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2019-2020年高中英语Unit7TheSeaPeriodfive课时作业北师大版必修.阅读理解AMarilyn MArnold4500 Ridgewood Road Memphis,Tennessee 38116Tel:9015990316Email:efgyahooObjectiveTo obtain a position that will enable me to improve my organizational skills,educational background,and ability to work well with people.ExperienceLead Teacher La Petite Academy,Memphis,TN.June,2011July,xx Planned activities that would promote growth in language,social skills. Provided children with individual attention. municated with parents on a regular basis.EducationAt present,studying Science in Elementary Education at the University of Memphis.Fahd EI ZoghatAmerican University of BeirutTel:00963116820300 (Damascus)Email:abcaub.edu.lbObjectiveTo secure a promising position that offers both a challenge and a good opportunity for growth.Experience xx2011 Assisted a professor in the puter simulation(模拟) of digital circuits. Assisted an instructor in the area of radar systems. Worked as a research assistant with a professor in the area of digital image processing.EducationStanford University,Palo Alto,CAMadeline Little555 Maple Dr.Hartford,CT 06105Tel:(860)5550820Email:m.e.littlegmailObjectiveTo obtain a position as a Salesman Associate to improve the ability to work well with people in Summer.ExperienceSeptember xxPresent Aid students in person and via phone with questions regarding course registration. Assist with all other office administrative duties. Nominated(提名) for Employee of the Year in 2011 due to excellent performance.xxxx Teammate on Hartford High School womens soccer team.EducationABC munity College Hartford,CT Bachelor of ArtsJames Todd Wells7444 Vesta Drive Little Rock,Arkansas.72210Tel:(501)555555Email:jtwellmail.netObjectiveTo secure a position with a wellestablished organization with a stable environment that will lead to a lasting relationship.Experiencexx2011 Worked in Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Unit Admissions of Outpatient Services at Hickingbotham Center admitting patients.Worked as liaison(联络) representative between family members and doctor. Worked also in Emergency Room admissions checking in patients.Entered personal data and followed up on insurance verification(核实)EducationUniversity of Arkansas at Little Rock,Little Rock,Arkansas1From the first part,we can learn that Marilyn MArnold .Aknows about childrens educationBwants to get a job with a stable environmentChas got a degree of Science in Elementary EducationDis an excellent teacher of the University of Memphis答案A解析细节理解题。根据其工作经历中的“策划活动促进提高语言、社交技能”、“关注每一个儿童”,可知她有儿童教育经验。2Which one may be short of independent working experience?AMarilyn MArnold.BFahd EI Zoghat.CMadeline Little.DJames Todd Wells.答案B解析推理判断题。由第二份简历中的工作经历可知,Fahd EI Zoghat之前的工作经验都是充当别人的助手,有可能缺少独立工作经验。3Which of the following statements about Madeline Little is TRUE?AShe is good at radar systems.BShe is an experienced teacher.CShe has the experience of dealing with patients.DShe was a member of womens soccer team.答案D解析细节理解题。根据第三份简历中的“Teammate on Hartford High School womens soccer team.”可知答案。4What do the four people have in mon?AThey have received college education.BThey want a permanent job.CThey want to work with people.DThey have rich working experience.答案A解析推理判断题。根据四份简历中的Education可知,四位应聘者都受过大学教育。BThe German city of Hamburg has announced plans to bee carfree within the next two decades.It is an ambitious idea,but city officials obviously feel that the personal motor car does not fulfil a function that walking,biking and taking public transport can do.The goal of Hamburgs project is to replace roads with a green network,which will allow people to navigate through the city without the use of cars.Banishing the car from urban areas is being a mon trend in many European cities.London imposes a “congestion charge” on private vehicles entering the city centre during rush hours.Copenhagen is building bicycle superhighways radiating(呈辐射状) from the city centre.These developments bined may make worrying reading for driving enthusiasts.Is the time of the personal car over?In the century since the Ford Model T was introduced in 1908,global vehicle numbers have swollen to well over a billion.But according to the recent research,the growth may have stopped.According to Professor Michael Sivak,at the University of Michigan,“motorization” in the US might have reached a peak in xx,and the figures have been on the decline since then.“New York,Washington,Boston,Philadelphia,each has more than thirty percent of households without a light duty vehicle,”says Sivak.In fact,the figures show that fiftysix percent of households in New York (which top the list) dont have a car.