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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习精选提分专练第三周星期一阅读理解应用广告类+人物故事类完形填空夹叙夹议文.阅读理解A(xx北京四中期中)Wele to Orlando!It has a host of attractions and activities.Ready to join the party and plan a visit to OTown?Just print out our list that suits your style.Universal Orlandos Islands of AdventureThe addition of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was among the list of mustvisits for theme park enthusiasts.Each of the parks “islands”Toon Lagoon,Jurassic Park,and The Lost Continenthas unique appeal in the form of rides and interactive attractions.(4073638000)GatorlandIt bills itself as “Orlandos best halfday attraction”,for in a city people are limited by their time and money.Catch Gatorlands animals and handler(驯兽员) shows in the afternoon.Theres a nighttime run as well,including the Gator Night Shine and various activities.Gatorland ranks as a parative themepark bargain.(4078555496)AquaticaOne of the citys most unique water parks,Aquatica is a fantastical world of twisting,turning rides and sparkling white sand beaches.And if you enjoy a side of terror with your waterpark fun,be sure to check out Ihus Breakaway Falls.This towering slide is an eightstory mindbender of a plummet(垂直落下) that is not for the weak heart.The less exciting will still find plenty of fun splashing from one giant wave pool to another or drifting down the lazy river through a world of unusual fish.You can also watch the blackandwhite mersons dolphins underwater.(4073513600)Warbird AdventuresFew attractions are more handson historic than Warbird Adventures,which offers thrillseekers the opportunity to fly like the hero aces of World War in the North American T6 Texan.Flights range from 15 minutes to an hour.A visit to the nearby Kissimmee Air Museum is a wonderful way to round out the experience.(4078707366)1.For fans of Harry Potter,theres .A.Universal Orlandos Islands of AdventureB.GatorlandC.AquaticaD.Warbird Adventures2.According to the fourth paragraph,we know that visiting Ihus Breakaway Falls .A.needs a strong heartB.lies under the waterC.ranges from 15 minutes to an hourD.is suitable for some afterpark drinks3.If you want to experience the fly like a hero in World War ,you can call .A.4073638000 B.4078555496C.4073513600 D.4078707366B(xx广东阳春一中月考)Taylor Swift is an American singersong writer.When Swift first came to the attention of the public,she was a 17yearold newer pursuing a career in country music who loved singing to her guitar.She seemed far more enthusiastic than skillful.A few years later,Swift became a multiaward winner.Her second album,Fearless,became the bestselling album of xx.The album won four Grammy Awards,with Swift being the youngest Album of the Year winner.“Aged only 21,Taylor has already made a major impact on music and has been an unbelievable role model for hopeful artists and young women everywhere,” said Bill Werde,director of Billboard magazine.Werdes words do not e from nowhere.Unlike many pop music singers,especially those who do not write their own material,Swift has the power of turning her ideas into lyrics(歌词) that will set people thinking.“Hidden beneath Taylor Swifts notagirl,notyetawoman a sweetness is a very skillful songwriting technique,” wrote Leah Greenblatt in an American magazine.Songwriting,as Swift explains,is to cope with issues.“I tend to write about things that really impact me most.” There certainly seems to be something true and honest running through every one of the 16 songs on her fourth album,Red.