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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习精选提分专练第一周星期四人物传记类(I)单词识记:honor humorousinspire intelligenceoutstanding personality ambitious backgroundpossess retire sacrifice volunteerwarmhearted prove qualification independenthonest contemporary educated coincidence短语扫描:be honored as 被誉为be active in 积极从事于be skilled in在方面熟练be admitted into.考上do well in 在方面做得好dream of梦想admire sb./sth.for sth.因某事而羡慕某人/物learn from 向学习make great contributions to 对做出巨大贡献think highly/well of 对高度评价 跟踪训练.语境填词1.I feel deeply (honor) to have the opportunity to meet with you.2.She was one of the most (inspire) people Ive ever met.3. (person) arises from within and makes us who we are.4.Its important to answer her questions as (honest) as you can.5.The (educate) middle class led the move towards independence.单项填空6.They gave money to the old peoples home either or through their panies.(xx安徽,31)A.legally B.sincerelyC.personally D.deliberately7.Leaving a promising career is just one of the which my mother made for my family as we moved around the worldA.programs B.sacrificesC.contributions D.cooperation8.It is pure that Richard and Julia have e up with the same approaches to the problem.A.coincidence B.incidentC.dilemma D.occasion9.I think whoever makes contributions to the pany than the others should get ine.A.greater;a highestB.more greater;a higherC.greater;the highestD.more greater;the higher10.Jenny was to hospital with a soaring temperature this morning.Really?Ill go to see her this evening.A.admitted B.submittedC.distributed D.sentenced.完形填空Leonardo was born with an undeveloped left hand.He couldnt use his left hand for 1 tasks like grasping objects. 2 ,an incident during his childhood aroused his 3 in building things.A few years later,he built his first prosthetic hand (假手).Although it allowed him to grasp objects,it was not as good as he 4 .While researching online,he found a foundation that provided prostheses for 5 kids.He got in touch with the foundation and 6 one.Unfortunately,it was too large for him to use 7 .Despite many difficulties,Leonardo never 8 his dream.He decided to create his own robotic hand. 9 by the given one,he designed his own robotic hand which 10 strings that pick up the 11 of his wrist and transmit them to the fingers.After countless 12 ,Leonardo finally had an advanced hand that exactly 13 him,which makes him do things that he 14 dreamed of.And best of all,while advanced bionic(仿生的) hands end up costing around 15,000,he only spent 100 on his.Its a great 15 for anyone who cant 16 to spend tens of thousands of dollars.Leonardos amazing story has already made him 17 in some other countries,and he has even received several 18 for robotic hands.He built one for a 7yearold girl,but usually he 19 mercially available models,because his is not as strong as he would like.He also decides to 20 himself to building advanced robotic prostheses.1.A.basic Bplex C.dangerous D.honorable2.A.Instead B.HoweverC.Besides D.Therefore3.A.conscience B.admirationC.interest D.suspicion4.A.expected B.advertisedC.promised D.designed5.A.disorganized B.homelessC.careless D.disabled6.A.promoted B.donatedC.collected D.received7.A.properly B.frequentlyC.naturally Dpletely8.A.let out B.held downC.gave up D.drove off9.A.Persuaded B.InspiredC.Challenged D.Trained10.A.made up B.put asideC.took over D.depended on11.A.angles B.musclesC.movements D.structures12.A.doubts B.effortsC.achievements Dpetitions13.A.impresses B.puzzlesC.amazes D.fits14.A.previously B.directlyC.casually D.gradually15.A.treatment B.experimentC.option D.right16.A.offer B.affordC.determine D.prepare17.A.confident B.famousC.generous D.sociable18.A.reasons B.preferencesC.requests D.substitutes19.A.remends B.resistsC.replaces D.represents20.A.reduce B.adjustC.limit D.devote.