2019-2020年高中英语Unit2 sports教案学案练习一体化 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2 sports教案学案练习一体化 牛津版学习目标1词汇:delighted, briefly, athlete, pete, separate, honour, god, peacefully, well-known, medal, light, flame, ceremony, superstar, record, contribution, absence, female, excite, joy, attempt, limit, movement, glorious, international, mittee, state, retire, host, stadium, itself, transport, fan, coach, otherwise, activity, joke, meet, continent, ensure, branch,2。词组、短语:take part in, in honour of, side by side, break the record, make contributionsto, plenty of, play a role in, keep.under control3语法、结构: 1Introduction to modal verbs He can run the l00m sprint in 11 seconds. You must work hard to win the gold medal. He is injured but may take part in the games. Can you help me with my training? The boys may be playing football on the playground.2The usage of some modal verbs can and be able to shall and will mustnt and neednt need and dare4技能指导:1 read a speech about the history of the Olympics and an article about how a sport gets into the Olympics2 listen for specific information3 talk about the Olympic Games4 present a speech about entering a new sport into the Olympics5 expand vocabulary related to sports and sporting events合作探究Wele to the unit1. 导入:In Wele to the unit, six pictures are presented to students. Each one focuses on a popular sport. Sport plays a very important role in our lives. We see or do sports almost ever)/day. Look at the six pictures. Are you familiar with these sports? What do you think of first when you see pictures like these? (Olympic Games, sports meeting keep fit)教师和学生以(Picture of table tennis)进行一次讨论,然后学生进行模仿分组活动。(The teacher starts a discussion with the students. After that the students have discussions about the other five pictures.in groups.)The teacher may begin the activity like this: 活动内容可按下面的模式进行。Can you play table tennis? Do you like it? When did you begin to play table tennis?How often do you play it? Who do you play it with? Do you think playing table tennis is a goodway to build up your body? Is table tennis your favourite sport? Why?(It is convenient for people to play and does not require too much equipment. People have to be quick-minded andhave rapid responses. It is a good way to make friends and meet new people.)Reading2体验:As we all know, the Olympic Games are held every four years and it is a great honor for a country to host the Games. How much do you know about the Olympics, for example, its history, ceremonies and sporting events? Today you will listen to a speech given by Mr Johnson, a member of the International Olympic mittee, who is visiting a high school in Beijing.Skimming for main idea:Listen to the tape to get a general idea of the text and answer the questions on page 22 1.What is the speech about? 