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2019-2020年高中英语Unit9WheelsPeriodThree课堂讲义北师大版必修.单词检测1petrol/gas n汽油2solar adj.太阳的,太阳光的3sunlight n阳光,日光4chapter n章节5impression n印象,感觉impress v使印象深刻6reliable adj.可靠的rely v依赖,依靠7operator n操作人员,接线员operate v操纵,操作8appreciate vt.欣赏;感谢appreciation n欣赏;感激;鉴别.短语检测1so far迄今为止2take part in参加3take place发生;举行4have a good impression of对有好的印象5persuade sb.of sth.说服某人相信某事6plain about抱怨7get on with sb.与某人相处1People have been worried about pollution caused by fuels like petrol and gas for a long time now.现在人们一直为汽油、煤气等燃料造成的污染担忧。2Well,the one I like best crosses the whole of Australia from northwest to southeast.唔,我最喜欢的那次是从西北向东南穿过整个澳大利亚。 .课文阅读理解1Which of the following is TRUE about Marie Logan? AShe is an Australian.BShe got interested in solar cars when in kindergarten.CShe began taking part in car races when she was at university.DShe was always the winner in the car races she took part in.答案A2The race crossing the whole of Australia .Acan be done within a weekBis longer than the Changjiang RiverCis Marie Logans favourite because she was once the winner in itDtravels around the country答案A3Marie Logan writes the book about solar cars .Ato make a livingBto tell people how to design a carCto get people to know more about solar carsDto persuade people to buy solar cars答案C4From the conversation,we can infer .AMarie Logans book will be popularBsolar cars will be popularCsolar cars can run faster than usual cars Dweather can influence a solar cars speed答案D.课文语法填空Marie Logan has been interested in cars since kindergarten.1.When she was at university,she started designing her cars.She 2.has designed (design) five or six different cars so far,and she has been taking part 3.in races for about four years.She has won two of the six races and the one she likes best took place across the whole of Australia from northwest 4.to southeast.These years Marie Logan has been designing solar racing cars.Solar cars are cars 5.that/which use the suns energy for power.6.They are clean and safe.Marie Logan has also been writing 7.a book about solar cars.She has only finished the first few chapters of the book.She wants people to have a good 8.impression (impress) of solar cars.Solar cars are getting 9.better (good) all the time.In tests,one car she built has averaged over 40 kp.h.,even in 10.cloudy (cloud) weather.They will be popular among people all over the world.1impression n印象,感觉(1)(原句)I want people to have a good impression of solar cars.我想让人们对太阳能汽车有个好印象。归纳拓展(1)have/get a good/bad impression of sb./sth.对某人/某物的印象好/不好make/leave an impression on sb.对某人造成影响/留下印象(2)impress vt.给留下印象;使铭记impress sb.with sth.某事物给予某人深刻印象impress sth.on/upon sb.使某人铭记某事物be impressed with/by对留下深刻印象(3)impressive adj.给人印象深刻的(2)He left a very perfect impression on us.他给我们留下了一个很完美的印象。(3)What impressed him most was their speed.最令他佩服的是他们的速度。(4)I was very impressed by one young man at my lectures.来听我课的一个年轻人给我留下很深的印象。即时跟踪(1)用impression的正确形式填空His collection of paintings is the most impressive.My advice seemed to make little impression on him.I was impressed by her handling of the affair.(2)我敢肯定,这部影片给每个观众都留下了深刻的印象。I am sure the film made/left an impression on everybody who saw it.2appreciate vt.感激,感谢;欣赏,鉴赏(1)(原句)Shell appreciate it.她会感激的。归纳拓展(1)appreciate doing.感激I would appreciate it if.如果我将不胜感激。(2)appreciation n欣赏;感激,感谢(2)I really appreciate you doing this.很感谢你来做这个。(3)And Ill appreciate it very much if you give me an early reply.如果你能早点回信我将非常感激。(4)Here I sincerely express my appreciation if you could help find the lost suitcase.如果你能帮我找到丢失的箱子,我会真诚地表达我的感激之情。注意:appreciate其后不直接跟宾语从句,需要先用it作形式宾语,再接从句。类似的动词还有like,dislike,hate等。即时跟踪(1)If we hear from you again,we would appreciate.(句型转换)We would appreciate hearing from you again.We would appreciate it if we could hear from you again.(2)I would appreciate if you would open the window for me.(单句改错)if前加it1so far到目前为止,迄今为止(1)(原句)Ive designed five or six different cars so far.到目前为止,我已经设计了五、六款不同的汽车。(2)I am determined to try to write a novel,but so far I have not made a start.我下决心试试写小说,不过迄今为止还没开始。归纳拓展(1)同义短语:up till now,up to now,up to the present,until now。(2)与far相关的短语:so/as far as与距离相同,远至so/as far as I know据我所知as/so far as it goes就其本身而言;就目前的情况而论(3)Garden cities should be built as far as possible from existing cities.