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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习基醇点聚焦Unit11TheMedia北师大版必修1.addicted adj.上瘾的2.phenomenon n.现象3municate v.交流4.exposure n.暴露5.emergency n.紧急情况6.admit v.承认;准许进入7.relate v.把联系起来8.harmful adj.有害的9.dangerous adj.危险的10.prevent v.阻止11.produce v.生产12.promote v.促进;增进13.awareness n.认识;了解14.interview v.采访15.lead to/result in导致16.care about担心;在乎17.in terms of在方面18.end up with以结束19.be responsible for对负责20.make good use of充分利用1.As is often the case, wherever you meet some people, you will find them addicted to their phones.情况经常是这样,无论你在哪里看到人,你会发现他们对手机很上瘾。2.The reason is that smart phones nowadays can be used for people to play mobile games.原因是现在的智能手机可以被人们用来玩手机游戏。3.As far as I am concerned, people should wisely make use of their phones.在我看来,人们应该明智地使用自己的手机。(xx西北工业大学附中模拟)最新调查指出,人际关系正越来越被“人机关系”所取代,甚至有网友调侃:世界上最远的距离,是我在你面前,而你在低头看手机。根据以下要点用英语写一篇短文给21世纪英文报投稿:1描述这一现象;2分析其原因及弊端;3你认为该如何改变现状。As is often the case, when people are attending meetings, having meals or waiting for buses, you can always find them addicted to their phones, pletely ignoring others.This is really a mon phenomenon in our life. The reason is that smart phones nowadays can be used for people to play mobile games and keep in touch with friends through QQ and WeChat. However, too much exposure to phones is bad for people in terms of health. Moreover, it often makes people fail to municate well with those around them.As far as I am concerned, people should wisely make use of their phones. And meanwhile care more about their family and friends rather than mobile phones.1media n大众传播媒介,传媒2chat n.闲谈,聊天3affair n.事情,事件4widespread adj.广泛的5debt n.债务,欠款6belief n.信仰;信心;信任7distinction n.殊荣;特质;区别8host n.主办(国/城市/机构);主人vt.主办9incident n.事件,事情10evidence n.证明,证据11legal adj.合法的,与法律有关的12process n.过程,进程13profit n.利润,收益14channel n.(电视或电台)频道15classic adj.传统的;经典的1reform n.改革,改良2demand vt.要求,请求3arise vi.发生,出现4blame vt.责怪,归咎于5attempt vt. & n.尝试,试图6publish vt.出版,发行7attitude n.态度,看法8dislike vt.不喜爱,厌恶9pretend vt.假装10hire vt.租用;雇用11budget n.预算12scene n.场面,场景13load n.满满一车;很多;工作量14bravery n.勇敢1announce vt. 宣布,宣告announcement n. 公告2explanation n. 解释,说明explain vt. 解释3employ vt. 雇用employment n. 雇用unemployment n. 失业employer n. 雇主employee n. 雇员selfemployed adj. 自己经营的4defend vt. 为辩解;保卫defence n. 保卫;防卫5argument n. 争论;理由argue vi. 争吵6analysis n. 分析analyse vt. 分析7encouragement n. 鼓励encourage vt. 鼓励encouraging adj. 鼓舞人心的encouraged adj. 受鼓舞的8respect vt. 尊敬,尊重respectable adj. 可敬的respectful adj. 表示尊敬的,恭敬的9advertise vt. 为做广告,登广告advertisement n. 广告advertiser n. 广告人advertising n. 广告活动;广告业10approach n. 方法,方式approachable adj. 可接近的11innocent adj. 天真无邪的,单纯的;无罪的innocence n. 清白,无罪12interrupt vt. & vi. 打断(讲话或动作);打扰interruption n. 打断13environmental adj. 自然环境的environmentally adv. 环境地environment n. 环境14protection n. 保护,防卫protect vt. 保护protective adj. 保护的;防护的15faithfully adv.忠实地,真诚地faithful adj.忠诚的 faith n忠诚;相信用所给词的适当形式填空1He is so kind that all the students respect him.And for the villagers,he is also a respectable person.When he walks past,many people will stand in respectful silence.(respect)2The pany employs 200 people every year.The employer is kind to the employees,so if you are a student seeking employment,it is a good place.(employ)3His speech was to encourage the people who are in need.These people felt encouraged after hearing his speech and the result was very encouraging(encourage)4It is important to protect the environment and we should realize the environmental damage caused by the chemical industry and try to use environmentally friendly products.(environment)5It is our duty to protect our kids.I cant help feeling protective towards my kids every day.For example,Im concerned that my little sons thin coat gives little protection against the cold today.