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2019-2020年高中英语“读-写-译”句式集萃教案It . + to-V/V-ing【结构】It+不定式结构/动名词结构【说明】it 是形式主语,代表其后之不定式结构或动名词结构,故翻成中文时,it无须翻译,只翻译“真正主语”的不定式结构或动名词结构即可。 It is a bad habit to sit up late at night. 熬夜是个坏习惯。 It is no good hoping for others help. 期待别人的帮助是不行的。 It is not easy to keep in mind what you have told me. 记住你告诉我的话并不容易。 It is fun eating by stealth without being found. 偷吃而不被人发现很有趣。 It is easy to do this. 做这件事是容易的。 It is fun to play the guitar. 弹吉他是好玩的。 It is boring to listen to the same story.听相同的故事是令人厌烦的。It . that .【结构】It . + that/whether/what/why .【说明】这是用 it 来代表其后之真正主语从句的形式主语句型。位于所代表之从句前面者,以从属连接词 that,if,whether 等为代表,另外也有用 who,what,which,when,where,why,how 等疑问词的情形。 It is often the case that haste makes waste. 忙中有错是很常见的。 It is doubtful whether he can read my fortune or not. 他能否算出我的运气还是个疑问。 It doesnt matter to me what you do. 你做什么都跟我毫无关系。 It seems uncertain why he lost the election. 他落选的原因似乎并不清楚。 It doesnt matter how long we live, but how we live.问题不在于活多久,而在于如何活得有意义。It is kind of you to .【结构】It is+形容词(kind/good/stupid/)+of+意义上的主语+to-不定式【说明】在这种形式下之形容词 kind,good,stupid,foolish,clever,wise,cruel,wrong 等,是表示人之性质者。 It is kind of you to take me to the station. 承蒙送到车站,您真是太客气了。 It is stupid of him to refuse a job as a reporter on that well known newspaper. 他真是愚蠢,竟会拒绝做那份名报的新闻记者。 It was clever of you to solve the problem. 你能解答那个问题真是聪明。 It was wise of you to refuse his offer. 你拒绝他的建议是明智的。 It is cruel of him to beat his boy like that. 他那样打孩子真是残忍。 It was wrong of you to do that.你那样做是不对的。It follows that .【结构】It follows+that-从句【说明】此句型意为“那必然是真的;必然是”。follow 在此是 be necessarily true(必然是真的)之意。“It doesnt follow+that-从句”解释为“未必”。 It follows that the longer you work, the more tired you will be. 你工作得愈久,你愈会疲倦,那必然是真的。 It follows that if you work hard, you will succeed. 如果你努力,你就会成功,那必然是真的。 Just because he is at the bottom of his class, it does not follow that he has a bad brain. 只是因为他是班上的最后一名,那未必真的是他头脑不好。 From this evidence, it follows that he is not the murderer. 根据这一证据判断,他当然不可能是凶手。 Although she is poor, it doesnt follow that she is dishonest.她虽然穷,却未必不诚实。It occurs to sb. that .【结构】It+occur to/strike+sb+to-不定式/that-从句【说明】此句型意为“某人突然想到某事”。it 是指 that-从句,而 that-从句有时用 to-不定式;occur to 指某事被想到,等于 strike。 Did it ever occur to you to be betrayed by your best friend? 你可曾想到被你最好的朋友出卖? It occurred to him that he should go to see a dentist. 他想到他应该立刻去看牙医。 Does it ever occur to you to use your sight to see into the inner nature of a friend or acquaintance? 你曾否想到用你的视觉去探视一位朋友或认识的人的内在本性? It never occurred to me to take advantage of him.我决没有想到过要占他的便宜。It takes (sb.) . to .【结构】It takes+(sb.)+时间+to-不定式【说明】此句型意为“做需要/花了(某人)若干的时间”。It 是形式主语。 It took him three months to be able to run a mile. 要能跑一英里需要他三个月。 It takes half an hour to walk from here to the school. 从这里走到学校需要半小时。 How long does it take to fly from here to Japan?从这里飞到日本要多久?It takes . to .【结构】It takes+条件+to-不定式【说明】此句型意为“从事需要某条件”。It 是形式主语。 It takes hard work to achieve success. 成功需要努力工作。 