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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Unit7TheSea讲义北师大版必修.阅读词汇(英译汉)第一屏听写 1*chimpanzee n 黑猩猩2*dolphin n. 海豚3water skiing n. 滑水4*windsurfing n. 风帆滑浪5*Viking n. 维京人,北欧海盗6AD n. 公元7*iceberg n. 冰山,浮冰 第二屏听写 8*seal n 海豹9*penguin n. 企鹅10*coral n. 珊瑚11*crab n. 蟹12*melt vi. 融化,熔化13*barrel n. 圆桶14*whirlpool n. 漩涡 第三屏听写 15Oceania n 大洋洲_16boxing n. 拳击运动17overfishing adj. 过度捕捞18brake n. 制动器,刹车19shark n. 鲨鱼20bay n. 海湾,湾 .高频词汇(汉译英)第四屏听写 1participate vi. 参加2fill_out 填写3evaluate_vt. 评估,评价4arrange vt. 安排,准备5sign_n. 手势;符号6hunt_v. 打猎,猎杀7actor_n. 演员 第五屏听写 8actress_n 女演员9writer n. 作者,作家10collection n. 收集,收取11ski vi. 滑雪12frightening_adj. 令人惊恐的,骇人的13underwater_adj. 在水下,供水下用的14spirit_ n. 精神 第六屏听写 15explorer_n 探险家16sailor_n. 水手,海员17voyage n. 航海;航空18ancestor_n. 祖先,祖宗19set_sail 启航20*further_adv. 更远,较远21according_to 根据,依照 第七屏听写 22get_into_trouble陷入麻烦,陷入困境23persuade vt. 说服,劝服24make_it_to 到达25in_search_of 寻找,寻求26unknown_adj. 不知道的,未知的27eventually adv. 最终,终于28presentday adj. 当今的,现代的 第八屏听写 29deed n行为,行动30journey_n. 旅行,旅程31lecture n. 讲授,演讲32apologise vi. 道歉33pollute vt. 使污染34pollution n. 污染35industrial adj. 工业的 第九屏听写 36agricultural adj.农业的37chemical n. 化学物38ban_vt. 禁止39altogether adv. 完全40handle_vt. 对付41department n. 部,系,局,部门42make_a_living 谋生43solution_ n. 解决办法;答案 第十屏听写 44port_n港口,海港45present vt. 演示;讲演46intelligence_n. 智力,理解力47intelligent adj. 有灵性的;聪明的48energetic adj. 有活力的49discovery n. 发现50educate_vt. 教育51uptodate_adj. 最新的;现代的 第十一屏听写 52attraction n吸引人的地方53attract_vt. 吸引54watch_out 注意55discount_n. 折扣,减价56trick_ n. 戏法,把戏57measure vi. & vt. (长度、数量)为;测量58length_ n. 长度,长59schoolboy n. 男生 第十二屏听写 60centimetre_ n厘米61horrible adj. 可怕的;令人厌恶的62float_vi. 漂,浮63terrify_ vt. 令人感到恐惧64escape vt. 逃脱,逃跑65terror n. 恐怖,恐惧 66soul n. 灵魂67survive_ vi. 幸存,生存下来 第十三屏听写 68all_at_once突然,忽然69recover_ vi. 恢复正常;康复70scream_vi. (因恐惧、疼痛、兴奋等)尖声大叫71sink vi. 下沉;沉没72pick_up 取,接载73unable_adj. 不能的,不会的74recognise_vt. 辨认出75opposite n. 对立的人(物);反义词 第十四屏听写 76net n网77leak vi. 渗漏;泄漏78stadium n. 运动场,体育场79debate n. 辩论,争论80local_adj. 当地的,地方性的81shopkeeper n. 店主,店东 82wildlife_n. 野生生物 83disagree vi. 不同意,意见不合 二、刷清单(一)核心单词阅读单词1.chimpanzee n 黑猩猩2.dolphin n. 海豚3.water skiing 滑水4.windsurfing n. 风帆滑浪5.Viking n. 维京人,北欧海盗6.AD n公元7.the Antarctic 南极洲8.iceberg n. 冰山,浮冰9.seal n. 海豹10.penguin n. 企鹅11.coral n珊瑚12.crab n. 蟹13.melt vi. 融化,熔化14.barrel n. 圆桶15.whirlpool n. 漩涡表达单词1.evaluate vt. 评估,评价2.sign n. 手势;符号3.hunt v. 打猎,猎杀4.actor n. 演员5.actress n. 女演员6.writer_n. 作者,作家7.collection n. 收集,收取8.explorer_n. 探险家9.voyage n. 航海;航空10.ban_ vt. 禁止11.altogether adv. 完全12.handle_ vt. 对付13.department n. 部,系,局,部门14.solution_ n. 解决办法;答案15.present vt. 演示;讲演16.trick n. 戏法,把戏17.measure_ vi.&vt. (长度、数量)为;测量18.escape vt. 逃脱,逃跑19.recover_ vi. 恢复正常;康复20.debate n. 辩论,争论语境活用1.Because of cheating, Charlie has been banned (禁止) from cycling for a year.2.They debated (争论) for over an hour on the merits of different systems.3.We measured (测量) the room and found it was 20 feet long and 15 feet wide.4.Although he may be troubled, he always presents (显露) a calm smiling face.5.Only four people managed to escape (逃离) before the roof collapsed.6.The school has only been open for six months, so its too early to evaluate (评价) its success.7.He refused to allow his secretary to handle (处理) confidential letters.8.In fact, Adam says the difference of opinion is a good sign (迹象)9.The painting es from his private collection (收藏)10.It can take many years to recover (恢复正常) from the death of a loved one.拓展单词1.participate vi.参加participation n参加participant n参与者2.arrange vt.