花园城市应被建得离现存的城市尽可能的远。易混辨析so far,by far(1)so far到目前为止,迄今为止,常与现在完成时连用。(2)by far是介词短语,一般作表示程度的状语,常用来修饰比较级或最高级,强调数量、程度等,是“最,得多”的意思。即时跟踪(1)用so far,by far填空The last of these reasons is by far the most important.So far it has been the tallest building in the city.Jane is by far the best student in the class.(2)我们迄今尚未找到治疗艾滋病的有效办法。So far we have not found an effective way to cure AIDS.2take place举行;发生(1)(原句)Where do these races take place?这些(汽车)比赛是在哪儿举行的?归纳拓展take ones place就座,就位take the place oftake someone elses place代替in place of sb./sth.代替,顶替(2)Take your places for the next dance.各就各位,准备跳下一个舞。(3)Electric trains have now taken the place of steam trains in China.在中国,电气化火车现在已经取代了蒸汽机车。易混辨析take place,happen,occur,break out(1)take place作“发生”讲时较为正式,不带有偶然之意,多用来指事先安排的事情。(2)happen常用来表示偶然、碰巧“发生”,而且多指整个情况。(3)occur多用来指具体事情的发生,虽也可指偶然性,但与happen相比程度较弱。(4)break out多指战争、火灾等的爆发。即时跟踪(1)选词填空A fire broke out during the night and caused a great damage.Luckily the earthquake didnt happen in the center of the city.I was in half way when it occurred to me that I had left my notebook home,so I had to fetch it.Great changes have taken place in our school in the past few years.(2)她不能出席会议,因此她的助手代替了她。She couldnt attend the meeting so her assistant took her place.(3)什么也替代不了他失去的家庭。Nothing could take the place of the family he had lost.过去分词作定语(1)(原句)People have been worried about pollution caused by fuels like petrol and gas for a long time now.人们一直为汽油、煤气等燃料造成的污染担忧。归纳拓展caused by fuels like petrol and gas是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰pollution,可改为定语从句:which/that is caused by fuels like petrol and gas。(1)过去分词用作定语,如果是单个分词,常置于其所修饰的名词之前;如果是过去分词短语作定语,一般置于其所修饰的名词之后。(2)现在分词的被动式(being done)作定语时,表示一个正在被进行的动作;过去分词(done)作定语时表示的是一个被动和完成的动作;不定式的被动式(to be done)作定语时往往表示一个将要被进行的动作。(2)The book written by him is very popular.他写的那本书很受欢迎。(3)The power station being built now will be one of the largest in China.现在正在建设着的发电站将是中国最大的发电站之一。即时跟踪(1)被我儿子打破的玻璃已经被扫走了。The glass broken by my son has been swept away.(2)以西湖闻名全国的杭州已发生很大变化。Hangzhou,known to the nation for its West Lake,has changed greatly.(3)The speaker answered all the questions raising by the audience.(单句改错) raisingraised.单词拼写1Its not reliable(可靠的) to judge a man only by his looks.2She works as a telephone operator(接线员) at the TV station.3Their son is 3 years old and now he is well taken care of in a kindergarten near their home.4The city is located in the northwest(西北的) part of Canada.5We can use solar(太阳的) energy to do many things today.6He is working double tides to finish his essay(论文).选词填空1Great changes have taken place in our city these years.2We have learned eight units so far.3She managed to persuade us of the work ability of the plan.Now we had to persuade the boss.4How many countries took part in the xx London Olympics?5The customers are plaining about poor service.完成句子1昨晚被邀请参加你的晚会的那些所谓的客人是谁呀?Who were the socalled guests invited to your party last night?2这件外套比我们昨天看见的那件要贵得多。The coat is much more expensive than the one we saw yesterday.3他保持的记录至今还没有人打破。The record he holds has not been broken so far.4如果您能为我们提供帮助我们将不胜感激。We would appreciate it if you could offer us any help.5现在我对英国有好的印象。Now I have a good impression of England.语境填词A)用所提供单词的正确形式填空1I have learned(learn) 3,000 English words so far.2She shows little appreciation(appreciate) of good music.3Do you know the telegraph operator(operate) living over the way?4Jane is reliable(rely),but Im not so sure about Jim.5The hosts hospitality left us a very good impression(impress)B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)6We would appreciate it if you could cooperate with us.7You made a favourable impression on the examiners.8The item we received is not the one we ordered.9We had no one to take the place of John.10Shes never really got on with her sister.