(protect)1stand_for是意思,代表;支持2in_favour_of支持,赞同3consist_of由组成4stand_out_突出,显眼5as_long_as只要6get_ready_for准备7in_detail详细地8look_forward_to_希望9take_photos/pictures_of照相,拍照10in_petition_with与竞争11hold_the_attention_of抓住的注意力12go_ahead_with开始做;着手干13get_stuck_in_陷入14on_the_scene在现场,到现场15e_out_on_top占上风;获胜选用上面的短语填空As we all know,the G20 (or G20 or Group of Twenty) 1.stands_for an international forum for the governments and central bank governors from 20 major economies,which originally 2.consisted_of political leaders from eight countries.They are 3.in_favour_of reforms demanded by the people all over the world and they are also trying to adopt new approaches to rid the poverty of the world.So they have succeeded in 4.holding_the_attention_of the people all over the world.All the poor people are 5.looking_forward_to the arrival of the happy life.1“of抽象名词”相当于其对应的形容词AIDS is another problem of great concern so sex education and health care administration are extremely important.【仿写】过绿色生活来保护环境对于我们来说是非常重要的。It is of_great_importance for us to lead a green life to protect our environment.2be likely to do. 可能会做It is likely to be just the name of a pany,part of which may be a general location.【仿写】老师说只要我努力,就有可能通过这次考试。The teacher said that I was_likely_to_pass the exam if I worked hard.3not all表示部分否定However,not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit.【仿写】并非所有的中国女孩都痴迷于韩国的男演员们。Not_all_the_Chinese_girls are addicted to the actors from Korea.4as long as意为“只要”,引导条件状语从句According to a research published by Leeds University yesterday,people dont mind bad language on television as long as it is not used in programmes watched by children.【仿写】只要你不把书弄脏,就可以借给你。You may borrow the book as_long_as you keep it clean.被动语态;动名词单句改错1The tower that is rebuilt now will be open to tourists soon.The work is almost finished.第一个is后加_being2Read English every day is a good way to improve your spoken English. ReadReading3The famous scientist is invited to give an open speech for the ceremony. openopening4The little boy admitted cheat in the exam and promised not to do it again. cheatcheating5By the end of last month,many trees had been planting in this area. plantingplanted demand vt.要求,请求n要求,需求(经典例句)What we demand is not only quantity but also quality. 我们不仅要求数量,而且要求质量。(1)be in (great) demand(迫切)需求meet/satisfy ones demands满足某人的需求(2)demand to do sth.要求做某事demand that.(should) do sth.要求做某事(3)sth.demand(s) to be donesth.demand(s) doing某事需要被做 (安徽高考)First, science graduates are in greater demand than arts ones in China.首先, 在中国, 对理科毕业生的需求比对文科生的更大。 The manager demanded that the workers (should) work extra hours to plete the task ahead of time.经理要求工人加班, 以便能提前完成任务。 除demand之外,后接宾语从句中用虚拟语气的其他动词还有哪些?advise,suggest,desire,mand,remend,urge,order,require,request等。基础练习单句语法填空(1)The manager promised that they would try to meet their customers demands(demand)(2)My demand is that the information referred to in my report (should)_be_emailed(email) to Mr.Brown without delay.能力提升一句多译我的小汽车需要修理了, 因此我必须乘公共汽车上班。 (3)My car demands/needs/requires to_be_repaired,_so I have to go to work by bus.(4)My car demands/needs/requires repairing,_so I have to go to work by bus. arise vi.发生,出现;产生;起床;起身(教材P115)Could you tell us how the problem arose?你能告诉我们这个问题是怎么发生的吗?一词多义写出下列句中arise的含义 (1)Seeing his mother return home,the boy arose from his chair immediately.起身(2)A number of high buildings have arisen where there was nothing a year ago but ruins.出现(3)They arose at sunrise to get an early start to the park.起床(4)It cant be too careful while driving.Accidents often arise from carelessness.产生原形过去式过去分词v.ingarise(vi.)出现;发生;起因于;起身arosearisenarisingrise(vt.)