It takes patience and hard work to master English writing. 学好英文写作需要耐心及努力。 It takes a lot of doing to finish the work.这工作很费事。It costs sb. . to .【结构】It costs+sb.+金钱+to-不定式【说明】此句型意为“某人花多少金钱从事某事”。It 是形式主语。 It cost him a great deal of money to take the trip. 这趟旅行花了他不少钱。 It cost me 100 dollars to collect the stamps. 收集这些邮票花了我一百块钱。 How much did it cost you to study abroad?你出国深造花了多少钱?It is said that .【结构】It is+过去分词(said/believed/expected/thought/reported/)+that-从句【说明】常用的此类句型有:“It is said that(据说)”,“It is believed that(一般相信)”,“It is expected that(一般预料)”,“It is thought that(一般认为)”,“It is reported that(据报导)”,“It is estimated that(据估计)”,“It is known that(一般皆知)”。 It is generally believed that Confucius preserved the literature of China for later times. 一般人都相信孔子为后世保存了中国的文学作品。 It is believed that health is above wealth. 一般人都相信健康重于财富。 It is generally believed that it pays to work hard. 一般人都相信努力是值得的。 It is reported that the car accident took place sometime yesterday. 据报导,那场车祸是在昨天某个时候发生的。 It is estimated that the damage was over one million dollars. 据估计,损失超过了一百万元。 It is expected that John will be back by ten. 约翰在十点以前回来是预料中的事。 It is said that the boy grew up to be a noted scientist. 据说那男孩长大后成了一位知名的科学家。 It is generally thought that traveling abroad can enrich ones knowledge.一般认为出国旅游可增广见闻。It seems/appears .【结构】It seems/appears(to sb.)+that-从句【说明】此句型意为“(在某人看来)似乎”。appear 和 seem 的词义及用法完全相同。 It seems to me now that he sighed and that I tittered to hide my embarrassment. 在我现在看来,他那时似乎在叹气,而我吃吃地笑是在隐藏我的尴尬。 It seems to my grandfather that my father is still a child. 在我祖父看来,我爸爸仍然是个小孩。 It seems that the world is getting smaller and smaller. 似乎世界越变越小。 It appears to me that you are all mistaken.依我看,你们似乎都错了。It happens that .【结构】It happens/chances + that-从句【说明】此句型意为“恰好;碰巧”。it 做形式主语,代替 that从句。 It happened that my mother was out that day. 我母亲恰巧那天出去了。 It happened that he had some money. (=He happened to have some money.) 他刚好有带钱。 It happened/chanced that I was busy writing a letter when he came.他来时,我正巧忙着写信。It is a pity that .【结构】It is a pity+that-从句/to-不定式【说明】此句型意为“真是遗憾”。it 做形式主语,代替 that从句。 It is a pity (that) he lost so much money. 他损失这么多钱,真是遗憾。 It is a pity that we shall have to leave tomorrow. 我们明天必须离开,真是遗憾。 It is a pity to give up the job. 要放弃这份工作,真是遗憾。 It is a pity that you missed the party.你未能参加聚会,真是遗憾。It is just as well that .【结构】It is just as well+that-从句【说明】此句型意为“还好”。it 做形式主语,代替 that从句。 It is just as well that the next day is a holiday when no one has to work. 还好第二天没有人需要去工作。 It is just as well that we did not follow him. 还好我们没有跟着他。 It is just as well that you took another road.还好你们走了另一条路。 It is ones belief that【结构】It is ones belief+that-从句【说明】此句型意为“某人相信”。it 做形式主语,代替 that从句。 It is his belief that education should not be the privilege of a limited number of people. 他相信,教育不应该是某一限定人数的特权。 It is my belief that good manners are very important to everybody. 我相信礼貌对大家是很重要的。 It is our belief that every body is equal before the law.我们相信法律面前人人平等。It goes without saying .【结构】It goes without saying+that-从句【说明】此句型意为“不用说”。