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2019-2020年高中英语Module2FantasyLiteraturePhilipPullman单元加餐练一-二完形阅读组合练外研版.完形填空One day last week, while I was watching TV at home, I came across a program called How I Made My Millions. I thought, “Oh, this must be one of those _1_ mercials (广告) that promise to make you millions.” _2_ I was wrong.The program came on and I showed great interest and _3_ watching. These were ordinary people with _4_ ideas. They not only talked about their ideas, but also took _5_ and persevered (坚持) even though many people _6_ their ideas. The last laugh is, of course, on those who didnt give up their ideas. The people in this _7_ are now millionaires. They succeeded because they didnt quit and took the _8_ steps to achieve their success. Yes, they had _9_, but they did not prevent them from continuing. And it _10_ paid off for them.I can remember when I worked for a large _11_, I made a good salary, but no longer _12_ the work I was doing. I _13_ to work on my websites, but I could not see any way to make an ine that would _14_ my family. After years of struggle, I finally left my _15_ and focused on the websites. Though I faced a lot of difficulties, I _16_ gave up. I am now making a good ine. I am not a millionaire yet, but I continually _17_ and push the envelope.The purpose in sharing this story with you is to _18_ you to take action on your ideas, and not to quit. Learn from your _19_ and overe the challenges. As Walt Disney once said, “If you can _20_ it, you can do it.”语篇解读:我们有好的主意时,应该采取行动,即使遇到困难也不要放弃,这样最终才能成功。1A.expensiveBuselessCamazing Dlong解析:选B作者一开始认为这个节目一定是一些“没用的”商业广告。2A.Still BSoCAlso DBut解析:选D根据“I was wrong”可知需选D项,表示转折。3A.suggested BbeganCkept Dstopped解析:选C根据“I showed great interest”可知,作者“继续”看那个节目。4A.normal BstrangeCfresh Dgreat解析:选D那些人后来都成为了百万富翁,说明他们的那些主意很“不错”。5A.curiosity BactionCadvice Dinterest解析:选B根据“They not only talked about their ideas”可知,那些人也采取了“行动”。6A.laughed at Blooked atCsought for Dcared about解析:选A根据“even though”以及下文内容可知,很多人“取笑”那些人的主意。7A.circle BroomCshow Dworld解析:选C这里是指这个“节目”中的那些人现在已是百万富翁。8A.unusual BimmediateCinteresting Dnecessary解析:选D根据“They succeeded because”可知,这里是讲那些人获得成功的原因,故他们采取了“必要的”措施。9A.dislikes BschedulesCdifficulties Dadvantages解析:选C根据“but they did not prevent them from continuing”可知,他们在创业途中遇到了“困难”。10A.quickly BtrulyCfrequently Dsuddenly解析:选B那些人最终获得了成功,可知他们的坚持“真地”给了他们回报。11Apany BfamilyCcountry Darea解析:选A根据“worked for”可知选A项最好,表示在一家大“公司”上班。12A.promoted BenjoyedCneeded Dunderstood解析:选B作者在那里上班时,虽然工资很高,但不再“喜欢”那份工作了。13A.struggled BrefusedCfeared Dwanted解析:选D根据下文内容可知,作者“想要”自己创业。14A.expand BloveCsupport Dprotect解析:选C根据“to make an ine”可知这里是指“养家”。15A.hobby BjobCposition Dhabit解析:选B前文有提到作者在一家大公司上班,故这里是指终于离开了那份“工作”。16A.never BhardlyCalways Dsometimes解析:选A根据“Though I faced a lot of difficulties”可知,虽然作者面临很多困难,但是“从来没”放弃。17A.learn BaskCobserve Dreview解析:选A根据上下文内容可知,作者通过创业可以不断“学习”新的东西。18A.expect BbegCencourage Dforce解析:选C根据上文内容可知,作者是想“鼓励”我们有好的主意后要采取行动,不要放弃。19A.concerns BthoughtsCments Dfailures解析:选D根据语境可知,为了能够成功,我们应该从“失败”中学习。20A.know BdreamCrealize Dtouch解析:选B作者引用Walt Disney的话是想告诉我们,只要敢于“梦想”,就能成功。.阅读理解The United Nations just put together a deal that should prove a major victory for the worlds threatened forests.While we all know its foolish to destroy all of the worlds forests, deforestation (滥砍滥伐) continues to run out of control because developing nations are more interested in the financial gains than the environment.Clearly, if we want developing nations to preserve their forests, we have to give them financial encouragement to do so. Thats where the UN. es in.Paying developing nations to stop cutting down forests is part of the UN.s goal to end deforestation by the year 2030. This plan has actually been kicking around in the UN. for about a decade. The reason is that its tricky to find a balance between protecting the forests and stripping (剥夺) local people of their land.Previous attempts at protecting lands have left local munities neither pensation (补偿) nor reasonable source of ine. To prevent this, the UN. wants to work with both government bodies and local munities to reach agreements that satisfy all parties.The need for forests in the fight against climate change is twofold (双面的). Firstly, the act of chopping down trees currently creates 17 percent of the worlds emissions as carbon and other harmful gasses escape from the fallen trees. Secondly, trees naturally help to fight against climate change by taking in carbon. The more trees we leave alive, the slower the effects of carbon change will occur. Altogether, scientists predict that preserving existing forests could reduce 8.8 billion tons of carbon emissions annually.The UN. still has one issue to work out before the plan is official: the money. The UN. could shell out some, but outside private donations will probably be necessary in the long run. However, UN. officials are confident that given the forests importance to the planet it will find the money necessary to make this plan happen.