升起;增长,上升roserisenrisingraise(vt.)举起;抚养;提高;饲养raisedraisedraisingarouse(vt.) 唤醒;激起arousedarousedarousing基础练习选词填空(arise/rise/raise/arouse)(1)As is known to us,the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.(2)Years of experience in driving made Mr Black convinced that he could deal with emergencies arising at any time.(3)Give your child some old machines such as a broken radio or TV set to play with and it will arouse his curiosity.(4)To raise peoples awareness of protecting the environment, we launched a campaign.能力提升一句多译休息时, 我们的班主任开始处理课上出现的问题。 (5)At break, our headteacher got down to dealing with the matter arising_from_his_class(分词作定语)(6)At break, our headteacher got down to dealing with the matter which_arose_from_his_class(定语从句) blame vt.责怪,归咎于;谴责 n过失;责备(xx全国卷丙)I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Millers accident.我经常做一些疯狂的梦,在梦中,我应该为米勒的事故受责备。(1)blame sb.for sth./doing sth.因某事/做某事而责备某人blame sth.on sb. 把某事怪到某人头上be to blame (for.) 应承担责任;该受责备(用主动形式表示被动意义)(2)get/accept/bear/take the blame for. 对负责lay/put the blame for sth.on sb. 把某事归咎于某人身上 Mr.Green stood up in defence of the 16yearold boy,saying that he was not the one to blame.格林先生站起来保护这个16岁的男孩,说他不是该受谴责的人。(江苏高考)Instead of blaming each other, we should municate more and put ourselves in others place.我们应该多交流、 换位思考而不是相互责怪。 基础练习单句语法填空(1)Blamed(blame) for the breakdown of the school puter network, Alice was in low spirits.(2)In my view, Li Hua, who broke the school rule, was to_blame(blame)(3)Dont always blame your own failure on others. You should take the blame for failure.能力提升一句多译警方已经查明这起交通事故的起因, 那位司机应为此事负责。 (4)The police had figured out the cause of the traffic accident and it was the driver that should be_to_blame_for it.(5)The police had figured out the cause of the traffic accident and it was the driver that should take_the_blame_for/be_responsible_for it. attempt n努力;尝试;企图vt.尝试,试图(xx广东高考)For years researchers have attempted to show that television is dangerous to children.多年来研究人员试图表明电视对孩子有危害。(1)make an attempt to do/at doing sth.试图做某事at the first attempt 第一次尝试(2) He was as proud as a peacock when he passed his driving test at the first attempt.他第一次尝试就通过了驾驶考试, 因而得意洋洋。 巧学活用一句多译我试图让她相信他是诚实的, 但是徒劳无果。(attempt)(1)Ive attempted_to_convince_her of his honesty, but in vain.(2)Ive made_an_attempt_to_convince her of his honesty, but in vain.(3)Ive made_an_attempt_at_convincing her of his honesty, but in vain. defend vt.为辩解;保卫(xx四川高考)The female hormones also protect the body in another way.They help the body defend itself against some kinds of infections.雌激素也用另一种方式保护身体。他们帮助身体对抗某些传染病。(1)defend sb./sth.from/against sb./sth.保护/保卫免受伤害defend oneself against sth.为自己辩护(2)defence n. 保卫;保护;辩护;答辩in defence (of.) 为了保卫() Thousands of young men came forward,willing to defend their country.成千上万的年轻人挺身而出,愿意保卫自己的国家。It is reported that steps are being taken to defend the city against attack.据报道,(他们)正在采取措施来保护城市免受攻击。与defend.from/against.用法类似的还有:prevent.from.;stop.from.;keep.from.;protect.against/from.等,在被动语态中from或against都不可省略。基础练习单句语法填空(1)Some think that students should be trained to defend themselves from/against school shooters.(2)All the people were fighting against the flood in defence(defend) of their own homes.能力提升一句多译他翻过篱笆去保护那个吓坏了的女孩。(3)He climbed over the fence to_defend_the_frightened_girl. (defend)(4)He climbed over the fence in_defence_of_the_frightened_girl. (defence) pretend vt.假装;假扮;扮演(xx浙江高考短文改错)He would ask who we were and pretend not to know us. 他常常会问我们是谁,假装不认识我们。pretendJacy pretended to have known everything about it and said nothing.杰西假装已了解了一切, 一句话也没说。 He pretended to be reading an important document when the boss came in.老板进来时他假装正在看一份重要的文件。 