2019-2020年高中英语 Unit27 回老友函书信通.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit27 回老友函书信通March 10, xxDear Robert,Thank you for your recent letter. Im sorry I couldnt reply sooner. Ive been really busy at work. Sometimes it seems like I hardly have time to breathe. But my pany is expanding, so theres a lot to do. petition is fierce, too, so Im afraid to relax for fear of losing ground.Theres not really much I can add. As I said, Ive been busy working, so I havent had time for anything else. I would love to take a vacation, but Id worry too much about my business to really enjoy it. Lets keep in touch. Its always good to hear from old friends. I promise to write back, even if it takes me a while.Sincerely yours,Terry Harris亲爱的罗勃特:谢谢你的来信。很抱歉我没有及时回信。我一直非常忙着工作。有时候似乎就像没有时间呼吸了。但因我的公司正在扩充之中,所以有许多事要做。此外,因为竞争很激烈,因此我怕放轻松以免失去优势。我没有别的话说了。正如我所说,我一直忙着工作,所以我没有时间做任何别的事。我是想去度个假,但我会过于担心我的事业以致无法真正好好渡个假。咱们保持联络。接到老朋友的信总是好事。我承诺会回信给你,纵使那须要花我一些时间。泰利哈力斯敬上xx年3月10日字词解说:1.recent 最近的例:That bands recent albums havent been as good as their older ones.(那乐团最近出的专辑没有他们以前的好。)2. reply 答复,回答例:He hasnt replied to my email yet.(他还没有回复我的电子邮件。)3. breathe.呼吸breath 呼吸hold ones breath屏息静气;屏住呼吸例:Its hard to breathe in this polluted area.(在这个被污染的地区呼吸很困难。)The diver can hold his breath for a long ime.(潜水员可以屏住呼吸很久。)4. expand 扩充/展/张例:That pany is always expanding.(那家公司总是在扩张。)5. petition 竞争,角逐pete.竞争,角逐in petition with与竞争/角逐pete with和竞争/角逐例:Pepsi is in petition with Coca-Cola for this market.(百事可乐和可口可乐正在竞争这个市场。)Susie had to pete with five other women for that job.(苏西必须和其他五个女人角逐那份工作。)6. fierce .激/猛烈的例:They had a fierce argument over politics.(他们激烈地争论政治。)7. relax仁ri lxks vi.放松,轻松例:Carl is so busy that he never has time to relax.(卡尔是那么的忙碌以致他从没有时间放轻松。)8. for fear of.二以免例:Sharon is afraid to drive anywhere by herself for fear of getting lost.

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