2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 Poems Period 4优秀教案 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 Poems Period 4优秀教案 新人教版选修6教学内容分析The emphasis of this period will be placed on listening and speaking.There are altogether three texts for the students to listen to in this period:one is in the Students Book and the other two are in the Workbook.The first one(on Page 15,Listening and speaking)is a conversation between a teacher and three of her students,Lucy,Pitt and Jack.They are talking about a poetry petition.The students talk about when they are going to write their poems and how they bee inspired to write poetry.Their discussion illustrates the function of intention.While listening to Part 1 of the dialogue for the first time the students are asked to get some specific information about it and answer four whquestions.After listening to the second part of the dialogue for the first time the students are asked to get more detailed information and fill in the chart.At last the students are asked to listen to the whole passage again and note down the expressions about intention and plans.The second one(on Page 48,Listening)is a conversation between a teacher and three of his students,Wu Zhe,Lily and Chelsea.They are discussing how they feel about listening to poetry and writing it.They also discuss how they go about writing poetry.The teachers opening question is an example of the third conditional.And the third one(on Page 53,Listening Task)is a conversation between three students about their poetry homework.They are talking about the kind of poem each is going to write.In their discussion,the students use expressions of intention,the focus function of the unit.三维目标设计Knowledge and skills1To understand the meanings of the following key words and expressions while hearing them in the tape:deadline(最后期限,截止时间),go for a hike(去徒步旅行),atmosphere(气氛),create(创造,造成),spill out(溢出,流),horrible(可怕的,令人讨厌的)2To enable the students to understand the listening texts.3To help the students learn how to express their intention and plans.Process and methods1Smoothing away language problems if any before listening.Before asking the students to listen to the tape,help them to smooth away any language problems such as new words and expressions that they may not understand while listening.2Listening for needed information.Before asking the students to listen to the tape for the first time,give them one or two questions about the general idea of the text so as to lead the students to concentrate only on the needed information.Then ask them to listen to the tape for a second or even a third time for some specific information by giving them some detailed questions to answer.3Speaking freely and making conversations.At last the students may be asked to give their own points of view and attitudes towards certain subject mentioned in the text.Emotion,attitude and value1To arouse the students curiosity about poems.2To develop the students sense of exploring.3To cultivate the students sense of cooperative learning in a group.教学重、难点1The understanding of the listening texts.2The expressing of intention and plans.Step 1Revision1Retell the text on Page 10Page 11.2Check the answers of the exercises in Learning about Language and explain the difficulties.Step 2Listening 1Listen to Text 1(Page 15)and do the following exercises.(1)Listen to the tape and write down the main idea of the listening material._(2)Listen to the tape again then choose the best answers.Whats the deadline for the poetry petition?A20th.B22nd.C24th.How is Pitt going with his poem?AHe has already written something.BHe is not going to enter a poem this year.CHe is going to write one this weekend.What is Jack going to do?AHe will go on a hike into the countryside.BHe will catch insects in the grass.CHe will pick wild flowers.What is Lucy going to do?AShe will be surrounded by familiar things.BShe will stay in her house.CShe will try out Jacks way some time.How can Pitt work best?AWhen he is going on a hike.BWhen he is listening to his favorite music.CWhen he is watching beautiful flowers.(3)Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.Well,I_ a lot moremaybe an insect in the grass _something,the shapes and _of the flowers,how the wind sounds,or the _smells in the air._,I find that as I look around me all sorts of interesting _and words e into my head.I write best when Im _by familiar things,so I _to be in my house.And it needs to be very_.But now Ive _to Jack,I think Ill also _his way some time.(4)Use one sentence to tell how each one of them is getting on with his or her task.Jack _Lucy _Pitt _Suggested answers:(1)The teacher tells Lucy,Pitt and Jack how to bee inspired to write poetry.(2)CBACB(3)notice,carrying,colors,different,Anyway,thoughts;surrounded,need,quiet,listened,try out.(4)Jack will go on a hike to get some inspiration.Lucy has written something.Pitt is going to try one out tonight.2Listen to Text 2(Page 48)and do the following exercises.(1)Listen to the conversation and answer the following two questions.Who enjoys listening to poetry?Who enjoys writing poetry?(2)Listen to the conversation again and match each student with the reason he or she enjoys or doesnt enjoy poetry.There are two reasons for each person.WU ZHEPoetry is like music. Its rubbish.LILY I like playing with words. The language in poetry is strange.CHELSEA Poetry takes you to a different world. You dont have to follow grammar rules.