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方法点拨,口头通知比较简单,通常包括称呼语、开头语、正文和结束语。_常为“Ladies and gentlemen”, “Boys and girls”等,或提醒听众_的词语或句子,例如:“May I have your attention, please? ”,“ (Your) attention, please!”,“Please be quiet.”等。通知的正文要求准确无误(特别是_和_),流畅得体,语言比较_化。通知的最后也可以说声“_”,以表示礼貌。,称呼,注意,时间,地点,口语,Thats all. Thank you (for listening),方法点拨,书面通知通常包括标题、正文、时间、落款。标题在正文上面的正中的地方写上_。日期可写在右上方,高于标题。正文包括具体的时间、地点、活动内容和注意事项,通常称之为“四W”,即_,_,_,_。落款常常是发通知的单位,一般写在正文的右下方。通知必须简明易读,因此正文所使用的语言应尽量简明扼要。通知的语言有“四多一少”现象,即_多,_多,_多,被动语态多,修饰语少。,NOTICE,Who,What,When,Where,将来时,简单句,祈使句,常见通知,常见通知,常见通知,常见通知,You are going to write a notice for your schools English Week. Look at the spidergram and discuss with your classmates.,A notice for English Week,Yingcai Senior High,On the 3rd floor of the Teaching Building,from April 18th to April 22nd,an English evening,B Write your notice.,English Week at _ School Come to our English Week from _ to _ on the third floor of the Teaching Building. Visit our book fair in the school library. You will find a lot of interesting English books there. Miss Li, our English teacher, will give a talk on how to choose good English books. Some students will put on _ _.,April 18th,April 22nd,an English play. They will act out the famous English play Romeo and Juliet.,Yingcai Senior High,If you are a good singer, you should _ _. A lot of students like games, so we have lots of them! _ _. Come and take part in English Week! Have fun and enjoy English! The Student Union,take part in the English singing competition. You can sing your favourite English song,You can have fun with crossword puzzles. You will love them!,(一)核心词汇与短语,A词汇 1. 讲座_2. 表演_ 3. 演唱会_4. 演讲_ 5. 比赛_6. 庆祝 _,1. lecture / talk ; 2. performance / show; 3. concert 4. speech / talk 5. competition / contest/ match 6. celebrate,B. 短语 1. 欢迎来_2. 参加_ 3. 组织活动_ 4. 去野餐 _ 5. 穿运动鞋_ 6. 在学校门口_ *7. 报名 _ *8. 号召_ * 9.伸出援手_, welcome to 2. take part in / join in 3.organize an activity 4. have a picnic 5. wear sports shoes 6. at the school gate 7. sign up 8. call on 9. give your help / give your helping hands,C. 句型 1. 晚上七点将在401室开会。 _ 2. 就这些,谢谢。 _ 3. 别忘了要自带午餐。 _ 4. 欢迎全体同学来欣赏。 _ 5. 他将会给我们做一个关于英语学习的讲座。 _,There will be a meeting at 7 p.m. in Room 401.,Thats all. Thank you.,Dont forget to take lunch with you.,All the students are welcome to enjoy it.,He will give us a talk on English learning.,6. 我有重要的事情要告诉大家。 _ 7. 请确保准时到。 _ *8. 我们号召大家伸出援手。 _ *9. 要求全体团员周日早上8点在学校门口集中。 _,I have something important to tell you.,Please come on time.,* 8. We call on the students to give your helping hands.,* 9. All the League members are required to gather at the school gate at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday.,(二)小试牛刀,你能把正确的句子填在合适的横线上,使上下文变成一个完整的通知吗? 1 , 2 . We are going to plant trees in Zhongshan Park. 3 . The boy students of each class must bring hoes(锄头) and spades(铁楸), 4 . We are going to gather at the playground at 7:30 a.m. 5 . And then well go there by bus. Everyone is requested to go. 6 . A. and the girl students must bring buckets(桶) and watering pots B. Tomorrow is Tree Planting Day C. All the students in our school should take part in the activity D. And then well go there by bus E. I hope youll enjoy the activity. F. Dear boys and girls,F,B,C,A,D,E,(三)写作练习,1、热身活动 为了丰富学校生活,你校学生会将举行一次音乐周活动。请你以组织者的身份写一个口头通知。假设你的主办方学生会,你会如何安排各项事情呢?请你在下面的网状图内填写相关内容。,2、实战写作 为了丰富学校生活,你校学生会将举行一次音乐周活动。请你以组织者的身份写一个口头通知。相关内容如下: 时间:6月第2周。 活动:(1)演唱歌曲:流行歌曲; (2)乐器演奏:古典和民间音乐; (3)音乐比赛:听歌曲片断,然后猜出处。 地点:学校会议厅 参加者请于5月20日前报名。 注意:应写成一篇连贯的短文;适当增加细节;词数100左右 参考词汇:古典classical;民间 folk;比赛contest;会议厅 conference hall;报名sign up 开头和结尾部分已给出。,Dear boys and girls, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Come to the great fun! The Student Union,A music week will be held in the second week in June by the Students union. During the music week, the students will sing pop songs and play classical and folk music with instruments. And there will be a music contest. In the contest the students will listen to a song, and then they will guess where it comes from. You should sign up before June 20th.,

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