2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationship Friendship练习 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationship Friendship练习 外研版选修6.语法填空,单句训练1(xx天津南开中学高三月考改编)When people started questioning his explanation, he had to make_ more details.答案:up考查动词短语。句意:当人们开始质疑他的解释的时候,他不得不编造更多的细节。根据前句的questioning可判断选择make up“编造”。2(xx黑龙江省三市高三联考改编)An excellent teacher is believed to be one who devotes himself to the children but asks for nothing _return.答案:in考查介词短语辨析。句意:人们认为一位优秀的教师能为孩子奉献而不求回报。in return“作为回报”,符合句意。3(xx天津河西区质量调查改编)The old sisters finally _ in touch with each other again after they were separated for nearly 30 years.答案:got考查动词短语搭配。句意:在分别了将近30年后,这对老姐妹终于彼此取得了联系。get in touch with sb.“和某人取得联系”,表示动作,符合句意。4(xx曲师大附中高三期末改编)Jane was elected chairman of the mittee. This is the first time that a woman _(appoint) to the post.答案:has been appointed句意:简当选为委员会的主席,这是第一次女性被任命担任这个职位。This is the first time that.句型中谓语动词要使用现在完成时,并且appoint和主语a woman之间存在被动关系,故用现在完成时态的被动语态。5(xx山东实验中学高三诊断改编)I ran all the way to school yesterday, otherwise I _(be) late for the annual talent show.答案:would have been考查虚拟语气。句意:昨天我一路跑到学校,不然xx才艺表演我就会迟到。解题的关键是抓住关键词“otherwise”。本句的后半句是虚拟语气,是对过去情况的假设,所以用would have done结构。6I dont regret _(tell) her what I thought even if it might upset her.答案:having told句意:尽管可能让她伤心,我不后悔告诉她我所想的。regret doing sth.“后悔做过某事”;regret to do sth.“很遗憾要做某事”。7They always kept on good _ with their nextdoor neighbours for the childrens sake.答案:termskeep/be on good terms with“与和睦相处”,符合本题语境。8The manager says he needs an assistant that he can count_ to deal with the problems that may occur in his absence.答案:on句意:经理说他需要一个他能指望的上的人,当他不在时帮他处理可能出现的问题。count on“依靠,指望”,符合句意。9(xx河北省五校联盟调研考试改编)What do you mean _ saying “The boy is overgrowing”? I mean that he is tall _ his age.答案:by; for考查介词的用法。句意:“The boy is overgrowing”是什么意思?我的意思是:他比他这个年龄的孩子高。“你的意思是什么?”常用句型“What do you mean by?”,故第一空填by;第二空表示对于他这个年龄的孩子来说,故用for。10I feel very thankful for your help when a serious accident happened to my brother yesterday.Dont_it. But luckily, he had a narrow escape.答案:mention句意:“我很感激你昨天在我弟弟突遇事故时伸出了援助之手。”“小事一桩,不值得一提。不过很幸运的是,你弟弟成功脱险了。”Dont mention it“不客气”,常用于回答别人的道谢,符合句意。.语法填空,篇章训练阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Among all the fast growing science and technology, the research of human genes, _1_ biological engineering as people call it, is drawing more and more attention now. Sometimes it is a hot topic _2_(discuss) by people.The greatest thing that gene technology can do is to cure serious diseases that doctors at present can almost do nothing with, such as cancer and heart disease. Every year, millions of people are murdered by these two _3_(kill). And to date, doctors have not found _4_ effective way to cure them. But if the gene technology _5_(apply) , not only these two diseases can be cured pletely, _6_(bring) happiness and more living days to the patients, but also the great amount of money people spent on curing their diseases can be saved, so _7_ benefits the economy as well. In addition, human life span(寿命) can be prolonged. Gene technology can help people to give birth to more healthy and clever children. Some families, with the English imperial(皇室) family being a good example, have hereditary diseases. This means their children will for sure have the family disease, _8_ is a great trouble for these families. In the past, doctors could do nothing about hereditary diseases, _9_ gene technology can solve this problem _10_(perfect). The scientist just needs to find the wrong gene and correct it, and a healthy child will be born.1_2._3._4._5._6_7._8._9._10._答案:1or考查连词。