阅读理解For most city people,the elevator is an unremarkable machine that inspires none of the enthusiasm or interest that Americans afford trains,jets,and even bicycles.Dr Christopher Wilk is a member of a small group of elevator experts who consider this a misunderstanding.Without the elevator,they point out,there could be no downtown skyscrapers or tall buildings,and city life as we know it would be impossible.In that sense,they argue,the elevators role in American history has been no less significant than that of cars.In fact,according to Wilk,the car and the elevator have been locked in a “secret war” for over a century,with cars making it possible for people to spread horizontally (水平地),and elevators pushing them towards life in close groups of towering vertical(垂直的) columns.If we tend to ignore the significance of elevators,it might be because riding in them tends to be such a brief,boring,and even awkward experienceone that can involve unexpectedly meeting people with whom we have nothing in mon,and an unpleasant awareness of the fact that were hanging from a cable in a long passage.In a new book,Lifted,German journalist and cultural studies professor Andreas Bernard directed all his attention to this experience,studying the origins of elevator and its relationship to human kind and finding that riding in an elevator has never been a totally fortable experience.“After 150 years,we are still not used to it,” Bernard said.“We still have not exactly learnt to cope with the mixture of closeness and displeasure.” That mixture,according to Bernard,sets the elevator ride apart from just about every other situation we find ourselves in as we go about our lives.Today,as the worlds urban population explodes,and cities bee more crowded and taller,Americas total number of elevators900,000 at last count,according to Elevator World magazines “xx Vertical Transportation Industry”are a force thats being more important than ever.And for the people who really,really love them,it seems like high time that we looked seriously at just what kind of force they are.11What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 1 refer to?AThe general view of elevators.BThe particular interests of experts.CThe desire for a remarkable machine.DThe enthusiasm for transport vehicles.答案A解析代词指代题。根据文章第一段的句子“For most city people,the elevator is an unremarkable machine that inspires none of the enthusiasm or interest that Americans afford trains,jets,and even bicycles.”可知,大部分人都认为电梯是不值得关注的机器。而Dr.Christopher Wilk认为这是一种误解,故this就是在指大众对于电梯的态度,故选A。12The authors purpose in mentioning cars is .Ato contrast their functions with elevatorsBto emphasize the importance of elevatorsCto reveal their secret war against elevatorsDto explain peoples preference for elevators答案B解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“In that sense,they argue,the elevators role in American history has been no less significant than that of cars.”可知作者提出汽车意在指明电梯和汽车同等地重要。13According to Prof.Bernard,what has made the elevator ride different from other life experiences?AVertical direction.BLack of excitement.CLittle physical space.DUnfortable conditions.答案C解析推理判断题。由第三段最后一句可知是“that mixture”使乘电梯不同于其他生活经历,而that mixture指的是上一句中的“the mixture of closeness and pleasure”,C项与此处的closeness相对应,即“拥挤,缺少空间”,故选C。14The author urges readers to consider .Athe exact number of elevator loversBthe serious future situation of elevatorsCthe role of elevators in city developmentDthe relationship between cars and elevators答案C解析推理判断题。最后一段作者谈到城市人口迅速增加,城市变得越来越高,越来越拥挤,让我们不要小看电梯的作用。特别是由最后一句中的“.it seems like high time that we looked seriously at just what kind of force they are.”可知选C项。.完形填空My friend Kenny and his family had just returned from Disney World.“I saw a sight Ill 15 forget,” he said.“I want you to know about it.”He and his family were 16 Cinderellas(灰姑娘) castle.It was packed with kids and parents.Suddenly all the children rushed to one 17 .If it had been a boat,the castle would have tipped over.Cinderella had 18 .Kenny said she was a beautiful young girl with each hair 19 ,white skin,and a sweet smile.She stood in the garden of 20 ,each wanting to touch and to be touched.For some reason Kenny 21 and looked toward the other side of the castle.There was a boy who might be seven or eight years old.His 22 was hard to determine because of his height.Dwarfed(侏儒) in height,he stood 23 quietly,holding the hand of an older brother.It was very 24 that he wanted to be with the children.He 25 to be in the middle of the kids reaching for Cinderella.But cant you feel his 26 of being turned down? Fear of being laughed at again?But Cinderella 27 the little boy.She immediately began walking in his direction. 