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2019-2020年高中英语Module5ALessoninaLabSection同步精练外研版必修.在下列空白处填入合适的词Mark Kendon is a Canadian student at Senior High school.He never _ _ enjoy science,but now,he decide to study _ at Montreal or Ottawa University,which _ his parents.That is because he _ _a new school with good _ and teachers.He bees _ _ _ interested in science.Their chemistry teacher takes them to public science lectures about _ _ a term,and the lecturers are people who have made real discoveries _ their _ _ science.单句改错1He used to living here but now he has moved away._2I didnt used to like beer,but now Im quite fond of it._3All the passengers in the accident have been sent to hospital according to the later news._4All the Chinese are pride of Yao Ming as he is very successful in NBA._5It is six oclock now.He is suppose to be at home._.单项填空1He used _ on the right in China,but he soon got used _on the left in England.Ato drive;to drive Bto drive;drivingCto driving;to drive Dto drive;to driving2The professor also mentioned an article _ by Zhu Ziqing.Asupposed to have been writtenBsupposed to be writingCsupposing to have been writtenDsupposing to be written3I havent heard from Henry for a long time.What do you suppose _to him?Awas happening Bto happenChas happened Dhad happened4Im going to sing one of the most popular songs in China now._.We are listening.AGo ahead BThanks a lotCIts my turn DMy pleasure5When and where _to go for the summer holiday yet.Aare not decidedBhavent been decidedCis not being decidedDhas not been decided6There is no doubt that her past record is certainly something to _.Atake pride Btake pride ofCbe proud Dbe proud of7I want to buy that kind of clothes because I _the cloth _ well.Ahave told;washedBhave been told;washesChave been told;is washedDwas told;washed8Either Tom or Peter _ taking one exam after another.Ahate BhatesCto hate Dhating9Do you know who came yesterday?Yao Ming? We had a basketball match._He came and watched the game.AYou guessed it!BHow did you know that?CWell done!DThat was good news!.完成句子1在那棵大树附近曾经有一座石塔。There _ _ _a stone tower near the big tree.2将会有许多老师参加今晚的舞会。Many teachers will _ _ _ the dancing party tonight.3听说他通过驾驶考试时,我们感到很惊讶。We _ _ _hear that he had passed his driving test.4最近三年,他们一直住在这里。Theyve lived here for _ _ _ _.5由于人造卫星的帮助,人类在许多科学领域里进行了更富有成效的研究工作。With the help of manmade satellites,man has done better research work _many _ _science.6汤姆以他的新车而非常自豪。Tom is very _ _his new car.7在汽车里每个人都要系上安全带。Everyone _ _ _wear a seat belt in the car.8你不准在这里吸烟。 You are _ _ _ smoke here.9要么说声抱歉,要么就出去。_ say youre sorry _ (else)get out.10下着大雨,我们的车开得越来越慢。It was raining hard,and we drove _ and _slowly.书面表达写一篇“镁在空气中燃烧”的实验报告。实验目的:镁在空气中燃烧是否有变化。器材(apparatus):镁(magnesium),本生灯,天平称,坩埚。方法:1首先把镁放进坩埚内。2然后把坩埚放在天平上称一下。3下一步点燃本生灯,把坩埚放在上面,给镁加热。4最后再称一称镁。结果:镁比原来重了一点。结论:镁在空气中燃烧有变化。参考答案.答案:used to;physics;astonished;moved to;facilities;more and more;four times;in;areas of.1答案:livinglive2答案:useduse3答案:laterlatest4答案:prideproud5答案:supposesupposed.1解析:used to“过去常常”,后接动词原形;get/be used to sth./doing sth.“习惯于”,后接名词或动名词。句意为:以前在中国他靠右行驶,但在英国他很快习惯了靠左驾驶。答案:D2解析:此句主谓宾齐全,缺少定语。suppose和其逻辑主语article构成动宾关系,要用过去分词作定语,这样排除C、D项;article和write也构成动宾关系,要用被动结构,故选A项。答案:A3解析:在特殊疑问句中do you suppose/think/believe等常作插入语。此句what是主语,空格处是谓语,再根据前一句的时态,故选C项。答案:C4解析:go ahead在句中意为“唱吧”(表示鼓励对方提出的请求)。thanks a lot“多谢”(感谢对方提供的帮助);its my turn“该我了”(轮到我做);my pleasure“不用谢”(给对方提供了帮助,对方表示感谢时,自己对对方说的客套话)。根据语境,故选A项。答案:A5解析:连接代词和连接副词可以和不定式连用起名词的作用,可以作主语、宾语和表语等。一个连接代词或一个连接副词加不定式作主语时,谓语动词用单数,两个或两个以上的连接代词(副词)作主语时谓语动词用复数。有时,虽然是两个或两个以上的连接代词(副词)加不定式作主语,如果同指一个动作或一个事情的话,谓语动词仍然用单数,此句“什么时间去、到哪儿去”指同一个事情,所以用单数动词,故选D项。答案:D6解析:take pride in“引以为豪”,be proud of“引以为豪”。句意为:毫无疑问她过去的记录一定是她引以为豪的事情。答案:D7解析:现在想买是因为“有人告诉我”,强调现在的结果,用现在完成时的被动语态,所以排除A、D项;“布好洗”强调主语的特性,故用一般现在时态。答案:B8解析:either.or.“要么要么”,连接两个相同的成分。如果连接两个主语,谓语动词的数与最近的一个保持一致。答案:B9解析:根据语境可知,“他来看过这场球赛”说明对方猜得不错。句意为:“姚明?我们(昨天)打篮球赛了。”“你猜对了,他来看了这场球赛。”答案:A.1答案:used to be2答案:take part in3答案:were astonished to4答案:the last three years5答案:in;areas of6答案:proud of7答案:is supposed to8答案:not supposed to9答案:Either;or10答案:more;more.参考范文:Aim:To find out if theres a change when magnesium burns in air.Apparatus:Maganesium,Bunsen burner,a balance,a crucible.Method:First,put the magnesium in the crucible.Then put the crucible on the balance and weigh it.Next,heat the magnesium.Light the Bunsen burner and hold the crucible over it.Finally,weigh the magnesium again.Result:It weighs a little more than before.Conclusion:There is a change in weight when magnesium burns in air.【写作指导】用英语写实验报告,除了语言上需要注意的问题之外,格式规范也很重要,我们可以从以下几个方面着手关注: 1标题。2前言。这部分内容,往往对实验的时间、地点、对象、范围作必要的交代,总领全文。3主体。主体中需具体叙述实验内容、列举事例和数据,并做恰当的议论和分析,概括出经验或规律。是表现实验报告主旨的关键部分。4结尾。结尾是实验报告的结束语,可作归纳性说明或总结全篇的主要观点,也可指出存在的问题,提出建议。

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