句意:在所有增长的科技中,对于基因的研究或生物工程,越来越吸引人们的注意力。2discussed考查非谓语动词。句意:有时这是个被人们讨论的热门话题 。discussed分词做后置定语,与topic之间是被动关系。3killers考查名词。句意:每年有两大杀手。根据第二段第一句话提到“The greatest thing that gene technology can do is to cure serious diseases that doctors at present can almost do nothing with, such as cancer and heart disease”癌症和心脏病是两大杀手。4an/any考查冠词。句意:到目前为止,医生还没有发现一个有效的方法来治愈。5is applied考查动词的语态。句意:如果基因技术被应用,这两大疾病就能治愈。6bringing考查非谓语动词。句意:如果基因技术被应用,这两大疾病就能治愈,会给病人带来幸福。7it考查代词。句意:因此它也能使经济受益。it代指基因技术被应用。8which考查非限制性定语从句。句意:这就意味着他们的孩子有遗传病,对于许多家庭来说这是个大的麻烦。9but考查连词。句意:过去人们对遗传性疾病束手无策,而基因技术能够解决这个问题。10perfectly考查副词。句意:而基因技术能够很好地解决这个问题。.完形填空(xx河南开封一模)Even when I sit here and write this story, I am still smiling. The past few weeks have been rather _1_, but when a huge set of Smile Cards arrived in my mailbox the other day, having _2_ all the way from the United States to my home in the Netherlands, I knew things were about to _3_.I found myself thinking about where to _4_ the cards as I went to bed that nightthe train, benches at the station, libraries, mailboxes, or the gym. I almost thought about any _5_ of putting them.I got up and _6_, I went straight to the shop to buy some candy, _7_ to leave them as anonymous (无名的) gifts for people on the early morning train. There were usually few people on the train. However, _8_ my early morning travel, my train today was extremely _9_. An elderly man must have seen me searching for a place to leave a Smile Card, because he asked me if I was looking for something. Right then and there I decided that my _10_ Smile Card would not be anonymous. With a smile and red cheeks with _11_, I told him that I had found what I was looking for, _12_ him the candy and Smile Card I had in ray hands. He had only just finished reading the card as I arrived at my _13_. He was still smiling and enjoying his candy when I _14_ at him on the platform._15_ having worked a full clay, I was feeling joyful. Before I entered my _16_, I delivered a few more Smile Cards and candy to neighbors mailboxes, I added an extra candy bar for one neighbor who was in a _17_ financial situation, but he was working hard to get the best for his young son. I figured they both _18_ a tasty little treat. I am _19_ from my Smile Card adventure, and am even happier to have Smile Cards _20_, and quite a few ideas as to where to drop them. I believe giving Smile Cards to each other will bring all of us great joy.语篇导读:作者收到一些小小的微笑卡,她又买了一些糖果,打算把它们悄悄地放在日常经过的地方以给他人带去快乐和安慰。最终,作者在这个过程中确实给他人带去了惊喜,也给自己带来了快乐。1AsmoothBunfairCinspiring Dtough答案:D句意为:过去的几周过得相当艰难,但是几天前,当一大沓微笑卡跨越千山万水,从美国寄到我荷兰的家中时,我知道情况要发生转变了。smooth意为“光滑的”;unfair意为“不公平的”;inspiring意为“鼓舞人心的”;tough意为“艰苦的,困难的”。由转折连词but可知前后分句为转折关系,后半句讲的是情况好转,故前面讲作者过得不顺利,故D项正确。2Awalked BtraveledCcalled Dposted答案:B根据语境可知此处表示一大沓微笑卡跨越千山万水,从美国寄到我荷兰的家中。“从一地到另一地”用travel,故B项正确。3Aturn about Bturn outCturn down Dturn up答案:Aturn about意为“转变,转身”;turn out意为“结果是,证明是”;turn down意为“拒绝;调小”;turn up意为“出现;调大”。根据语境可知此处表示“我”知道情况要发生转变了,故A项正确。4Asell BbuyCget Dleave答案:D句意为:当天晚上睡觉时,我就发现自己一直在考虑把这些卡片放在哪里根据下一段第一句中“. _7_to leave them as anonymous (无名的) gifts for people on the early morning train”的提示可知D项正确。5Aaccident BimportanceCnecessity Dpossibility答案:Daccident意为“事故,意外”;importance意为“重要性”;necessity意为“必要性”;possibility意为“可能性”。