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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习第一部分教材课文要点Module2FantasyLiterature夯基提能作业外研版选修.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A(xx河南商丘三模,B)Sherlock Holmes was the greatest detective in history. His astonishing power of observation and analysis meant that he was able to solve cases which left the real police pletely perplexed. As a problem solver in the law-forced business, he was a knowledgeable person equal to Superman, the ic book hero.Like Superman, of course, Holmes did not exist. He was the creation of a Scottish doctor and novelist Arthur Conan Doyle, and remains one of the most famous literary fiction characters of all time.Holmes general rule when trying to solve a case was as follows: pletely get rid of the impossible. Then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.Its said that Holmes powers of deduction (推理) were superhuman, particularly his ability to process information from what he observed. In a story called The Bosbe Valley Mystery, Holmes examines the area near a lake where a murder has been mitted. The local police have already searched the area and found no clues. Holmes spends ten minutes in the area, and announces that the murderer “is a tall man, left-handed, limps with the right leg, wears thick-soled shooting boots and a gray coat, smokes Indian cigars, uses a cigar holder, and carries a penknife in his pocket. There are several other indications, but these may be enough to aid us in our search.” Needless to say, he has found evidence to support all of these statements.The fictional Holmes lived in an apartment at 221 Baker Street, a real street in Central London. When Conan Doyle wrote about Holmes, there was no 221 Baker Street, but after the street was extended northwards, there was. There is currently a bank at that address.The fact that Holmes didnt actually exist doesnt stop thousands of people writing to him for help every year.The bank kindly responds to every letter they receive with the following message:“Mr. Holmes thanks you for your letter. At the moment he is retired in Sussex, keeping bees, and does not undertake detective work nowadays.”1.In the first paragraph the underlined word “perplexed” suggests that the police were . A.confidentB.worriedC.confusedD.sure2.How does the writer describe Holmes and Superman?A.Neither Superman nor Holmes was a real character.B.Both Superman and Holmes used super intellect to solve problems.C.Superman was a ic book figure, while Holmes was a real detective.D.Superman and Holmes were equally intelligent and brave.3.How did Holmes use his powers of deduction in the third paragraph?A.He spent a long time thinking about possible solutions.B.He found clues to help him create a full description of a suspect.C.He observed the crime area and guessed what happened.D.He searched the area with the police and discussed with them.4.When letters are written to Holmes, .A.he answers letters when he receives themB.his secretary answers them for himC.the bank at 221 Baker Street where he used to live sends the letters backD.the bank at his address replies that Holmes is no longer working as a detectiveB(xx福建莆田模拟,B)Big Blue Whale Nicola Davies Illustrated by Nick Maland Nicola Davies provides a look at natures largest living creature in Big Blue Whale. The text often uses examples from the childs world to help youngsters understand this great creature. For example, the blue whales skin is “smooth like a hard-boiled egg” and its eye is “as big as a teacup”. Nick Malands pen-and-ink illustrations capture the majesty of the blue whale, of which only 10,000 remain. Ages 3 to 8, $ 19.99. Life in the Coral Reef Bobbie Kalman & Niki Walker Photographed by Tom Stack This educational book has outstanding photographs and illustrations. The bright colors are attention grabbing. The importance of the coral reefs(珊瑚礁) in the ecology of the earth is explained as well as how the coral reefs are being harmed and destroyed. The author then offers solutions and suggestions to help prevent the destruction of these beautiful natural resources. Ages 7 up, $16.95. North American Endangered Species Colleayn O. Mastin Illustrated by Jan Sovak This is a beautifully illustrated book by the award winner Jan Sovak featuring fifteen North American animals that are in danger of being extinct. Each animal is introduced with a short poem, followed by factual information and why the species is considered to be endangered. Ages 6 up, $ 9.95. Whale Vasilli Papastavrou Photographed by Frank Greenaway This reference book takes a close look at the fascinating world of majestic sea mammals including whales, dolphins, seals, and sea lions. The author describes how whales adapt to sea life and explores whale munication, socialization, behaviors, reproduction, life cycles, habitats and physical characteristics. Ages 10 up, $ 19.00. 