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,1. A.Accuse(控告)sb of (doing) sth 2. B.Charge(控告)sb with (doing) sth 3. D.Indict(控告)sb for (doing) sth 4.A. Impeach(弹劾) sb of/for/with (doing) sth 5.D.blame(指责) sb for (doing) sth 6.D.Censure(指责) sb for (doing) sth 7.C.chide(批评)sb for (doing) sth 8.A.prosecute(控告)sb for (doing) sth,9.C. Rebuke(指责) sb for (doing) sth 10.B.reproach(指责) sb for (doing) sth 11.A.reprimand(指责) sb for (doing) sth 12.B.scold (指责) sb for (doing) sth 13A.criticize (批评) sb for (doing) sth 14.D.lecture (教训) sb for (doing) sth 15.C.punish (惩罚) sb for (doing) sth 16.A.dismiss (解雇) sb for (doing) sth,17. C.Discharge(解雇) sb for (doing) sth 18.D.fire(解雇) sb for (doing) sth 19.A.pardon sb for (doing) sth 20.B.forgive sb for (doing) sth 21.C.thank sb for (doing) sth 22.A.agree on/upon terms/conditions 23 B.除了表示“条件”的名词外,一般用agree to sth 24. D.Agree with sb OR agree with what sb has said,25. A.Advise sb about/on sth就某事给某人忠告 Advise sb against doing sth忠告某人不做某事 26.B. Answer for sth对某事负责 27.C.bend ones mind to (doing) sth专心于某事 28. B.Belong to sb Belong in/on/under/behind a place某物应该放在某地 29.C.buy sth for 用多少钱买多少东西,30.A. become of happen to 31.D. Consist in 在于 Consist of 由组成 32.C. Correspond to sth 和相等 33.C.charge to/on ones account把记在帐里 34.A.dwell on/upon 详细论述 35.D.go back on ones word失信,食言 36. B.Head for a place前往某地,37. A.Make for a place朝某地走 38.D.Have sth to oneself将某物归自己所有 39.B. Insist on (doing) sth坚持做某事 40.C.impose a curfew over a city在某地实行宵禁 41.A.steer for a place朝某地开 42.B.steer sb to the victory率领某人走向胜利 43.C.steer a car into the garage把车开进车库 44.D.originate from/in a place发源于某地,45.C. Originate with sb来源于某人 46.A.be proud of sb/sth 47.C.take (a) pride/satisfaction/delight in sb/sth对感到自豪 48.B.pride oneself on/upon sb/sth对感到自豪 49.B.lie on a place与某陆地接壤 50.C.lie to the east/west位于每个方向(陆地不接壤) 51.D. Lie in a place 52.A. Have faith in,53. B.Pin ones faith on sb信任某人 54. D.Succeed in (doing) sth 55. C.Succeed to sb/sth继承 56.B. Smell of 57.A. Smack of 58. C.Stank of 59.D.taste of 60.C.tie sb/sth to sth把某人或某物绑在某物上,61.A. Sing to the piano伴着钢琴唱歌 62.C.Turn ones back on sb/sth: avoid, reject不理睬 63.C.Sign ones name to the cheque在支票上签字 64.D.substitute A for B 用A代替B 65.A.a substitute for sth 某物的代替品 66.B.by appointment 按约 67.B.at Christmas 68.C.on Christmas Day,69.D.on the school campus 70.A.on the staff在人员编制中 71.B. On the committee 72.C.On the board 73.D.on the team在队里 74. C.Under construction 75.D.in cash用现金,间或可以说with cash 76.C.by check/cheque,77.D.a check/cheque for 钱的支票 78. A.Keep sb in check 控制某人 79.A.in demand 有要求= in need On demand一经要求就 80.A.in error错误地 81. B.By mistake错误地 82. D.Develop /have a taste in sth对某事有鉴赏力 83. C.Show a taste for sth对某事感兴趣,84. A.A taste of sth品尝 85.B.on the/a farm 86.B.set the house on fire 放火烧 87.A.set fire to the house 88.D.On the installment plan 分期付款 in installments分期付款 89.Ain installments分期连载 90.CBy instinct凭本能,91.A. An instinct for sth某种天生的本能 92.D.at a loss for sth 对某事不知所措 93.Cat large逍遥法外,自由的 94.Bat ones leisure在某人休闲时 By leisure在休闲时 95.Cby accident 96.Aon purpose 97.B.walk on ones legs,98.A. Smell with ones nose Listen to with ones ears Look at with ones eyes 99.Don ones last legs日子不多了 100.Bon probation在见习中 101.A On the rise在上升中 102.D.A rise in sth 在某方面的增加 103.D.on a large/small scale 大规模地,小规模地,104.A.in a big/small way大规模地,小规模地= on a small scale, on a large scale 105.B.on the run忙,逃跑 106.C.to ones surprise 107.A.in surprise惊奇地 108. C.Under suspicion被怀疑 above suspicion不被怀疑 109.D.in the sun在阳光下/里 110.A.under the sun 全世界,普天下 