2019-2020年高三英语 unit1 building the future-reading教案 牛津译林版选修10.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语 unit1 building the future-reading教案 牛津译林版选修10Step One: BrainstormingWith the development of science and technology, we now lead a much better life. But in the developing world, there still exists some problems.1. What do you think are the most serious problems?-Hunger, disease, poverty, wars, natural disasters such as famines and floods.2. Can you find some good ways to solve these problems?-Providing food aid to people, teach them how to grow food, training doctors and providing cheap medicines to hospitals, training people to make a living, giving development aid if a natural disaster hits a country in the developing world.What can we do to help them? Lets see what this student thinks of helping developing countries.Step Two: Reading一Fast-reading Read the text quickly and finish the following multiple choices.1. Where was the charity concert Live Aid held? B A. In Ethiopia. B. In London and Philadelphia. C. In Ireland. D. In South America.2. Which of the following statements is true according to the text? B A. WFP is aimed to fight worldwide Aids. B. The Food-for-Life programme provides food aid for countries in emergency. C. The Food-for-Growth programme targets people of all age. D. The Food-for-Work programme helps train people for free.3. What does the author mean by saying “Some developing countries in Africa, Asia and South America stand at a crossroads.”? C A. These countries are developing so fast and they will surely catch up with developed countries. B. These countries are developing so slowly that they will never catch up with developed countries. C. These countries are currently developing but they could fall further behind developed countries at the same time. D. These countries have fallen further behind developed countries and they would have no more chance to develop fast.4. What might be the cause of poverty in developing countries? D A. Poor infrastructure. B. Little education and training. C. Natural disasters and diseases. D. All the Above.5. What is the present situation about poverty like? D A. The fight against poverty is over. B. Developing countries have successfully fought against poverty. C. Little has been done to fight poverty in the world. D. The problem of poverty still exists and it s a long way to go.二Detailed reading(一) Read the text carefully and divide the text into several parts. Part I (paras 1-3) Introduction to the themePart II (para 4) A saying which can help understand the titlePart III (paras 56) Effective ways to stop povertyPart IV (para 7) Conclusion: teach a man to fish (二) Read each part separately.Part One 1. Answer the following questions.1) Why was the Live Aid concert so important?-Because it raised $100million for famine victims in Ethiopia and also raised public attention. It also put pressure on politicians to do something about the famine.2) What has the United Nations done to fight the problem of world hunger?-In 1963, the United Nations set up the World Food Programme aiming to reduce the problem of world hunger. A number of programmes have been organized and the WFP has helped more than one billion people around the world. 2. Summarizing Live Aid concert-Food aid & famine relief funding - Individual aid Food-for-Life food aidWFP Food-for-Growth - International aid Food-for-WorkPart Two 1. Whats the function of Paragraph 4? A. concluding B. Linking C. supporting 2. Why is food aid alone not enough to help poor countries?-Because the poverty still exists after the food has been eaten up. Part Three 1. Answer the following questions.1) What things are included in the infrastructure of a country?-Things like transport, irrigation, electricity, postal service, telephones and schools are included.2) What is the long-term solution to the problem of poverty?-Development aid together with food aid.3) Why is education and training for young people in developing countries so important?-Because the future of developing countries lies in the hands of young people. 2. Summarizing: _Ways to fight poverty_ used in developing countries.Improve a countrys infrastructure. Education and training for the young people.Part Four It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.Step Three: ConsolidationSolutionsExamplesPresent situationsFood aid(2)_ a charity concert to (3)_ money; (4) _ up WFP to (5)_ world hungera lot has been done to fight poverty and great (13)_ have been made; the fight is not (14)_ and the two solutions need to be (15) _ together(1)_aidstop poverty by fighting the (6)_ of it; (7)_ a countrys infrastructure, which may help (8)_ job opportunities for people and allow them to bee (9)_; (10)_ and (11)_ young people because the future of developing countries (12)_ in the hands of children.1. Developed 2. organized 3. raise 4. set 5. fight 6. causes 7. improve 8. create 9. independent 10. educate 11. train 12. lies 13. achievements 14. over 15. binedStep Four Finish Parts and E on page 4 and 5.

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