2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing单元教案 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing单元教案 新人教版选修7. 单元教学目标技能目标Skill GoalsTalk about helping others and voluntary workPractise expressing time sequence and logical relationsRevise the Attributive Clause (restrictive) Write a narration. 目标语言功 能 句 式Express logical relationsWhy would you .?How could you do that?Because I want to share with others .First, find some information through .The reason is that . Then . Next . Finally . 词 汇1 四会词汇Airmail fortnight roof muddy textbook concept weekly relevant remote weed rectangle rectangular adjust platform broom tin jar sniff participate interpreter grill otherwise privilege paperwork arrangement toast b astronaut angle catalogue donate voluntary purchase anniversary seed sew ox trunk tractor Kenya click tailor political distribute distribution security operate clinci 2 认读词汇Papua New Guinea, bucket, bubble, Pidgin, slope, leftover, evil, vaccination, loan, supplement, Bangladesh, Tanzania, economic, Uganda, Sudan, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), Malawi 3 词组hear from, be dying to, e across, stick out, dry out, dry up, in need, sewing machine, trunk library4 重点词汇purpose, theme, determination, nation, birth, ancestor, joy, treat, peace结 构Revise the Attributive Clause (restrictive)引导定语从句的关系代词who/whom/whose/which/that等以及关系副词where/when/why等在定语从句中担任句子成分和表达意义的小结重点句子1. Ive included some photos which will help you picture the places I talk about. P292. When I reach the school grounds there are lots of “good mornings” for me from the boys. Many of them have walked a long way, sometimes up to two hours, to get to the school. P293. The other day I was showing the boys the weekly chemistry experiment when, before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling over every where. P294. Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students, most of whom will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway. P295. But last weekend another teacher, Jenny, and I did visit a village which is the home of one of the boys, Tombe. P296. We walked for two and a half hours to get there first up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below. P297. Tombes father, Mukap, led us to his house, a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roof this shows its a mans house. P298. To let you know that I am thinking of you, I have purchased a gift from the Worlds Most Useful Gift Catalogue for you to give to some of the worlds poorest. P34. 教材分析和教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以Sharing为话题,旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解世界上很多地方依然很落后,从而懂得同情,学会分享。结合针对短文话题的探讨激发学生的国际意识,通过各种渠道力所能及地为贫困地区的孩子做出自己的贡献。1. 1 Warming Up 提供了三项任务。通过完成这些任务让学生懂得什么是“帮助”,并且反思自己是否乐于助人,以及怎样做才是“志愿者”,为后面的短文学习做好了铺垫。1. 2Pre-reading是Reading的热身活动。其中介绍了信的作者Jo,还根据她在PNG拍摄的照片提出了5个问题,让学生在阅读之前就对信的内容有了简单的了解。1. 3Reading是一篇Jo写给Rosemary的信。其中Jo介绍了自己在PNG的所见所闻。读完这封信,学生能感受到PNG的儿童生活之艰难,从而珍惜自己的生活和学习机会。1. 4prehending是根据短文设计的阅读理解题,检验学生对阅读内容从细节到大意的理解。1. 5Learning about Language分词汇和语法两部分。其中,第一部分是有关此篇短文中出现的重点单词和短语的用法练习;第二部分是对限定性定语从句的复习。 1. 6Using Language包括三项活动:Reading and speaking以一个有关礼物的网页展开阅读和讨论,通过阅读,学生将了解到这一活动的意义以及他们能为贫困的人做些什么,讨论活动将激发学生对这一主题的深层次思考和参与热情;Listening and speaking通过Jennifer Wells的采访介绍了Mary Murray作为MSF的一个志愿者的工作经历,而且针对这一话题要求学生能用给出的时间短语结合听力材料谈论Mary Murray;Writing要求学生根据Listening and speaking的话题并运用上面的时间短语写一篇叙述文。2 教材重组2.1 从话题内容和训练目的上分析,Warming Up与Listening and speaking相一致;从教材份量来说,可将Warming Up与Listening and speaking的1、2、3、4项和Workbook中的LISTENING以及LISTENING TASK整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“听力课”。2.2 将Listening and speaking的speaking和Workbook中的TALKING以及SPEAKING TASK整合在一起,设计成一节“口语课”。2.3 可将Pre-reading, Reading和prehending三个活动整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。2.4 可将Learning about Language的词汇和语法两部分与Workbook中的USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS以及USING STRUCTURES整合在一起上一节“语言学习课”。2.5 可将Using Language中的Reading and speaking和Workbook中的READING TASK整合起来上一节“泛读课”。2.6 将Writing和Workbook中的WRITING TASK整合成一节“写作课”。3. 课型设计与课时分配 1st PeriodListening 2nd Period Speaking3rd Period Reading4th Period Language study5th Period Extensive reading 6th Period Writing . 分课时教案The First Period ListeningTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言重点词汇和短语volunteer, clinic, challenging, over the last few years, in the future, in two weeks time, a couple of, developing country, go blind, belief 2. Ability goals能力目标Improve the students listening ability by listening to Dr Mary Murrays experience as a volunteer with Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF).3. Learning ability goals学能目标Learn to predict what will be heard according to the key words in the questions and in this way to improve the students listening ability. Teaching important points 教学重点Learn to make notes while listening to the material and number the events in the order they are heard. Teaching difficult points 教学难点Learn to use time expressions and work together with a partner to describe a persons experience as Jo did in her letter or Dr Mary Murray did in the interview.Teaching methods 教学方法Listening and cooperative learning.Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I Warming upT: Have you ever helped others? What did you do to help your parents? Or other relatives? Or your friends? Or people in your munity? Or people outside your munity? Im sure you have a lot to say. OK, now get into groups and finish the survey form on Page 28.Suggested answers:What do you do to help.Name: TomName: HelenName: Mary1. your parents?Clean the floorWash dishesPrepare supper2. other relatives?Lend my booksand CDs to themTake care of mycousin while hisparents are awayfort themwhen they are sad3. your friends?Repair theirputersHelp them with thelessonsAcpany themto do shopping4. people in your munity?Be a coach of thefootball loversSing and dance forthe oldHelp my neighbourscarry things home5. people outside your munity?Plant treesHelp people withdisabilitiesReturn the wallet tothe ownerWrite “Volunteer” on the Bb.T: Look at the word on the Bb. Have you learned it? What does it mean? S: As a noun, it means someone who does a job willingly without being paid. As a verb, it means to offer to do something without expecting any reward, often something that other people do not want to do. S: Volunteer work includes: Be a coach of the football lovers without payment, plant trees, help people with disabilities.T: Good answer. Look at the survey form you have pleted. Then in groups, discuss whether someone who helps the groups on the survey form can be called a “volunteer”.After discussion. T: Do you think your classmates you just interviewed can be called volunteers? Whats your groups opinion?S: We think that one is not a volunteer when he/she helps his/her parents, relatives or friends. But we can call his/her volunteer when he/she helps people in the munity or outside the munity. T: I agree with you. Only those who dont work for rewards especially money and materials, and are not forced to do so are volunteers. For example, Dr Mary Murray is such a volunteer. She works for an organization called Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). Turn to Page 35 please. Step Listening (I)T: Now Mary is being interviewed by Jennifer Wells. Go through exercises 1 and 2, and predict what you will hear in the listening material. You can also discuss with your partner.Then let the students go through the expressions listed in Exercise 1. And play the tape. T: Now lets listen to their dialogue. While you are listening, pay attention to the time expressions and number them in the order you hear them. After listening for the first time, check the answers. Then let them try to answer the questions in Exercise 2 with their partner. Its OK if they cant answer all the questions. Play the tape again, let the students listen again and check their answers. T: Now look at the table in Exercise 3. Some time expressions are given. Lets listen to the tape again and find out where Mary was at these times and what she did. You dont need to write down plete sentences. Key words will do. After listening, let the students share their pleted notes with their partners. Then check the notes with the whole class. Finally, get the students to tell each other about Marys experience with the help of the information from table. They are supposed to use the time expressions in Exercise 1. Step Listening ()T: Perhaps you may wonder, we are students, what we can do to help. That is, what can we do to serve munities outside the school? Actually, if you are willing to offer your help, there are a lot of things that you can do. There has been some school organizations which are engaged in out-school activities. Now, we are going to learn about one of such organizations. Turn to LISTENING in the workbook on Page 70. You are also required to predict what you will hear, according to the four exercises.Let the students go through the instructions of the exercises and predict about the content of the listening material. Sa: There are three characters in the material: Jason, Mick and Annie.Sb: They want to raise money to help the munities.Sc: Perhaps they will help children in hospital, or serve soup to the homeless, or protect the environment.Sd: They will spend some time working for their schools munity Care mittee (CCC).T: Now lets listen to the tape and check your predictions and at the same time, number the items in Exercise 1 in the order you first hear them. After listening, check the answer. Then play the tape again and let the students finish the table in Exercise 2. Check the answers. Finally, play the tape again and deal with Exercises 3 and 4. Step HomeworkT: Boys and girls, today we have listened to two materials about giving help to others. I do hope all of us can offer help to those in need. Besides, you should learn to predict what you will hear before listening and pay attention to the time expressions while listening. Homework for today: 1. Finish the LISTENING TASK on Pages 75-76. 