相当于“It is needless to say that”。 It goes without saying that a real sportsman will never dream of cheating in a game. 不用说,一个真正的运动员绝不会梦想在比赛时作弊。 It goes without saying that money can not buy anything. 不用说,金钱无法买到一切。 It goes without saying that home is the warmest place in the world.不用说,家是世界上最温暖的地方。How is it possible to .?【结构】How is it possible+to-不定式/that-从句?【说明】此句型意为“这怎么可能呢?”。it 是指“to-不定式”或“that-从句”。 How was it possible to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? 在树林中走了一个小时而没有见到什么值得注意的东西,这怎么可能呢? How was it possible to fall down from the third floor without being hurt? 从三楼掉下而没有受伤,这怎么可能呢? How is it possible for a boy of ten to fly an airplane?一个十岁大的男孩会开飞机,这怎么可能呢?It is a great relief to【结构】It is a great relief + to-不定式 .【说明】此句型意为“是一大慰藉/真叫人松了一口气”。it 是形式主语,代替“to-不定式”的内容。 It is a great relief to allow us ourselves the luxury of acknowledging our human frailties. 让我们自己享受承认人类的弱点的快乐是一大慰藉。 It is a great relief to have rain after a long time of drought. 长期的干旱之后有雨是一大慰藉。 It is a great relief to see him still as strong as he was.看到他仍然像以前一样健康,真叫人安心。It is worth while to .【结构】It is worth while+to-不定式结构【说明】此句型意为“做是值得的”。worth while(不是 worthwhile)是形容词,要与形式主语 It 并用。等于“It pays to .”。 It is worth while to read the book. 读这本书是值得的。 It is worth while to take a trip abroad. 到国外旅行是值得的。 It is worth while to learn English.学英文是值得的。It is no use/good .【结构】It/There is no use/good+动名词【说明】此句型意为“是没有用的;也是白费力气”。It 是代表动名词的形式主语。等于“It is of no use+动名词”。 It (There) is no use crying over spilt milk. 为溅出的牛奶哭也没用。(覆水难收,悔恨无益。) It is no use explaining the reason to him. 向他解释理由是没有用的。 It is no use crying about the past. 过去的事哭也是白费力气。 It is no good asking her for a date. 要求和她定个约会也没有用。 It is no good waiting for other people to make your decision for you. 等别人替你做决定是没有用的。 It is of no use boasting of being rich on a desert island.在无人岛上夸耀富有也是白费力气。It is strange that .【结构】It is strange that . should .【说明】此句型意为“说来真怪,居然”。本句型中的 that-从句中,should 表“居然”之意,不可译成“应当”。 It is strange that such a rich man should be so stingy. 说来真怪,这么有钱的人居然那么小气。 It is strange that he should fall in love with such a snobbish girl. 说来真怪,他居然与那位高傲的女孩子坠入情网。 It is strange that we should meet here.我们会在这里相遇,真是不可思议。It is natural that .【结构】It is natural that . should .【说明】此句型意为“会乃自然的事”。本句型的 that-从句中,should 译成“会”。 It is natural that such a hardworking student should pass the exam. 这么用功的学生考试及格是很自然的事。 It is natural that he should disagree with you. 他不同意你是当然的。 It is natural that he should fall in love with such a beautiful girl.他爱上那位美丽的姑娘是很自然的事。I find/think it . to .【结构】主语+find/think/make/consider+it+补语+不定式结构/动名词结构/从句【说明】此句型意为“觉得是”。补语在此通常是形容词或名词。与 find 同类型的其它动词还有 think,make,consider 等;it 代表后面的不定式结构或动名词结构等,或是 that,if, whether,who,what,when,where,how 等所引导的从句,是当作句中之形式宾语的句型。 We all consider it wrong to cheat in examinations. 我们大家都认为考试作弊是不对的。 Many people find it a dangerous thing to go mountain climbing alone. 很多人觉得单独去爬山是危险的事。 Do you think it dangerous to go swimming alone? 你认为单独去游泳危险吗? I believe it good her taking care of orphans. 