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2019-2020年高中英语必修10Module4TheMagicofFilm-WordsandexpressionsPart 1: Some Key words to learnaccurateadj. 1. careful and exact : ones work be accurate in (in what one says) 2. free from error: Clocks in TV stations should be accurate.consistvi. 1. consist of, be made up of: The mittee consists of seven members. 2. consist in, have as the chief (or only) element: The happiness of a country consists in the freedom of its citizens. 3. consist with, be in harmony with: Theory should consist with practice.awardvt. give or grand (by official decision): He was awarded the fist prize.The judge awarded her 50 yuan as damage. The gold medal was awarded to Mr. Brown for his success in the race.n. C 1. decision made by a judge or arbitrator: He couldnt accept the award in the court.2. sth. given as the result of such a decision, especially a prize in a petition: His horse was given the highest award at the show.directadj. 1. (going) straight: not curved or crooked; not turned aside: Please stand in a direct line2. with nothing or no one in between; in an unbroken line: He is a direct descendant of the Duke of Bumford. The spies were not in direct contact with each other. 3. going strait to the point; straightforward; frank: He has a direct way of speaking (doing things).He made a direct answer to the charges brought against him.adv. Without interrupting a journey; without going by a roundabout way: The train goes there direct. He came direct to Beijing. vt.& vi. 1. tell or show (sb.) how to do sth., how to get somewhere: Can you direct me to the post office? They directed us wrongly. 2. address (a letter, parcel, etc.): Shall I direct the letter to his business address or to his home address? 3. speak or write to: My remarks were not directed to all of you. 4. manage, control: Who is directing the work? A great man from England directed at yesterdays concert? 5. turn: Please direct your attention to what I am demonstrating. We directed our steps towards home.fascinate vt. 1. charm or attract greatly: The children were fascinated by all the toys in the shop windows.2. take away power of movement by a fixed look: The serpent fascinated its prey.fascinating adj. having strong charm or attraction: She gave us a fascinating smile.interpret vt & vi. 1. show, make clear, the meaning of (either in words or by artistic performance): I cant interpret this passage. Poetry helps to interpret life. The actor interpreted the role of Hamlet very well. 2. consider to be the meaning of: We interpreted his silence as a refusal. 3. act as interpreter: Will you please interpret for me at the meeting?imagen. C 1. likeness or copy of the shape of sb. or sth., especially one made in wood, stone, etc.: An image of the Virgin Mary stood in the middle of the yard. 2. close likeness: He is the very image of my uncle. 3. reflection seen in a mirror or through the lens of a camera: Can you see your image in the mirror?vt. 1. make an image of: Can you image yourself without others help? 2. reflect, mirror: Please look at the clouds imaged in the lake.producevt. & vi. 1. put or bring forward to be looked at or examined: You should produce your railway ticket when asked to do so. You must produce proofs of your statement. The conjuror produced a rabbit from his hat. 2. manufacture; make; grow; create: After liberation, the Zhangs got fields which produced heavy crops. We must produce more food for ourselves and import less. This writer produces very little. 3. cause; bring about: We should know success can be produced by hard work and enthusiasm. 4. bring before the public: They have produced a new play. producern. person who produces goods; person responsible for presenting a play in the theatre, or for the production of a filmresponsibleadj. 1. a person in a position where he or she has sth. in ones care and can be blamed for loss, failure, etc.: The pilot of the plane is responsible for the passengers safety. 2. trust worthy; be able to be responsible for work, etc.: We should give a task to a responsible man. 3. (of work, a position etc.) needing a responsible person; involving responsibility: The President has a very responsible position. He is too young for such a responsible work.Response n.C answer: My letter of inquiry brought no response.She made no response when I said hello to her in the street yesterday. n.U&C reaction: My appeal to his pity met with no response.responsibilityn. U being responsible; being accountable: You did it on your own responsibility, without being told or ordered. You have a position of great response. I will lend you my VCD player if you assume full responsibility for it.n. C sth. for which a person is responsible; duty: the heavy responsibilities of the prime minister.Part 2: Some expressions and patterns to learn1. agree to (同意某事物)Do you agree to this arrangement?No one but him agreed to the new plan.2. agree with (同意某人的看法)I quite agree with what you said.She agreed with him about the furniture.3. agree on (达成一致意见)The two sides have agreed on the date of negotiation.We agreed on a price for the car. 4. be born to ( do ) sth. (生来.)He was born to a great actor of the Oscar.He was born to succeed in life.5. e into existence (being)The munist Party of China came into existence in the 1920s.Such a custom came into existence (being) in the late Middle Ages6. in vain (白费, 浪费)Our efforts were not in vain.7. consist of (由.组成, 包括.)This group consists of five girls and six boys.Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.The family consists of Mr. Green, his wife and three children.8. have the respect ofWinning an Oscar means they have the respect of their peers9. huge amounts ofIt is said that huge amounts of money have been spent on the new bridge.10. no matter howedies, no matter how good they are, rarely win the important prizes.No matter how many difficulties we have, you should give us help.


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