How/where/when/what/who under the sun究竟,111.D. Over the river 112.B On the river(一个城市)跨河的两边 113.A. Do sth of ones own will凭自己的意愿做事 114.B. At will随心所欲 115.C.At random随便地 116.Din a/one word, in the lump, in the mass, in the main, in brief, in fine, in general, in principal, in short, in summary 117.A. On the whole 118.B.on the mend在康复中,119. C.An authority on sth某方面的权威 120.A.ones authority over sb对某人有支配权 121.D.Ones authority for sth某人对某事的根据 122.A. An advisor to sb某人的顾问 123.B.an advisor on sth某事的顾问 124. B.An apprentice to sb 125. D.The minister to a country驻某国的使节 126.C. The minister of某方面的部长,127. B.The successor to sb某人的接班人 128.C.a traitor to sb/a country/an organization某人/国/组织的叛徒 129.A.a secretary to sb某人的秘书 A secretary of an organization某组织的秘书 130.C.an assistant to/of sb 131.A. The witness to/of sth 132.A. The witness for sb对某人有利的证人 133. D.The witness against sb 134.A.the clue to sth某事的线索,135.B. The deed to sth某物的契约 136. D.The index(索引) to a book/ dictionary 137.C. The preface(前言) to a book/dictionary 138.A.the introduction to a book 139. C.The appendix(附录) to a book/dictionary 140. B.The prelude(前奏) to sth 141. D.The prologue(序言) to a play 142. A.The scholarship to a school某校的奖学金,143.B. The scholarship for a subject某方面的奖学金 144.B. The key to sth某事的关键 145.A. The key to/of the room 146.B.the door to a place 147.B.the entrance to a place 148.A. The exit from a place某地的出口 149. A.The statue to sb某人的雕像 150.C.the inscription to sb给某人写的碑铭 The inscription of sb某人写的碑铭,151.D. The monument to sb某人的纪念碑 152. A.The memorial to sb对某人的纪念 153. B.A distrust of sb/sth/an organization对不信任 154. C.A trust in sb 155. D.A professor of a subject某学科的教授 156. A.A teacher of a subject某学科的老师 157.B. An instructor in a subject某学科的讲师 158. B.A lecturer on/in a subject某学科的讲师,159.A. Leave/ give a good/bad impression on sb 160.C.ones good/bad impression of 某人对的印象 161.B.knowledge of sth某种知识 162. D.A medicine for a disease 163.D. A remedy for a disease 164.A. Eminent for sth因某事而出名 165.B.eminent as a 作为而出名 166. D.Eminent in sth在某领域出名,167.B. Famous for sth 168.C. Know as 169. D.Know for因而出名 170.A.be known to 为所熟知 171.A. Conspicuous(显著,出名) for sth 172. C.Remarkable for sth 173.B.be feverish for 渴望 174. D.Be greedy for 渴望 Be greedy of 贪恋,175.A.be hungry for sth 176. D.Be notable for sth 177.A.be ravenous for sth渴望 178.B. Be thirsty for sth渴望 179. D.Be qualified for (doing) sth适合做 Be qualified for a position 180. A.Be qualified as 181.B. Be fit for sth 182.C. Be eager for sth,183.B. Be desperate for sth 184.A. Be punctual in doing sth做很及时 185. B.Be punctual for 按时出席 186.A.be punctual to the minute 准时的 187.D.be alert to对很警觉 188.A. Be essential to/for sb 189.B. It is essential for sb to do sth 190.C.be necessary to/for sb,191.C.be unaware of sth 192. B.Be aware of sth 193.A.Be conscious of sth 194.C.be unconscious of sth 195.D. Be cognizant of/about sth 196.A. Be perceptive of sth 197.B.Be imperceptive of sth 198. D.Be ignorant of sth 199.B. Be sensible of sth 200.C.be senseless of sth,201. A.Be afraid of 202. C.Be unafraid of 203. A.Be fearsome of 204.B. Be ashamed of sb/sth 205.D. Be fearful of 206.A. Be fearless of 207. D.Be scared of 208.B.Be apprehensive(害怕) of ,209.C. Be frightened of 210. A.Be distrustful of sb不信任 211. C.Be mistrustful of不信任 212.A. Be doubtful of/about sth怀疑某事 213. B.Be dubious of/about sth 214. A.Be suspicious about/of sth 215.C.be sure of 216.D. Be unsure of,217. D.Be uncertain of 218.A. Be certain of sth 219. B.Be demonstrative of 显示某物的 220. C.Be argumentative of sth表示某物的 221.D. Be