“Theyre about my heartbreaks and my moving on.But more importantly,they are about achieving contentment.Youre not always going to be ridiculously happy as you grow up.”“For the audience too young to have experienced real passion or heartbreak,Swifts songs are like a potential road map,promising things will work out OK,” mented Dorian Ynskey in a British newspaper.With her fifth album,The popfocused 1989,Taylor Swift became the first woman to win Album of the Year twice.Now she is getting ready to go further and has so far released three singles of her xx album,Reputation.“Someday when you get where you are going,you look around and you will know that it was you and the people who love you who put you there,and that will be greatest feeling in the world.”4.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.Swift has the ability to write songs with deeper meanings.B.Swift is both enthusiastic and skillful now.C.Swift became a multiaward winner when she began to sing on the stage.D.Swifts album Red has 16 songs.5.What does the writer mean by saying “Werdes words do not e from nowhere” in Paragraph 3?A.Swift stands out as a singer and songwriter.B.Only Swift writes her own songs.C.Swift begins to take interest in singing.D.Swift decides to deal with problems in her new album.6.Taylor Swifts fourth album mainly records .A.dream and reality B.heartbreak and deathC.pain and growth D.problems and society7.What is the best title for the passage?A.Swift es to Peoples AttentionB.Swift Rises to FameC.Swift Wins Many AwardsD.Swift Experiences Real Passion.完形填空(xx辽宁沈阳交联体期中)A mitment to LifeThe snow was falling and the roads had bee dangerous.The schools were dismissed early,but much to my surprise,my 8 wasnt canceled.So I went,feeling especially heroic.As far as I could see,I was risking my life to keep my 9 .Snow or no snow,I would be on time for my scheduled donation at the local 10 center.When I got there,I discovered I wasnt 11 .Four more “herotypes” were already lying back in donor chairs with lines 12 to their veins,and machines quietly pumping away to 13 their lifesaving gifts.Seeing my fellow donors honoring their own mitments,I realized why I was there.I lay back in my donor chair,ready to make a difference in the life of someone I would never 14 .To be honest,Id never really thought about why I donate.I just do it.But a few months ago,during one of my 15 donations I learned that my blood was specifically for a cancer patient and for a newborn babyboth patients needed what I would give in order to live.Ive viewed my visits to the blood center 16 ever since.My wife Karen is a 17 ,too.And more importantly,she has been on the bone marrow(骨髄) list for fifteen years,ever since she signed up to provide bone marrow to a kindergartner with leukemia(白血病).That little girl died before Karens bone marrow could help her, 18 Karen was called again recently.Her test results were still on file,and it turned out she was a potential 19 for someone else.The caller asked Karen if she would still be willing to bee a bone marrow donor.“Yes,” she said and then immediately began answering questions on the pages of paperwork for further testing.It was a race 20 time.I wish I could say that this 21 was won.It wasnt.The caller later thanked Karen for her participation and asked a few more questionsincluding whether or not shed 22 on the donor list.