2. Where were the ancient Olympic Games held?3. Who restarted the modern Olympic Games?Scanning for further prehension:Ask the students to discuss the following questions in groups.1. Are there any same points about both ancient and modern Olympic Games? (Both the ancient and modern Olympic Games were/are held every four years. Some of the sports played in the ancient Olympics, such as discus, long jump, wrestling and running, are still played in the modern Olympics.)2. What are the differences between the ancient and the modern Olympic Games? (The ancient games were always held at the same place. In the ancient Olympics, only Greek men were allowed to pete and they had to pete wearing no clothes. In the modern Olympics, athletes from all over the world can take part, no matter what language they speak or what sex they are.)3. What do Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan have in mon?They are both talented and dedicated. They train hard. They have contributed significantly to their sports. They are extremely successful in their fields. They both have passion and enthusiasm for sports.)Summary:Mr Johnson, a member of the International Olympic mittee, gave a speech about some background knowledge about the history and the development and significance of the Olympic Games and an introduction to some famous Olympic athletes. The Reading strategy Ask students to read the speech again and while reading the speech. Ask them if they noticed that there were a lot of quotations, interesting stories and statistics in the speech. Then tell them a good speech should: 1. keep the audience interested all the time.2. use quotations or present statistics.3. ask questions which doesnt really need answering. But the question may get the audiences brains working.Words and expressions: 3研析:词汇honorable adj. 可敬的, 荣誉的, 光荣的ex: Though it is honorable to be a cleaner, many people wouldnt like to do that虽然做一个清洁工是受人尊敬的工作,许多却不愿做。n. 敬重,尊敬;被引以为荣的人物, 荣誉,名誉;信用All the athletes tried their best to win honor for their motherland所有的运动员都竭尽全力为祖国争光。Hes an honor to his parents. 他的父母以他为荣。vt. 受到尊敬He was honored for his courage in battle. 他因在战斗中的英勇表现而受到尊敬。有用句型:in honor of/in ones honor为纪念,为庆祝; We held a special party in honor of our visitors.我举行了一个特别晚会向我们的来客表示敬意。相关链接: show honor to对某人表示敬意; have the honor to do很入荣幸地 feel honored to do因做而感到荣幸; on ones honor以某人的名誉担保games n.game则指有一定规则的,双方竞争的游戏或运动,既可以是体力运动,也可以是脑力劳动,以输赢为主要目的。而sport指户外游戏或运动,仅限于体力锻炼,包括娱乐性的及竞赛性的;不以胜负为目的。sports和games都表示“运动会”,但有大、小之分,如school sports(校运会),the Asian Games(亚运会),the Olympic Games(奥运会)delight n.乐趣;喜悦;欣喜The children were made to laugh with delight孩子们被逗得高兴地大笑adj. delighted欣喜的, 快乐的I was delighted to be invited to her party.我很高兴被邀请参加她的晚会。vi.(常与in连用)热衷于;引以为乐She delights in cooking lovely meals.她以烹饪美食为乐。significance n.重要; 意义;价值What is the significance of this meeting?这个会议有什么意义?adj. significant 有意义的, 重大的, 重要的This meeting is significant. 这个会议有意义vi. pete竞争;竞赛Five children peted in the race.五个孩子参加赛跑。n. petition 竞争;竞赛In modern society the petition for jobs is very fierce.在现代社会求职的竞争十分激烈n. petitor 竞赛者;对手He feels nervous as it seems his petitor is stronger.他感觉紧张因为他的对手好像比他强。take part in . 参加活动。All the students in our class took part in the sports meeting which was held in our school every other year . 我们班全体同学都参加了学校每年一次的运动会。=join in May I join in the Game ? 我可以参加比赛吗?相关链接:take an active part in ;join actively in 积极参与注意:join sb. (in) 和“某人一起(做)”。