5.What do we learn from Big Blue Whale?A.The number of the blue whale is increasing.B.Many animals are in danger of dying out.C.There used to be more than 10,000 blue whales.D.The blue whale has strong survival abilities.6.What is special about North American Endangered Species?A.It uses examples from the childs world.B.The author introduces animals with poems.C.It contains bright colors.D.It takes a close look at sea animals.7.Who has won an award as an illustrator or a photographer?A.Nick Maland.B.Tom Stack.C.Jan Sovak.D.Frank Greenaway.8.A child who wants to learn about how whales municate will buy .A.Big Blue WhaleB.Life in the Coral ReefC.North American Endangered SpeciesD.Whale.语法填空(xx山东聊城三模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Here is a true story. A man came out of his home to admire his new truck. To his surprise, his three-year-old son was happily scraping(刮)the shiny paint of the truck 1 (use) a sharp knife. The man ran to his son and drove him away. 2 (scare), the boy ran away quickly. Unfortunately, the boy fell down and hurt his right hand 3 (serious) with the knife sticking into his fingers. The father rushed his son to the hospital immediately. Although the doctor tried desperately 4 (save) the injured fingers, he finally had to cut them off. When the boy woke up from the 5 (operate), he innocently said,“Daddy, Im sorry about your truck.”Then he asked,“But 6 are my fingers going to grow back?” The father began crying sadly 7 his head down. Think about this story the next time someone 8 (step) on your feet or you wish to take revenge. Think first before you lose your patience with someone you love. Trucks can 9 (repair), but broken bones and hurt feelings often cant. Too often we fail to recognize 10 difference between the person and the performance. We forget that forgiveness is greater than revenge.答案精解精析.阅读理解A语篇解读这篇文章主要介绍了科幻小说中的福尔摩斯的故事,然而福尔摩斯不是真的人物。当人们写信给福尔摩斯时,这个地址的银行回复说福尔摩斯侦探已经退休了。1.C词义猜测题。根据第一段中Sherlock Holmes was the greatest detective in history. His astonishing power of observation and analysis meant that he was able to solve cases which left the real police pletely perplexed.可猜出perplexed表示警察很困惑,故选C。2.A细节理解题。根据第一段中.he was a knowledgeable person equal to Superman, the ic book hero.及第五段中The fact that Holmes didnt actually exist doesnt stop thousands of people writing to him for help every year.可知福尔摩斯和超人都不是真的人物,故选A。3.B细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,他发现线索帮助他描述嫌疑犯,故选B。4.D细节理解题。根据第五段中The bank kindly responds to every letter they receive with the following message: “Mr. Holmes thanks you for your letter. At the moment he is retired in Sussex, keeping bees, and does not undertake detective work nowadays.” 可知当人们写信给福尔摩斯时,这个地址的银行回复说福尔摩斯侦探已经退休不从事侦探工作了,故选D。B语篇解读文章介绍几本儿童读物,包括书的简介、作者、价格及适合年龄等信息。5.C推理判断题。根据第一本书的介绍:Nick Malands pen-and-ink illustrations capture the majesty of the blue whale, of which only 10,000 remain.可以推断出以前蓝鲸的数量是超过一万的,所以选C。6.B细节理解题。根据第三本书的介绍:Each animal is introduced with a short poem可知作者是用简短的诗歌介绍动物的,所以选B。7.C细节理解题。 根据第三本书的介绍:This is a beautifully illustrated book by the award winner Jan Sovak featuring fifteen North American animals that are in danger of being extinct. 可知Jan Sovak作为插图画家获奖了,所以选C。8.D细节题理解。根据最后一本书的介绍:The author describes how whales adapt to sea life and explores whale munication可知如果想了解鲸鱼是怎么交流的,应该看Whale这本书,所以选D。.语法填空语篇解读本文通过一个真实的故事告诉我们当我们失去耐心的时候先好好想一下,因为有些事情是不可修复的,比如受了伤害的感情等。1.using考查非谓语动词。句意:令他吃惊的是,他三岁的儿子正用一把锋利的刀子高兴地刮卡车上闪亮的漆。分析句子结构可知,use与其逻辑主语为主动关系,应用现在分词作状语,故填using。2.Scared考查形容词作状语。句意:很害怕,这个男孩迅速跑掉了。scared害怕的,此出为形容词说明主语的心理状态,故填Scared。3.seriously考查副词。句意:不幸的是,男孩摔倒了,他的右手受了重伤,刀子插进了他的手指。seriously严重地,此出应用副词修饰动词hurt,故填seriously。4.to save考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管医生竭尽全力去拯救受伤的手指。try to do sth.尽力去做某事,故填to save。5.operation考查名词。句意:当男孩从手术中醒来时。operation名词,意为“手术”。6.when考查副词。句意:然后他问道:“但是我的手指什么时候会长出来?”when什么时候,根据句意,应用when提问。7.with考查介词。句意:这位父亲低着头开始伤心地哭了。此句为“with+宾语+宾补”结构,作伴随状语。8.steps考查动词。句意:当下次有人踩到你的脚或你想报仇时,思索下这个故事。此句为一般现在时,主语是不定代词someone,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故填steps。 9.be repaired考查被动语态。根据句意此句为被动语态be done结构,情态动词can后跟动词原形,故填be repaired。10.the考查冠词。句意:我们常常无法认识到人和行为表现之间的区别。此处为特指的人和行为表现之间的区别,应用定冠词来修饰,故填the。

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