语篇解读:世界范围内的森林滥砍滥伐现象日趋严重,联合国要出台什么新招数来应对呢?本文为你揭晓答案。1What is the UN.s plan discussed in the text?ACutting down on the worlds emissions.BEncouraging local people to give up their land.CPaying developing nations to stop deforestation.DCalling on developing nations to protect their forests.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第三段的内容可知,联合 国的计划是为发展中国家提供财政支持,阻止这些国家的滥砍滥伐行为。另外,抓住文章中的pensation、money等核心词也可以找到答案。2Why do developing nations keep cutting down forests?ATo make more furniture.BTo make more money.CTo protect the environment.DTo make better use of their land.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段的“.developing nations are more interested in the financial gains .”可知,发展中国家这么做是为了获取更多的经济收入,故选B项。3What does the underlined word “tricky” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?AEasy. BImpossible.CLikely. DDifficult.解析:选D词义猜测题。这项计划之所以大约十年悬而未决,说明在保护森林和剥夺当地人的土地之间找到平衡的办法是很困难的,故选D项。4What is Paragraph 6 mainly about?AWhy we need to reduce the worlds emissions.BHow living trees reduce the effects of carbon change.CWhy forests are needed to fight against climate change.DWhat bad effects chopping down trees has on the environment.解析:选C段落大意题。本段从被砍倒的树排放碳等有害气体而活着的树吸收二氧化碳两方面说明树对环境变化的双重作用,所以C项是正确的。.语法填空In the jewelry market, the diamond (钻石) takes a big part.Chinese women, _1_ (particular) the married ones, helped drive global diamond jewelry sales up _2_ 3 percent to a record high of D|S79 billion in the past year. Demand from China grew 14 percent, the _3_ (fast) rate globally.The demand mainly came from married women, who accounted for two _4_ (three) of purchases (购买) and sales value. Engaged (订婚的) women accounted for around 20 percent of purchases and _5_ (contribute) to just under a quarter of sales value in China, while single women accounted for 14 percent of purchases and made up 11 percent of sales value._6_ is weddingpurchase for many women in China that is driving the demand. Many single women are _7_ (buy) diamonds for themselves in China too. _8_ China remains the largest contributor to demand in the global diamond jewelry market, its increase rate started to slow. China has been the biggest _9_ (grow) engine for the diamonds business for the past five to 10 years. The rate is slowing down now, but its still a big increase. This year the demand of China _10_ (be) just under 10 percent.答案:1.particularly2.by3.fastest4.thirds5contributed6.It7.buying8.Although/Though9growth10.will be.短文改错As a warmhearted boy, I often do what I can help others. In my opinion, help others is both meaningful and rewarding. More importantly, it makes me feel happy.Yesterday, I was on my way to school while I saw a foreigner, who looked very anxious. I went up to him without a hesitation. By talking about him, I learned that he has lost his way and couldnt find his hotel. Seeing his worrying expression, I offered to lead him to his hotel. On arriving there, he expressed his deeply thanks to me. Because I was late for school, I still received my teachers praise for helping other in need.答案:第一句:can后加to第二句:helphelping第四句:whilewhen第五句:去掉a第六句:aboutwith; hashad第七句:worryingworried第八句:deeplydeep第九句:BecauseThough/Although; otherothers.书面表达假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Jack听说你寒假打算参加军事冬令营,来信询问你的理由。请你从学习独立、合作交友两方面介绍自己的想法。 注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:军事冬令营Military Winter Camp_参考范文:Dear Jack,Im glad to hear from you. Let me tell you why Im going to take part in the Military Winter Camp.To be honest, I have never been away from home for long before and I hope to have a chance to deal with everything on my own. I believe the strict camp life will make me independent enough to take care of myself. In addition, I am shy and not good at municating with others. The activity will help me a lot in developing my ability to cooperate with others. Hopefully, I will make new friends during the activities of the camp. Im sure the military camp will be of great benefit to me.Yours,Li Hua

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