonderful life es from environmental protectionD. protecting the environment benefits the country and the people7. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The more people do their part, the greener the environment will be.B. Selling what you dont want any more is a kind of recycling.C. To protect the environment may help you save some money.D. Your bad habits for the environment are a valuable contribution.8. The passage is mainly about_.A. the use of garbage dustbinsB. how to save water and electricityC. how to save the environmentD. our current environmental problems【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一些如何保护环境的方法。5. C【解析】词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“blocking out the sun, blowing out dangerous smoke, and letting out poisonous chemicals into rivers,”可知,steel monsters遮挡太阳、排出有害气体并将有毒的化学物质排入河流,由此可知,steel monsters指的就是大工厂,故C项正确。. 完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)For me, two of the loveliest words in English are “Life persists”.I1them years ago as a college student, sitting in the library, 2, working on a paper. Out of nowhere , those words came 3off the page in a quote: “In the midst of death life persists, in the midst of 4truth persists, in the midst of darkness light persists.”Suddenly I wasnt unhappy and impatient any more. Then I 5my granddad. I loved to talk with him. And I was 6to hear what hed think of it. He had poor hearing, so I had to 7it a few times, but once he 8it, he laughed. “All I can say to that is totally 9,”he said on the phone. I told him how glad I was, after a long winter, to finally see spring and 10to find that quote. “Why is that?” he asked. Well, spring is a sure 11that life persists. And it just makes me 12. ”He laughed again, and then in his 13voice, he recited for me his 14“spring time” words: “The desert shall rejoice(高兴),and 15as the rose doesEven with joy and singing.”Many years later. 16my husband and I drove across a desert with many wildflowers and blooming cactuses(仙人掌), I could 17hear my granddad laughing: “The desert shall rejoice.Life persists, and so do we, in the silence of 18and the blooming of cactuses; and in the dead of19and the green of spring. Spring 20us that were alive forever.1. A. looked forB. came acrossC. picked outD. made up2. A. boredB. worriedC. tiredD. confused3. A. runningB. dancingC. rushing.D. moving4. A. fearB. doubtC. terrorD. lie5. A. calledB. visitedC. consultedD. informed6. A. patientB. confidentC. upsetD. desperate7. A. copyB. printC. repeatD. recite8. A. gotB. madeC. undertookD. managed9. A. puzzlementB. excitementC. agreementD. amusement10. A. practicallyB. especiallyC. obviouslyD. naturally11. A. wayB. inspirationC. markD. sign12. A. nervousB. energeticC. merryD. alive13. A. lovelyB. calmC. coldD. high14. A. impressiveB. superbC. classicalD. favorite15. A. existB. flowerC. surviveD. sow16. A. afterB. whenC. untilD. although17. A. hardlyB. alwaysC. almostD. mostly18. A. journeysB. wordsC. worldD. desert19. A. winterB. springC. summerD. autumn20. A. convincesB. ensuresC. remindsD. strikes【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,讲述的是作者有感于春天的活力,偶然读到的一段话联想到生命的意义与坚持。生命长存于寂静沙漠的植物中,长存于冬去春来的绿意中。3B考查动词辨析。A. running跑;B. dancing跳舞;C. rushing冲;D. moving移动。莫名其妙地,这两个词从书页上的引语中跃入作者的眼帘,dancing形象生动地描述了这两个词所富含的美好活力以及作者遇它们的偶然性。