“I think that will be surprising to most people.It was surprising to me,and I am in the business.”Sivak thinks a number of factors could be contributing to the trend,including working from home and the movement of populations back to city centers.In China,Beijing and Shanghai are looking at plans to limit the number of new vehicles being registered to control growth.Its movement more cities are looking to,particularly in the US.5Why does Hamburg launch the “carfree” program?ATo build a green environment.BTo fix a worldwide road network.CTo call on people to take exercise.DTo replace the public transport.答案A解析细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“The goal of Hamburgs project is to replace roads with a green network,which will allow people to navigate through the city without the use of cars.”可知,该项目是为了创建一个绿色的环境。6The underlined word “Banishing” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by “ ”Aputting out Bgiving awayCdriving away Dsetting out答案C解析词义猜测题。根据下文内容可知,伦敦市向高峰期进入市中心的私家车征收“交通拥堵费”;哥本哈根正在建设从城市中心散开的自行车高速公路。这两个例子是为了说明使汽车远离市区正在成为许多欧洲城市的共同趋势。因此该词可用drive away替代,表示“使离去”。7Professor Michael Sivak uses the examples in Paragraph 5 .Ato prove the number of cars has been increasing sharplyBto persuade Americans to give up their way of lifeCto introduce to the readers a new trend in buying carsDto show many Americans have already abandoned cars答案D解析推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句中的“.motorization in the US might have reached a peak in xx,and the figures have been on the decline since then.”及第五段的前两句可知,Michael Sivak举例是想说明许多美国人已经放弃使用汽车了。8What can be learned from the last paragraph?AMost people like to work in the countryside.BIt is only big cities that are taking action.CMany factors contribute to the trend.DEffective rules have e into effect.答案C解析细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“Sivak thinks a number of factors could be contributing to the trend.”可知,汽车使用量减少的趋势是由很多因素造成的,应选C。.完形填空The story of how I got my job was a funny one.One day,I was 1 along a street to the interview 2 a yellow car suddenly cut in front of me. 3 another car ing in the other 4 ,I had to brake hard and 5 another cyclist.We both fell,but 6 neither of us was hurt.I became angry and cycled as fast as possible to the driver of the yellow car to tell him 7 I considered him.I told him what a bad 8 I thought he was and he was a(n) 9 to other people on the road.His face turned 10 .I warned him not to drive 11 in the future so that everyone else could enjoy a long life.I was in time for the 12 .Having walked into the room,to my 13 ,I found one of the three interviewers 14 to be the driver of the yellow car.We looked at each other for a while, 15 silent.Then I decided to look 16 the whole matter as a great joke!I laughed and told him that I talked 17 the last time we met and this time it was turn for him to talk a great deal.Lost in thought for a while,he 18 that I was not going to say anything about his bad driving.The interview went 19 .Two days later,I received a letter offering me the job.I was pleased that the managerthe driver of the yellow car,didnt 20 my rudeness to him.Through the experience,I find something that seems impossible at first sometimes turns out to be good.1A.cycling BwalkingCrunning Ddriving答案A解析由下文中“I became angry and cycled as fast as.”可知,cycle骑车,符合语境。2A.then BwhenCwhile Das答案B解析be doing sth.when.正在做某事,忽然,为固定句式,when引导时间状语从句,符合语境。3A.As BForCWith DBy答案C解析with表示“与此同时,随着”,符合语境。4A.condition BpositionClocation Ddirection答案D解析从上下文可知,另一辆车应该是从另一方向驶来,故选direction“方向”。5A.knocked BbumpedCbeat Drushed答案B解析作者不得不急刹车,结果撞到了另一辆自行车。bump撞,碰,符合语境。6A.happily BunfortunatelyCluckily Ddisappointedly答案C解析由下文“我们都没受伤”可知,luckily幸运地,符合语境。7A.which BthatCwhat Dhow答案D解析此处意为“我是如何看待他的”,表示方式。how如何,引导方式状语从句。8A.driver BworkerCcyclist Dboss答案A解析作者赶到那辆黄色的车前,告诉车主他是个很不好的司机。driver司机,符合语境。9A.pity BidiotCrisk Dfool答案C解析作者认为开黄车的司机对行人来说是个危险,故答案为C项。10A.black BwhiteCpale Dred答案D解析由于作者狠狠地说了那辆车的司机,所以他应该感到惭愧,脸红了。11A.carelessly BcarefullyCslowly Dpatiently答案A解析carelessly粗心大意地,符合语境。carefully小心谨慎地;slowly缓慢地;patiently耐心地。12A.job BinterviewCmeeting Dappointment答案B解析由文章第二段第一句“.I was along a street to the interview.”可知作者是去参加“面试”。13A.excitement BjoyCanger Dastonishment答案D解析根据上下文可知,作者发现面试官之一是在路上被他批评的司机,所以感到惊讶。to ones astonishment使某人惊讶的是。14A.happened BwantedCseemed Dplanned答案A解析面试官之一恰巧是那位司机。happen碰巧,恰巧,符合语境。15A.making BkeepingCbreaking Dstopping答案B解析根据上文“.for a while”,可知此处意为“保持沉默(keep silent)”,故B项正确。16A.up BatCon Dinto答案C解析look on看待,视作。作者把整件事看作是个大玩笑。17A.much BlittleCmore Dless答案A解析根据上文可知作者先前讲了很多话,故选much。18A.hoped BfoundCheard Dwished答案B解析他思索了一会儿,发现作者不会提他不当驾驶的事情。19A.fast BterriblyCwell Dslowly答案C解析两个人之间没有了心理负担,故面试进行得很顺利,答案为C项。20A.realize BwantCknow Dmind答案D解析那辆黄车的主人,即公司经理,没有介意作者的粗鲁而录用了作者。mind介意,符合语境。.微写作写作素材1这位探险家启程去南极作了一次长途旅行。2他为了寻找南极的一些未知生物。3一路上,他经历了许多困难,甚至经常陷入困境。4他最终抵达了目的地,实现了自己的梦想。