根据语境可知此处表示“我几乎把所有可能放它们的地方都想遍了”,故D项正确。6Ameanwhile BthereCafterward Danyhow答案:Cmeanwhile意为“与此同时”;there意为“在那里”;afterward意为“然后,后来”;anyhow意为“无论如何,不管怎样”。根据语境可知此处表示“我起了床,然后直接去商店买了一些糖果”,故C项正确。7Adreaming BplanningCpretending Dagreeing答案:Bdream意为“梦想”;plan意为“计划,打算”;pretend意为“假装”;agree意为“同意”。此处表示“我”打算匿名把它们作为礼物留给早班列车上的人,故B项正确。8Aoff BalongCunlike Don答案:C根据句首的转折词However可知这里指与以往的早班列车不一样,今天车上异常拥挤。介词unlike意为“不像,和不同”,符合语境。9Acrowded BemptyCdirty Dclean答案:Acrowded意为“拥挤的”;empty意为“空的”;dirty意为“肮脏的”;clean意为“干净的”。由上一句“There were usually few people on the train.”和这一句句首的However可知A项正确。10Aexpensive BbeautifulCfirst Dreal答案:Cexpensive意为“昂贵的”;beautiful意为“漂亮的”;first意为“第一的,首先的”;real意为“实际的,真实的”。由后文可知作者给了老人一份微笑卡和糖果,这是他送出的第一份微笑卡。故C项正确。11Aanger BsorrowCshyness Dexcitement答案:Danger意为“愤怒,生气”;sorrow意为“伤心”;shyness意为“害羞”;excitement意为“兴奋”。此处表示“我”面带微笑,双颊因为兴奋而发红,故D项正确。12Atelling BlendingChanding Dshowing答案:Ctell意为“告诉”;lend意为“把借给”;hand意为“递,交”;show意为“展示”。根据语境可知此处表示“我”告诉他“我”找到了要找的东西,并且把手中的微笑卡和糖果递给了他,故C项正确。13Astop BhouseClibrary Dschool答案:A句意为:我到站时,他刚刚读完那张卡片。stop意为“车站”。14Awaved BlaughedCshouted Dpointed答案:A句意为:我在站台上向他挥手(告别)时,他还在微笑着事用那颗糖果。wave意为“挥手”;laugh意为“大笑”;shout意为“喊叫”;point意为“指着”。根据语境可知A项正确。15ABecause of BDespiteCApart from DBeyond答案:B句意为:尽管工作了一整天,我却心情愉悦。because of意为“因为”;despite意为“虽然”;apart from意为“除了”;beyond意为“超出,迟于”。根据语境可知B项正确,相当于in spite of。16Aoffice BapartmentCbathroom Dstudy答案:B句意为:在我回公寓之前,又往邻居们的邮箱里多放了一些微笑卡和糖果。office意为“办公室”;apartment意为“公寓”;bathroom意为“浴室”;study意为“书房”。根据语境可知B项正确。17Arich BsteadyChopeful Ddifficult答案:Drich意为“富裕的”;steady意为“稳定的”;hopeful意为“充满希望的”;difficult意为“困难的”。根据下半句中“但是为了把最好的给他年幼的儿子,他一直在努力打拼”可知,“我”的这个邻居生活拮据,故D项正确。18Asuffered BdeservedChated Dsupported答案:B句意为:我想他们父子俩都值得享用这小小的美味。suffer意为“遭受,遭遇”;deserve意为“应得,值得”;hate意为“憎恨”;support意为“支持”。根据语境可知B项正确。19Aeager BcalmCthrilled Dnervous答案:Ceager意为“热切的”;calm意为“平静的”;thrilled意为“兴奋的”;nervous意为“紧张的”。根据逗号后的“.and am even happier.”可知此处C项正确。20Aleft BrepairedCbought Dsold答案:A句意为:我在微笑卡大冒险中收获了快乐,然而让我更开心的是,我不但把微笑卡留下了,还有很多关于把它们放在哪儿的想法。根据语境可知A项正确。.阅读理解(xx四川宜宾二诊)Jealousy (嫉妒) is a horrible feeling that weeds its way into your life and relationships before you know it. You might want something someone else has, or feel like theyre happier than you. It might seem like an uncontrollable emotion, but its truly not!Remember your big acplishments. If your coworker gets the promotion you wanted, it doesnt mean you havent done great work. List out your acplishments and think about how you got them and what youve done since then. Youll quickly find that youre just as worthy as the person youre envying!Appreciate your own good fortune. Think of where you are in your life and how you got there. Did you just buy your first car? Are you able to save one paycheck each month? Are you surrounded by loving family and amazing friends? You have a lot of good things, and you have a lot of good fortune ing your way. Stop letting jealousy eat you alive and realize that you can better spend that energy in furthering your own success and happiness.Appreciate that others can do what you cant. How boring would life be if everyone was the same? What if the entire population of your city was applying for your job, and they all had the same qualifications? Appreciate that everyone is different. Some people are better in powerful management positions, while maybe youre better working with people. A friend might be an excellent artista quality youre envious of, but dont forget that youre a great musician! Acknowledge that people need to be different, need to be better at various things.