expressive of sth 222. A.Be indicative of 223.C. Be illustrative of sth 224.C.be exhibitive of ,225. A.Be emblematic of 标志某物的 226.B. Be eloquent of显示某物的 227.B. Be suggestive of 228.C. Be symbolic of 229. D.Be symptomatic of 230. B.Be ominous of sth有某种征兆的 231.A.be ominous for sb对某人不利的 232. C.Be mindful of sth注意/在乎某事的,233. Be mindless of不在乎某事的 234. Be thoughtful of/about sb/sth为考虑周到的 235. Be heedful of sth注意某事的 236. Be demanding of sb 对某人要求高的 237. Be reminiscent of sth令人回忆起某事的 238. Be prophetic of sth 预示某事的 239. Be representative of sb/an organization代表某人或组织的 240. Be significant of sth表明某物的,241. Be appreciative of sth感激某物的 242. Be significative of sth表明某事的 243. Be wasteful of sth浪费某物的 244. Be prodigal of sth浪费某物的 245. Be economical of sth节约某物的 246.be frugal of sth 可节约某物的 247. Be envious of sb/sth 羡慕某人或某事的 248. Be jealous of sb/sth嫉妒某人或某事的,249. Be scornful of sb/sth瞧不起某人或某事的 250. Be scant of sb/sth 缺少 251. Be short of sb/sth 252. Be forgetful of sth易忘记 253. Be neglectful of sth忽略 254. Be oblivious of sth易忘记某物的 255. Be tired of 256.be sick of sb/sth,257. Be sick for sth极想 258. Be sick with an illness得了某病的 259.be hopeful of sth 对某物充满希望的 260. Be desirous of sth 向往某物的 261. Be typical of sb/sth是某人或某物的典型特点 262. Be characteristic of sb/sth 263. Be productive of会产生某物的 264. Be provocative of会导致某物的 265. Be innocent of没有某种罪行的 266.be guilty of有某种罪行的,267. Be worthy of 268. Be acceptive of易于接受某事物的 269. Be boastful of/about 270. Be confident of/about 271. Be inclusive of sb/sth包括某物的 272. Be dependent on sb/sth依靠某人或某物的 273. Be independent of sb不依靠 274. Be observant of. 注意某物的,275. Be accurate in在某方面很精确 276. Be absorbed in doing sth聚精会神地做某事 277. Be advanced in 278. Be backward in 279.be calm in sth 280. Be upright in sth做事正直 281.be detrimental to sb/sth有害 282. Be hazardous to sb/sth有害,283. Be harmful to 284. Be hurtful to 285. Be injurious to 286. Be perilous to 287.be hostile to怀有敌意的 288. Be contrary to sth与某物相反的 289. Be resistant to sth对某物有抵抗力的 290. Be disrespectful to sb,291. Be respectful to sb 292. Be indifferent to sb/sth冷淡 293. Be different from 294. Be courteous to 295.be merciful to 296. Be ruthless to 297. Be disloyal to 298. Be loyal to,299.be faithless to 300.be submissive to服从于的 301.be foreign to对来说是陌生的 302.be attached to sb喜欢某人的 Be attached to sth or a unit附属于某个单位的 303.be relative to sb/sth 304. Be irrelevant to sb/sth无关 305. Be relevant to sb/sth 306. Be adjacent to a place与某地相邻的,307. Be junior to sb比某人年纪小的 308. Be senior to sb 309. Be superior to 比更好的 310. Be inferior to比更差的 311. Be prior to在之前 312.be posterior to在之后 313. Be previous to在之前 314.be invaluable to对非常有价值的,315. Be alive to sth意识或注意到某物 316. Be invisible to sb or ones eyes 317. Be indigenous to a place原产于某地的,土生土长于某地的 318. Be native to a place在某地土生土长的 319. Be partial to sth对某物情有独钟的,偏爱某物的 320. Be content with sth 321. Be discontented with sth Be contented with 322.be dissatisfied/unsatisfied with,323. Be satisfied with 324. Be satisfying to sb 325. Be consistent with sth与某物一致的 326. Be acquainted with sb/sth熟知某物的 327. Be contemporary with sb与某人同时代的 328. Be synonymous with a word同义 329. Be intimate with sb与人关系密切的 330. Be honest with sb待人诚恳的,331. Be honest in doing sth做事诚实的 332. Be popular with sb受人欢迎的 333. Be popular among the people在人们当中盛行 334. Be disappointed with/in sb 335.be disappointed about/at doing sth 336. Be disappointed of the hope 某人的希望没有实现的 337. Be angry with sb 338. Be angry about/at sth 339. Be blind in/of the eyes 340. Be blind to sth 对某物视而不见的,


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