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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习精选提分专练第四周星期二社交礼仪类单词识记:classhabit title addressapologize appointment behave behaviorceremony gentleman manner tiptrust aggressive civilization embarrassedrespond misunderstand status punctual短语扫描:have a conversation with sb.与某人谈话in the/a habit of有的习惯win the respect of赢得的尊敬look down upon轻视;看不起put up with忍受;容忍turn down 拒绝;关小;调低(音量等)turn up出现;开大(声音等);卷起apologize to sb.for sth.因为某事向某人道歉Id appreciate it if.如果我将不胜感激see you再见跟踪训练.语境填词1Poor sleep (习惯) can also be a data problem.2The author doesnt wish there to be any (misunderstand) of his argument.3The soldiers are a bit (embarrass) by their performance.4The money will be used to repair faulty (equip)5The (家具) in the room is covered with dust.单项填空6It is said that little Bill hit his classmate on the head.He is thought to be a(an) boy,who is always ready to start a fight.Aashamed BawkwardCdesperate Daggressive7Mike apologized the teacher his ing late.Ato;for Bat;because ofCon;for Dto;because8At first the driver refused to accept any responsibility but he apologizing to the passenger.Akept up Bended upCturned up Dgave up9Dont worry.The students have decided to a peaceful solution.Aput up with Be up withCkeep up with Dbring forward10You should not rely on that she will be punctual your appointment.Ait;at Bthis;forC/;with Dit;for阅读理解A(xx和平区一模)So many of us hold on to little resentments(怨恨) that may have resulted from an argument,a misunderstanding,or some other painful events.Stubbornly,we wait for someone else to reach out to usbelieving this is the only way we can forgive or rekindle(重新点燃) a friendship or family relationship.An acquaintance of mine,whose health isnt very good,recently told me that she hasnt spoken to her son in almost three years.“Why not?” I asked.She said that she and her son had had a disagreement about his wife and that she wouldnt speak to him again unless he called first.When I suggested that she be the one to reach out,she resisted at first and said,“I cant do that.Hes the one who should say sorry.” She was literally(简直) willing to die before reaching out to her only son.After a little gentle encouragement,however,she did decide to be the first one to reach out.To her amazement,her son was grateful for her willingness to call and sincerely said sorry to her.As is usually the case when someone takes the chance and reaches out,everyone wins.Whenever we hold on to our anger,we turn “small thing” into really “big thing” in our minds.We start to believe that our positions are more important than our happiness.They are not.If you want to be a more peaceful person you must understand that being right is almost never more important than allowing yourself to be happy.The way to be happy is to let go,and reach out.Let other people be right.This doesnt mean that youre wrong.Everything will be fine.Youll experience the peace of letting go,as well as the joy of letting others be right.Youll also notice that,as you reach out and let others be “right”,they will bee less defensive and more loving towards you.They might even reach back.But,if for some reason they dont,thats okay too.You will have the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your part to create a more loving world,and certainly you will be more peaceful yourself.1What happened to the authors acquaintance after she called her son?AShe was literally willing to die.BShe received her sons apology.CShe was encouraged by the author.DShe realized her mistakes.2What does the author want to explain by taking her acquaintance as an example?AThat it is beneficial for both sides to reach out first.BThat a gentle encouragement will be helpful to solve the problem.CThat painful events should be forgotten.DThat parents and children are easier to make peace.3We can infer from the last paragraph that .Ahappiness matters more than preventing the embarrassment at reaching out firstBto be peaceful is more important than to be right in any disagreementCto avoid arguments and misunderstandings means seeking for happinessDholding on to the right position leads to resentments4According to the passage,you can be more peaceful by .Atrying your best to plete your own work perfectlyBhelping others create their inner contentCbeing active and forgetting unpleasantnessDunderstanding the importance of being less defensive5The authors aim in writing this article is to argue that .Amany people hold on to little resentmentsBletting others be right will definitely make them reach backCchildren should apologize to their parents firstDits good to be the first one to reach out to break little resentmentsBI dont ever want to talk about being a woman scientist again.There was a time in my life when people asked constantly for stories