2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit3 The land down under(备课资料).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit3 The land down under(备课资料).doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit3 The land down under(备课资料).异域风情Australian Koala BearDo you know the koala?Its a very famous animal from Australia and known throughout the world.I have been to Australia for study purposes in xx.During a visit to the “Australian Wildlife Park”,I saw my first koala.I had never seen such a lovely animal before.I felt so excited after I had seen it that I took some photos of it at once.When I came back,our English teacher told us that a koala is arguably the most popular of Australian animals.They are also called “koala bears”,although koalas are not related to bears.Whats the koala like?It looks like a small bear.It has two small eyes,a short nose and dense fur.Sometimes the koala bees very dangerous because it has a pair of very sharp(尖锐) claws,so be careful.Now let me tell you more about koalas.Koalas fur is waterproof and also gives protection from wind and sun.Usually,koalas select the cleanest gum leaves to eat.Koalas obtain most of their water requirements from leaves and dewdrops(露水).The koalas digestive system detoxifies harmful substrances in its gum leaf diet.Until it is around one year of age,a young koala rides on its mothers back.When a koala baby is too large for its mothers pouch,it clings to her furry body.A young koala can put its head into its mothers pouch to nurse.If you watch these animals you will find them sleeping on the gum tree.Gum leaves are low in energy,so koalas sleep for up to 20 hours a day.Therefore,it sleeps in the daytime and looks for food at night.Another interesting phenomenon about a koala is that even when drowsing(打嗑睡),it still keeps tight hold of the branches that support it.Recently more and more Australians are being aware of their environment and the Australian government has made a lot of laws to protect their koalas.The koala is an animal icon(神) and a mascot(吉祥物) for all Australians,at home and abroad.In all,I love Australian koalas!.知识归纳1.禁止与告诫用语归纳No smoking allowed.请勿吸烟。No spitting!不准随地吐痰!No billing.不准张贴。No Parking Here!此处禁止停车!No bikes riding.此处禁止骑车。No Camping!不准野营!No Swimming!禁止游泳!No Boating!禁止划船!No Hunting!禁止打猎!No entrance.(车辆等)不准入内。No admittance except on business.非公莫入(或闲人免进)。Dont litter the ground with paper.别随地乱扔废纸/纸屑。Dont park in this area.这里不准停车。Dont scribble on the wall.禁止在墙上乱写乱画。Please do not litter.请不要乱扔果皮纸屑。Please do not disturb.请勿打搅。Please dont touch the exhibits.请勿触摸展品。Not open to visitors.谢绝参观。Mind your head!小心别碰了头!Visitors not admitted.游客止步。Lighting fires is strictly forbidden on the construction site.建筑工地,严禁烟火。2.系表结构表完成意义(1)“连系动词be+表语”通常是表状态的。与段时间状语连用可表示“曾去过某地”,可用于完成时态。The park is very beautiful.I have been here for two days.这个公园非常美。我来这儿已经有两天了。(2)“连系动词be+表语”这一结构本身也可以表达完成意义,而不用其完成时态。这种完成意义相当于某个完成时态。主要表现在以下几个方面:当连系动词be+表示结果意义的形容词或副词时,可表示完成意义。当然,同一个形容词在表示状态时意境也有所不同。It is dark(=has bee dark).You had better stay here.天黑了,你最好留在这儿。It is dark.Dont go out tonight.天很黑,今晚不要出门。The baby is asleep(=has gone to sleep).Now I can do some housework.孩子睡了,今晚我可以做点儿家务活了。The baby is asleep.You should turn down the TV set.孩子睡着了,你该把电视声音关小点儿。The meeting is over(has ended).Lets go to have lunch together.会议已经结束了,咱们一起去吃午饭吧。这类形容词,常见的还有dead,full,apart,awake,dry,wet,empty,hungry,cold,clean,open,等等。当“连系动词be+过去分词”时,可表示完成意义,也须注意意境的不同。When I got to the shop,it was closed (had been closed).我赶到商店时,已经关门了。When I passed his room,the door was closed.我经过他房间时,门是关着的。He is married(has got married).Dont you know it?他已经结婚了。你不知道吗?She is married and lives in Guangzhou now.她结婚了,现在住在广州。当“连系动词be+表示方向的副词”时,可表示完成意义。Now spring is in(=has e).Leaves are out (has e out).春天到了,树都发芽了。My father isnt in.He is out (has gone out).