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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第1部分基础知识考点Unit3TheMillionPoundBankNote课时训练新人教版必修.单句语法填空1Damaged but not defeated,he was still ahead _ me.(xx全国,完形)2But it doesnt happen _ accident.(xx全国,七选五)3They actively seek _(be) part of a “we”,a group that intends to work toward a shared goal.(xx江苏,阅读B)4I dont see how musical instruments can help improve _ (manner) in public.5Soon,I heard her _ (scream),“Take your shoes away! Why under my bed!”6After the first expedition,Larrys later diving _ (adventure) only got better and better.7People are _ (rude) today because they are rushed and more “time poor” than ever before.8Even the best writers sometimes find themselves _ (lose) for words.9Her family was short of money,_ (account) for her not continuing her studies.10_ (how) hard you try,it is difficult to lose weight without _ (cut) down the amount you eat.答案1.of2.by3.to be4.manners5.screaming 6adventures7.ruder8.lost9.accounting 10However;cutting.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)1Born into a family with three brothers,David were brought up to value the sense of sharing.2To be honesty,I dont like the way he does things.3Who told you that if you passed the exam you would receive a reward was telling lies.4I hear you are making a bet whether she will marry him.5I had just got to the office than my wife phoned me to go back home at once.6The reason for his absence yesterday was because he did have something to do.7Children should be taught not to stare at,and laugh at the disabled people.8This afternoon,just as I was doing my business,a man dressed in rag stepped into my shop and begged me for some money.9When you take chance,you try to do something although there is a large risk of danger or failure.10He is such a man who is always finding faults with other people.答案1.werewas2.honestyhonest3.WhoWhoever4.bet后加on5.thanwhen6.becausethat7.andor8.ragrags9.chance前加a10whoas.单元考点作文串记(一)根据提示翻译句子1Robert原本在一个幸福、富有的家庭中长大。(bring up)_2他意外失去了所有的亲人和财产。(by accident)_3他没有向朋友求助,而是夜以继日地工作。(seek,not.but.)_4他的耐心、决心以及他的努力工作解释了他的成功。(account for)_5只有他不遗余力地完成日常工作,他才能成功。(spare no efforts)_(二)加入适当过渡词,连句成篇答案(一)1.Robert was brought up in a happy and wealthy family.2He lost all his family members and fortune by accident.3He did not seek help from his friends,but worked day and night.4His patience and determination as well as his hard-working accounted for his success.5Only if he spared no efforts to finish everyday work could he be successful.(二)【参考范文】Brought up in a happy and wealthy family,Robert lost all his family members and fortune by accident.However,he did not seek help from his friends,but worked day and night.His patience and determination as well as his hard-working accounted for his success.As is well known,only if he spared no efforts to finish everyday work could he be successful.阅读理解Gods HotelVictoria SweetWhen Sweet applied for a job at one of the countrys last almshouses (救济院),she had no idea she would stay there for 20 years,taking care of patients no other organization wanted while defending the hospital from those who consider it unnecessary.By recording her own experiences,Sweets book takes a hard look at healthcare problems while raising questions about the true role of doctors in our society.GoldChris CleaveIts about three best friends and fierce petitors in Olympic-level cycling.Zoe,Kate,and Jack are splendid athletes,but when their feet are on the