我相信她照顾孤儿是件好事。 I think it important that we keep up with the times. 我认为跟上时代是很重要的。 I want to make it clear that I have no prejudice against you. 我要表明我对你没有偏见。 His laziness makes it impossible for him to achieve success. 他的懒惰使他不可能成功。 I regard it as my responsibility to offer him help. 我认为帮助他是我的责任。 I make it a rule to take a short walk after lunch.我习惯在午饭后散散步。I take it for granted .【结构】主语+take it for granted+(that)【说明】此句型意为“认为是理所当然的”。it 是形式宾语。that 有时被省略。 He took it for granted she would always be so. 他认为她永远会如此是理所当然的。 I take it for granted that he will succeed. 我认为他会成功是理所当然的。 It is taken for granted that everyone is equal before the law.法律面前人人平等是被认为理所当然的。What is this?【结构】问句:What+be动词+this(that)? 答句:This(that)+be动词+a book(pen)。【说明】此句型意为“这(那)是什么?这(那)是书(钢笔)”。what(什么)叫做“疑问词”,用于询问“事物”,通常放在句首,后接be动词,再接主语,第一个字母 w要大写,句尾要加问号(?),位置不可排错。 What is this? This is a chair. 这是什么?这是一张椅子。 Whats this? Its a book. 这是什么?它是一本书。 What is that? That is a desk.那是什么?那是一张书桌。What are these?【结构】问句:What are+these/those? 答句:These/Those are+复数名词(+s/es)。【说明】主语与动词的形式要一致,is 后面接单数名词,are 后面要接复数名词。 What are these? These are books. 这些是什么?这些是书。 What are those? Those are cups. 那些是什么?那些是茶杯。 What are they? They are glasses.它们是什么?它们是玻璃杯。What are you?【结构】问句:What+be动词+主语(人)? 答句:主语+be动词+a student。【说明】此句型意为“你是做什么事情的?我是学生”。疑问词 what 除了询问事物之外,还可用于询问“人的职业或身分”。be动词随人称代名词的变化而改变形态,如:I am,we are,you are,he is。 What are you? I am a student. 你是做什么事情的?我是一名学生。 What is she? She is a teacher.她是做什么事情的?她是一名教师。Are you a .?【结构】问句:Be动词(am,are,is)+主语+? 肯定简答:Yes,主语+am(are,is)。 否定简答:No,主语+am(are,is)not。【说明】在否定简答句中,主语和 am,is,are 可以缩写;在肯定简答句中则不可。 Is he a student? Yes, he is. (No, he isnt.) 他是学生吗?是的,他是。(不,他不是。) Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. (No, Im not.) 你是教师吗?是的,我是。(不,我不是。) Is that a clock? Yes, it is. (No, it isnt.)那是钟表吗?是的,它是。(不,它不是。)What is your name?【结构】问句:What+is+所有格+name? 答句:所有格+name+is+名字。【说明】“my,your,his,her”为单数人称的所有格;所有格后面必接名词,即“所有格+名词”;所有格不可与 a,an,this,that,these 或 those 紧接一起使用。 What is your name? My name is Sue. 妳叫什么名字?我的名字叫苏。 What is his name? His name is John. 他叫什么名字?他的名字叫约翰。 What is her name? Her name is Jean.她叫什么名字?她的名字叫珍。Who is that .?【结构】问句:Who+be动词+that+形容词+名词? 答句:That is+名字。【说明】Who 是疑问代名词,询问人的“姓名”或“关系”;将形容词直接放在名词前面,叫做“前位修饰”。 Who is that short boy? That is Bill. 那位矮男孩是谁?那位是比尔。 Who is that tall girl? That is Mary. 那位高女孩是谁?那位是玛丽。 Who is that fat man? He is my uncle.那位胖男子是谁?那位是我叔叔。Where is .?【结构】问句:Where+be动词(am,are,is)+主语? 答句:主语+be动词+in the+名词。【说明】问句是“Where .?”,简答时可用副词结构“In/On the+名词”。 Where is Sue? She is in her room. 苏在那里?她在她的房间里。 Where are your books? On the desk. 你的书在那里?在书桌上。 Where is your mother? She is in the kitchen.你妈吗在哪里?她在厨房里。Are you V-ing .?【结构】Am(Are,Is)+主语+现在分词?【说明】此句型意为“主语(人,物)正在吗?”。这一句型转换的三要素是:be动词移到句首;改为大写;句尾用问号。 Is Mary sleeping? 玛丽正在睡觉吗? Are you reading a book? 你正在看书吗? Is the dog playing?小狗正在玩耍吗?What are you doing?【结构】问句:What+am(are,is)+主语+现在分词? 答句:主语+am(are,is)+现在分词。【说明】“主语(人)正在做什么?主语(人)正在”。注意:祈使句的动词只能用原形,不可用现在进行式;表示“瞬间产生”的动作的动词结构,如 sit down,stand up,不可用现在进行式。 