和pretend有类似用法(后接to do/to be doing/to have done)的动词还有happen, appear, seem, claim及be said to结构等。 基础练习单句语法填空(1)He pretended to_be_studying(study) when his mother stepped into the room.(2)(浙江高考)I had been lying to myself, pretending(pretend) that everything was fine.(3)He wasnt really crying; he was only pretending(pretend)(4)He pretends to_admire(admire) me, though privately he hates me.能力提升一句多译我在街上见到她时, 她装作不认识我, 这确实使我很伤心。 (5)She pretended she didnt_know_me when we met in the street, which really made me upset.(6)She pretended not_to_know_me when we met in the street, which really made me upset. approach n方法,方式;接近,逼近,走近;步骤;途径;通路 vt.&vi.接近;接洽;要求;着手处理(教材P26)For many of todays advertisers,repeating old ideas is not a successful approach.对当今许多广告人来说,重复旧的理念已不是一种成功的方法。(1)approach sb./sth.靠近/接近某人/某物around the corner即将来临draw near靠近; 接近(2)(an) approach to接近, 近似; (做某事)的方法(途径)at the approach of.在快到的时候make approaches to sb.设法接近某人 (xx全国卷乙)Approaching the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.走近了那辆车,他们才看到一个女子正拼命地想从破了的车窗内爬出来。(xx天津高考单项填空)Absorbed in painting, John didnt notice evening approaching.由于专心绘画, 约翰没有注意到夜幕正在降临。 All the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police.所有通往机场的路都被警察封锁了“(做)的方法”的正确搭配:the approach to (doing sth.);the way to do/of (doing) sth.;the means of sth.;the method of (doing) sth.。基础练习单句语法填空(1)(北京高考)It is true that he is_approaching(approach) the end but he has been living a memorable life.(2)The job market has changed and our approaches to finding(find) work must change as well.能力提升一句多译(陕西高考)随着教师节的临近, 今年我们班决定换一种方式举行一场晚会来庆祝这个重要的节日。 (3)As_Teachers_Day_was_approaching,_our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year.(as)(4)With_Teachers_Day_approaching,_our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year.(with)(5)As_Teachers_Day_was_drawing_near,_our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year.(draw) scenen场面,场景;(戏剧的)一场;现场;景色;(电 影、电视的)一个镜头;(事件发生的)地点(教材P28)When we arrived at the scene,we called an ambulance as we saw blood everywhere.当我们到达现场时,一看到处都是血,于是便叫了救护车。一词多义写出下列句中scene的含义(1)The director said that we had to shoot the love scene today.(电影、电视的)一个镜头(2)They stood gazing the happy scene of children playing in the park.场景(3)The police will be on the scene within a few minutes.(事件发生的)地点on the scene在现场;当场appear/e on the scene 出场;登场behind the scenes 在幕后;暗中the scene of the accident 事故现场(xx全国卷甲)Hes the funniest standup edian on the edy scene.他是喜剧节目中最好笑的单口相声演员。The happy scene of children playing in the garden disappeared, and it was quiet again.孩子们在花园里玩得高兴的场面消失了, 花园里又安静下来。 scene有“场景; 场面; 地点” 的含义, 后接定语从句时, 若关系词在定语从句中作状语, 一般用关系副词where或in which来引导。 基础练习单句语法填空(1)It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.(2)The killer may have returned to the scene of the crime to cover his tracks.能力提升句式升级(3)On receiving the call, the police rushed to the scene, and there a traffic accident happened.On receiving the call, the police rushed to the scene, where/in_which_a_traffic_accident_happened(用定语从句改写) in favour of支持,赞同(教材P25)Im in favour of some kind of control.我赞同(采取)一些控制。(1)in sb.s favour对某人有利do sb.a favourdo a favour for sb. 帮某人忙ask a favour of sb. 请某人帮忙owe sb.a favour 欠某人情(2)favo(u)rite adj. 最喜爱的My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was in favour of it.我姐姐反对我的建议,然而我弟弟却赞成。Of course Ill help you move house;I owe you a favour anyway.我当然会帮你搬家;说来我还欠你的情呢。基础练习单句语法填空(1)It is clear that the situation is in our enemys favour at the time.(2)Mr.Wang,could I ask a favour of you,please?(3)Im writing to ask you to do me a favour.(4)(xx浙江高考)They gave me presents of their favo(u)rite(favour) artworks which they had refused to sell to tourists.能力提升单句写作(5)让我高兴的是,我们小组的大多数人支持我的建议。