2019-2020年高一英语下册 Unit20 Humour(备课资料)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语下册 Unit20 Humour(备课资料)教案 大纲人教版第一册一、异域风情1.Charlie ChaplinCharlie Chaplin was born on April 16,1889 in London.His father was an entertainer and although not one of the big names.He was doing very well.His mother Hannah was also an entertainer,a wonderful mimic.She had a sweet,charming voice.While they were not rich,the music hall provided the Chaplins with a fortable living.Unfortunately,happy life didnt last long.Fathers alcoholism was slowly,but surely destroying his marriage.Finally it ended in divorce,but Hannah was strong.Without her,Charlie Chaplin would have bee just one more child lost in the poverty of Victorian London.Somehow she managed to keep Charlie and his brother Sydney clean,warm and clothed.She would sit at the window watching the passers-by and guess their characters from the way they looked and behaved,making up stories to delight Charlie and Sydney.Charlie took in her skills and went on using them all his life.Charlie had always believed,even in the worst times,that was something special locked away inside him.He took his courage and went to see one of the top theatrical agents.With no experience at all,he was being offered the little part of Billythe pageboy in a new production of Sherlock Holmes opened on July 27,1903 at the enormous Pavilion Theatre.Charlie seemed to change overnight.It was as if he had found the thing he was meant to do.In 1910,when karno set off on its yearly American tour,one of the best pantomine artists had ever seen him.They had reached Philadelphia when a telegram arrived and Charlie was offered the chance to replace a star in the keystone film pany.Cinema was born in the same year as Charlie thought people still believed it was a passing fad,and would never replace live shows.He was kept hanging about for several weeks and he used the time to watch and to learn.He was determined to master this new medium.It offered him the chance of money and successand it would set him free from the noises of live audience.Charlies first film,shown in February 1914 was called “Making a living”.Though it didnt satisfy Charlie,the public liked it.After that he had made ten films and he had learned a lot.The public loved him and distributors were demanding more and more.Chaplin films.In an incredibly short time,Charlie had bee a very important man is motion picture2.About JokesWhat is it that makes people laugh?More than two thousand years ago the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle defined humous as the pleasure that results from a feeling of triumph by showing were better than someone else in a certain way.According to Aristotle and many other philosophers,all jokes depend mainly on showing inferiority in another person or group of personsthat is,putting it clearly,on showing that they are not as good as we are.Jokes raise our good opinion of ourselves chiefly someone elses expense.By showing how much better than other people we are is only one reason we like jokes.Someone may also use a joke to express their anger or their cruelty or any other kind of action that is not acceptable to us.We feel free to laugh when we hear about someone slipping on a banana skin.The joke lets us express those attitudes which are usually unacceptable to society.This is probably the reason why some of the jokes,especially those involving cruelty or sex,are so poplular with certain people.In addition,all jokes depend on our enjoy ment of laughing at something that is strange and out of place because its different from things which are happening around it.The same situation can be either sad or pleasant,depending entirely on how strange and out of place it is.If a girl in a bathing-dress falls into a swimming pool,we dont laugh because nothing unusual has happened.But if a man in smart suit falls in,the situation is at once unusual in a pleasant way and we laugh.A good joke-teller will always try to build up a situation in which one thing is expected until something unexpected suddenly happdened,and so we laugh.