而take part in则不能这么用Will you join us . 你愿意和我一起干吗?He joined his wife in her study . 他和他妻子一块从事研究。separate adj.分开的, 分离的, 个别的, 单独的,区别的;不同的v. 分开, 隔离, 分散, 分别ex: They have gone to separate places. 他们去了各不相同的地方。The children sleep in separate beds.孩子们分别睡在各自的床上。The two children separated at the end of the road.两个孩子在路的尽头分手了。A fence separated the cows from the pigs.围栏把奶牛和猪分开。light n光, 日光, 发光体, 灯The sun gives us light during the day.白天太阳给我们光亮。adj. 轻的, 发光的, 明亮的, 浅的ex: The basket is very light; I can easily pick it up.篮子很轻,我可以很容易地拿起来。vt. 点燃, 照亮We lit the candle and the candle lit the room.我们点着了蜡烛,蜡烛照亮了房间。vi. 点着, 变亮Will you light the fire for me? 你替我点上火好吗? as的用法 I have the same idea as yours .我的意见和你的一样。Do you have to feed the plants as we feed chickens ? 你是像喂鸡那样给植物施肥吗?You should do everything as your teacher tells you to .你应该按老师说的那样去做每一件事。As she sang , tears ran down her cheeks .她唱起来,泪水就伴着歌声顺着脸颊流下来了。As a child , Lincoln used to work hard and help his father on the farm .当林肯是个孩子的时候,他就努力工作,并且在农场帮爸爸干活。As we can see , the earth is a huge . water-covered globe .就象我们所看到的,地球是一个巨大的被水覆盖的球。You must speak English as often as possible .你要尽可能多地说英语。As soon as Mr Li es , Ill tell him about it .distance n. 距离;间隔What distance do you have to walk to school? 你到学校要走多远的距离?有用短语:in the distance在远处;at a distance相距,相隔; go the distance 赛到底;keep ones distance 保持一定距离I could see the bus ing in the distance. 我看见公共汽车从远处开来了。Americans like to keep a distance when speaking.美国人说话时喜欢保持一定的距离。record n. 履历, 档案, 诉状, 最高纪录, 报告, 唱片The doctor keeps a record of all the serious illnesses in the village.这个医生保存了这个村庄所有严重疾病的记录。vt. 记录, 标明, 将.录音The reporter recorded what the actor said at the news conference. 记者记录了演员在新闻发布会上讲的话。The songs were recorded by the radio pany.这些歌曲是由广播公司录下的。absent adj. 缺席的;不在场的He is absent on business. 他因事缺席。He is absent from Beijing. 他不在北京。adj. 漫不经心的;心不在焉的;茫然的He looked at me in an absent way. 他茫然地望着我。vt.不在;缺席Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday? 昨天你为何不到校?n. absence 缺乏He didnt finished his paper because of absence of information他因为缺乏资料没有完成论文。excite v. 使人激动兴奋The news excited everybody.消息鼓舞了每个人。adj .excited激动的;兴奋的The excited children were opening their presents.孩子们兴奋地拆开他们的礼物。exciting使人激动的;令人兴奋的What he told us is an exciting story. 他告诉我们的是一个动人的故事。attempt v& n努力, 尝试, 企图The boys attempted to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents.男孩子们想去野营但被他们的父母们拦住了。She made an attempt to cook the dinner. 她试着做这顿饭。limit n & v. 限制;限定There is a limit to the amount of money I can afford.我能付得起的钱数是有限的。The speed limit is the fastest speed you are allowed to drive a car at.限速是允许驾车的最快速度。My mother limits the amount of food that I eat.我母亲限制我的饭量。movement n. 动作, 运转, 乐章,趋向;潮流;动向Movement can be painful when youve hurt your back.当你伤了背部时,动一动就可能感到疼痛。n. 姿势She watched the dancer and tried to copy her movements.她观察那个跳舞的人想模仿她的动作。n. 政治运动Many great people donated their lives to the movement for national liberation许多伟人为民族解放运动献出了生命。The movement towards greater freedom for women.这场运动旨在给妇女带来更多的自由。state n. 状况;情形;状态;政府;盛礼,隆重的礼仪;州;邦Everything was in a state of disorder. 一切都处于紊乱状态。She is in a worried state of mind. 她心情很焦急。