安排,准备arrangement n安排3.frightening adj.令人惊恐的,骇人的frighten vt.(使)惊恐frightened adj.害怕的;受惊的fright n恐怖;惊恐4.persuade vt.说服,劝服persuasion n说服5.apologise vi.道歉apology n道歉6.pollute vt.使污染pollution n污染7.intelligent adj.有灵性的;聪明的intelligence n智力,理解力8.energetic adj.有活力的energy n精力;活力9.discovery n发现discover vt.发现10.educate vt.教育educator n教育工作者education n教育,培养11.attract vt.吸引attraction n吸引人的地方attractive adj.吸引人的12.terror n恐怖,恐惧terrify vt.令人感到恐惧terrifying adj.使人感到恐惧的terrified adj.感到恐怖的13.survive vi.幸存,生存下来survival n幸存,生存survivor n幸存者,生还者语境活用1.Tom apologised to Mary the other day for his rudeness; of course, she accepted his apology.(apologise)2.What attracts me most in Beijing is that there are many attractions,_ like the Great Wall, the Summer Palace. They are so attractive as to attract eyes from every corner of the world.(attract)3.Our department will be in charge of arranging the conference. Would you please give us some suggestions on the arrangement for it? (arrange) 4.Only two passengers survived the air crash. When the two survivors were interviewed, they said their survival was a wonder.(survive)5.Mary was too frightened to tell her family the frightening scene because it frightened her to death. Whenever she thought of it, she was trembling with fright.(frighten)6.What happened without any previous warning that day terrified all the passengers aboard the train. It was really a terrifying scene, and many people are still terrified at the thought of taking a highspeed train.(terrify)7.They encouraged the participants to participate in the singing performance after the contest and their participation gave the students much delight.(participate)(二)常用短语写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.participate_in 参加2.on_ones_own 独自地;独立地3.fill_out 填写4.set_sail 启航5.according_to 根据,依照6.deal_with 处理;对付7.make_sense 有道理,有意义8.in_addition_to 除以外还有9.get_into_trouble 陷入麻烦,陷入困境10.make_it_to 到达11.in_search_of 寻找,寻求12.make_a_living 谋生13.watch_out 注意14.all_at_once 突然,忽然15.pick_up 取,接载;无意中学到16.be_covered_with 覆盖1.In_addition_to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.2.If you sing it several times, your children will begin to pick_up the words.3.Birds are flying to the south in_search_of the winter sun.4.I cant do everything all_at_once youll have to be patient.5.The game will be played according_to rules which were made fifty years ago when the club was founded.6.The pany got_into_trouble early on, when a major order was cancelled.7.Even though he couldnt swim, he managed to make_it_to the riverbank with his friends help.8.In order to earn money to make_a_living,_Mr Smith has to find a parttime job in the evening.(三)经典句式原句背诵句式解构佳句仿写1.Its three times as big underwater. (冰山)水下部分是水上部分的三倍大。“倍数as . as .”是倍数表达法的常用句型。杰西卡付出的是以前三倍的时间和精力,所以我相信她这次能成功。Jessica devoted three_times_as_much_time_and_energy_as she did before, so I believe she will succeed this time.2.You certainly wont find a noisier fish. 你肯定不会找到比这更吵的鱼了。形容词比较级和否定词连用表达最高级含义。真刺激啊!我以前从未观看过比这更刺激的比赛。How exciting! I have never_watched_a_more_exciting_match before.3.One day, my two brothers and I were ing back from the islands, our boat full of fish. 那一天,我和我的两个兄弟从海上打鱼归来,船上载满了鱼。our boat full of fish为独立主格结构。(四川高考满分作文)数学考试有点难,但我还是完成了所有的题目。The_math_exam_a_bit_difficult,_I managed to work out all the problems.4.Our boat survived, and I was trying to recover when my elder brother put his mouth close to my ear, and screamed out the terrifying word“Whirlpool!”我们的船幸存下来,我正竭力(从恐惧中)回过神来,就在这时,哥哥把他的嘴放到我的耳朵旁,大声说出那个令人胆战心惊的词“漩涡”。be doing . when .