我爸爸不在家,他出去了。这类副词常见的还有on,away,down,past,back,through等。当“连系动词be+表示转移的介词短语”时,可表示完成意义。The horse is already over(=has already jumped over) the fence.那马已经跳过了栅栏。They are across(=have corssed) the bridge.他们过了桥。I am out of work(has lost my job) again.我再一次失业了。3.round up的用法round up“聚集,召集”,相当于gather or bring together。可以用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。They rounded up at the school gate.他们在校门口集合。Round up a few friends to help you!召集几个朋友帮帮你吧!Two of the thieves were arrested outside the bank and the rest of the gang was rounded up later.两名窃贼在银行外被捕,其余同伙随后落网。.词语辨析1.suffer,stand,bear,endure这个词都有“遭受,忍受”的意思。(1)suffer指毫不沮丧地忍受,含有被动的和不随意的意味,不是出于自己意志的动作,常常表示受苦、受罚、受损失、患病等。还常和from连用。He suffers from high blood pressure.他患有高血压。Im not suffer myself to be ill treated.我不能容忍自己受虐待。(2)stand多用于口语,指忍受“侮辱、艰难、寒暑、费用”等而言,多用在否定句中;若用在肯定句中则含有“经得住”的意思。My mother couldnt stand this cold weather.我母亲受不了这么冷的天气。I cant stand waiting any longer.再等下去我可受不了啦。(3)bear是普通用语,指忍受“冷天气、饥饿、困难、苦难、不幸、损失、无礼、重担”等而言,常表示主语自己的意志,强调“坚韧”和忍受的能力,而不是忍受的态度。She couldnt bear her child to be away so long.孩子离开这么久,她受不了。You must bear your loss with patience.你必须耐心忍受你的损失。(4)endure较正式,尤指忍受大的、持久的困难或灾难,侧重于耐力的持久和意志的坚强,多用于否定句。She couldnt endure seeing animals curely treated.她无法忍受目睹动物被残酷对待。The child cant endure the pain caused by the wound.这孩子受不了创伤引起的疼痛。2.all,whole,entire,total(1)all着重指整体,意为“全部的、所有的”,修饰可数名词复数,指所有的数量,也可修饰不可数名词,指整个范围或全部数量、位于定冠词、指示代词、物主代词、基数词的前面。All that afternoon I jumped and sang and did all kinds of things.整整一下午,我跳呀、唱呀,做了各种事情。All the students in our class are working hard.我们班所有的学生都学习努力。(2)whole着重“完整的”整体,指完整无缺的统一体,不可分割、一点不缺。作“全体的、一切的”讲时,不接复数名词,位于冠词、所有格或其他限定词后,没有冠词或限定词时,whole不能接单数名词。Nature is a whole.自然界是一个统一体。The researchers devoted their whole energy to the task.那些研究人员把全部精力都放在工作上。(3)entire比whole语气强,含“齐全无缺”之意,即其完整的程度不可增减,凡已分割、破坏、切断的都不能称为“entire”,意为“完整的、完全的”。作“整个的、全部的”讲时,常可与whole互换。e.g.They enjoy his entire confidence.他们受到他的完全信任。He had almost never been sick during his entire life(=his whole life).他一生中从未病过。(4)total指数量程度的“全部”,把一切都计算在内。Whats the total population of China?中国人的总人口是多少?3.be born,give birth to(1)sb. be born in/on/at/of/into/from. 出生于She was born in a village.她出生在一个村子里。The boy was born of/in/from/into a poor peasant farmily.那个男孩生于一个贫穷的农民家庭。(2)be born+n. 生来就是、天生就是No one is born a poet.没有人生来就是诗人。(3)give birth to 生、产生Kangaroos and koala bears give birth to very small and weak young.袋鼠和考拉熊生出的幼仔很弱小。4.outdoor,outdoorsoutdoor是形容词,“室外的”,多用作定语;outdoors是副词,“室外(地)、户外(地)”,在句中作状语。它们的反义词分别是indoor(室内的)和indoors(室内地)。e.g.He often sleeps outdoors in summer.夏天他常在室外睡。We need more outdoor exercise.我们需要更多的户外活动。.能力训练1.用所给词的适当形式填空(1)She _ (turn) red at the words.(2)He remained _ (stand) there for a couple of hours.(3)At the party,he kept_ (silence) all the time.(4)What we cant get seems _(good) than what we had.(5)How about this pair?They seem _ (be) the right size for me.(6)What he said sounds_ (friend).(7)The TV play I watched last night was very _ (interest).(8)The dictionary is of great _ (use) means “The dictionary is very_ (use).”(9)The door remained _ (lock) all the time.(10) Her job is _ (look) after the old lady.Suggested answers:(1)turned(2)standing(3)silent(4)better(5)to be(6)friendly(7)interesting(8)use,useful(9)locked(10)looking2.把下列句子中的汉语译成英语(1)Thats _ (我们的分歧所在).答案:where we differ(2)Whats troubling me is_ (我做这种工作经验不多).答案:that I dont have experience in this kind of work(3)The fact remains _ (我们比别的组落后).答案:that we are behind the other groups(4)That is_ (我们决定推迟讨论的原因).答案:why we decided to put the discussion off(5)This is _ (我们坚决反对的).答案:what we are firmly against(6)His work was_ (很累人的).答案:tiring(7)Her wish is _ (成为一个宇航员).答案:to bee an austronaut(8)Her glasses are_ (打破了),but she doesnt know who did it.答案:broken(9)His favorite sport is_ (冲浪).答案:surfing

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