2. Google for more information about MSF and share it with each other.The Second Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语 in the future, share . with ., social welfare programme, afford, sponsor, donate, cover, primary school, participate in b. 功能句式 Why would you .? How could you do that? Because I want to share with others . First, find some information through . The reason is that . Then . Next . Finally .2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to express logical relations with the target language. Enable the students to tell about a persons experiences using time expressions. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to express logical relations with the target language.Help the students learn how to use time expressions to tell about a persons experiences.Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点Help the students learn to list reasons for an idea and also learn how to express and support an idea in a logical way. Teaching methods教学方法Discussing and speaking. Teaching aids教具准备A puter and a projector. Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方法Step I Revision T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls! Please let me check your LISTENING TASK on Pages 75-76 first. Show the answers on the Bb or a screen and help the students check the answers.Step DiscussionT: In the last period, we listened to the story about Dr Mary Murray. She worked for MSF and helped people in poor areas as a volunteer. Now I have two topics for you to discuss. First one: Do you think whether people like Dr Mary Murray and Professor Fred Hollows should help those in poorer areas? Give your reasons.Let the students work in groups and have a discussion. Then ask some of them to present their opinions and reasons. Sa: In my opinion, Dr Mary Murray and Professor Fred Hollows should help those in poorer areas. And I would like to be a volunteer if possible. The reason is that we, either poor or rich, live on the same planet. Just as John F. Kennedy said in his Inaugural Address, “If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.”Sb: Humanism or humanitarianism is a necessary quality for us human beings. We should share what we have and help those who are badly in need of help. I will bee a volunteer if time permits. Actually I often help those who need help. For example, every Sunday, I take my neighbour, a disabled girl, to the park to refresh herself. And we talk a lot, and I think I help her a lot, which makes me very happy.Sc: I agree with them, but I think the most important thing is that we should try to help the poor to be independent instead of just giving them food and clothes.Sd: I have a different idea. Its not wrong to help the poor. But according to my experience, helping the poor is not always a pleasant experience.Se: I cant agree more. I once read an article about such kind of things. The “poor” are not always so noble, and they are the hardest to deal with. People who deal with the poor can tell a hundred stories about how they waste money and opportunities. You bring food to their home and notice a large-screen TV. You give them money and they buy groceries at the nearby convenience store (where prices are very high). You have their car fixed and find out it is a Buick Skylark. Whenever you visit them, they are watching TV.Sf: Maybe what you said is true. However, it is not right to let the poor fight alone with their many problems ing from poverty. Unless we do something about poverty, the problems will remain.T: Excellent. I do hope that everyone can help those who need help. Second topic: Would you like to work as a volunteer like Dr Mary Murray and Professor Fred Hollows in the future? Where would you like to go? Why would you like to go there? What skills would you share there? . After the students have shared their ideas with each other, ask several of them to tell the class about their ideas without looking at the chart. Sample description of ideas: Sa: If Im a volunteer, Id like to go to the western part of our country. Because many people there cant get access to clean drinking water, and quite a few develop strange diseases. I think I can help them. I know how to make water clean for them. And from my grandfather, I learned to treat some diseases with Chinese medicine. I would like to spend as many days or months as possible to help them if possible. I will work as a doctor to cure diseases. Of course, I will learn more traditional methods to treat different diseases.Sb: If Im a volunteer, Id like to go to Africa. Because many people there are too poor to get formal education. Just because of