2019-2020年高中英语《Unit5 Travellingabroad》全员探究 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语Unit5 Travellingabroad全员探究 新人教版选修7Warming Up1. How difficult or easy do you think it is to adjust to living or travelling in another country?到国外居住或旅行,你认为适应起来容易还是困难?adjust v.(1) to change slightly, esp. in order to make suitable for a particular job or new conditions 调解,调整使适合我得调整我的表,他走慢了。I must _. It is slow.他很快便适应了这个国家的酷热天气。He _the heat of the country.(2) to put into order ;put in place 使有条理;置于适当的位置 你的衣领需要整理一下。Your collar _.发散思维(同)adjust oneself to 适应(派)adjustor /adjuster n.调整者 adjustable adj.可调整的,可校准的 adjustment n.调整,调节,修正,校正开放思维 make adjustments 做调查adjust to ,to 为介词,后面须接名词,或doing,不接不定式。类似的短语有:devoteto ,make contribution to ,with a view to; be(get) used to ,be accustomed to ,look forward to ,pay attention to ,get down to ,lead to ,stick to ,object to, in addition toon the way, pare to, turn to, add to, point to, belong to, reply to, see to, etc.Reading1. Six months ago, xie lei said goodbye to her family and friends in China and boarded a plane for London.六个月前,谢蕾告别了中国的家人和朋友,登上了飞往伦敦的飞机。board n & vt To go on a ship or public vehicle 上船或登上公共交通工具我们现在最好上车,开车的时间到了。Wed better _.Its time to leave.我一到船上,就感到恶心。As soon as Im _, I always feel sick.当时飞机上有200多名乘客。There are more than two hundred passengers _发散思维(合)blackboard n.黑板 notice board 布告牌 chessboard n.棋盘 boardroom 会议室 boardwalk n人行道(派)boarding n.木板开放思维above board 光明正大的across the board 全面的,各阶层的sweep the board 赢得所有的金钱、比赛等go by the board (计划、安排)全部失败boarding card 登船证/登机证boarding house 供食宿的宿舍2. Xie lei told me when I met her in the student cafeteria between lectures.在讲座间歇,我在学生自助餐厅遇到谢蕾时,她告诉我的。lecture (1)n. a speech spoken or read before a group of people 上课,讲课史密斯先生给我们做了一个精彩的报告。Mr.Smith _(2)v.to give a lecture 作演讲,讲课张教授这学期没课。Professor Zhang _并不是每个人都能讲授现代艺术。_modern art.(3)v. scold or warn somebody (about something) 斥责或告诫某人别教训我了!_他老是训斥子女不讲整洁。_发散思维(派)lecturer n.讲师 lectureship n.讲师的职位开放思维a lecture tour 巡回演讲 give sb. a lecture 训斥某人give a lecture 讲课 deliver a lecture 上课lecture sb. for/about sth.因某事斥责或告诫某人 read a lecture 讲学3. Xie lei, who is 21years old, has e to our university to plete a business qualification.21岁的谢蕾来我们学校想取得商务资格证书。(1)qualification n.资格证,执照他已取得医生资格证。_(2)资格(常用复数)他有资格做这项工作。_发散思维(词根)qualify v 取得资格;修饰;限制(派生词)qualified adj.合格的quality n. 品质,素质quantity n.数量4. She is halfway through the preparation year which most foreign students plete before entering a degree course.他刚过了预备期的一半,这一年是大多数外国学生在完成专业课程前所必需的。preparation n.(1)n.Uthe action of preparing 预备他对考试没做什么准备。_-(2)n.Uthe state of being prepared 准备出售新产品的计划还在准备中。Plans for selling the new product are now _.(3)n.Can arrangement 安排、准备(常做复数)他正在准备结婚。_-发散思维prepare sth.准备某事prepare for sth.为某事做准备be prepared for sth.对某事做好准备prepare to do sth.能够并愿意做某事prepare the ground for sth.为发展某事做准备prepare sb. for sth.使某人对某事做准备In preparation 在准备中make preparations for为做准备5. Xie lei highly remend the course.谢蕾极力推荐这一课程。remend vt(1) to speak in favour of ;praise (as being good for a purpose) 推荐、赞许;长与介词to、for、as 连用你能给我介绍一本好词典吗?_他们称赞他是好律师。_(2)to advise or suggest 劝告、建议。后接doing 不接to do 不定式做宾语,还可接复合宾语,或接虚拟语气从句。我建议买这本字典。_医生建议他的病人出去散散步。_老师建议每一个人都应积极参加英语晚会。