What am I doing? You are reading a book. 我正在做什么? 你正在阅读一本书。 What are the girls doing? They are singing. 姑娘们正在做什么? 她们在唱歌。 What is Bill writing? He is writing a letter.比尔在写什么? 他在写一封信。How old are you?【结构】问句:How old+be动词+主语(某人)? 答句:主语(某人)+be动词+year(s) old。【说明】此句型意为“某人几岁?某人是岁”。该句型中,疑问词要用 how,不可用 what;且be动词(am,is,are)要和后面的主语(某人)配合;答句中的“year(s) old”可以省略。 How old are you? I am twelve (years old). 你几岁?我十二岁。 How old is your sister? She is thirteen years old. 你的姊妹几岁?她十三岁。 How old is John? He is one year old.约翰几岁?他一岁。What time is it?【结构】问句:What time is it? 答句:It is+数字+oclock。【说明】此句型意为“现在是几点钟?现在是点钟”。问句中 what 当形容词,修饰后面的名词 time;time 当时间解时,不可用复数。 What time is it? It is ten oclock. 现在是几点钟?现在是十点钟。 What time is it? It is six oclock. 现在是几点钟?现在是六点钟。 What time is it? It is nine oclock.现在是几点钟?现在是九点钟。Do you + V .?【结构】问句:Do/Does+主语+原形动词? 肯定简答:Yes,主语+do/does。 否定简答:No,主语+dont/doesnt。【说明】肯定句中,如有一般动词(speak,work,teach),则在句首加助动词 do 或 does,并将一般动词改为原形动词(不加s或es),即构成疑问句。 Do you speak English? Yes, I do. (No, I dont.) 你讲英语吗?是的,我讲英语。(不,我不讲英语。) Does she have a cat? Yes, she does. (No, she doesnt.) 她有一只猫吗?是的,她有一只猫。(不,她没有一只猫。) Do they work in office? Yes, they do. (No, they dont.)他们在办公室里工作吗?是的,他们在办公室里工作。(不,他们不在办公室里工作。)What time do you + V .?【结构】问句:What time+do/does+主语+原形动词? 答句:主语(某人)+一般动词+时间。【说明】此句型意为“某人几点做某事?”助动词 do 或 does 的选择依主语而定,若主语为第三人称单数,用 does;其它用 do。 What time do you get up? I usually get up at six. 你几点起床?我通常六点起床。 What time does he go to bed? He usually goes to bed at ten. 他几点就寝?他通常十点就寝。 What time does your class begin? It begins at eight-ten.你的课几点开始?八点十分开始。What day is today?【结构】问句:What day is today? 答句:Its+Sunday/Monday/。【说明】此句型意为“今天是星期几?今天是星期日/星期一/。”it 可用于指“星期的名称”,但 this或 that 不可以;一星期七天的名称,都是专有名词,开头的首字母要大写,前面不加冠词。 What day is today? Its Sunday. 今天是星期几?今天是星期日。 What day is today? Its Wednesday. 今天是星期几?今天是星期三。 What day is today? Its Saturday.今天是星期几?今天是星期六。How many N are there .【结构】问句:How many+复数名词+are there in/on+名词? 答句:There is/are+单数(复数)名词+in/on+名词。【说明】此句型意为“在某处有多少?在某处有。”该句型中,many 修饰复数名词;又因本句型是疑问句,故用 are there,不可用 there are。 How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons in a year. 一年有几个季节? 一年有四季。 How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week. 一星期有几天? 一星期有七天。 How many lessons are there in this book? There are twelve lessons in this book.这本书里有几课? 这本书里有十二课。How many . do you have?【结构】问句:How many+复数名词+do/does+主语+have? 答句:主语+have/has+复数名词+。 答句:主语+dont/doesnt have+复数名词。【说明】“How many”后面接复数可数名词,复数名词的前面可用 many,a lot of,a few,some,few,any,no 等修饰。 How many books do you have? I have a lot of books. (I dont have any books.) 你有几本书? 我有许多书。(我没有书。) How many sweaters do you have? I have three sweaters. (I dont have any sweaters.) 你有几件毛衣? 我有三件毛衣。(我没有毛衣。) How many friends does she have? She has a lot of friends. (She doesnt have many friends.)她有几个朋友? 她有许多朋友。(她没有许多朋友。)How much . do you have?【结构】问句:How much+单数不可数名词+do/does+主语+have? 答句:主语+have/has+单数不可数名词。 答句:主语+dont/doesnt have+单数不可数名词。【说明】“How much”后面接单数不可数名词,单数不可数名词前面可用 much, a little,some,little,any,no 等修饰。 