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2019-2020年高三英语二轮复习第五组练习.阅读理解A(xx安徽合肥高三质检)Sales RepresentativeImmediate HiringDo you like meeting new people? Do you enjoy closing deals every day? Are you looking for a dynamic and high energy industry? THIS COULD BE THE CAREER (职业) FOR YOU !Fast Growing and Very Successful Credit Card Processor is looking for a dynamic outside salesperson to sell credit products and check processing services in the local area.What we need you to do:Attend 35 appointments dailySell into smallsized to middlesized businessesWork closely with the sales manager in Dallas TX (by phone)Have the ability to manage paperworkWe offer:Medical benefits eligibility(资格) after 90 daysOne of the strongest pensation programs in the industryMonthly bonusesA jump start bonus of up to $ 750Successful applicants often have experience in customer services, inside sales, outside sales, sales support, management roles, or other customerfacing positions.We are an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or disability.Please reply with a resume today!There is a difference. Experience Great Work! We have been serving North East Ohio for more than 20 years with offices located in Akron, Canton, Lakewood, Streetsboro and Wadsworth. Apply online at greatwork. cc and make a call to our Lakewood location to discuss our great career opportunity at 4406630050.1According to the text, the sales representative the pany is looking for should_Asell into big businessesBbe able to manage paperworkCmeet over 5 customers each dayDsee the sales manager in Dallas TX frequently2If hired, you can _Areceive a monthly salary of $ 750Bget a special customerfacing positionCenjoy a strong pensation programDgain medical benefits eligibility within 90 days3Which of the following can help you apply successfully?AThe experience in shopping.BThe experience in management.CThe experience of using a credit card.DThe experience of talking with a sales manager.B(xx深圳第一次调研)Much information can be conveyed,purely through our eyes, so the expression “eyes also talk” is often heard.Can you recall any experience that further proves this statement?On a bus you may quickly glance at a stranger,but not make eye contact.If he senses that he is being stared at,he may feel unfortable.It is the same in daily life.If you are stared at for more than necessary,you will look at yourself up and down to see if there is anything wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong,you will feel angry about others staring at you that way.Eyes do convey information,right?Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive.But things are different when it es to staring at the opposite sex.If a man looks at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to turn away his gaze(注视),his intentions are obvious.That is,he wishes to attract her attention,to make her understand that he is showing affection for her.However,the normal eye contact for two people engaged in conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking, to tell him that he is attentive.If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking,as if he tries to control you, you will feel uneasy.A poor liar usually exposes himself by looking too long at the victim, since he believes the false idea that to look straight in the eye is a sign of honest munication.In fact, continuous eye contact happens between lovers only, who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show love that words cannot express.Evidently, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the specific situation.4What may a person usually do on a bus?AGlance at a stranger with eye contact.BUse eyes to talk to a stranger politely.CGlance at a stranger without eye contact.DTalk to a stranger politely after a quick glance.5What does it mean if a man looks at a woman for over 10 seconds?AHe likes her eyes.BHe admires her.CHe knows her well.DHe makes contact with her.6Why is a poor liar easy to be seen through?AHe thinks that he is honest.BHe wants to control the victim.CHe feels uneasy about others eye contact.DHe looks straight at the victim for too long a time.7What may be the best title for the text?AEyes Can SpeakBEye Contact MattersCDont Stare at OthersDUse Your Eye Contact.七选五(xx甘肃兰州高考诊断考试)What makes people successful? Take a look around and talk to your friends and seniors who are very successful, you will see all of them have adopted certain values which have proved important for their success.It is evident that successful people take initiative(主动性). When they find something needs to be done, they never hesitate to do it. 1._ They weigh immediately what has to be done and then do it with pleasure, thus strengthening their reputation.Successful people do things with great enthusiasm, especially when they believe in what they are doing. They are motivated by their own satisfaction and the joy they get from doing their work. 2._They do not fear failure. Failures and disappointments in life are unavoidable. 3._ Successful people pick themselves up after a fall and try again with more determination and mitment and learn from each failure. They associate with those they can learn from and enjoy the pany of those appreciating their achievement.Having a good IQ often gets a person what he wants but its really the EQ that keeps him there and helps him enjoy a high reputation. 4._By giving respect to others, they mand respect for themselves.5_ Its better to praise others and win favor with them. So instead of plaining about a situation, successful people always try to solve it.ASuccessful people never plain.BSuccessful persons dont make excuses.CThey work hard even when no one is watching.DThey believe that responsibility is taken, not given.EIts failure that teaches us much more than success.FIts hard to be successful if you dont trust the people around you.GSuccessful people are polite to everyone and treat others with respect.短文改错(xx东北三省四市一模)In the village where I grew up, everyone knew an old man, that spent all his time in painting. People that lived in the village used to admiring his works and he often gave his paintings to his friends. Whether he was offered money, he would never take it. He said he painted for a pleasure. He once gave one of his paintings to my father, who actually wasnt interesting in art. Years later I found at our old house. By that time the old man had died and people had started to recognize his paintings as great work of art, which were worth lots of money. So an art gallery make me an offer of $ 5,000 for this painting and I nearly sold it, so then I decided not to. It reminds me of my childhood and of the old man who didnt real want to make money by painting.第五组.阅读理解【解题导语】本文是一篇招聘广告,招聘销售代表。文章详细介绍了工作内容、工作待遇、应聘者所需条件等。1B解析:细节理解题。根据文中的“Have the ability to manage paperwork”可知,该职位需要销售代表有处理文书工作的能力,故B项正确。2C解析:细节理解题。根据文中的“One of the strongest pensation programs in the industry”可知,该职位可以享受业内非常强大的补偿金项目,故C项正确。3B解析:细节理解题。根据文中的“Successful applicants often.or other customerfacing positions.”可知,该岗位需要管理经验,故B项正确。47.CBDA.七选五15.DCEGA.短文改错In the village where I grew up, everyone knew an old man, spent all his time in painting. People that lived in the village used to his works and he often gave his paintings to his friends. he was offered money, he would never take it. He said he painted for pleasure. He once gave one of his paintings to my father, who actually wasnt in art. Years later I found at our old house. By that time the old man had died and people had started to recognize his paintings as great of art, which were worth lots of money. So an art gallery me an offer of $ 5,000 for this painting and I nearly sold it, then I decided not to. It reminds me of my childhood and of the old man who didnt want to make money by painting.

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