“正在做这时”。孩子们正在操场上踢足球,这时下起了雨。The children were_playing_football_on_the_playground_when it began to rain.(四)初中考点再回顾高频考查类记熟文化差异类辨清易忘易错类勤览1.be_strict_in_sth.对某物要求严格2.be_strict_with_sb. 对某人要求严格3.be_the_pride_of 是的骄傲4.be tired out 精疲力竭5.believe in 信任;信奉6.bring good luck to 给带来好运1.give_sb._some_advice给某人一些建议2.take_a_trip 去旅行3.in 100 years 一百年后4.There be名词 某地有某物5.have sth. with sb. 某人有某物6.go to the doctor 去看医生1.first name名字2.last name 姓3.classic n. 经典作品;名著4.science fiction 科幻小说5.lyrics n. 歌词6puter programmer编程人员一、过重点单词1arrange vt.安排,准备;整理;排列教材原句If not, then your group should arrange to meet outside of school hours and choose a time thats best for most people in the group.如果没完成,那么你们小组应该安排在课余时间见面,选择一个对你们小组大多数人都适合的时间。(1)arrange to do sth.安排做某事arrange for 为做准备(安排)arrange for sb./sth.to do sth. 安排某人/物做某事arrange with sb.about sth. 与某人商定某事(2)arrangement n. 整理;布置;安排make arrangements for . 为做好安排多角练透单句语法填空David arranged for someone_to_drive_(drive) him home.Have you arranged to_meet (meet) Mark this weekend?The monitor arranged that some students (should)_clean (clean) the classroom.完成句子With Christmas drawing near, we have_already_made_arrangements_for_our_vacation.圣诞节临近,我们已经为假期做了安排。I wonder whether Mr. Green can arrange_with_me_about_the_meeting_today.我不知道今天格林先生能否和我商定会议的事情。2persuade vt.说服,劝服;使相信教材原句He persuaded some people to go back with him to Greenland.他说服了一些人和他一起回到格陵兰岛。说服某人做某事 说服某人不做某事persuade sb.of sth. 使某人相信某事persuade sb. that . 使某人相信多角练透单句语法填空I finally managed to persuade her to_go (go) out for a drink with me.Get a coffee machine for your home or office, or persuade your pany into_buying (buy) one.In a debate you need to persuade the listeners of the soundness of your argument.一句多译我们说服了他,不让他把钱借给那个不值得信赖的人。We persuaded_him_out_of_lending_his_money_to that untrustworthy man.(persuade sb. out of)We persuaded_him_not_to_lend_his_money_to that untrustworthy man.(persuade sb. not to)3apologise vi.道歉,谢罪教材原句Mr Johnson apologised for the mistake.约翰逊先生因为这个错误而道了歉。(1)apologise to sb. for (doing) sth.因(做)某事向某人道歉apologise to sb.that . 向某人道歉(2)apology n. 道歉make an apology to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉accept/refuse ones apology 接受/拒绝某人的道歉owe sb. an apology 应向某人道歉多角练透单句语法填空I must make an apology (apologise) to him for not going to his party.I owe you an apology for the damage I have done to your bicycle.一句多译老师建议她为自己不得体的行为向同桌道歉。The teacher made a suggestion that she should_apologise_to_her_deskmate_for her bad behaviour.(apologise)The teacher made a suggestion that she should_make_an_apology_to_her_deskmate_for her bad behaviour.(apology)4present vt.讲演;演示;给予,赠送;陈述,提出;介绍,引见 n现在,目前;礼物 adj.出席的,在场的;现在的,目前的教材原句How will you present your project?你将如何演示你的计划?练牢基点写出句中present的词性及含义Mrs. Gibert presented Darios mother with a book of piano music by Chopin.v.赠送The present situation is taking a turn for the better.adj.现在的,目前的The audience present shouted with joy on seeing Professor Du.adj.出席的,在场的These notes will remind you how to present your ideas.v.陈述,提出I wish to give you a present to express my gratitude.n.礼物系统考点(1)present sb.with sth.present sth.to sb.把某物交给/颁发/授予某人present sb.to sb. 把某人介绍/引见给某人(2)at the present timeat present目前,现在for the present 就现在来说,暂时(3)be present at 出席练通重点单句语法填空After making careful preparations, I presented the report_to_the manager.People present_at the meeting were mostly scientists from different parts of the world.The item you want is not available at present.一句多译教师节这天学生们通常给老师送花。The students usually present_flowers_to_their_teachers on Teachers Day.