ground,theyre just like the rest of us: pretty much a mess.Gold discusses both excellent athletics and everyday life in depth.What Dies in SummerTom WrightTexas teenager Jim and his family find Lee Ann,Jims cousin,half-frozen at their door one day,unwilling to say a word about why she left home.What none of them know is that by taking her in,theyve put themselves in a killers path.This book is filled with an atmosphere of terror.The NewlywedsNell FreudenbergerIts hard to imagine two worlds more different than Rochester,N.Y.and Bangladesh,a country in South Asia.So we know theres culture shock ing when,after a sweet online courtship (恋爱期),George Stillman travels to Dhaka,the capital of Bangladesh,to bring Amina Mazid back to his hometown.This novel examines love and familyand the enormous different meanings two people can attach to those seemingly simple words.【语篇解读】本文是应用文。文章是四本书的简介。1Gods Hotel differs from the other three books in that_Ait has a happy endingBit is written by a teenagerCthe author has written about her own lifeDthe author finished it with her familys help答案C细节理解题。根据第一段中的By recording her own experiences,Sweets book.可知,Gods Hotel是一本自传。根据另外三本书的作者及书中主人公的介绍可知,这三本书的主人公都不是作者本人。2What do we know about the main characters of Gold?AThey have won Olympic gold medals.BThey take part in team petitions.CThey are strong and handsome.DThey are very good friends.答案D细节理解题。根据第二段中的Its about three best friends可知答案。3Who mainly deals with affection in his or her book?ATom Wright. BChris Cleave.CVictoria Sweet. DNell Freudenberger.答案D细节理解题。根据最后一段中的a sweet online courtship及This novel examines love and family可知,最后一本书描述了爱和家庭,是有关情感方面的,其作者是Nell Freudenberger。.完形填空The greatest pleasure in life is putting my pen to paper and setting free all of my ideas and dreams.From them,Im able to create pletely different worlds,filled with unusual_1_Within these unique fields,I can bee _2_ in the excitement that only I can create.For me,creative_3_is my main form of emotional release (情绪释放)It is my way of speaking without ever having to open my_4_It started at the age of five.My_5_picked up a copy of The Velveteen Rabbit,which remains one of my_6_books of all time.I lay in my bed patiently,_7_with attentive ears as my mother read the story of a toy rabbit that magically became_8_through the unconditional love of a young boy.The story became stuck inside my_9_It amazed me so much that it_10_me to write my own fictional story.During my time in kindergarten,we kids were given a(n)_11_to write stories and draw our own illustrations (插图),and_12_one little copy for our personal use.I_13_the chance,and then,my story was born.It was about a lonely toy dinosaur,whose only _14_ was to be bought and loved by someone.I remember being so_15_ my creation,and feeling that I had true talent.I_16_called upon my teacher to help me print out the story and publish it.I anxiously returned home soon after,and I_17_gave the story to my mother to read.After carefully reading the story,she_18_and gave me a big hug,telling me it was a_19_story.Since then,Ive written other short stories,and I still _20_to write when I have time.【语篇解读】本文为记叙文,题材为日常生活类。小时候妈妈给作者读的一篇童话故事开启了她的写作之旅。1A.characters Bexperiments Cgifts Dauthors答案A由上句的putting my pen to paper和create pletely different worlds可知,作者认为她所创造的这个文学世界中充满了各种奇特的人物(characters)。2A.hidden Blost Cfrightened Dtired答案B由本空后的excitement可知,在这个奇特的文学世界,作者沉浸在(lost)只有自己能创造出的快乐中。3A.performing Bdesigning Cthinking Dwriting答案D由文章开头的putting my pen to paper可知,创造性写作(writing)是作者释放情绪的一种主要方式。