_(3) to make attractive 使诱人你的计划没有什么可取的。_-这家旅馆除了便宜之外,毫无可取之处。This hotel_except cheapness .发散思维(同)suggest, advise建议(派)remendable adj.可推荐的,得当的,明智的remendation n.推荐、介绍信辨析:introduce 与remend 两者都有介绍的意思。introduce 介绍与某人相识,常用句型introduce sb .to sb. remend 向某人介绍或推荐,侧重于个人倾向请允许我向你介绍约翰。_他向我推荐了一本关于英语学习的书。_开放思维remend 后接不定式的复合结构;也可接doing 形式。 有类似用法的单词有:allow, advise, forbid, permit等。remend 表示主观判断,通常引起虚拟的宾语从句,从句谓语动词用should+动词原型,should 可以省略。有类似用法的单词有:advise,mand,deside,demand,desire,insist,maintain,order,propose,require,suggest,urge,etc.6. You have to get used to a whole new way of life, which can take up all your concentration in the beginning.你得适应一种全新的生活方式,他一开始就会占去你全部的精力。get used to 习惯做某事。后接名词或doing 形式,与be accustomed to 用法一样。我不习惯晚起。_他已经适应了这个国家的寒冷天气。_辨析:used to do ,be used to do与be used to doing 三者看似相似,但意义差别很大。used to 在时间上主要是同现在相比,表明“过去经常做某事,现在不这样了” 其后接动词原型。be used to do sth.是use 的被动语态形式,“被用来做某事”。be used to doing sth.强调习惯于做某事,其后接动名词或doing 形式。他过去常欣赏古典音乐。_他习惯了吃英国菜。_这里的人冬天常用煤来取暖。_7. I had to learn how to use the phone ,how to pay on the bus ,and how to ask the shopkeeper for things I didnt know the English for .我必须学会怎样使用电话,在公共汽车上怎样付钱,并且请教店主我以前不会表达的东西。learn how to use the phone to do 不定式做宾语,若有询问、疑问的含义时,不定式前加疑问词,如:what/which/who/whom/when/where/how/whether/why等。常可接这种结构的动词有:advise/ask/conisider/deside/discover/discuss/explain/findout/forget/guess/hear/imagine/knowLearn/observe/remember/see/show/settle/teach/tell/understand/wonder等我无法决定挑选哪本书。_记住什么时候回来。_-shopkeeper n.店主发散思维shop assistant 店员,售货员 shopper 购物的人shop walker 巡视员 shop window 商店橱窗Shop around 逛商店 shop centre 购物中心8. When I miss my family, its a great fort to have a substitute family to e home to. 当我想家的时候,有一个可以象家一样的地方可去,这真是一种安慰。fort n&(1)n .Ustate of being free from suffering ,pain or anxiety.舒适,身体健康他们尽力使我们觉得舒适。_-(2)nhelp or kindness 帮助,仁爱,安慰这消息给大家带来了安慰。_(3)vi.give fort to sb.安慰某人孩子跑到母亲身边,以求安慰。The child ran to its mother _发散思维(同)relief ,consolation 安慰(派)fortable adj.安逸的,舒适的 fortably adv.舒适地,舒服地 forter n.安慰者,被子 fortless adj无舒适生活设施的 fortably off 生活宽裕substitute n.&v(1)n.person or thing that replaces 代替、替换,后常与介词for连用,也可做定语。他是替补队员。_-(2)vt.put or use sb.as a substitute 用代替,后接for 我们把这把破损的椅子得换个新的。_开放思维substitute sb.for sb.代替某人replace sth.with sth.用某物代替某物change sth.for sth 用某物替换某物代替take the place of take ones place in place of instead of 9.Xieleis preparation courses helping her to get used to academic requirements of a western university.谢蕾的准备课程帮助她符合西方大学的要求。academic adj.&n(1)adj.of schools, colleges学校的,学院的一xx通常从九月份开始。_(2)teacher/students at a university ,college 大学讲师或高等学校的学生他是一位剑桥大学的讲师。_发散思维academically adv学术地academician n 院士,学会会员academy n 学院,专科院校10. I was numb with shock! 我被惊呆了!numb (1)adj.without the powder to feel or move 失去感觉的,麻木的他吓得不能动了。_(2)v.to make sth.or sb.numb使某人失去感觉,麻木他的手冻僵了。_他的腿因剧疼而麻木。_发散思维numbly adv麻木地numbness n 麻木字母b不发音的单词:b/climb/dumb/thumb/with shock 因吃惊而with 后接表示心理的名词,表示因某种原因而造成的后果。如:with fright/由于害怕with anger/因生气with fear/由于害怕 with astonishment 因吃惊 with disappointment 因失望 with surprise 因吃惊 with excitement 因兴奋 with terror 因害怕11. First of all ,he told me, I couldnt write what other people had said without acknowledging them.首先,他告诉我,不能不确认就写别人写过的东西。acknowledge vt.(1)accept; admit 承认,后接n/doing/ that从句/to be /as他承认那是事实。