(3)Listen to the tape again and match each student with the words they said and note the different feelings of the three students about poetry when they say the following words.LILY My heart sinks! Poetry,yuck!WU ZHE I love listening to it too.But Id much rather be writing it.CHELSEA Sometimes I feel inspired and the right words just e spilling out.Suggested answers:(1)Lily and Chelsea.Lily and Chelsea.(2)WU ZHEIts rubbish. The language in poetry is strange.LILY Poetry is like music. Poetry takes you to a different world.CHELSEA I like playing with words. You dont have to follow grammar rules.(3)LILY Sometimes I feel inspired and the right words just e spilling out.(enthusiastic)WU ZHE My heart sinks! Poetry,yuck!(resentful)CHELSEA I love listening to it too.But Id much rather be writing it.(cheerful)3Listening task on Page 53.Before listening,ask the students to read Exercise 1 so that they know the pieces of information they have to listen for.(1)Listen to the conversation and judge whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)The students have to give their poetry homework to the teacher today.Sam is going to write his poem on the weekend.Sam doesnt like the poetry homework.Sally doesnt want to do her poetry homework.Sam doesnt remember what a haiku is.Ben is going to the park on Saturday.Sam is going to write a poem about himself.Sally,Ben and Sam are all present at the beginning of the conversation.(2)Listen to the tape again and fill in the chart below.QuestionsSamBenSallyWhat kind of poem is the student going to write?What topic is the student going to write about?Suggested answers:(1)FTTFTTFF(2)QuestionsSamBenSallyWhat kind of poem is the student going to write?cinquainhaikulist poemWhat topic is the student going to write about?Bennaturethe students in her classStep 3SpeakingSince the students have learned much knowledge about poetry by both reading and listening.Its necessary for them to talk about it now.Teach them how to express intention and plans by showing them the following sentences on the screen.(Slide show)Im(not)going to.How are you going to.?I plan to. Ill.Im looking forward to.Ask the students to look at the talking topics shown on the screen and discuss with their partners and then make up their own dialogues.(Show the following on the screen.)Talking Topics1Do you enjoy listening to poetry or reading it? Why or why not?2Do you enjoy writing it? Why or why not?3Is your experience of writing poetry like Wu Zhes,Lilys or Chelseas? Or is it different? How is it different?Give the students three minutes to prepare and practice,and then ask two groups to demonstrate their dialogues in front of the whole class.Step 4HomeworkWrite a passage to introduce a kind of poem you like best.Step 5Reflection after teaching_How to Write Poems About Feelingsby Bruce LanskySome of the best poems ever written are about feelings.You may want to write poems about your feelings,but perhaps you dont know how to begin.Heres a good way to get started:1On a piece of paper,write “sad” “mad” and “happy”Now add as many feelings as you can to the list.If youre stumped for feelings,have a friend or two brainstorm with you.Sometimes two(or three)heads are better than one!2Choose one feeling from the list.3Write down your answers to one of the following questions:When do I feel insert feeling?Why do I feel insert feeling?How does it feel to be insert feeling?Your answer will bee the poem,although you may want to revise and polish the poem as needed.What will make the poem work best is if it tells a story or if people can learn something about you from the poem.Often its easier to write about feelings in free verse,which means you dont have to worry about rhythm and rhyme patterns.Just write whatever es to mind.Heres an example:I feel miserable when.I have a big math test ing up so I have to study instead of watching my favorite TV show.My mother doesnt believe I have a fever,so I cant stay home and miss a big math test I didnt study for.My teacher doesnt believe I have a fever and refuses to send me to the school nurse until after the math test.I get a “D” on the math test.Heres another example that answers two questions:“When do I feel happy?” and “What is it like to feel happy?”When Santa brings me the toy I wanted most for Christmas Im so happy I feel like:singing at the top of my lungsjumping in a mud puddle(too bad its December and the puddle is covered with ice)raiding the cookie jar and eating all the cookiesplaying with my new toy all day and not letting my bratty little brother touch it for a single second(which,as I recall,is why my parents took away my favorite Christmas toy last year and hid it from me for one whole week)Finally,heres an example of a finished poem about what happens when you feel a little dazed and confused after a kiss:ScrambledI climbed up the door andI opened the stairs.I said my pajamasAnd buttoned my prayers.I turned off the coversAnd pulled up the light.Im all scrambled up sinceShe kissed me last night.Note:If writing poems about feelings brings up some confusing feelings or issues,talk to your parents or teacher.It may help to have a forting,supportive person who can help you sort out whats on your mind.

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