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2019-2020年高中英语Unit5MusicSection课时作业新人教版.单句语法填空1I dont feel too confident (confidence) about his chances of success.2The old lady treats me as if I were (be) her own son.3Henry was praised by the manager for his total devotion (devote) to his work.4Susan is very sensitive (sense) about her weight, so dont mention it before her.5She sat up all night, feeling painful (pain), after being told about the accident.6He has received an invitation (invite) to the evening party.7Luckily, we brought some drinks with us, without which all of us would have been thirsty to death.8There is not enough time left, so Ill tell you about it in brief.9After graduation, he has been working in a middle school, which is_attached (attach) to Nanjing Normal University.10Their marriage has broken up because of his laziness.阅读理解My name is Sara. When I was little, I played the drums. I also had a guitar. In fourth grade, I started playing the trombone (长号). I practiced about four hours a week. All of this might not seem like a big deal for a lot of kids, but theres something about me that makes me a bit different from others. I was born without hands. Since I was about one year old, I ve worn prosthetics (假手)This year, I got an invitation to join the high school marching band (行进管乐队). I told my mom I wanted to do it. But I had an instructor who thought I would not be able to march in the bandnot because it was a high school band and Im only in seventh grade, but probably because my body is different. All I wanted was to show that I could do it, so I joined the band. And it paid off!Music gives me energy. That happens sometimes. One time I was so down, I didnt even want to get out of bed. Then I hit my MP3 player by accident. A song came on, and I got up and started dancing. It helped me say to myself, OK, I can get through today.Around my musician friends, we all share the same problems, like working out how many beats there are to a measure, I have a hard time counting the beats, but so do a lot of the other kids. Its a normal problem that we musicians share. When Im with the band, I dont feel as different as I do in other situations. Its just another way that music makes me want to go on, and not to just sit down by myself and not care about life.【文章大意】本文是记叙文。作者通过本文主要讲述了自己对于音乐的热爱。1. In what way is Sara different from other kids?A. Theres something wrong with her body.B. She knows how to play many instruments.C. She learned to play the drums at a very early age.D. She kept playing the trombone for the longest hours.解析:A细节理解题。由第一段中的I was born without hands可知,Sara之所以觉得自己和其他学乐器的小孩不同是因为自己没有双手,故选A项。2When invited to join the marching band, Sara _.A. said no at firstB. had no idea what to doC. followed the instructors adviceD. believed that she would make it解析:D细节理解题。由第二段中的All I wanted was to show that I could do it, so I joined the band可知,Sara相信自己能够做到,所以就应邀加入了高中行进管乐队,故选D项。3. How does Sara probably feel when shes with the band?A. Bored. B. Relaxed.C. Successful. D. Afraid.解析:B推理判断题。由最后一段中的When Im with the band. music makes me want to go on可知,Sara和乐队在一起的时候觉得自己和其他人一样,所以会很放松,故选B项。4. What would be the best title for the text?A. A high school bandB. A young drummerC. The music of meDMy magic hands解析:C标题归纳题。作者通过本文主要讲述了自己对于音乐的热爱。虽然失去了双手,但是演奏乐器给自己的生活带来了快乐,故选C项。BThe African Childrens Choir (合唱团) is made up of children who are 7 to 10 years old from Africa. They have incredible (惊人的) voices and spirit that amaze the audience everywhere they go!And they go to a lot of places, all around the world. And not only do they travel a lot, but they perform with some superstar singers and celebrities (名人) for heads of state. But this is not what makes the choir so special.Like New Yorks PS22, they do not just sing, but truly put their hearts, souls and bodies into their words. But what is unique about the choir is that it offers hope, education and confidence to children who live in extreme poverty. For example, the kids in the choir are mostly from the poorest countries in the world, such as Uganda. Many children live in oneroom homes and walk more than 2 miles to get water for their family. Most of the children have lost one or both of their parents because of wars or diseases.Through its music and education, the African Childrens Choir changes the lives of its children. It allows them to see the world. It gives them hope and confidence. It shows them that everything is possible. The choir even pays for their education through college. In 30 years, it has educated and changed the lives of over 50,000 children.And, in turn, the children return to their hometowns with new thoughts and new skills to help improve their family and munity. These children are truly helping to build a better Africa.