In China, the railways are owned by the state. 在中国,铁路是国有的。The President was received in state. 总统受到隆重接待。the United States of America is made up of 50 states.美国由50个州组成。v. state 陈述,叙述Please state your name, age and occupation on the form.请在表上填写你的姓名、年龄和职业。The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.公共汽车司机们说,罢工将继续到就工资和工作条件达成全面协议为止。host n.主人;主持人Do you know who is the host of “the Lucky 52”? 你知道幸运52的主持人是谁吗?vt. 主办,做主人招待Beijing will host the 29th Olympic Games.北京将主办29届奥运会。facility n. 灵巧,熟练He has great facility in learning languages.他有学语言的天赋。(pl) 设施,设备There are facilities for cooking in the kitchen.厨房里有烹饪设备。transport v. 运输;运送The goods were transported by train. 货物是用火车来运输的。Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built.在雕像可以运往美国之前,必须给它选个场地,还要建造一个雕像底座。n. transportation流放,放逐;流放期;运输;输送In old days, many prisoners in some countries were transported to Australia.过去许多囚犯被流放到澳大利亚。Attraction n.引力, 有吸引力的东西The tides are caused by the attraction of the moon for the earth.潮汐是由月亮对地球的引力引起的。The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people nowadays.现时去国营企业就职的想法对年青人没有多大吸引力。Now the small town has bee a tourist attraction现在这个小镇已经成了景点。vt. 吸引All the visitors are attracted by the beauty of nature.所有的游客都被这自然美景所吸引。adj. Attractive 有吸引力的,诱人的。The goods on sale in that shop are attractive. 那个商店的出售的商品很有吸引力bid n. 出价, 投标;招标Park wants to sell his farm, and he has already had two large bids for it.帕克想卖掉他的农场,并且已经有两个出大价的买主。Bids for building the bridge were invited.应邀参加建造那座桥梁的投标。vt. 出价;投标He bid $5 for an old book.他为一本旧书出价5美元。(打牌时)叫牌I bid 2 spades.我叫两个黑桃。vt. 致意(问候或道别); 吩咐(某人做某事)The little girl bid her granny good morning as she gets up in the morning.小孙女一早起来就向外祖母道早安。Do as you are bidden.按吩咐你的去做。pretty adj. 漂亮的, 可爱的, 优美的, 机灵的, 恰当的Your sister is a pretty girl你妹妹是个漂亮的女孩。What a pretty dress you is wearing today!你今天穿的衣服多漂亮!She looks much prettier with long hair than with short hair.她留长发比留短发时看上去标致得多。adv. 相当;颇-How are you?-Im pretty well pretty well你好吗? 我很好。It was a pretty serious accident.这是一次相当严重的事故。It will cost a pretty penny.这要花相当多的钱的。coach 四轮大马车;长途旅游汽车;教练;私人教师The students went sightseeing in the Yellowstone Park on a coach.学生们乘坐大客车去黄石公元观光。Our football coach trains the team.我们的足球教练训练这个队。otherwise adv. 另外, 否则, 不同地, 别的方式ex: Well go early, otherwise we may not get a seat. 我们得早一点去,不然就没有座位了。adj. 另外的, 其他方面的He is noisy, but otherwise a nice boy.他爱吵闹,但在其他方面倒是一个好孩子。stretch vt., vi. 变长,使长;变宽,使变宽;拉紧;张紧;伸开,张开She stretched the material by heating她通过加热撑拉这种材料。In some tropical regions small boats used to be made of skins stretched over a wooden frame.过去有些热带地区小船是用兽皮绷在一个木头框子上造成的。I stretched out my hand towards the book. 我把手伸向这本书。He stretched and flexed his knees to relax himself. 他伸屈膝关节使自己放松一下。court n.法院;法庭 He was sentenced to death at the court yesterday.昨天在法庭上他被判处死刑。The children are playing football at the court. 孩子们在球场上踢球。Origin n. 起源;开端 出身;血统;来历Many Americans are African by origin.许多美国人是非洲血统。adj. original 最初的;最早的; 新颖的;有创造性的;原版的,原作的Who was the original owner of this house? 谁是这座房子最早的主人?The original owner of the house was the Duke of Wellington.这房子本来的主人是威灵顿公爵。Do you know who came up with this original idea? 