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2019-2020年高中英语课时跟踪检测三Unit2RobotsWarmingUpReadingLanguagePoints新人教版选修.单句语法填空1The old woman desired her sons and daughters to_e (e) and see her from time to time.2The accident happened on such an evening with strong winds acpanied (acpany) by heavy rain.3The accused man was_declared (declare) innocent by the court yesterday.4I dont feel envy at/of your journey in this bad weather. 5To his satisfaction (satisfy), those questions were eventually solved.6“Whats up?” he asked in alarm.7This model had_been_tested (test) out before it was put into production.8Back at the hotel, I rang up All Nippon Airways and booked a flight to Tokyo that evening.9He quickly turned around/round when he heard someone asking for help behind him.10Leave that ornament alone;_you might break it.完成句子1我们渴望立刻给予那些被洪水围困的当地村民们救援。We desire that immediate help (should)_be_given_to the local villagers who have been trapped by the flood.2他们大部分人赞成我的观点,而戴维反对。Most of them were in_favour_of my opinion while David was against it. 3这个季节,雷鸣常常伴有大雨。Thunders acpanied_by heavy rain in this season are very mon.4这位新当选的总统表示赞成他们的行动,这意味着他宣布这个行动是合法的。The newlyelected president declared_for the action, meaning that he declared it to_be legal. 5一部时髦的手机是所有学生所羡慕的东西。A fashionable mobile phone is_the_envy_of all students. 6. 他们满意地观看了我们的演出。They watched our performance with_satisfaction. 7发射前,科学家将对新火箭进行检验。Before launching, scientists will_test_out the new rocket.8见到老板进来,他赶紧挂断电话假装在工作。Seeing his boss ing, he hurried to_ring_off and pretended to be working.9起初他被拒绝了,因为他被认为年龄太大。He was_turned_down at first because he was considered too old.10对于那些需要完成不止一项任务的人,这种软件也是有好处的。The software also benefits those users who have more_than_one_task to perform.阅读理解AIn the future, when robots can be used both in homes and in other areas, they could improve the living standards of people. Many people burn their energy on their daytoday tasks like cooking, cleaning after work, etc. When robots can plete such jobs, people can spend more time with their family and friends. Experts say that many major problems in the modern world are caused by mismunication. When people have more time, they can talk freely to solve such issues and eventually create a happy society.Robots can be used on certain jobs to avoid accidents caused by careless behavior of some people. When robots are used on such work, it does not risk any human life due to accidents at the workplace. Human resources can be efficiently used by performing tasks which demand human skills like critical thinking and problem solving. Robots can be used on lowend jobs like moving heavy things and heavy weight lifting.While some people talk about how robots can be useful to humans, others voice their concerns about reduction in human value and the creation of a lazy society due to heavy dependency on robots. When robots bee cheaper to produce, employers may prefer to use more robots than humans. As the technology constantly improves the abilities of robots, it could weaken the value of humans. Many people may rely on robots heavily. Some may even develop the habit of using robots on tasks that they can easily do. This could create a lazy society.As an aging society, Japan sees it as a must to build robots that take care of elderly people at their home, because without them, the nations health care system cant cope. There will simply be too many elderly people to care for as the nation faces a decreasing birth rate, an aging population, and the loosening of family ties. However, many of Japans elderly people would prefer human helpers rather than robots. Above all, Japan wants, if not “needs”, its dreams of robots in the home to e true because its immigration (移民) policy is antiimmigration.In conclusion, robots can be used on anything that can eventually improve humans living standards but we cant depend on them too much. Robots can be used to help humans live in harmony and form a happy society.语篇解读:机器人在家庭和工作场所的应用将为人们的生活和工作带来极大便利,但过度依赖机器人将使人们变懒。1According to the first paragraph, when robots can be used in homes, _.Apeople will spend more time on their workBthere would be more misunderstandings between humansCpeoples living standards will be improvedDpeople may municate more with robots than human beings解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段“In the future, when robots can be used both in homes and in other areas, they could improve the living standards of people”可知,机器人在家庭中的使用将提高人们的生活质量。2pared with humans, robots are better at _.Aproblem solvingBmunicating with othersCcritical thinkingDworking safely解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段“Robots can be used on certain jobs to avoid accidents caused by careless behavior of some people”可知,与人类相比,机器人更擅长安全工作。