【文章大意】本文是励志教育类说明文。非洲儿童合唱团由非洲一些贫困儿童组成,他们给听众带来希望和信心,他们自己的命运也得到了改变。5What can we learn about the members of the African Childrens Choir?A. They have no parents.B. They are all ten years old.C. Many of them live a hard life.D. Some of them e from PS22.解析:C推理判断题。根据第三段的.the kids in the choir are mostly from the poorest countries in the world, such as Uganda以及下文的描述可知,合唱团的很多成员过着艰难的生活。6What is special about the choir?A. Its positive influence on poor children.B. Performing together with famous people.C. It members truly putting their hearts in words.D. Its members focusing on singing beautiful songs.解析:A推理判断题。根据第三段的But what is unique about the choir is that it offers hope,education and confidence to children who live in extreme poverty.可知,这个合唱团特别之处在于它对别的贫穷的小孩有着积极的影响。7Paragraph 4 mainly shows the African Childrens Choir _.A. makes a lot of moneyB. has bee very popularC. is very helpful to its membersD. helps 50,000 children go to college解析:C推理判断题。根据第四段的Through its music and education,the African Childrens Choir changes the lives of its children.可知,该段主要是讲这个合唱团改变了这些成员的命运,给他们提供了很多帮助。8The passage is meant to _.A. tell an inspiring storyB. advertise some choirsC. introduce a special choirD. encourage us to help African children解析:C写作意图题。根据文章内客可知,文章主要介绍了非洲儿童合唱团,比如合唱团的成员、特别之处、影响等。.七选五Do you often let your phone ring, only to text the caller pretending you missed his call? If you do, then you may have phone anxiety (焦虑). What can you do about your phone anxiety?_1_. Phone anxiety is very mon, so the chances are pretty high that the person on the other end could also be feeling anxious about talking to you! Think about how you can help the other person through his phone anxiety. And it might even help you forget about your own._2_ Sometimes the root (根源) of the problem has nothing to do with the problem itself. For example, you might have suffered rejection (拒绝) over the phone earlier in life, and what you are really afraid of is experiencing that rejection again, not actually speaking on the phone! _3_Take baby steps. If you have a problem, it can take a while to fully deal with it. _4_ Baby steps are still steps in the right direction, so dont look down upon small beginnings! Start slow, and work your way up.Change the way you think. Someone wise once said,“If your way of thinking has brought you to a place you dont like, then have another thought! Think again!” Changing the way you think seems to be a hard task, but it is possible. _5_ Avoid associating (联系) this activity with fear and anxiety. And the only way to do this is to face your fear.A. Many people find that they prefer texting and emailing.B. Figure out why talking on the phone makes you anxious.C. Remember you are not the only one having phone anxiety.D. Deal with the root of the problem, and then the problem will go away.E. You have to believe that talking on the phone is a normal thing to do.F. Dont get upset if you cant seem to deal with your phone anxiety right away.G. Once you dont feel nervous, you can move on to more serious phone calls.【文章大意】本文是说明文,话题是日常生活类。现实生活中,很多人都有电话焦虑症,那么怎样缓解这种电话焦虑症呢?解析:1C根据空后的Phone anxiety is very mon, so the chances are pretty high that the person on the other end could also be feeling anxious about talking to you可知,你要记住并不是只有你有电话焦虑症。2B根据空后的Sometimes the root of the problem has nothing to do with the problem itself可知,你要弄明白打电话为什么会让你焦虑。3D根据上文内容可知,找出你焦虑的原因然后处理好这个原因,你的问题也就迎刃而解了。4F根据空后的Baby steps are still steps in the right direction.可知,如果你看起来不能立马解决你的焦虑问题,你也不要难过。5E根据上文Changing the way you think seems to be a hard task, but it is possible可知,你必须相信打电话是一件很正常的事情。

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