How much tea does he have? He has a lot of tea. (He doesnt have any tea.) 他有多少茶? 他有很多茶。(他没有茶。) How much homework do they have? They have a lot of homework. (They dont have much homework.) 他们有多少家庭作业? 他们有许多家庭作业。(他们没有许多家庭作业。) How much fruit do they have? They have a lot of fruit. (They dont have a lot of fruit.)他们有多少水果? 他们有许多水果。(他们没有许多水果。)How much do(es) . cost?【结构】How much do(es)+某物+cost?【说明】此句型意为“某物值多少钱?”。how much 用来询问商品的价格。还可以写作:“How much+be动词+某物?。 How much does this puter cost? (=How much is this puter?) 这部计算机值多少钱? How much do the vegetables cost? 这些蔬菜值多少钱? How much do the movie tickets cost?这些电影票值多少钱?Did . V .【结构】Did+主语+原形动词+过去时间?【说明】将肯定句中的过去式改为“Did+原形动词”,并将 Did 放在句首,句尾用问号,即构成过去式的疑问句。 Did he clean the room yesterday? 他昨天打扫房间吗? Did she wash the skirt yesterday? 她昨天洗这裙子吗? Did your brother play in the park this morning? 你弟弟今天上午在公园玩耍吗? Did he eat lunch yesterday? 他昨天吃午饭吗? Did you see any elephants in the zoo last week? 上星期你在动物园里看到大象了吗? Did Sue have her breakfast at eight?苏在八点钟吃过早餐了吗?Do you ever + V .?【结构】问句:Do/Does+主语+ever+原形动词? 答句:No,主语+never+一般动词(加s或es)。【说明】ever 通常用于疑问句,never 通常用于否定回答;never 也可放在句首,后接原形动词,形成否定祈使句,如例句4。 Do you ever use a puter? No, I never use a puter. 你曾经使用计算机吗?不,我未曾使用过计算机。 Does Tom ever get up late? No, Tom never gets up late. 汤姆曾经晚起床吗?不,汤姆未曾晚起床过。 Does Sally ever play the piano? No, Sally never plays the piano. 萨莉曾经弹钢琴吗?不,萨莉未曾弹过钢琴。 Never be late for school, Bill.比尔,上学绝不可迟到。What year was he born in?【结构】What date/year+was/were+主语+born+on/in?【说明】此句型意为“你出生于几月几日(那一年)?”。born 是原形动词 bear 的过去分词,在文法上当形容词,前面常有 was 或 were;中文说“某人出生”,英语应说:“某人+was/were born”。 What year were you born in? 你出生于那一年? What date was your mother born on? 你母亲出生于几月几日? What month was your sister born in? 你妹妹出生于几月?What will you do on .?【结构】What will/did+主语+do+on+时间?【说明】此句型意为“某人在某时间将做什么?(将来式)某人在某时做了什么事?(过去式)”。指特定的日期(如几月几日)、星期几或星期几的早上(下午,晚上),要用介词 on。 What will you do on Teachers Day? 你在教师节将做什么事? What will they do on Christmas Eve? 他们在圣诞夜将做什么事? What will Helen do on her birthday? 海伦在她生日那天将做什么事? What did John do on New Years Day? 约翰在元旦做了什么事? What did Mary do on Youth Day? 玛丽在青年节做了什么事? What did the suspect do on July ninth? 嫌疑犯在七月九日做了什么事情?How do you + V .?【结构】问句:How+do+主语+一般动词? 答句:主语+一般动词+情状副词。【说明】How 是问情况的疑问副词,表示“怎样?”。用于说明“状态或性质”的副词,称为情状副词。当用来修饰不及物动词时,情状副词位于其后;当用来修饰及物动词时,情状动词位于及物动词的前面或后面。 How did you do your work? I did my work happily. 你怎样做你的工作? 我很快乐地做了我的工作。 How did Mrs. Lin look at Mr. Lin? She looked at Mr. Lin coldly. 林太太怎样注视林先生? 她冷漠地注视林先生。 How does Mr. Wang drive his taxi? He drives his taxi carefully. 王先生怎样驾驶他的出租车? 他小心地驾驶他的出租车。You are ., arent you?【结构】肯定句,+否定式助动词+主语?【说明】这是一种反意疑问句,其结构特点是:第一部分是肯定式,第二部分就用否定式。直述句的主语是名词时,附加问句的主语要用代名词代替:it 代替 this, that,不定式(当主语)或动名词(当主语)等;they 代替 these,those, people 等。下列助动词的否定缩写式较易弄错:will not-wont;would not- wouldnt;should not-shouldnt;can not-cant;could not-couldnt; might not-mightnt;ought not-oughtnt。直述句有一般动词现在式,则附加问句用 do 或 does 代替;有一般动词过去式,则附加问句用 did 代替。 Theyre ready, arent they? (读降调)他们准备好了吧?(

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