2019-2020年高一英语暑假阅读天天练 第十三天.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语暑假阅读天天练 第十三天.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高一英语暑假阅读天天练 第十三天.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高一英语暑假阅读天天练 第十三天It has been 100 years since the first modern summer Olympic Games were held. Do you know the dates and the places of all the summer Olympic Games, and also the total of gold medals the first three teams gained in each game?Date PlaceTotals of Gold medals1st2nd3rd1 1896 AthensUSA 11Greece 10Germany 72 1900 ParisFrance 27USA 19Britain 173 1904 St. Louis, USAUSA 70Cuba 5Germany 44 1908 LondonBritain 56USA 23Sweden 75 1912 StockholmSweden 24USA 23Britain 106 1916 BerlinNot held because of World War I7 1920 Antwerp, BelgiumUSA 41Sweden 19Britain 158 1924 ParisUSA 45Finland 14France 139 1928 AmsterdamUSA 22Germany 10Finland 810 1932 Los AngelesUSA 41Italy 12France 1011 1936 BerlinGermany 33USA 24Hungary 1012 1940 HelsinkiNot held because of World War II13 1944 LondonNot held because of World War II14 1948 LondonUSA 38Sweden 16France 1015 1952 HelsinkiUSA 40USSR 22Hungary 1016 1956 MelbourneUSSR 37USA 32Australia 1317 1960 RomeUSSR 43USA 34Italy 1318 1964 TokyoUSA 36USSR 30Japan 1619 1968 Mexico CityUSA 45USSR 30Japan 1120 1972 Munich, W. G.USSR 50USA 33GDR 2021 1976 MontrealUSSR 49GDR 40USA 3422 1980 MoscowUSSR 80GDR 47Bulgaria 823 1984 Los AngelesUSA 83Romania 20W. G. 1724 1988 Seoul, S. KoreaUSSR 55GDR 37USA 3625 1992 BarcelonaCIS 45USA 37Germany 33Note: CIS = monwealth Independent States;GDR = E. Germany1. By the year 1992, the modern summer Olympic Games had been held _ times in U. S. A. A. four B. two C. one D. Three2. How many gold medals had E. Germany won in the Summer Olympic Games?A. 124 B. 144 C. 198 D. 2003. From the date(资料) we can arrive at a conclusion that _.A. every country should hold the Olympic Games in turnB. any Olympic Games should not be called off for any reasonC. no peace, no sportsD. if there is a war anywhere, the Olympic Games mush be stopped

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