2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions Reading同步练习 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions Reading同步练习 新人教版选修8.单项填空从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1(原创)The following is a different _to document management that better supports most users mental model.Aappointment Baccess Cachievement Dapproach答案:D本题题意:我们将要讨论的是文档管理的另一种不同的方法,可以更好地支持大多数使用者的心理模型。approach 表示“(待人接物或思考问题的)方式,方法;态度”。2(原创)The train came to a/an _stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.Arude BabruptCpassive Dhasty答案:B本题题意:火车突然刹车,使许多乘客从座位上跌下来。e to an abrupt stop表示“突然停止”。3(原创) With so many people around, it wasnt _to have a long talk with him.Avaluable Bconvenient Cfortable Davailable答案:B本题题意:人太多,不便和他长谈。convenient表示“方便的;便利的”。4(原创)They have adopted the measure contributing to realize the _aim.Aambition BattentionCexpectation Dreputation答案:C本题题意:他们采取了有助于实现预期目标的措施。expectation aim 表示“预期目标”。5(原创)Upon _evidence, persons so charged may be arrested on the spot.Aclear BfalseCvalid Dvivid答案:C本题题意:证据确实者,准许就地逮捕。valid evidence 表示“确凿的证据”。6(原创)It took us a whole week to_one of the great forests.Ago through Bcut throughCget through Dbreak through答案:A本题题意:我们花了整整一星期才穿过一大森林。go through 表示“穿过;通过”。7(原创)The sound of happy laughter _memories of his childhood.Abrought up Bcalled upCmade up Dtaken up答案:B本题题意:这欢笑声使他回忆起童年时代的情景。call up表示“使回忆起;使想起”。8(原创)I dont think about my old home very much, only_.Anow and then Bto begin withCfrom then on Dto be honest答案:A本题题意:我并不怎么想念老家,只是偶尔想想罢了。(every) now and then/again 表示“有时;偶尔;时常”。9(原创) He hoped to _the pain in what was left of his knee.Aget rid of Bbreak away fromCput up with Dmake up for答案:A本题题意:他希望祛除膝盖处的疼痛。get rid of表示“摆脱”。10(原创)He _helping homeless women and children to place of safety.Aset about Bset outCset off Dset up答案:A本题题意:他着手帮助把无家可归的妇女和儿童送到安全的地区。set about (doing) sth表示“开始做;着手做”。.完成句子根据相关的汉语提示,完成下列句子。每空仅限一个单词。1她已和许多人一起申请参加训练。In_ _many others, she_ _a training place.2在拜访他之前,我们最好给他打个电话。Wed better_ _ _before we_ _him.3船往前航行,时时停下接纳乘客。The boat went on, stopping_ _ _ _to take people in.4我真想摆脱对这项工作的责任,但是看来没有合适的人可以交出去。I should like to_ _ _the responsibility for this job, but there doesnt seem to be anyone fit to_ _ _.5把这本字典就放在那堆书上。Just put the dictionary_ _ _those books.6妈妈叫他早点上床睡觉,第二天早上好早点起床。Mom tells him to_ _ _early so he can get up_ _ _ _.7如果一切按照预定的计划进行,明天我们就在上海了。If all goes_ _plan we should be in Shanghai tomorrow.8要申请会员的话,请填表。To_ _ _membership, please_ _the form.9只有我们现在采取措施来解决这个问题,我们才能防止不久的将来会面临的水患。Only if we_ _to_ _this problem now can we prevent a real water problem in the near future.10钢笔是使用墨水的书写工具。A pen is an instrument_ _ _with ink.答案:1mon with; applied for2call/ring him up; call on3every now and then4get rid of; hand over to5on top of6go to bed; early the next morning7according to8sign up for; fill in/out9take steps/measures; deal with10used for writing/used to write.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Introduction to Letters to SamDear Reader,Please allow me to tell you something before you read this book. When my_1_, Sam, was born, my heart was filled with joy. I had been sitting in a wheelchair for 20 years before then, and I have been_2_ill many times. So I wondered if I would have the_3_to tell Sam what I had_4_.For years I have been hosting a program on the_5_and writing articles for magazine. Being_6_to move freely, I have learned to sit still and keep my heart_7_, exchanging thoughts with thousands of listeners and_8_. So when Sam was born, I_9_to