4A.eyes Barms Cmouth Dheart答案C由本空前的speaking可知,作者认为写作是一种不用张口(mouth)就能表达自己的方式。5A.teacher Bfather Cclassmate Dmother答案D第7空后的my mother read the story of a toy rabbit有提示。作者的母亲(mother)拿起了一本书。6A.chemical Bscientific Cfavorite Dpopular答案C由本空前后的remains和all time可知,那本书直到现在仍然是作者最喜欢的(favorite)书之一。7A.reading Bremembering Cwaiting Dlistening答案D根据本空后的ears和my mother read可知,作者躺在床上,认真听(listening)妈妈读绒布小兔子。8A.real Bill Cworried Dbroken答案A由本空前的a toy rabbit that magically became.可知,这只玩具兔子在一个小男孩的关爱下魔幻般地变成了真(real)兔子。9A.book Bmind Csight Dhouse答案B那个故事从那时起就一直留在作者的脑海里(mind)。10A.encouraged Bforbade Cbegged Dpermitted答案A由本空前 amazed可知,这个故事让作者感到非常惊奇,以至于激励(encouraged)她写出自己的故事。11A.desire Bchance Corder Dreason答案B第13空后的chance有提示。在上幼儿园时,老师给了小朋友一个写作的机会(chance)。12A.publish Bsend Cbuy Dcollect答案A由第16空后的print out the story and publish it可知,老师让小朋友写出故事并配上插画,然后会打印出(publish)一份。13A.ran out of Bgave way to Ctook advantage of Dlooked forward to答案C由本空后的my story was born可知,作者利用了(took advantage of)这个机会,写出了她的第一篇故事。14A.excuse Brule Cchallenge Ddream答案D由本空前后的lonely和bought and loved可知,它是一只孤独的玩具恐龙,它唯一的梦想(dream)就是被人买走并得到关爱。15A.sorry for Bproud of Cbad at Dhonest about答案B由本空后true talent得出,作者对自己写出的故事特别自豪(proud of),并感觉她有写作天赋。16A.excitedly Bhopelessly Ccalmly Dangrily答案A根据上句作者的心情可知,她写出了自己满意的故事,所以兴奋地(excitedly)把老师叫了过来。17A.sadly Bimpatiently Cimmediately Dsuddenly答案C由本空前的anxiously returned判断,作者心急火燎地回到家,迫不及待地(immediately)让妈妈读她的故事。18A.apologized Bsmiled Cobjected Dyawned答案B由本空后的big hug可知,妈妈笑了(smiled),给了作者一个大大的拥抱,并且告诉作者她写了一个精彩的(wonderful)故事。19A.true Bterrible Cfalse Dwonderful答案D参考上题解析。20A.pretend Bforget Ccontinue Dhesitate答案C由第5空前的at the age of five和本空前的Since then,Ive written other short stories可知,从那时起,作者开始写短篇故事,直到现在,当她有时间时,她仍然继续(continue)写作。.语法填空While driving alone through the countryside,Linda saw an old woman by the side of the road,reaching out her hand._1_was getting dark and raining.“I cant leave her out in this weather,” Linda said to herself,so she stopped the car.“Shall I offer you _2_lift?” Linda asked.The old woman nodded and climbed into the car.After a while Linda asked,“Have you waited for long?” The old woman shook her head._3_(strange) enough,the old woman didnt say a single word all the way.Her only _4_(respond) was always a nod of the head or something else like that.Then Linda saw the ladys hands,_5_were very large and covered with thick hair.She realized _6_the lady was a man! After _7_(stop) the car,Linda said,“I cant see that mirror.Would you mind cleaning it _8_me?” The lady nodded and opened the door.As soon as the “lady” was out of the car,Linda drove off quickly.When Linda arrived home,she found that the old lady _9_(leave) a handbag on the backseat.She opened it and let out a deep breath.Inside it _10_(be) two sharp knives!答案1.It考查代词。设空处指代时间和天气,故填It。2a考查冠词。offer sb a lift意为“让某人搭便车”。3Strangely考查副词。设空处在句中作状语,修饰整个句子,需用strange的副词形式。4response考查名词。设空处在句中作主语,需用respond的名词形式。5which考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰the ladys hands,且在从句中作主语,故填which。6that考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句且从句意义及成分均完整,故填that。7stopping考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。Linda与stop之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且设空处作After的宾语,故填stopping。8for考查介词。设空处意为“为”,故填for。9had left考查过去完成时。leave表示的动作发生在主句谓语动作found之前,是“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。10were考查倒装与主谓一致。这是一个完全倒装句,主语是后面的two sharp knives,谓语动词要用复数形式。


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