about what its like to work in a field dominated by men.I was never very good at telling those stories because truthfully I never found them interesting.What I do find interesting is the origin of the universe,the shape of spacetime and the nature of black holes.At 19,when I began studying astrophysics,it did not bother me in the least to be the only woman in the classroom.But while earning my PhD at MIT and then as a postdoctor doing space research,the issue started to bother me.My every achievementjobs,research papers,awardswas viewed through the lens of gender(性别) politics.So were my failures.Sometimes,when I was pushed into an argument on left brain versus(相对于) right brain,or nature versus nurture(培育),I would instantly fight fiercely on my behalf and all womankind.Then one day a few years ago,out of my mouth came a sentence that would eventually bee my reply to any and all provocations(刺激):I dont talk about that anymore.It took me 10 years to get back the confidence I had at 19 and to realize that I didnt want to deal with gender issues.Why should curing sexism be yet another terrible burden on every female scientist?After all,I dont study sociology or political theory.I research and teach at Barnard,a womens college in New York City.Recently,someone asked me how many of the 45 students in my class were women.You cannot imagine my satisfaction at being able to answer,45.I know some of my students worry how they will manage their scientific research and a desire for children.And I dont dismiss those concerns.Still,I dont tell them “war” stories.Instead,I have given them this:the visual of their physics professor heavily pregnant doing physics experiments.And in turn they have given me the image of 45 women driven by a love of science.And thats a sight worth talking about.6Why doesnt the author want to talk about being a woman scientist again?AShe feels unhappy working in maledominated fields.BShe is fed up with the issue of gender discrimination.CShe is not good at telling stories of the kind.DShe finds space research more important.7From Paragraph 2,we can infer that people would say the authors failures were due to .Athe very fact that she is a womanBher involvement in gender politicsCher overconfidence as a female astrophysicistDthe burden she bears in a maledominated society8What did the author constantly fight against while doing her PhD and postdoctoral research?ALack of confidence in succeeding in space science.BUnfair accusations from both inside and outside her circle.CPeoples stereotyped(模式化的) attitude towards female scientists.DWidespread misconceptions about nature and nurture.9Why does the author feel great satisfaction when talking about her class?AFemale students no longer have to bother about gender issues.BHer students performance has brought back her confidence.CHer female students can do just as well as male students.DMore female students are pursuing science than before.10What does the image the author presents to her students suggest?AWomen students neednt have the concerns of her generation.BWomen have more barriers on their way to academic success.CWomen can balance a career in science and having a family.DWomen now have fewer problems pursuing a science career.答案精析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练.1.habits2.misunderstanding3.embarrassed 4equipment5.furniture.6.D考查形容词辨析。句意为:据说小比尔打了他同学的头。大家认为他是一个好斗的孩子,总是爱打仗。ashamed惭愧的;awkward笨拙的;desperate令人绝望的,不顾一切的;aggressive好斗的,挑衅的,符合句意。7Aapologize经常跟to和for连用,apologize to sb.for sth.因为某事向某人道歉。8B考查动词短语辨析。句意为:最初这位司机拒不承认有任何责任,最后还是向乘客道了歉。keep up保持;end up结束,最后;turn up出现;give up放弃。9Be up with找到或提出(答案、办法等)。10Drely on后用it作形式宾语,that从句是真正的宾语;be punctual for.意为“在方面很准时”。句意为:你别指望她会准时赴约。阅读能力专练语篇解读不要执着于怨恨,伸出你的手来化解它吧!学会首先向别人道歉,让别人是对的一方。这并不意味着你是错误的。1B细节理解题。由第二段倒数第二句话可知,她儿子很感激她先打电话,所以真诚地向母亲道了歉。2A推理判断题。由第二段最后一句话可知,当有人先道歉时,一切问题都会迎刃而解。所以先道歉对双方都有益。3A推理判断题。由最后一段第二、三、四句话可知,我们的立场、对错都不如我们的幸福、高兴重要。4C推理判断题。由最后一段可知,积极主动地忘掉不快会使得我们的内心更加平静。5D写作意图题。由最后一段,特别是后半部分可知,首先道歉消除怨恨是很好的做法。它会让你快乐,让对方也道歉,使你自己内心平静。语篇解读本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,讲述了女性应该如何面对性别歧视的问题。作者以第一人称的形式,以亲身的经历来说明女性在面对性别歧视时应该采取的态度。6D细节理解题。根据第一段内容,尤其是最后一句“What I do find interesting is the origin of the universe,the shape of spacetime and the nature of black holes.”可知选D。7A推理判断题。根据第二段第三、四句“My every achievementjobs,research papers,awardswas viewed through the lens of gender(性别) politics.So were my failures.”可知,人们认为作者的失败是因为她是女性。8C细节理解题。根据第二段内容可推知,作者在攻读博士学位和之后作为博士后进行研究时,面临的挑战就是人们对女性科学家的偏见。9D推理判断题。根据最后一段第二、三句可知,在作者研究的领域里,女性是很少的,而现在班里45人全部是女生,故作者是为在自己研究的领域里出现了这么多的女性而感到满意。故选D。10C推理判断题。根据最后一段第四句“I know some of my students worry how they will manage their scientific research and a desire for children.”以及倒数第三句可知,作者之所以展示这一图片,就是为了打消学生对于生育孩子是否影响科学研究的忧虑。

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