that, many suffer from AIDS or other contagious diseases. Id like to share my skills of being a teacher and teach them. If possible, I will work there for a year and then e back to plete my education. And then I will return to the place to work again. In this way, I can help them get the latest information about the world and about science and technology. Of course, I can also get to know Africa and African people better, in order to help them help themselves. Because I know “God helps those who help themselves.”Sc: I will go to the hospital near my munity. There are a lot of disabled people who have no one to help them. They are lonely and sad. I would like to talk with them, read to them, and even sing with them. In this way, I can help them get enough courage for their future life. I will go there every Sunday, and if possible, I will persuade my friends to go there with me. Then more and more people will offer help, and more and more disabled people will get help. I just want to be a volunteer, which does not need any special skills. I will learn how take care of the elder and the sick. T: I appreciate your ideas. We need love, and those who are sick and poor need love even badly. We are living a happy life, why cant we share the happiness with others? I hope your ideas will be realized one day. Step Speaking taskT: Im really very happy that you are all willing to help others. And I am sure you will bee volunteers in the future. In order to be good volunteers, what should we do now?Ss: Study hard to learn more skills.T: Very good. But do you know that in our country there are still a lot of children who cant go to school? And there is a project which aims to help them. What is it?Ss: Project Hope.T: Yes, you are right. I think you all know about this great project. Who in our class has ever sponsored a child or is sponsoring a child from a poor area? Have your parents, relatives or friends sponsored a child through Project Hope?Perhaps some students did. If so, encourage them to talk more about how they did it and their reasons of doing so. T: Most of you didnt do that. I know thats because you are not able to do that for the moment. So when you grow up and get a job, would you like to participate in Project Hope by sponsoring a child from a poor area? Work in pairs and discuss it. You need to give reasons for your answer. If you decided to sponsor a child, how would you do it? The expressions below may be useful in your discussion. Show the following expressions on the screen. Why would you .?Because I want to share with others .The reason is that . Then . Next . Finally .How could you do that?First, find some information through .A sample discussion:Sb: I would like to sponsor a child from a poor area through Project Hope.Sa: Why would you like to do that?Sb: Because I think school education is very important for a person, especially those in poor areas. If they fail to receive education, they will get poorer and poorer. Dont you know the saying that “knowledge changes fate”?Sa: Sure I know that. But how could you do that?Sb: First, find some information through newspapers and Internet, and get in touch with some children. After knowing their conditions, we can do something to help. For example, if they cant afford the money to go to school or dont have books and schoolbags, we can use our pocket money to help them.Sc: But how could you know that you are sponsoring the right child who really needs help? Sd: Why dont we get in touch with China Youth Development Foundation first, and through it we can get enough information.Se: I have a good idea. We can raise money for Project Hope. First, we can make a plan for raising money. We can design a slogan “Donate for Project Hope, help children who cant go to school”. Then, we print some leaflets, telling people about Project Hope. Next, we go to parks on Sundays, and collect money for Project Hope. Im sure we will collect a lot of money for Project Hope. Finally, we can mail the money to China Youth Development Foundation. Step Homework1. Do TALKING on Page 70. Let the students work in groups and make a plan for their CCC on the kinds of organizations they would like to raise money for, how they would raise the money, the organizations they would like to give time to and the schedule. A sample plan:As far as we know, there are many kinds of Chinese organizations that need peoples donation, for example: China Charity is the countrys largest charitable organization: The China Charity Federation (CCF); Red Cross Society; Song Ching Ling Foundation; Chinas Welfare Homes for Children; Project Hope.We would post a poster on the school bulletin board, telling the students that many children are suffering from diseases because they dont have money for medicine and that many children cant go to school because of poverty. We


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