二、知识归纳(一)with的用法归纳(1)表示“和一起”。He is going to study English with me.他要和我一起学英语。He is staying with his uncle.他和他叔叔住在一起。(2)表示“一致;同意,同情”。As to this point I cannot agree with you.关于这点我不能同意你。(3)表示“与同时或同向,随着”。With these words he went out.他说完这些话就出去了。His earings increased with his power.他的收入随着他的能力而增加。(4)表示“用材料覆盖、填充、装饰、供应等”。Fill the glass with wine.把杯子倒满酒。We are well provided with food and clothing.我们吃得好,穿得好。(5)表示工具、媒介,作“用,以”解,with在此种用法中可用于主动语态和被动语态的句子中。I dry my hand and face with a towel.我用毛巾擦干手和脸。(6)表示“具有、附有”之意,相当于“having”。There was a box with a lid on the desk.桌上有一只附有盖子的盒子。(7)表示“带在身上”,多用在bring,carry,have,take等动词之后。I have no money with me.我身上没有带钱。(8)表示关系,作“关于;对于而言,在某人眼里”。It is a custom with the Chinese.那是关于中国人的习惯。How are things with you?你的近况如何?(9)表示“状态”。with在此种用法中,后面常与一抽象名词连用,形成一副词短语,其中大部分可等于一副词。He can read French with ease.他能轻易地读法文。He swam across the river with difficulty.他好不容易才游过河流。(10)表示原因、理由,常作“因为、由于”解。She was trembling with fear.她因恐惧而发抖。(11)表示“比较”,用在pare with或in parison with的形式中。His English cannot pare with mine.他的英语比不上我。(12)表示“对照、对比”常和contrast连用。You may contrast this book with another one.你可以把这本书和另外一本对照一下。(13)表示“归照顾、管理、保存”。Leave the child with its aunt.把小孩留给他的姑妈照顾。(14)表示“与分离,放弃”。She has parted with her car.她已把她的车子卖了。I parted from him at noon.我中午和他分手。(15)表示“不一致,敌对,反对”之意。He argued with his father.他和父亲争论意见不一致。They were at war with Germany.他们与德国交战。(16)表示让步,作“尽管、虽然”解,相当于“in spite of”。With all his money,he is unhappy.尽管他有钱,他并不快乐。(17)表示“某一动作的附带状态”,常形成“with+obj.+补语”的句型。I sleep with the windows open.我开着窗睡觉。He went out with his hat on.他戴着帽子出去。(18)与副词连用形成“副词+with+宾语”的感叹句。Off with your hat!=Take off your hat!脱帽!Down with your money.交出钱来。(二)关于“动词+宾语+补语”结构1.不定式作宾语补足语(1)可用不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:ask,beg,cause,expect,force,forbid,oblige,invite,order,permit,require,persuade,want,warn,call on,wait for等。But he didnt invite her to have dinner with them.(2)下列动词后面跟不定式作宾语补足语时要省略to:have,let,make,hear,see,watch,notice,observe,listen to,lookat,feel等(help后带不带to均可)。He listened to his mother climb the stairs.Will you help me(to)repair my bike?(3)另外下列动词后面也可以用不定式作宾补:allow,drive,get,wish,hate,leave,like,set,teach等。Id like you to e and meet my relatives.2.现在分词作宾补可带现在分词作宾补的动词:(1)feed,find,get,have,hear,keep,see,send,watch等。The night before the procession,the two cheats had their lights burning all night long.After an hour or two I felt the wind getting stronger.(2)leave,observe,set,smell,listen to,look at等。They went off together and left me sitting there.3.过去分词作宾补可带过去分词作宾补的动词:(1)find,get,have,leave,keep,see等。When the kings had the pyramids built for them,they perhaps never thought this would happen.(2)hear,make,watch等。Have you ever heard the song sung in English?You must take yourself respected.4.形容词或名词作宾补除上面的非谓语动词之外,还有少数动词可以带to be加形容词作宾补,用来说明宾语的状态或特征。The Arctic Ocean is considered by some people to be a northern part of the Atlantic Ocean.另外,find,think,know,believe,suppose等也可以如此用法。其中consider,find,think的宾补也可不用to be,直接用形容词或名词。We found him(to be)dishonest.They thought Mary(to be)the best singer in the class.We know this to be a fact.5.