tell him about school and friendship, romance and work, love and everything else. Thats how I started to write these_10_. I hoped that Sam would_11_them sooner or later.However, that expectation_12_when Sam showed signs of autism(自闭症)at the age of two. He had actually stopped talking before the discovery of the signs. He_13_to municate with others, even the family members. That was_14_for me but didnt stop me writing on. I realized that I had even_15_now to tell him. I wanted him to_16_what it means to be “different”from others, and learn how to fight against the misfortune hell_17_as I myself, his grandfather, did. I just_18_if I could write all that I wanted to say in the rest of my life.Now,_19_the book has been published, I have been given the chance. Every chapter in the book is a letter to Sam: some about my life, and all about what it means to be a_20_.Daniel Gottlieb文章大意:本文以书信的形式讲述了身残志坚的爷爷一心想要告诉自己的孙子关于人生的意义,人生的体会,而孙子的自闭症虽然让爷爷心碎,但爷爷的想法始终如一,要努力完成自己的书,把要对孙子说的话全吐露在书里。1A.son BnephewCbrother Dgrandson答案:D本题需要根据上下文中提供的信息词或信息句来确定答案。在倒数第二段中的“myself, his grandfather, did”一句中所给的信息足以能够表明作者与Sam之间的关系:祖孙关系,故选D。2A.seriously BmentallyCslightly Dquietly答案:A本题需要根据上下文的语境来断定答案。既然在孙子出世之前,作者已经坐了20年的轮椅,而且从下文中所提到的作者善于写作,不可能是精神病,也肯定不会是很轻松的病,故只有A项最适合本语境的。即:病的很严重。3A.ability BtimeCcourage Dresponsibility答案:B如果上文中表明病得很严重,那么下文就该是活在世上的时间不一定会很多,因此,可以断定是:不知还有没有机会(或时间)来告诉孙子我所看到的一切(因为孙子还尚小)。4A.written BsufferedCobserved Dlost答案:C本题也需要根据上下文,来找到信息词。尤其从第二段的“to tell him about school and friendship, romance and work, love and everything else”来看,是作者在生活中所懂得的,看到的,感觉到的,故不是“写”的,排除A;不是“承受”的,排除B;不是“失去”的,排除D;故只有答案C最合适。5A.radio BtelevisionCstage Dbed答案:A从本段的“exchanging thoughts with thousands of listeners”,可推测出是通过听说方式进行交流,作者是电台主持人。6A.ready BunableCanxious Deager答案:B根据本句中的“.sit still”,可以断定作者是不能自由运动的,且在上文中提到坐了20年的轮椅,故选B。7A.warm BbrokenCclosed Dopen答案:D根据“exchanging thoughts with.”判断,作者愿意与别人交流,表明他是敞开心扉的,因此选D。8A.hosts BvisitorsCreaders Dreporters答案:C在本段的开头提到“writing articles for a magazine”,因此,能够与本作者交流的自然该是两类人:听者与读者,故选C项。9A.began BstoppedCforgot Ddecided答案:D在第一段中就已经有所提示,“if I would have the.to tell Sam.”,因此可以明确作者早就有告诉自己孙子那些事情的想法,故选D项。10A.letters BemailsCbooks Ddiaries答案:A从文章开头到结尾的格式可以确定这是一封信,而且在文章的最后也有一句话“every chapter in the book is a letter to Sam”, 因此选A最合适。而且大题目也很明显“letters to Sam”。11A.find BreadCcollect Dkeep答案:B既然本文是写给孙子的,当然也是写给读者的,自然是要孙子长大后能够读到它,因此选B最合适。12A.developed BdisappearedCchanged Darrived答案:C根据下文“but didnt stop me writing on”可知,作者并没有放弃告诉孙子的想法,故排除B项;而且从“I had even.now to tell him”以及“I wanted him to.”一句中体会到,作为爷爷,作者有多少事情要告诉自己的孙子,因此,爷爷的想法可能会有改变,可能把更多的事情告诉孙子。故选C项。13A.tried BrefusedCregretted Dhoped答案:B根据上文“signs of autism”很容易断定孙子是:不愿与别人交流的,即:拒绝与别人交流。refuse to do sth.为常用短语:拒绝做某事。14A.exciting BacceptableCstrange Dheartbreaking答案:D本题需要根据上下文的情节来体会作者的情感,由于孙子小小 年纪就自闭,做爷爷的,当然是痛苦的事情,因此选D项。15A.less BeverythingCmore Dnothing答案:C从上文的决心,下文要告诉孙子的种种事情,可以推测出,作者有了更多的东西要让孙子知道,体会,或明白,因此选C项。16A.understand BexplainCbelieve Dquestion答案:A作者有好多的东西要告诉自己的孙子,但不是要孙子来解释,排除B项;更不是要孙子去相信,排除C项;而答案D项作为动词时,意思是“疑问”,与本文也不符;故只有A项“明白,理解”才是爷爷最想要孙子做的事情,就是明白世事。17A.fear BfaceCknow Dcause答案:B由于字里行间都透露出作者的坚强,和明智,而自己身残志坚,因为孙子也将面临很多的困难,作为一个有自闭症的孩子。因此此处选B项,符合语境,即面对一切将来的苦难。18A.felt BguessedCsaw Ddoubted答案:D从第一段的最后一句“I wondered if I.”到这里的“if I could write all.”可以推断,爷爷对于自己在世的时间有所担心,故会怕没有足够的时间来告诉自己的孙子,因此选D项,与上文的wonder正相符。19A.as BonceCthough Dif答案:A书出版了,想告诉孙子的东西也就都在书里了,因此并不具有转折关系,排除C项;而答案B项“一旦”与D项“如果”都分别是条件关系,故只有A项最合适,引导时间状语从句。