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)The explorer set sail for the Antarctic in search of some unknown wildlife.Along the way,he went through many difficulties,and often got into trouble.Eventually he arrived at the destination and realized his dream.Period SixGrammar & Writing.用适当的关系词填空1It is reported that two schools,both of which are being built in my hometown,will open next year.2Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity where sight matters more than hearing.3We shouldnt spend our money testing so many people,most of whom are healthy.4Many children,whose parents are away working in big cities,are taken good care of in the village.5Because of the financial crisis,days are gone when local 5star hotels charged 6,000 yuan for one night.句型转换1The factory and the church are equally old.The factory is as old as the church.2This route is less interesting than the others.This is the least interesting route.3Im not as clever as you.Youre cleverer than me.4A puter would calculate a more precise figure.A puter would calculate the figure more precisely.5The old wallpaper wasnt as nice as the new one.The new wallpaper is nicer than the old one.6How reliable a machine is depends on what it costs.The more a machine costs,the more reliable it is.7No other city in Scotland is as big as Glasgow.Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland.8This year the first snow has e later than last year.Last year the first snow came earlier than this year.阅读理解AKenji Croman has broken his bones,his shoulder and elbow,and nearly drowned several times.Hes also had three close encounters with sharks over the years.A 10foot wave landed directly on top of him five years ago,bending his body to the point that he actually kicked himself in the head.“I literally heard every bone in my body crack,”he said.Croman has been photographing ocean waves since xx,sometimes risking his life to get that perfect shot at the surf break.Despite the risks and certain injuries that e with wave photography,the Hawaii resident,body surfer and former petitive swimmer wouldnt do anything else.The 36yearold photographer loves the thrill of meeting breaking waves head on,shooting waves as his interest and shooting surfers to pay the bills.“The process of photographing waves requires more than just swimming out where the surf breaks and waiting,”he says.The night before a photo shoot Croman checks Surfline,a website and the coastal camera network that provides live and predicted ocean weather information,to see what the winds,waves and tide will be like at certain times.Croman has both a primary camera and a backup for emergencies.He goes without a wetsuit and uses a heavy underwater housing to protect his camera.There is no great way for him to protect himself.He admits there are probably protective clothes he should be wearing,but there is little he could have done to decrease the impact of the 10foot wave that crashed on top of him.The hardest part of Cromans job is staying calm in the face of breaking waves when his initial reaction is to panic and swim away.At most,Croman will take two to three shots of a single wave.“Ive shot waves for so many years now that I see the wave in slow movement,”he said.1What do we know about Kenji Cromans job from the first paragraph?AIt is a game of death.BIt is full of mysteries.CIt requires patience.DIt calls for courage.答案D解析推理判断题。由第一段可知,为了拍摄海浪,Kenji Croman曾多次受伤,甚至几次面临着死亡,由此可推知,这份工作需要勇气。故选D。2How does Kenji Croman make a living?ABy taking swimming races.BBy teaching photography.CBy shooting surfers.DBy surfing waves.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句中的“.shooting waves as his interest and shooting surfers to pay the bills.”可知,Kenji Croman靠为冲浪者拍摄谋生。3Why does Kenji Croman check the websites like Surfline?ATo get better prepared for shooting.BTo predict something about weather.CTo learn more about surfing waves.DTo buy better equipment for safety.答案A解析推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The night before a photo shoot Croman checks Surfline,a website and the coastal camera network that provides live and predicted ocean weather information,to see what the winds,waves and tide will be like at certain times.”可知,Croman查看这个网站是想了解海洋的天气信息,以便更好地为拍摄做准备。4What would be the best title of the text?ATaking Adventures Around the OceanBRisking His Life for the Perfect WaveCMaking Preparations for Life RisksDAppreciating Breaking Waves in Danger答案B解析标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了Croman冒着生命危险拍摄完美的海浪照片,因此B项为最佳标题。BAmerican LaMar Baylor spends most of his time in New York,working as a performer in the Broadway musicalThe Lion King.But since 2011,he has also spent weeks in Kigali,the capital of Rwanda.There he teaches dance to boys who live on the streets.His teaching is part of an effort by the Rebecca Davis Dance pany.The project helps young people learn more about dance and learn how to behave in a classroom environment.LaMar Baylor describes his students as genocide(大屠杀) survivors.They have lost all of their families,and some even have been in prison.