28 but firmly inching through the crowd of children,she became 29 .She walked quickly across the floor,bent down and placed a 30 on his face.“I thought you would 31 the story,” Kenny told me.I did.It 32 me of the one you and I had heard of before.The names are 33 ,but isnt the story almost the same? In both cases a gift was given.In both cases love was 34 .In both cases the lovely one performed a gesture beyond words.15A.always BoftenCever Dnever答案D解析根据上文“My friend Kenny and his family had just returned from Disney World.” 我的朋友Kenny和他的家人刚从迪斯尼乐园回来,后句Kenny说的话“我想让你也知道。”可见他很激动,因此他永远不会忘记那个情景,never永远不。故选D。16A.outside BinsideCbeside Dbehind答案B解析根据下文“It was packed with kids and parents.”可知,他和他的家人应该是在灰姑娘城堡的里面。inside里面。故选B。17A.side BstepCwall Dstop答案A解析后句说“If it had been a boat,the castle would have tipped over.”如果城堡是一艘船的话则会翻船,可知所有的孩子都向一边跑去。side边。故选A。18A.left BstartedCentered Ddisappeared答案C解析根据下一段Kenny说她是个美丽的年轻姑娘,可以推测出应该是灰姑娘进来了。enter进入。故选C。19A.in length Bin placeCin peace Din advance答案B解析根据上文“Kenny said she was a beautiful young girl”可知,each hair in place是形容灰姑娘头发齐整。in place在适当的位置。故选B。20A.students BgirlsCparents Dkids答案D解析第二段提到“It was packed with kids and parents.”同时后文提到每一个都想摸一摸灰姑娘,根据这个行为可知,此处应该是灰姑娘站在一群孩子中。kids孩子们。故选D。21A.turned BwhisperedCjumped Dshook答案A解析根据后句说Kenny看向了城堡的另一边可以推测他先是转过身来。turn转身。故选A。22A.name BappearanceCage Dmind答案C解析由于前文“There was a boy who might be seven or eight years old.”那个男孩可能是七岁或八岁,可知,由于他的身高,他的年龄不确定。age年龄。故选C。23A.thinking BwatchingClistening Dsearching答案B解析根据后文说这个男孩拉着哥哥的手,渴望和其他孩子一起,可推测他应该是静静地看着眼前的情景。watch观看。故选B。24A.strange BstupidChumorous Dobvious答案D解析由于前文已经将小男孩渴望的情感和表现描写得十分具体,因此应该是很明显可以看出他想和其他孩子们在一起。obvious明显的。故选D。25A.longed BfailedCregretted Dpretended答案A解析前句已经交代他想和其他孩子一起,因此他是渴望站在孩子们中间,伸手去触摸灰姑娘。long渴望。故选A。26A.pleasure BangerCfear Damusement答案C解析前文提到他想去但是没有去,而后句又提到“Fear of being laughed at again?”,故此处应与fear相照应。故选C。27A.protected BnoticedCsupported Dsaved答案B解析后文说灰姑娘朝着小男孩走去,可以推断灰姑娘一定先是注意到了男孩。notice注意到。故选B。28A.Rudely BHardlyCRelaxedly DPolitely答案D解析由前文得知灰姑娘被许多小孩围着肯定不能轻松地越过人群,同时灰姑娘也不会粗鲁地对待孩子,因此是礼貌却又坚定地从孩子们之间挤过去。politely礼貌地。故选D。29A.tired BbusyCfree Dastonished答案C解析根据上文“but firmly inching through the crowd of children”可知,灰姑娘自由了。free自由的。故选C。30A.kiss BhandCgift Dtouch答案A解析根据后面所接的搭配“on his face”,在他脸上能留下的应该是一个吻。kiss亲吻。故选A。31A.catch BappreciateCfollow Dinspire答案B解析根据前文得知Kenny讲述了一个温暖的故事,而且说给我听肯定是希望我会喜欢这个故事。appreciate喜欢,欣赏。故选B。32A.warned BinformedCreminded Dcheated答案C解析根据前文可知,它使我想起我以前听过的一个故事。remind sb.of sth.意为“使某人想起某事”。故选C。33A.different BimportantCnecessary Dunique答案A解析根据后文说难道故事情节不是一样的吗?可知此处名字应该是不一样,与后文出现的same相呼应。different不同的。故选A。34A.separated BdividedCexpanded Dshared答案D解析根据前文说在两个故事中,都有礼物被送出,因此应该是都有爱被分享(share)。故选D。.短文改错Nowadays,the puter technology develops very fast that the Internet has bee more and more popular.Some students regarded it as a great helper.Because there has a lot of information on line,so you can surf the Internet for any information you need in a short time without working hard in the library.This is also very convenient to talk with others by using the Internet.Moreover,other students think that there is some information on line which is not good for students.In addition,spending too much time playing games will not only have bad effect on their studies but also do harm for health.Therefore,we should make properly use of the Internet.It is of great important to separate good plants from wild weeds.答案Nowadays,the puter technology develops fast that the Internet has bee more and more popular.Some students it as a great helper.Because there a lot of information on line,so you can surf the Internet for any information you need in a short time without working hard in the library. is also very convenient to talk with others by using the Internet.,other students think that there is some information on line which is not good for students.In addition,spending too much time playing games will not only have bad effect on their studies but also do harm health.Therefore,we should make use of the Internet.It is of great to separate good plants from wild weeds.


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