20A.teacher BchildCman Dwriter答案:C本题的选择有难度,但从四个选项的特色也容易分类,因为A,D项都分别是职业;这并不符合爷爷对于孙子的界定,没有明确的信息表明孩子将来会做什么,故排除;而既然是“some about my life”,因此并不是以“孩子”为话题,因此B项也不合适;选C项,意思是“作为一个人”,是泛指的“人”,话里透露着:人一旦来到世上,就会有苦难,但不要低头。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。Thirsty and hot, 12 elephants plod across the fried African landscape. The water hole is less than a mile away now, and everyone in the herd is looking forward to a good, long drink. Tired calves want to stop, but mothers and aunts nudge them along. The older animals made soft, soothing noises.“Were almost there”, they seem to say.“Just keep walking.”Suddenly everyone stops. Huge ears stretch out like satellite dishes. After a minute or two of what seems like silence, the animals turn and walk away from the water holefast. As they go, the adults huddle close to the calves.So what happened? Why did the elephants change their course? They seemed to be listening to something. And whatever it was, they got the message to flee! Yet human ears heard nothing.For years, elephants puzzled observers with this type of behavior. But now scientists have solved the mystery. They discovered that elephants have a“secret”language they use for municating over long distances.This special talk is based on infrasound(次声), sounds so low in pitch that humans cant hear them. The sounds can travel for several miles, allowing the sixton animals to keep in touch across grasslands and forests in Africa or Asia.Elephants use infrasound to municate many types of messages over long distances. Some of their talks help hold families together. To understand how this works, you need to know a little about elephant families.Females spend their lives with mothers, sisters, and children. They form tightknit herds of 10 to 20 members. The oldest female elephantthe matriarchtakes charge. Males live with a herd until they are teenagers. Then they depart, living alone or joining with other males in a“bachelor herd”The members of a herd often scatter over large areas to seek food for their mighty appetites. Longdistance calls let elephants know where their relatives are. And when the matriarch says,“e here!”the herd gathers within minutes.文章大意:长期以来,大象用何种方式远距离交流一直让科学家感到困惑,但现在这个谜已经被揭开了:大象用次声来交流,而次声是人类所听不到的。1What is mainly talked about in the passage?AElephants secret language.BElephants way of living.CElephant familes.DMysteries about elephants.答案:A主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要探讨大象用何种方式交流,因此A项符合题意。2Why did the elephants walk away from the water hold?AThey wanted to find a better source of water.BThey were driven by another herd.CThey had received some kind of warning.DThe water hold was too far away.答案:C细节理解题。从文章第二段的描述和第三段的议论可知,答案为C,大象们从有水的洞边走开是因为它们接收到了某种警报。3The matriarch is_.Athe oldest female elephant in charge of the whole herbBthe strongest elephant who protects the whole herdCthe oldest male elephant who leads the whole herbDthe most experienced elephant who gives the instruction答案:A细节理解题。从文章倒数第二段第二句的“The oldest female elephantthe matriarchtakes charge”可知答案为A。4Elephant families are mentioned in the passage to show_.Ahow elephants protect themselvesBhow elephants use infrasound to municateChow a herb of elephant is formedDhow elephants search for food in the wild答案:B细节理解题。从文章倒数第三段尤其是最后一句可知,作者介绍大象家庭的情况是为了让读者更好地了解大象怎样利用次声交流。5The underlined word“calves”in the first paragraph refers to_.Aadult elephants Bfemale elephantsCmale elephants Dyoung elephants答案:D词义理解题。由画线词后面的“but mothers and aunts.”可推知,calves指“幼仔”,因此答案为D。

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