“Of course,” Karen answered.Last week Karen gave blood and next week Ill make my usual donation.Ill 23 an afternoon from my schedule and make an appointment.I dont know whose life my donation may 24 .Most likely it will be a 25 ,but on any day the person needing a blood product could be you or me or maybe a loved one.It is worthwhile to 26 our time to donate.I really do feel 27 every time I donate.And I like the feeling.8.A.appointment B.classC.meeting D.flight9.A.secret B.balance C.shape D.word10.A.service B.shopping C.blood D.care11.A.alone B.wele C.late D.lucky12.A.exposed B.attached C.applied D.added13.A.examine B.produceC.collect D.clean14.A.meet B.forgetC.miss D.recognize15.A.regular B.unexpectedC.special D.pleasant16.A.wisely B.differentlyC.hesitantly D.carefully17.A.receiver B.doctor C.patient D.donor18.A.or B.but C.and D.for19.A.risk B.customerC.match D.partner20.A.beyond B.withC.against D.of21.A.honor B.testC.prize D.race22.A.rank B.signC.appear D.remain23.A.clear B.separateC.lose D.remove24.A.touch B.affectC.create D.enrich25.A.child B.strangerC.hero D.friend26.A.spend B.saveC.kill D.take27.A.empty B.gratefulC.proud D.nervous答案精析.1.A细节理解题。根据Universal Orlandos Islands of Adventure中的第一句“The addition of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was among the list of mustvisits for theme park enthusiasts.”可知答案为A。2.A细节理解题。根据Aquatica中的第二、三句“And if you enjoy a side of terror with your waterpark fun,be sure to check out Ihus Breakaway Falls.This towering slide is an eightstory mindbender of a plummet(垂直落下) that is not for the weak heart.”可知,游览Ihus Breakaway Falls需要一颗强大的心脏。故选A。3.D细节理解题。根据Warbird Adventures中的内容可知,如果你想体验成为二战中的飞行英雄,你可以拨打电话:4078707366,故选D。语篇解读本文主要讲了美国创作型歌手Taylor Swift是如何从一个名不经传的小歌手成为名声大振的歌星的。4.C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“A few years later,Swift became a multiaward winner.”可知Swift在登上舞台几年以后,才成为了一个多种奖项的获得者,选C。5.A推理判断题。由第三段内容可知,作者通过说“Werdes words do not e from nowhere.”想要表达Swift是一位杰出的歌手和歌词作家,选A。6.C细节理解题。由第四段中的“Theyre about my heartbreaks and my moving on.But more importantly,they are about achieving contentment.Youre not always going to be ridiculously happy as you grow up.”可知Taylor Swift的第四张专辑主要记录了自己的痛苦和成长,选C。7.B标题归纳题。本文主要讲了Swift是如何从一个名不经传的小歌手成为名声大振的歌星的,选B。.语篇解读本文作者通过自己志愿参加献血活动告诉我们:你献出的每一份小小的爱心,都可能有大影响。8.A根据下文可知我要去参加预约的献血活动。所以此处指:下大雪了,但我的预约没取消。appointment预约;class班级;meeting会议;flight飞行。故选A。9.D因为下着大雪我还是去了,所以说我是冒着生命遵守诺言的。固定短语:keep ones word遵守诺言。故选D。10.C因为要献血,所以到达的是血液中心。service服务;shopping购物;blood血液;care关心。故选C。11.A当我到达那里时,我发现我不是一个人,还有几个人也来献血了。alone独自的;wele欢迎的;late迟的;lucky幸运的。故选A。12.B另外四个人已经躺在捐赠者的椅子上,他们的血管上系着管子。attach to附上,系上。故选B。13.C由上文知已经有四个人在献血了,所以此处指机器在采集血液。examine检查;produce生产;collect收集;clean清理。故选C。14.A我献血也许会帮助某个我以前从未谋面的人。meet遇见;forget忘记;miss错过;recognize认出。故选A。15.B几年前,在一次意外的献血中,我了解到我的血液是专门给那些癌症患者和新生儿使用的。regular常规的;unexpected意外的;special特殊的;pleasant高兴的。故选B。16.B自从那时起,我就用不同的方式看待血液中心。wisely明智地;differently不同地;hesitantly犹豫地;carefully小心地。故选B。17.D根据下文说作者的妻子是在捐赠骨髓的名单上,可知此处指我的妻子一直都是一个捐赠者。receiver接受者;doctor医生;patient病人;donor捐赠者。故选D。18.B句意为:那个小女孩在凯伦的骨髓可以帮助她之前就死了,但凯伦最近又接到电话了。因为她的骨髓还能帮到其他人。or或者;but但是;and和;for因为。故选B。19.C句意为:她的测试结果还在档案里,并且结果证明她仍然是一个潜在的匹配者。risk风险;customer顾客;match匹配者,比赛;partner搭档。故选C。20.C句意为:这就是与时间赛跑。固定短语:a race against time与时间赛跑。故选C。21.D句意为:我希望我可以说我们赢得了这场比赛。honor尊敬;test测试;prize奖赏;race比赛。故选D。22.D打电话的人问凯伦她是否还愿意留在那个捐赠者的名单上。rank排名;sign签名;appear出现;remain留在。故选D。23.A此处是指我要在百忙之中找出一个下午去做这件事。clear清理,找出;separate分开;lose失去;remove移除。故选A。24.B句意为:我并不知道我的捐赠可能会影响(affect)谁的生活。第三段中的make a difference亦是提示。故选B。25.B句意为:很可能那是个陌生人,但有一天,需要血液制品的人可能就是你,或者我,或者可能就是你所爱的人。child孩子;stranger陌生人;hero英雄;friend朋友。故选B。26.D句意为:花费我们的时间在捐赠上还是很值得。spend花费,主语一般为人;save拯救;kill杀死;take花费。故选D。27.C句意为:每次捐赠时,我都感觉很骄傲。我喜欢这种感觉。empty空的;grateful感激的;proud骄傲的;nervous紧张的。故选C。

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