(present . to)The students usually present_their_teachers_with_flowers on Teachers Day.(present . with)5attract vt.吸引,引起的注意;使喜爱;引起的好感(或爱慕)高考佳句China Today attracts a worldwide readership, which shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China.(xx福建高考)今日中国杂志吸引了全世界的读者,这表明世界各地越来越多的人想了解中国。(1)attract sb.to . 把某人吸引到attract ones attention/interest 吸引某人的注意/兴趣(2)attraction n吸引人的事物,吸引力(3)attractive adj. 有魅力的,吸引人的be attractive to sb. 对某人有吸引力多角练透单句语法填空Now Switzerland has bee one of the most attractive (attract) countries in Europe.Most tourist attractions (attract) in China are littered, the worst of which is this lake.He was handsome and intelligent and obviously very attractive to girls.完成句子What first attracted_me_to_her_was her sense of humor.她首先吸引我的是她的幽默感。As soon as the project came up at the meeting, it attracted_many_peoples_attention.这个项目在会议上一提出来就吸引了很多人的注意。6measure vi.& vt.(长度、数量)为;测量;衡量 n计量制;计量单位;措施;尺寸教材原句Bigger dolphins can measure four metres in length but mon dolphins are usually less than two metres long.大一些的海豚会有4米长,但是普通的海豚通常不足两米。(1)measure . by .用来衡量be measured by/in 用来衡量/计算(2)take measures/steps/action to do sth.采取措施做某事make sth. to sb.s measure 照某人的尺寸做某物多角练透单句语法填空Its generally acknowledged that education shouldnt be measured only by examination results.Some villagers reported a huge snake, measuring (measure) over two metres long, was found dead in a nearby cave.完成句子The number of them is less than 1,000, so I hope you can take_some_effective_measures_to_protect_them.它们的数量不足1 000只,因此我希望你们能采取一些有效措施来保护它们。The suit fits me well because it was_made_to_my_measure.这件套装很合我身,因为是量身定做的。7escape vi.逃脱,逃跑;被忘掉,被忽视 n逃走,逃脱经典例句He broke down the locked door and escaped.(朗文P736)他砸开上锁的门后逃跑了。(1)escape from/out of .从中逃脱escape (doing) sth. 避免/逃脱(做)某事(2)make ones escape 逃走a narrow escape 九死一生多角练透单句语法填空pared with the escaped (escape) driver, I am proud of what I did.It is said that he narrowly escaped being_killed (kill) in the traffic accident the other day.完成句子Last year I had_a_narrow_escape,_so I dont want to risk my life a second time.去年我死里逃生,因此我不想再去冒生命危险了。Bill pretended to be a cleaner which helped_him_to_escape_from_the_enemys_prison.比尔装成清洁工,这帮助他逃出了敌人的监狱。8survive vi.幸存,生存下来 vt.幸免于,幸存;比活得长经典例句Of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived.(牛津P2036)在这次撞车事故受伤的六人中,只有两人活了下来。(1)survive on 靠幸存/生存survive sb. by . 比活得长survive sth. 幸免于;从中活过来survive from . 从存活下来/流传下来(2)survival n. 幸存,继续存在;幸存物,残存物survivor n. 幸存者,生还者多角练透单句语法填空Many of the peasants managed to survive on tiny plots of corn and beans.Survivors (survive) of the accident were rushed to the nearest hospital in no time.If he couldnt find his way out of the forest, there would be little chance of survival (survive)完成句子People who survive_from the earthquake will remember their terrible experiences forever.那些在地震中幸存下来的人将永远不会忘记他们可怕的经历。The man survived_his_wife_by five years, during which he lived in a small house.那个男子比他妻子多活了五年,在此期间他一直住在一所小房子里。.单句语法填空1Please accept our apology (apologise) for the inconvenience this matter has given you. 2Its surprising that he survived on a bottle of water in the earthquake.3He escaped being_killed (kill) in the explosion because he had not gone to work.4Ive arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cat while we are away.5Attracted (attract) by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.6I managed to persuade my classmates into accepting (accept) my idea.7It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring (measure) over 90 metres.8I dont have any further information about George at present.