你知道谁提出的独到的见解? a person with an original我从没有见过这么有创作头脑的年青人。This is the original painting, and these others are copies.这画是原作,其他的是复制品。lead vt., vi. 引导;指引;通往,通到;领先;过(生活)He led us to his home. 他把我们带到他家。The path leads to the village. 这条小路通到那村庄。After the first half of the race I was leading.跑了一半赛程后我领先了。He led a hard life.他的日子过得很苦。adj. leading 领导的, 第一位的, 最主要的Jane is one of the leading writers in her time. Jane是她那个时代最重要的作家之一。role n.角色He played the role of the old king in our school play.他在我们学校演的剧中扮演老国王的角色。有用短语play a role inAdvertisements play an important role in our daily life.广告在我们日常生活中起着重要的作用。activity n 活动性,活力The classroom was full of activity; every child was busy.教室里充满了活跃的气氛,每个孩子都忙个不停。adj. active活动的;活跃的.能动的;积极的She is very active. And she took an active part the sports meeting last month.她非常活跃, 她积极参加了上个月的运动会。require vt. 需要; 要求The floor requires washing. 地板该洗了。I require two children to help me. 我需要两个孩子来帮我的忙。All passengers are required to show their tickets.所有乘客都必须出示车票。n. requirement需求, 要求, 必要条件, 需要的东西, 要求必备的条件If you have any requirements, ask me. 如果你有什么要求,请向我提出来。meet vt相逢;遇见; 遭遇;接合;相交;靠近;引见;结识;系住;对付;反抗;迎接;满足;付(账单、债务等)At Boston University, he met his wife, Coretta. 在波斯顿大学,认识了他的妻子科利塔。He studied at Morehouse College where he met many outstanding men.他在墨哈斯学院读书,在大学期间,他认识了许多杰出的人士。I met my teacher in the street today.我今天在街上遇见了我的老师。The cars met head-on.两辆汽车头迎头相撞。The two roads meet just north of the city.两条马路就在城市的北面汇合。I know Mrs Hill by sight, but have never met her.我见面认得希尔夫人,但是从来没人给我们引见过。Meet Mr. Smith.(美) 这是史密斯先生。My skirt wont meet round my middle.我的裙子太窄,系不上。We must learn to meet adversity gracefully. 我们必须学会冷静地去应付逆境。Will you meet her at the station? 你到车站去接她吗?Can the pany meet their debts?该公司能偿还债务吗?Does the hotel meet your expectations?这家旅馆符合你的要求吗?meet with偶遇;碰到I met with a friend in the train yesterday.昨天我在火车上遇到一位朋友。control vt. 抑制;克制Control yourself; dont get angry. 你要克制自己,不要发火。 keep under control控制;支配;管辖All schools are under the control of the Ministry of Education.所有学校统归教育部管辖。 in control of指导;支配 He was in control of the car. 他负责这辆小汽车。out of control失去控制The car was out of control and ran into the electricity pole.汽车失去控制撞上了电线杆。make way for让路给 为.开路On the way, 顺便说说;顺便提起By the way, what happened to the money? 顺便问一句,那笔钱后来怎么样了?有用短语:In this way用这种方法In the way 挡路by way of途经by way of London途经伦敦go out of ones way尽力have it both ways脚踩两只船mend ones ways改邪归正out of the way反常的;异常的set in ones ways旧习难改to my way of thinking依我看来32. support vt. 支撑;托住These posts support the roof. 这些柱子支撑着房顶。资助;鼓励;帮助She supports her husband on the money she earns from teaching.她用教书挣的钱资助丈夫。拥护;支持Which football team do you support?你支持哪个足球队?Supporter n.支持者Are you a supporter of the new law?你是新法律的支持者吗?branch n. 树枝The branched of the trees are cut off to go through winter.树上的树枝被砍去过冬。分支;支流A branch of the Changjiang river flows through our hometown.长江的一条分支流经我们的家乡。The panys head office is in the city, but it has branches all over the country.公司的总部在这个城市,但它的分公司遍布全国各地。maintain vt.保持;维持He failed again and again simply because he had maintained his defeatist attitude.因为他一直坚持失败主义的态度,所以失败了一次又一次。赡养;供给He has worked hard to maintain his family.他努力工作来养家。