注意各种不同宾补的区分(1)现在分词和过去分词作宾补的区别:现在分词作宾补时,宾语和宾补有逻辑主谓关系。Tom heard Mary singing in the next room.而过去分词作宾补时,宾语是后面过去分词的承受者。Jack wants to have his hair cut.(2)不定式和现在分词作宾补的区别:不定式作宾补时,宾语和宾补有逻辑主谓关系,并有将要发生的含义,而现在分词作宾补时有正发生或已发生的含义。Jack asked Tom to go to London with him.(to go含有将要发生)Dont have horses running at the door?(running表示正在或一直不停地跑)Do you hear someone knocking at the door?I heard someone knock(at the door)three times.我听见有人敲过三次门。三、词语辨析(一)kind,sort,type1.汉语中的“种”“类”意思相近而又有区别。英语中也一样,kind,sort,type等用法相同又有区别。总的来说,kind和sort用法是相同的,只是kind较正式,sort则多用于口语和商业用语,另外,sort有时含有轻蔑的意味。type则指更为具体的东西,译为“类型、型号、样式”。Do you know what type of blood is yours?你知道你的血型吗?常见的表示种类的词组有:a kind/sort of,this kind of,that kind of,all kinds of,many kinds of,different kinds of,various kinds of,等;of后面的名词多用单数,且不用冠词。如:a kind of flower,all kinds of bamboo.2.说某一种类的东西常用of a kind的结构。They are all of a kind,I like roses of this kind.3.问种类常见的方法是:What kind/sort of book do you like?你喜欢哪类书?What kind/sort of man is he?他是哪种类型的人?4.sort含有轻蔑的意味。如:How did you get this sort of idea into your head?你怎么想出这种主意来呢?Ill do nothing of this sort.这种事我不干。5.a kind of car,a sort of car,a new type of car等都可以说,而type更侧重外观“式样”,含“风格”的意思。Her beauty was of another type.她的美丽是另一种风格的。(二)make fun of,play a joke on,laugh at,make fun of意思是“取笑,嘲弄某人”;play a joke on sb.意思是“开某人玩笑、戏弄某人”;laugh at sb.意思是“讥笑、讽刺某人”。Its wrong to make fun of the blind.取笑盲人是不对的。We shouldnt play a joke on the cripples.我们不应捉弄残疾人。Many scientists laughed at it.But Einstein stuck to his theory and went on with his research.许多科学家嘲笑这个理论,但是爱因斯坦坚持他的理论,继续从事他的研究。(三)be famous for,be famous as这一对短语都表示“以而出(著名)”,但含义与用法有区别。(1)当主语是表示人的名词时,be famous for表示“以某种知识、技能、作品或特征而出名”,而be famous as则表示“以某种身份而出名”。He is famous for his great inventions.因为他的伟大发明,他出名了。He is famous as a great inventor.他是出了名的伟大的发明家。(2)当主语是表示地点的名词时,be famous for表示“以某种特点(产品)而出名”,be famous as表示“以什么样的产地/地方而出名”。France is famous for his fine food and wine.法国的美食和酒是出了名的。The town is famous as a wine-producing place.这个镇是一个出名的产酒镇。(3)当主语是事物名词时,be famous for表示“以其内容、特征、价值等而被人所知”,be famous as表示“以某种形式出名”。This grammar book is famous for its practical usage.这本语法书以其实用性而被人所知。This book is famous as a conference book.这本书是出名的参考书。四、能力训练(一)用括号内所给单词的同根词填空。1.我有个有趣的新闻,你可能没有听到。I have an_(amuse)piece of news you may not have heard.答案:amazing2.虽然他们知道这是一大笔钱,但确切的钱数大家还不知道。The _(actually)amount of money was not known though they knew it was large.答案:actual3.这是一个常用词。This is a _(mon)used word.答案:monly4.我非常欣赏鲁迅。I have great_(appreciate)of Lu Xun.答案:appreciation5.他英语说得很流利。He could speak English_(fluent).答案:fluently6.极冷的温度使发动机不能运转。_(extremely)cold will cause the engine to fail.答案:Extreme7.实际上首相管理政府。The prime minister really_(manager)the government.答案:manages8.足球场的长度是一百码。The _(long)of the football field is one hundred yards.答案:length(二)短文改错。改正划线部分的错误。Many years ago men attempted to fly like birds.At first they used wings which moved up and down like those of birds.These men always fail.Some fell to the ground and broke their legs.Some were kill.They did not understand that it is useless to copy nature exactly.Our engines and machines,most of that have wheels,is unlike anything in nature.Nature uses no wheels.Our cars have no leg.Our ships do not move as fish moves.And in the air nobody have ever been able to fly as a bird do by move wings up and down.We are too heavy and our arms is not strong enough.The aeroplanes of today has fixed wings and they have engine which are strong than the men who build them.答案:failfailedkillkilledthatwhichisareleglegsmovesmovehavehasdodoesmovemovingisarehashaveengineenginesstrongstronger


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