单句改错1Some strange customs have survived on earlier times.onfrom2He learnt to sign to helping her deaf child.helpinghelp3Bill arranged this man to show us around the museum.arranged后加for4Youd better make apology to your teacher for your being late.apology前加an5The little girl was so frightening that she burst out crying.frighteningfrightened.完成句子1We dont doubt that the boy will_apologise_to_the_angry_teacher.我们相信这个男孩会向生气的老师道歉。2It is high time that we took/should_take_measures_to_protect_endangered_animals.是我们采取措施保护濒危动物的时候了。3We have_made_all_the_arrangements_for_the_conference that will be held next week.我们已做好下周将要召开的会议的全部筹备工作。4Though no one knew it, it was the last time he would_be_present_at_the_meeting.尽管没人知道,但这是他最后一次出席会议了。5We finally persuaded_him_of the wisdom of this decision.我们最终使他相信这个决定是明智的。二、过短语、句式1get into trouble陷入麻烦,陷入困境经典例句Dont copy my work or well both get into trouble.(牛津P1896)不要抄我的作业,不然我们两人都会有麻烦的。get sb.into/out of trouble使某人陷入/摆脱困境ask/look for trouble 自找麻烦,自讨苦吃in trouble 处于困境中take trouble to do/doing sth. 尽心尽力地做某事have trouble with sth./(in) doing sth. 在(做)某事方面有麻烦/吃力多角练透单句语法填空The pany got_into_trouble when it expanded too quickly.It was when we were returning home that I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.Walking around downtown late at night is just asking_for_trouble.完成句子We often have_trouble_in_using neutral pens because of its limited ink and other inconvenience.因为中性笔的墨水有限以及其他的不便,我们常常在使用时遇到麻烦。Some people always take_great_trouble_to_achieve/achieving_some_goals which are beyond their ability.有些人总是追求一些力所不能及的目标。2make it to及时到达(to为介词)教材原句Eric set sail once again, this time with 25 ships, of which only 14 made it to Greenland.埃里克又开始航行,这次他率领25艘船,最终只有14艘抵达了格陵兰岛。make it 获得成功;准时到达(尤其在困难情况下);幸免于难;渡过难关make it时间 定在某个时间make it through . 挺过,熬过题点全练完成句子Sarah made_it_to_the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning.莎拉赶到了机场,正好及时赶上了今天早上的飞机。Lets make_it_8:00_am tomorrow if you want to go to the park with me.如果你想和我去公园的话,让我们把时间定在明天上午8点吧。Lucy failed in the puter test last time while I made_it.上次计算机考试露西没有通过,而我通过了。3pick up取;接载;拾起,捡起;收拾;收听(节目);(偶然)学会;廉价买到;恢复健康;情况好转经典例句She went over to the crying child and picked her up.她走到啼哭的孩子身边,把她抱了起来。一词多义写出句中pick up的含义Will you pick up all your toys?收拾My radio can pick up the BBC programmes clearly.收听Ill pick you up at your home tomorrow.接载Its surprising that your brother picked up Russian so quickly he hasnt lived there very long.(偶然)学会Business has been depressed but they expect it to pick up again before Christmas.情况好转Sally walked onto the platform, picked up a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard:“Rule 1: We are family!”拾起,捡起归纳拓展pick out挑出;辨别出;挑选;领会;理解 pick off 摘掉;摘下来That pile on the left are the ones that have been picked out for the library.左边的那一堆是挑出来给图书馆的。The insecticide might harm the flowers.Lets pick off the insects by hand.杀虫剂可能会伤害花朵。我们用手把虫捉下来吧。4倍数表达法Its three_times_as_big underwater.(冰山)水下部分是水上部分的三倍大。这是一个倍数表达法的常用句型,结构为:倍数as形容词/副词原级as .。常见的倍数表达法还有:(1)A谓语倍数the size (length, width, depth .) ofB(2)A谓语倍数形容词/副词比较级thanB(3)A谓语倍数what从句(4)A谓语倍数that of .我的农场已经扩展成了一个大农场,是原来的三倍大。My farm has expanded into a big one, which is_three_times_as_big_as the previous one.My farm has expanded into a big one, which is_three_times_bigger_than the previous one.My farm has expanded into a big one, which is_three_times_the_size_of the previous one.This street is four times the length (long) of that one.这条街是那条街的四倍长。In our county now the grain output is six_times


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