The car has always been properly maintained. 这汽车一直保养得很好。balance n. 平衡The child couldnt keep his balance on his new bicycle.孩子骑在他的新自行车上不能保持平衡。权衡vt. You have to balance the advantages of living downtown against the disadvantages.你必须权衡住在市中心的利弊。 n. 天平;秤The chemical must be weighted on the balance before the experiment. 实验前化学品要在天平上称一下。36. revise vt. 校阅;校订He was revising what he had written.他正在修改他所写的东西。修正;改变Ill have to revise my ideas about Tom. 我必须改变对汤姆的看法。温习;重温Ive been revising all week.我整个星期都在复习。involve v.包括,涉及(常与in连用)使陷入Dont involve other people in your trouble.别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。All the children were involved in the school play.所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的剧。This lesson involves a lot of work.这一课需要做的工作有很多。语法点津情态动词 所谓情态动词是指它含有一定的含意可以表达某种感情和说话的口气,但是它不可以单独使用作谓语动词。 情态动词有:can(could),may(might),must(must),have to,shall(should),will (would),need(need),dare(dared),ought to情态动词无人称和数的变化不能独立使用;它与其后面的动词原形合成谓语。情态动词的具体用法如下: (一)can和could的用法 1表示能力或客观可能性,还可以表示请求和允许。例如: Can you finish this work tonight? Man cannot live without air Can I go now? Yes,you can could也可表示请求。语气委婉主要用于疑问句不可用于肯定句,答语应用Can(即:could不能用于现在时态的简略答语中)。例如: Could I e to see you tomorrow? Yes, you can(否定答语可以用No, Im afraid not) can表示能力时,还可用be able to代替。例如: Ill not be able to e this afternooncan只能用于一般现在时和一般过去时(could)的句子中,be able to可以用在任何时态中,另外can只表明具备某种能力但不一定做了,可be able to 不仅具备了某种能力而且还实际实施了。2. 表示惊异怀疑,不相信态度。(主要用在否定旬、疑问句或感叹句中) Can this be true? How can you be so careless! This cannot be done by him 3. can (could)+have+过去分词”的疑问或否定形式表示对过发生的行为怀疑或不肯定。例如: He cannot have been to that town Can he have got the book? 注意:can 习惯用法: cannot but不得不 I cannot but admire his courage我不得不佩服他的勇气。 cannot (couldnt) help + doing 情不自禁;如: When I heard what the little girl said I couldnt help laughing当我听见小女孩所讲的,不禁大笑起来。 can but只好,不得不 We can but agree with him我们只好同意他。 cannot .too.怎么也不过分 You cannot be too careful in the choice of your friends你在选择朋友时,怎么小心也不过分。 表示经过努力才能完成之事不可用could, 而只可用be able to-如:Because he worked hard he was able to pass the exam 可表示轻微的怀疑。如:His story couldnt be true but I really think it is他的故事有可能是真的但我几乎不信。Well, I couldnt do the job today, but Id rather put it off until Saturday.我今天是可做这件事但我宁愿拖到周六。(二)may和might的用法1表示许可。表示请求、允许时,might比may的语气更委婉一些,否定回答时要用mustnt表示“不可 以”、“禁止”、“阻止”之意。例如:You may drive the carMight I use your pen?No,you mustnt用May I征询对方许可在文体上比较正式,在口气上比较客气。在日常用语中用Can1征询对方意见在现代口语中更为常见。2表示推测、可能(疑问句不能用于此意)He may be very busy now3用于析使句中表示祝愿。例如:May you succeed !4表示请求或规劝。例如:You might pay more attention to me5“may(might)+have+过去分词”表示对过去发生的行为的推测。例如:He may not have finished the work注意:may的其他用法:may not表示一种礼貌的“不可”。如:You may not leave the thing half done用于祝愿的句子中:May you succeedmight可表示忠告 责备。如:Yon have broken two dishesYou might try to be more carefulmay well +原形 理所当然You may well say so你当然可以这样讲。may as well=had better 最好We may as well stay where we are我们最好是留在原处。may as well+原形+as+原形 与其不如; 最好不要;如:You might as well throw your money away as lend it to him你要借给他钱,不如把钱扔了。(三)can 和may的用法1. 表示可能时may仅用语肯定句;而can可用于各种句式。如:You may be right你可

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