语篇导读:嫉妒心理会在不知不觉间影响我们的生活和人际关系,本文给出了几条建议帮你消除嫉妒心理。1Jealousy is an emotion that _.Ayou feel others do better than youBcan go into your soul without being noticedCis positive enough to make yourself do betterDmakes you as worthy as the person youre envying答案:B细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句“Jealousy is a horrible feeling that weeds its way into your life and relationships before you know it.”可知,嫉妒是一种不知不觉便可侵入灵魂的情感。故选B项。2We should appreciate that others can do what you can t, because _.Ayou can further your own success and happinessBthings in the world are variousCthe entire population of your city is applying for your jobDyoure worthless pared to anyone else答案:B细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的“Appreciate that others can do what you cant. How boring would life be if everyone was the same? What if the entire population of your city was applying for your job, and they all had the same qualifications? Appreciate that everyone is different.”可知,我们应该感激别人能做我们不能做的事情,因为世界上的事情是各种各样的,而且每个人是不同的。故选B项。3When will you probably be jealous of someone?AWhen your coworker gets the promotion you wanted.BWhen you buy your first car.CWhen you are surrounded by loving family and friends.DWhen your friend bee an artist.答案:A细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句“If your coworker gets the promotion you wanted, it doesnt mean you havent done great work.”知,当你的同事得到了你想得到的晋升的时候,你会嫉妒。故选A项。4What is the main idea of the passage?AJealousy is a bad feeling.BJealousy may influence your life and relationship.CWhat should we do when jealousy ashes?DWhy must we keep away from jealousy?答案:C主旨大意题、根据全文的内容和第一段最后一句“It might seem like an uncontrollable emotion, but its truly not!”可知,该篇文章主要是围绕”嫉妒的时候我们该怎么做”来讲的。故选C项。.短文填空根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Some kids love handwriting, but others hate when its time to put their pen to paper. Maybe they are worried about their handwriting. Are you one of them? _1_ Here are five steps that really work!Get a great graspTry thishold your pencil at the top and try to write your name. Pretty hard? But when you hold your pencil the correct way, writing is much easier._2_ Hold it in place with your thumb, and your index (食指) and middle fingers.Let the lines be your guideLined paper is your friend! Those lines can help you create letters that are the right size and proportion (均衡)._3_ Also be sure to fill up the lined space pletely. Those capital letters should be from the bottom line to the top one.Slow downIf your writing is hard to read, try slowing down a little. If you rush, its hard to control where you stop and start your letters.Lower the pressure_4_ That makes it harder to make the smooth lines. Try easing up and dont hold the pencil too tightly._5_Lots of games require you to write or draw pictures. So even though its not schoolwork, youre still using the skills you need to control your pen better.APlay gamesB Ask for more adviceCSo “a” should be half the height of a capital “A”.DYouve been writing since you were a little kid.ESome kids press down really hard when they write.FThe good news is that just about everyone can improve their handwriting.GThe best way to hold a pen or pencil is to let it rest next to the base of your thumb.答案:FGCEA

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