“They have been through things that no one should ever have to go through,”said Baylor.Dance classes provide the children with structured learning and selfexpression that theyve never had before.They can also take classes in information and technology after they have learned to attend classes and follow directions.Boys who have done best in the classes win scholarships,and are sent to the Sunrise Boarding School.About 30 boys have won this kind of financial aid.All the students are male,because few girls in Rwanda live freely on the streets.The Rwanda program is the largest one set up by the Rebecca Davis Dance pany,founded and directed by Rebecca Davis.Ms.Davis has also set up dance programs in BosniaHerzegovina and Guinea.About 2,000 children in the three countries have taken part in the project since its launch(发起) in xx.As for LaMar Baylor,he knows from his own experience how dance can lead to a better life.He is from Camden,New Jersey.Camden has sometimes been called Americas poorest and most dangerous city.Mr.Baylor says that growing up in Camden,it took a long time for him to find out what he wanted to do.He now thinks dancing saved his life.5What do we know about LaMar Baylor according to the text?AHe spends most of his time in Rwanda.BHe is director of the musical The Lion King.CHe himself grew up in a poor environment.DHe started the Rwanda program on his own.答案C解析推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第二、三句“He is from Camden.Americas poorest and most dangerous city.”可知,他在贫困的环境中长大。故选C项。6It can be learned from the text that the children in Rwanda .Ahave gone through tough timeBhave mitted violent crimesCworked hard to win scholarshipsDfocused mainly on dancing答案A解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一、二句可知,拉马尔贝洛尔称他的学生是大屠杀的幸存者,他们都失去了家人,有的还坐过牢,因此孩子们经历了艰难的时期。故选A项。7In how many countries are the dance programs launched?ATwo. BThree.CFour. DFive.答案B解析细节理解题。文章第一段提到了卢旺达的首都基加利,第四段提到了波黑和几内亚,由此可知,舞蹈项目在三个国家进行。故选B项。8Whats the main idea of the text?ADance offers street children the path to education.BThe largest dance project was set up in Guinea.CEducation is important to street children.DWhere you grow up decides what you are.答案A解析主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了拉马尔贝洛尔通过教授街头流浪儿跳舞使他们得到受教育的机会。故选A项。.语法填空A:Hello!This is Li speaking.Bobby,it seems that I 1.cant arrive at your home by 12 oclock.B:What happened?We are expecting you,Hans.Dick,Arcbie.A:Im so sorry.Ive been 2.held(hold) up by the damn traffic jam for half 3.an hour.Id 4.have arrived(arrive) but for that.B:I see.5.Where are you now,Li?A:Thirty meters ahead is Waterloo Bridge.B:Its not far from here.Itslet me seeabout 20 minutes walk;can you walk here?A:Ive thought of that,but what can I do 6.with my car? 7.If only I had taken a taxi!B:Thats too bad,but dont worry.Well put 8.off dinner till one oclock.A:Im so 9.terribly(terrible) sorry to keep you 10.waiting (wait)B:It doesnt matter.Bye.A:Bye.短文改错Dear Mrs.Winthorp,So my first week at college is over!No lectures this morning so I think Id like to email you and let you know what things are going.Im glad to say that anything has worked out fine in the dorm.I remember asking for a room as far away from the lifts as possible and they find me a fortable one on second floor.There are two girls from my course here and I plan to make friend with them so we can help each other on the course work.Everyone else seems very nice and warmly here.Well,I had better to stop now.Im going to attend mine first lesson this afternoon,for Ive got some preparations to make.Keep in touch.Best,Carol答案Dear Mrs.Winthorp,So my first week at college is over!No lectures this morning so I think Id like to email you and let you know things are going.Im glad to say that has worked out fine in the dorm.I remember asking for a room as far away from the lifts as possible and they me a fortable one on second floor.There are two girls from my course here and I plan to make with them so we can help each other the course work.Everyone else seems very nice and here.Well,I had better to stop now.Im going to attend first lesson this afternoon, Ive got some preparations to make.Keep in touch.Best,Carol.书面表达最近,21世纪报社正在举行一次英语征文比赛,话题为雾霾天气。请你根据以下提示写一篇英语短文,向该报社投稿。 主要内容:1雾霾天气对健康、交通及户外活动造成的影响;2造成雾霾天气的原因分析,如:机动车,工业污染;3你的想法和建议,如:发展公共交通,限制私人汽车的使用注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:雾霾 hazeSeveral cities in China have been suffering from serious hazy weather since January this year.

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