阅读理解The word proactivity is fairly mon in management literature,but you wont find it in the dictionary.It means that as a human being you take responsibility for your own life.Look at the word responsibility:ability to choose your response,responseability.Effective people are proactive because they take responsibility.Their behaviour is a product of their own decisions,based on values,rather than being a product of their own conditions,based on feelings.For instance,you are planning a picnic with your family.Youre excited.You have all the preparations.Youve decided where to go,and then it bees stormy,killing your plan.Proactive people carry weather within them.They realize what their purpose really was,and they creatively have a picnic elsewhere even if its in their own basement with some special games,and make the best of that situation.The opposite of being proactive is to be reactive.Reactive people would say,“Whats the use?” “We cant do anything.” “Oh,this is so upsetting after all of our preparations and arrangements.” They try to persuade the people around them and usually the picnic will be cancelled.Being proactive is really just being true to your human nature.Your basic nature is to act,and not to be acted upon.Thats true,despite widely accepted theories of determinism used to explain human nature.Determinism says that you dont really choose anything and that what you call choices are nothing more than automatic responses to outside conditions.The language of reactive people is like:“I cant.” “Dont have time.” “I have to.” “I must.” The whole spirit of that language is the transfer of responsibility.They think things are determined by their environment,or by their conditions,or by their conditioning or their genetic makeup.Psychologically,people who believe they are determined will produce the evidence to support the belief,and they increasingly feel victimized and out of control.Theyre not in charge of their life at all.On the contrary,a proactive person exercises the free will,the freedom to choose the response that best applies to his values.In that way,he gains control over the circumstances,rather than being controlled by them.21.According to the passage,a proactive persons behaviour can result from .A.the environmentB.an inner beliefC.the genetic makeupD.a temporary feeling22.When a picnic plan is threatened by a sudden storm,reactive people will probably .A.have the picnic as plannedB.make the best of the picnicCplain and give up the picnicD.find somewhere else for the picnic23.What does “carry weather within them” in the second paragraph probably mean?A.Manage to improve the weather.B.Give in to the weather passively.C.Stress the influence of the weather.D.Find a solution to the weather problems.24.It can be concluded from the passage that determinists .A.accept things passivelyB.are in charge of themselvesC.are similar to proactive peopleD.respond to outside conditions actively答案精析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练.1.honored2.inspiring3.Personality4.honestly5.educated.6.C考查副词辨析。句意为:他们或者亲自或者通过他们的公司给敬老院送钱。legally合法地,法律上;sincerely真诚地,由衷地,诚恳地;personally亲自,当面,个别地,就自己而言;deliberately故意地,谨慎地,慎重地。根据through their panies可知personally为正确答案。7.B因为我们要不停地搬家,所以母亲常常要离开自己很有前途的工作。这是她为这个家所做的牺牲之一。program节目;sacrifice牺牲;contribution贡献;cooperation合作。8.A句意为:这纯粹是巧合,Richard和Julia提出了解决这个问题的同一个方法。coincidence巧合;incident小事,事变;dilemma困境;occasion场合。故选A。9.Cmore不可修饰比较级,排除B、D两项。greater.than the others是用比较级形式表示最高级意义,后面也用最高级,且最高级前要用定冠词the。