To my joy, most of our team members are_in_favour_of_my_suggestion(6)我们班里的每个人都投票赞成开舞会。Everyone in our class voted in_favour_of_the_dancing_party consist of由组成/构成(教材P26)Some advertisements consist of pictures or the words of experts to show people how good the products are.有些广告中含有一些图片或专家说的话,告诉人们该产品有多好。(1)consist in(lie in) 在于;存在于consist with 与一致;与协调consist of be made up of be posed of 由组成 (2)consistent adj. 一致的be consistent with.in. 与在方面一致(xx天津高考)Students are provided with breakfast, dinner and either a cooked or packed lunch(which consists of a sandwich, a drink and a dessert)提供给学生们早饭、晚饭、还有要么是做好的要么是打包的午饭(包括三明治、一杯饮料和一份甜点)。Happiness does not consist in how much money you have.幸福不在于你拥有多少金钱。consist of 不用于进行时态,也不用于被动语态。基础练习单句语法填空(1)The evidence is not consistent(consist) with what you said earlier.(2)The novel consists of four parts, which is very popular with the girls.(3)The reputation of this museum consists in the variety of its art collection.能力提升一句多译由15家小工厂组成的这家公司正面临着严重的财政危机。 (4)The pany that/which_consists_of 15 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis.(定语从句)(5)The pany that/which_is_made_up_of 15 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis.(定语从句)(6)The pany consisting_of 15 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis.(现在分词作定语)(7)The pany made_up_of 15 small factories is facing a serious financial crisis.(过去分词作定语) (教材P26)However,not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit.然而,并非所有的广告都是为了赢利而推销商品和进行服务。该句是表示部分否定的句型。not all.all.not.,意为“并非所有的都”。(1)英语中的all,both,each,every,everybody,everything,pletely,always,whole,entirely等具有总括意义的代词、形容词和副词与否定词not连用,无论not位置如何,均构成部分否定,表示“并非都”的意思。(2)英语中的no,none,never,nobody,nothing,neither,no one,nowhere,no more,no longer,no way等表否定意义的词(组)与肯定式谓语一起使用构成“全部否定”。Not all these books are popular with people.这些书并非全都受人们的欢迎。None of the books are useful to us for the moment.这些书暂时对我们都没有用。巧学活用一句多译事实是并不是每个人都把合理安排时间看得很重要。(1)The truth is that not_everyone_is_attaching_great_importance_to time management.(2)The truth is that everyone_is_not_attaching_great_importance_to time management. (教材P28)According to a research published by Leeds University yesterday,people dont mind bad language on television as long as it is not used in programmes watched by children.据利兹大学昨天发表的一项研究称,电视中的不良语言,只要不用于儿童节目,人们并不介意。as/so long as 意为“只要”,用来引导条件状语从句。as far as 至于;直到,远到;就而言as soon as 一就as well as 既又;除之外(也); 此外Dont mind what others say so/as long as we are confident in what we have done.只要我们对所做的事情有信心,就不要介意别人的话。As far as I could remember,I did return him the money.就我所能记得的,我确实把钱还给他了。I will tell him the exciting news as soon as he es back.他一回来我就告诉他这个令人兴奋的消息。巧学活用高考小作文(1)(福建高考书面表达)只要我们有追求梦想的热情,我们最终一定能成功。As_long_as_we_have_the_enthusiasm to follow our dream, we are sure to succeed eventually.(2)(北京高考书面表达)只要我们对所做的事情有信心就不要介意别人的话。Dont mind what others say so_long_as_we_are_confident_in what we have done.We have always tried to keep bad language away from innocent ears and this is a very important consideration when deciding at what times of day certain programmes are shown.分析该句是由and连接的并列句。第二个分句中的when deciding.是省略的时间状语从句,完整句为when we are deciding.;at what times of day certain programmes are shown是deciding的宾语。翻译我们一直努力使那些不好的语言远离纯洁的耳朵,这是在我们决定某些节目在一天中的什么时间段播出的重要考量。 单句语法填空1My explanation(explain) seemed to make things worse,which started to drive me mad.2No one knows who it is that is to_blame(blame) for the explosion of the chemical factory.3Approaching(approach) the city centre,we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.4Mike pretended to_be_preparing(prepare) lunch when his mother stepped in the kitchen.5She said that she was willing(will) to pick you up at the airport tomorrow

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