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2019-2020年高中英语Unit4Cyberspace2SectionLesson2Websites课时训练北师大版必修.根据句意、首字母及括号内汉语提示,用合适的单词填空1.Mr.Green,Im not good at English.Could you give me some s on English study?答案:suggestions2.I asked him to help me with my work,but he just r me.答案:rejected3.The pany has a (网络)of shops all over the country.答案:network4.Many people have benefited from the (工程).答案:project5.This old man is a famous (核能的)physicist.答案:nuclear6.We finally made some (安排) for the ing holiday.答案:arrangements7.She has a very (科学的) method of dealing with political problems.答案:scientific8puters are (无用的) without electricity.答案:useless9.Radio and television are important means of (通讯).答案:munication10.I always (幻想) that one day I could have a global travel with my family.答案:fancy.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1.We have made all the (arrange)for the meeting.答案:arrangements2.The accident caused a great (science)discovery.答案:scientific3.This machine was invented in the (1850).答案:1850s/1850s4.People feel very (worry)about those in the disastrous areas.答案:worried5.This type of dress has been (fashion)for many years.答案:fashionable.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空link.tothink ofbe up toget in touch with1.I feel very tired.Ive been so busy these days.What have you ?答案:been up to2. your puter the Internet.I want to find some information.答案:Link;to3.You should bring a mobile phone with you so that we can you.答案:get in touch with4.All of the people in the neighbourhood David as a clever and honest boy.答案:think of.句型转换1.A.Why dont we buy a basketball?B. buy a basketball?答案:Why not2.A.Please write down the important words.B.Please write down the words .答案:of importance3.A.Id like to visit my uncle this weekend.B.Id like to pay my uncle this weekend.答案:a visit to4.A.I suggest her staying here for a rest.B.I suggest that here for a rest.答案:she stay.汉译英1.我建议他立刻出发。(suggest)答案:I suggest that he (should)start at once.2.坐在这里读书怎么样?(how about)答案:How about sitting here to read?3.我不喜欢和这样的人交谈。(fancy)答案:I dont fancy talking to such a person.4.毕业后我们失去了联系。(lose touch)答案:We lost touch with each other after graduation.5.这个周末你做什么?(be up to)答案:What are you up to this weekend?.阅读理解Telephones and cellphones ring at the same time;e-mails are sent and replied to every single day.This is reality for many people,and sometimes it is for me,too.I really enjoy having all these ways to municate with my family and friends.However,when I need to use them for other important reasons,I dont get the same satisfaction.Last week,for example,I sent an e-mail message to the pany which sold me an airline ticket.It was pletely useless because they couldnt understand or solve the problem by e-mail.I asked myself,“Why do they have such a nice site on the Internet if they cant help customers who are far away?What a deception(欺骗)!”I can tell you about another unpleasant experience I had.Last month I bought some CDs over the Internet.The next day,they sent me a message confirming(证实)my order and telling me that they didnt have all of the CDs that I wanted.They would send those they had and “LATER” send the others.I really hate that word “later”.Later?How much later?When?I still havent gotten them.What I have to say about all this technology is that it was created to make things easier for us,but sometimes the result is totally the opposite.I usually like to use a cellphone,but it really gets on my nerves when I am talking to someone and the transmission(传输)goes bad and we get cut off.Instead of helping me,technology just hinders me.I am not addicted to these “high-tech toys”.However,it would be great if they really could be used successfully whenever we need them.Unfortunately,for me they are much more toys than they are tools to do my work.Talking face-to-face or using regular phones are still the best ways to municate.1.What does the writer want to tell us by the first paragraph?A.He is happy to municate with others.B.He has so many tools of munication.C.Modern tools of munication are being widely used nowadays.D.There is no need to use those tools for munication.提示:根据第一段内容可知该段旨在告诉读者现如今各种各样的交流方式被人们广泛使用。答案:C2.How does the writer feel about the modern technology?A.He is not satisfied with them.B.He likes them better than anything else.C.He is quite satisfied with them.D.He never uses them.提示:根据文章内容可知作者对现代化交流方式的使用并不满意。答案:A3.By the second example the writer wants to tell us that .A.people may be cheated if they do shopping on the InternetB.everyone is cheated if they order something on the InternetC.the Internet is not fit for shoppingD.he is often cheated by others when he does shopping in the market提示:根据第三段内容可知作者重点说明了网上购物可能存在欺骗行为。答案:A4.What do the underlined words in the last paragraph refer to in the passage?A.Cellphones.B.E-mails.C.The Internet.D.All of the above.提示:根据最后一段及全文的说明可知此处high-tech toys指现在所用的各种先进技术。答案:D.短文改错Today my father and I drove to visit Li Wei,whom we had been supporting for two years.We set off early in the morning,and after a two-hour drive,we arrived in his home.At that moment,he was working in the garden when his grandpa was sitting in the sun.They were excited to see us and gave us warm wele.We gave Li Wei a schoolbag and some books as well.Grateful and being moved,he showed us his excellent schoolworks,which impressed us greatly.Li Wei and I talked about our dreams,friends and school life.We were very happy that we didnt realize it was time to leave.They saw me off at the village entrance and we waved goodbye to them,promised to e back again.I really feel happily about what we did today.答案:Today my father and I drove to visit Li Wei,whom we had been supporting for two years.We set off early in the morning,and after a two-hour drive,we arrived in his home.At that moment,he was working in the garden when his grandpa was sitting in the sun.They were excited to see us and gave us warm wele.We gave Li Wei a schoolbag and some books as well.Grateful and being moved,he showed us his excellent schoolworks,which impressed us greatly.Li Wei and I talked about our dreams,friends and school life.We were very happy that we didnt realize it was time to leave.They saw me off at the village entrance and we waved goodbye to them,promised to e back again.I really feel happily about what we did today.

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