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2019-2020年高中英语必修2U4Cyberspace-Warm-upUnit objectives Draw students attention to the unit objectives at the top of the page. Ask them if they have written an e-mail message, read or written Internet pages and, if so, to discuss what they did and if they had any problems. Ask students to think about which of the unit objectives they expect to find easier and which they expect to find more difficult. At the end of the unit, students can see if their predictions were correct. Resource used Cassette. Background Picture B is from the movie The Terminator (1984). It is a picture of the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger who starred as an unstoppable machine sent from the future to change the past. Picture C is of the actor Kevin Costner. It is from the movie Waterworld (1995). The movie is set in the future when the polar ice-caps have melted. Costner plays a character searching for dry land ?C something no one has ever seen. A.l. (xx) is a science fiction movie directed by Steven Spielberg. The story revolves around the idea that in the future, humans will create robots that are able to feel love. In the movie, a young robot-boy is given to a real human family. He loves them but they desert him. He then painfully discovers that he is a robot and sets off on a journey to find a way to bee real. Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French writer and a pioneer of science fiction. He studied geology, engineering and astronomy which greatly influenced his writing. He wrote From the Earth to the Moon in 1866, almost a century before Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. In his novel, men plan to build a gun big enough to shoot a rocket into space. Exercise 1 Ask students to read the texts and to say if they have seen any of the films or read any of the books ?C and, if so, to tell the class what they know and give their opinions. Students work in groups discussing which predictions have already e true and which they think will e true in their lifetime. The groups then report back to the class and see if there is general agreement. The class then discuss any other predictions from science fiction books or films that have e true. Key Words robot, artificial human, cyberspace, planets climate, global warming, world flooding, time travel, virtual reality, virusExercise 2 Play the cassette and ask students to make notes about the predictions. Answers 1 making artificial humans 2 flooding in different countries 3 time travel 4 a virus develops which we have no power to stop Tapescript 1 Well, thats a very interesting question. It is already possible to make artificial body parts, but it wont be possible for a very long time to make artificial humans that can think or feel in the same way as we do. 2 We know that the planets climate is changing. The Earths atmosphere is slowly getting warmer. There is a real danger that the sea level will go up and there will be flooding in different countries in the world. This is already happening in some parts of the world. 3 Well, it may sound surprising. Imagine the situation of two twins ?Ca brother and sister. The sister goes into space and travels at the speed of light for ten years ?C when she es back to Earth she is thirty years older than her twin brother! 4 Unfortunately, this is a very real danger for the planet. A new virus could develop that we have no power to stop. It is something we really should be worried about. Students match the definition with a Key Word (cyberspace). Options Practice Students develop the definition practice in Exercise 2. In groups, they write definitions for two more Key Words. The groups then read their definitions to the rest of the class who have to guess the words. Extension Ask students to recall science fiction books or films. They should write down sentences about the predictions made in them and decide whether they have already e true, whether they may e true during their lifetime or whether they will never e true. Write three columns on the board: have e true, will soone true, will never e true. Have students read their sentences aloud and have a class discussion on where to place each prediction.

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