3What can we infer from Paragraph 4?AJapan will try to develop robots to be used in the home.BThe robots are well received by elderly people in Japan.CThe Japanese government encourages foreigners to move to Japan.DMost Japanese citizens are against robots in the home.解析:选A推理判断题。由文章第四段第一句和最后一句可知日本认为必须生产机器人照顾老人,希望在家庭中使用机器人的梦想能够实现,从而可推知日本将大力发展机器人产业。4Which statement is the authors opinion on robots?ARobots bring us more problems than benefits.BThe future of robots is worrying.CRobots can help us a lot but we need to use them properly.DWe should limit the development of robotic technology.解析:选C作者意图题。从文章最后一段可知作者认为机器人对我们会大有帮助,但我们不能过分依赖它们,需要合理使用。BAs civilization proceeds in the direction of technology, it passes the point of supplying all the basic essentials of life food, shelter, clothes and warmth. Then we are faced with a choice between using technology to provide and fulfill needs which have now been regarded as unnecessary or, on the other hand, using technology to reduce the number of hours of work which a man must do in order to earn a given standard of living. In other words, we either raise our standard of living above that necessary for fort and happiness or we leave it at this level and work shorter hours.I shall take it for granted that mankind has, by that time, chosen the latter alternative. Men will be working shorter and shorter hours in their paid employment. It follows that the housewife will also expect to be able to have more leisure in her life without lowering her standard of living. It also follows that human domestic servants will have pletely ceased to exist. Yet the great majority of the housewives will wish to be relieved pletely from the routine operations of the home such as scrubbing the floors or the bath of the cooker, or washing the clothes or washing up, or dusting or sweeping, or making beds.By far the most logical step to relieve the housewife of routine is to provide a robot which can be trained to the requirements of a particular home and can be programmed to carry out half a dozen or more standard operation, when is switched by the housewife.5As civilization develops in the direction of technology, _.Athe basic essentials of life must be suppliedBit is important to supply the basic essentials of lifeCit is no longer so important as it was in the past to supply all the basic essentials of lifeDit is not necessary to supply the basic essentials of life解析:选C细节理解题。由第一段第一句的“.it passes the point of supplying all the basic essentials .”可知选C。6According to the author, we are faced with_.Athe choice of providing and fulfilling our needsBthe choice of using technologyCthe choice of earning a standard of livingDa choice between using technology to provide and fulfill needs to reduce the number of working hours解析:选D细节理解题。由文章第一段第二句可知,我们面临的选择是:或者用技术提供和满足需求,或者应用技术缩减工作时间。 7What alternative will mankind have chosen in future?ATo leave our standard of living at this level and work shorter hours.BTo raise our standard of living.CTo fulfill needs which have been regarded as unnecessary.DTo lower our standard of living and work shorter hours.解析:选A推理判断题。从文章第一段最后一句和第二段第一句判断,人类所选择的是使我们的生活水准停留在这种水平并且使工时缩短。8It can be inferred that robots will be invented _.Ato take the place of housewivesBto help manage a familyCto do the routine of housework instead of humanDto provide the daily necessities for man 解析:选C推理判断题。通过最后一段及全文可推知,机器人将来会帮助人们做家务,但它们也不是万能的。 .语法填空Tim:Hi, Susan. Ive been wondering when Id run into you. What are you busy with?Susan:Nice to meet you here, Tim. Im buying some Christmas gifts for those _1_ work with me, but its really _2_ headache.Tim:Maybe I could give you some advice. Firstly, you should consider _3_ (divide) them into different groups who are the people that are your friends as well as your workmates and who are the people you dont know well _4_ see pretty much daily.Susan:OK, then _5_ should I do?Tim:For the friends, you can buy _6_ some personal gifts. Chocolate, for example.Susan:This is what I always give, but I know one of my friends, Mary, is _7_ a diet.Tim:Does she like fruit or coffee? Anyway, think of the gift that you know your friend likes.Susan:Well, I think fruit is helpful to keep _8_(health). What about others?Tim:You can send them cards.Susan:Christmas cards?Tim:Yes, you can afford them. More _9_(important), it reminds them that youre thinking of them.Susan:Thank you for your suggestion, Tim. You _10_(help) me out.答案:1.who2.a3.dividing4.but5.what6them7.on8.healthy9.importantly10have helped


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