_最后,他们承认失败了。_他是世界上公认的优秀诗人。_(2)express thanks for为表示感谢他对国家所作出的贡献从未受到正式的表彰。_(3) 以微笑或打招呼表示认为某事人来我就站在她旁边,可是她连个招呼都不打。_发散思维(同) admit 承认(派)acknowledgement n.承认,致谢开放思维a generally acknowledged fact 公认的事实acknowledge to be 供认acknowledge help 对相助表示感谢acknowledge sb.as承认某人为12. Besides, as far as he was he was concerned what other people thought was not the most important thing. 另外,他还说别人的想法不是最重要的事情。concern vt&n(1) vt.to worry, to trouble, to bother 使人担忧,烦恼,打搅我们的损失使我担心起来。_(2) vt.be the business of sb. ,affect, be important to 影响,对要求别管与自己无关的事情。_-(3)n.worry, anxiety担心、忧虑、焦急,常接for/about/over/that从句。现在越来越担心他们可能已经遭到杀害。_-(4)n.thing that is important or interesting to sb.对某人来说重要的或感兴趣的事物你身为作家对什么感兴趣。_-这事与我无关。_发散思维(同)bother v.打搅 worry v.担心(派)concernedly adv.担心地 concerning prep.关于concerned adj.担心的,烦恼的开放思维as far as one concern 就某人而言so far as one concern就某人而言concern oneself with/in/about sth. 关心某事,忙于某事be concerned in sth.与某事有牵连,对某市负责任be concerned to do sth .把做某事视为自己的事be concerned with sth. 与某事有关be concerned about/for sth. 担心13. Xie lei told me she feels much more at home in England now and that things that had seemed very strange at the beginning now appear quite normal.谢蕾告诉我,她现在在英国感觉到比较轻松,并且刚开始觉得很奇怪的事情现在看起来很正常了。feel at home ,feel free感觉轻松自在,无拘束孩子们在玩耍时,如果有大人在场,他们会感到不自在。While playing, _if adults are present.14.and hopefully, I will meet some people I have things in mon with.并且,我希望能够遇到一些和我有共同点的人hopefully adv.(1) It is to be hoped ;lets hope 可望,我们可以指望 常用来修饰整个句子。我们可望天黑之前到达。_(2) in a hopeful way 有把握的,有希望的,修饰动词。他信心十足地说“我肯定我们能找到他。”_发散思维hope n& 希望 hopeful adj 有希望的hopeless adj 无希望的 hopefulness n.希望,指望15.She deserves to succeed.他一定会成功。succeed vt.& vi(1) vt.to follow after接着,继续他讲话之后接着是一片沉默。_(2).vt.&vi to be the next ,有时后接to 布莱克小姐继史密斯先生之后当了我们的老师。_(3) vi. to gain a purpose or reach an aim 成功到达,后常接in doing sth.他获得了第一名。_发散思维success n.成功,成功的人/事successful adj.成功的successfully adv.成功地fail v.失败 failure n.失败1. Hopefully, my new passport will be ready in time for my holiday.度假时,我有望能用上新的护照。passport n.护照 发散思维pass 通行证 passable 可通行的passbook银行存折 passkey专用钥匙password 口令 passer-by 过路人2.The visa ,which I need to enter the US, has not arrived yet。我去美国的签证还没有来。visa n.签证开放思维entry visa 入境签证 exit visa 出境签证technical visa 技术签证 transit visa 过境签证Using Language1. The Andes Mountains running parallel to the coast.安第斯山脉与海岸平行。(1).parallel adj.:平行的,极相似的;画一条与这条线相平行的线。_这条铁路与那条公路平行。_(2).n平行线,相似这种传统在我们文化中是没有的。_(3)v.与相似,比得上他们的法律制度与我们的相似。_发散思维in parallel with 与平行run parallel torun parallel withwithout parallel 无与伦比;举世无双parallel lines 平行线parallel bars 双杠.Peru has a wide variety of plants from desert grasses to vast areas of jungle,and abundant wide life.秘鲁有大量的植物,从沙漠里的小草,到大面积丛林,而且还有大量的野生动物。abundant adj.丰富的,富裕的be abundant in 富于; .很丰富我们有充分的理由证明他有罪。_这个国家的石油和天然气供应十分充足。_开放思维abundance n.充裕、丰富abundantly adv.充裕地,丰富地in abundance 大量,丰盛,充裕an abundance of 很多的3. There are many things you can do to help him settle in.你可以做很多事情帮他安顿下来。settle in (迁入新居,更换工作后)安顿下来他已经在家乡安顿下来了。_我们可以做很多事情,帮他安顿下来。_发散思维settle down 习惯与某种新生活方式或职业等;如:旅行多年之后,他决定在此地居住下来。After years of travelling, he decided to settle down here.settle into 习惯于新环境,新工作等。She quickly settled into the new job.

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