故选B。4D考查名词辨析。A. fear恐惧;B. doubt怀疑;C. terror恐怖;D. lie谎言。在死亡中,生命依然坚持;在谎言中,真理依然长存;在黑暗中,光明依然永驻。根据语境,故选D。5A考查动词辨析。A. called打电话;B. visited 拜访;C. consulted咨询;D. informed告知。根据空格9后面提到的“on the phone”可知,作者给爷爷打电话,故选A。8A考查动词辨析。A. got得到;B. made使;让;C. undertook承担;着手做;D. managed管理;经营。但是一旦作者的爷爷明白了,他就笑了起来。got it明白;理解;make it获得成功;准时到达。故选A。9C考查名词辨析。A. puzzlement迷惑;B. excitement激动;C. agreement协议;D. amusement消遣;娱乐。根据上文的“laugh和下一段中作者爷爷所背诵的语句与该句话的主题的一致性可知,作者的爷爷对这句话所表达的主题是完全同意的。故选C。10B考查副词辨析。A. practically实际上;B. especially特别;C. obviously显而易见地;D. naturally自然地。作者吿诉爷爷她在漫长的冬天过后,最终看到春天,特别是偶然发现这句引语,自己是有多么高兴。故选B。11D考查名词辨析。A. way方法;B. inspiration灵感;C. mark标致;D. sign迹象。春天肯定是一个生命长存的迹象。故选D。12C考查形容词辨析。A. nervous紧张的;B. energetic精力充沛的;C. merry愉快的;D. alive活着的;有生气的。根据上文“I wasnt unhappy”和下文rejoice(高兴)“joy”及文章主题可知,这句话讲的是作者感到开心。故选C。13A考查形容词辨析。A. lovely可爱的;令人愉快的;B. calm平静的;C. cold冷淡的;D. high高的。作者的爷爷又笑了笑,然后用他那悦耳的嗓音为作者背诵了他最喜欢的语句。根根据语境可知,作者和爷爷都很高兴,因此爷爷的声音也是悦耳动听的。故选A。14D考查形容词辨析。A. impressive给人印象深刻的;B. superb极好的;C. classical古典的;D. favorite最喜欢的。参见上题解析,爷爷用他那悦耳的嗓音为作者背诵了他最喜欢的语句。故选D。15B考查动词辨析。A. exist存在;B. flower开花;C. survive幸存;D. sow播种。根据空后的“as the rose does”可知,沙漠应该高兴,像玫瑰一样盛开,快乐的歌唱。故选B。16B考查连词辨析。A. after在以后;B. when当的时候;C. until直到;D. although尽管。多年后,当作者和丈夫驱车穿越一个有很多野花和盛开的仙人掌的沙漠时,她似乎又听到了爷爷笑着说“沙漠应该高兴”。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导时间状语从句,故选B。17C考查副词辨析。A. hardly几乎不;B. always总是;C. almost几乎;D. mostly通常;主要地。解析同上。多年后,当作者和丈夫驱车穿越一个有很多野花和盛开的仙人掌的沙漠时,她几乎又听到了爷爷笑着说“沙漠应该高兴”。故选C。20CA. convinces使相信;B. ensures保证;确保;C. reminds提醒;D. strikes打击。春天提醒我们,我们永远充满活力。故选C。. 短文改错(每处错误0.5分,共5分)For many people, music has always been part of life, and they listen to music on radio, on iPod and on Internet. As is vividly showing in the picture, the music fan is trying to download songs he enjoys. But the website requires payment first every time he wanted to download something, that annoys him. How he wishes the music is all free!Many people are used to free music being downloaded from the Internet without realizing they have done harm for others right. Music artists work very hardly to pose music. If not paid, he will lose enthusiasm to go ahead, and gradually we will find beautiful musics nowhere.For many people, music has always been part of life, and they listen to music on radio, on iPod and on Internet. As is vividly in the picture, the music fan is trying to download songs he enjoys. But the website requires payment first every time he to download something, annoys him. How he wishes the music all free!Many people are used to free music being downloaded from the Internet without realizing they have done harm others right. Music artists work very to pose music. If not paid, will lose enthusiasm to go ahead, and gradually we will find beautiful nowhere.【解析】第一处:Internet是独一无二的的事物,前面需要用定冠词the。故Internet前加the。第二处:句意:如图所示,一位音乐发烧友正试图下载他喜欢的歌曲。as引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,指代主句内容,与从句的谓语show之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态。故showing改为showed或shown。第六处:此句中are used to的宾语是free music,后面跟过去分词短语downloaded from the Internet作定语,不表示正在进行。故去掉being。第七处:do harm to是固定搭配,指“对某人或某物造成伤害”。故for改为to。第八处:此处指“努力工作”,用副词hard修饰动词work,而hardly是“几乎不”的意思。故hardly改为hard。第九处:此处的主语指代前面提到的“Music artists”,所以应该用复数形式。故he改为they。第十处:music是不可数名词。不能使用所谓的复数形式。故musics改为music。

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