10.A句意为:珍妮因为今天早上发高烧而被送进了医院。真的吗?今晚我要去看她。admit接收;submit提交;distribute分配;sentence判处。由句意可知选A项。知识运用与阅读能力专练.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。Leonardo先天性左手发育不全,但是童年的一件事情引起了他对制作东西的兴趣。他不仅成功地制作出了适合自己的假手,而且为其他有需要的人带来了福音。1.A根据上文的“Leonardo was born with an undeveloped left hand”和下文的“tasks like grasping objects”可知,Leonardo先天性左手发育不全,他不能用他的左手做像抓取物体这样最基本的工作。basic简单的,基本的,符合语境。plex复杂的;dangerous危险的;honorable可敬的,体面的。2.B然而,童年的一件事情引起了他对制作东西的兴趣。however然而,但是,符合语境。instead代替,而不是;besides此外,而且;therefore因此。3.C参见上题解析。arouse ones interest in引起某人对的兴趣,为固定用法。conscience良心,良知;admiration钦佩,赞赏;suspicion怀疑。4.A根据上文的“Although it allowed him to grasp objects,it was not as good as he”可知,虽然这只假手能够让他抓取物体,但是它并没有他预想得那么好。expect预期,预料,符合语境。advertise宣传;promise承诺,允诺;design设计。5.D根据语境可知,这个基金会为残疾的孩子们提供假肢。disabled有残疾的,丧失能力的,符合语境。disorganized计划不周的,缺乏组织的;homeless无家可归的;careless粗心的。6.D根据上文的“He got in touch with the foundation”和下文的“Unfortunately,it was too large for him to use”可知,Leonardo联系上了这个基金会并得到了一只假手。receive收到,得到,符合语境。promote促销,晋升;donate捐赠,捐献;collect收集。7.A根据上文的“Unfortunately,it was too large for him to use”可知,不幸的是,对于他来说这只假手太大而不能被恰当地使用。properly恰当地,正确地,符合语境。frequently经常,频繁地;naturally自然而然地;pletely完全地。8.C根据上文的“Despite many difficulties”和下文的内容可知,尽管有很多困难,Leonardo从未放弃自己的梦想。give up放弃,符合语境。let out泄露,释放;hold down保住(工作、职位),限制;drive off击退,赶走,驱车离去。9.B根据语境可知,受到收到的这只假手的启发,Leonardo设计了自己的机械手。inspire启发,激励,符合语境。persuade劝说,说服;challenge向挑战。10.D根据上下文语境,尤其是下文的“that pick up the of his wrist and transmit them to the fingers”可知,Leonardo所设计的机械手依靠的是(能够)感应手腕的活动并把这些活动传递给手指的绳子。depend on依靠,依赖,符合语境。make up编造,化妆;put aside把搁置一边;take over接收,接管。11.C参见上题解析。movement活动,运动,符合语境。12.B根据下文的“Leonardo finally had an advanced hand.”可知,经过不懈努力,Leonardo终于拥有了一只高级假手。effort努力,尝试,符合语境。doubt怀疑;achievement成就,成绩;petition比赛。13.D根据下文的“which makes him do things that he dreamed of”可知,Leonardo终于拥有了一只完全适合他的高级假手。fit适合,符合语境。14.A根据语境可知,这只高级假手可以让Leonardo做他之前梦想做的事情。previously之前地,先前地,符合语境。directly直接地;casually随意地;gradually逐渐地,渐渐地。15.C根据上文的“And best of all,while advanced bionic(仿生的) hands end up costing around 15,000,he only spent 100 on his.”可知,高级的仿生假手需要花费15 000美元左右,而Leonardo设计的假手只需要花费100美元,这对那些(需要假手但)拿不出数万美元的人来说是一个很棒的选择。option选择,可供选择的事物,符合语境。treatment治疗,疗法;experiment实验;right权利。16.B参见上题解析。afford买得起,符合语境。17.B根据语境,尤其是下文的“in some other countries”可知,此处指Leonardo的惊人故事已经让他在其他一些国家享有盛名。famous出名的,著名的,符合语境。confident自信的;generous慷慨的;sociable好交际的。18.C根据下文的“He built one for a 7yearold girl”可知,Leonardo甚至接到了几个想要他制作的假手的请求。request要求,请求,符合语境。reason原因;preference偏爱的事物;substitute替代品。19.A根据句中的转折连词but和下文的“because his is not as strong as he would like”可知,由于Leonardo制作的假手还没有像他想要的那样强壮,所以他通常推荐(其他)可用的商业性假手。remend推荐,建议,符合语境。20.D根据语境可知,Leonardo决定也投身于制作高级机械假肢的事业。devote oneself to doing sth.投身于,致力于,为固定用法,符合语境。reduce oneself to doing sth.使某人陷入(更坏的)境地,使某人沦落;adjust oneself to doing sth.使某人适应,使某人习惯;limit oneself to doing sth.限制某人。.语篇解读本文是一篇议论文。你想知道积极做事者和消极做事者的不同吗?本文结合实际从两者的思维方式、价值取向、心理特征等方面对两者的行为特征进行描述、对比,并给我们做了分析和解释。21.B推理判断题。根据第二段第三句“Their behaviour is a product of their own decisions,based on values,rather than being a product of their own conditions,based on feelings.”可知,做事主动者的行为是他们基于价值观所做出的决定。这里的their指代的是proactive peoples。22.C细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句“Reactive people would say.usually the picnic will be cancelled.”可知,消极被动的人通常会先抱怨这种情况,然后取消野餐。23.D词义猜测题。画线词前面提到了遇到的天气问题,后句说到野餐会如期进行,故这句话暗示了积极主动的人会积极地解决出现的问题。24.A细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Determinism says that you dont really choose anything and that what you call choices are nothing more than automatic responses to outside conditions.”可知,决定论者认为任何事情都是无法预料和控制的,人所做出的所谓的选择仅仅是对外界的一种自动反应,人们只能被动地接受外界事物。

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