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2019-2020年高中英语Unit13Lesson1EQ:IQReading(TeachingPlan)教案北师大版必修5Step I Give the students some words , numbers, names and years which are related to the teachers information. 1963 No. 1 High School 43 xx, New Zealand 15 50 Step II e to the EQ Test and ask the students to do it right now and then report their scores.Step III Read the article as quickly as possible (skimming skills) and answer the questions of Part 2 .Check the answers. 1. IQ tells you how smart you are while EQ tells you how well you use your smartness.2. Maybe they have low EQs (May be their EQ are not high enough)3. Yes, normal students helped the disabled students. They also showed a better understanding of the disabled students feelings pared to students who hadnt been introduced to disabled students. Disable students bee more positive/more eager to try new things. But IQ couldnt be improved 4. “People skills” means ways of doing things. It is very important to get them improved. Better skills help you do things more easily and make you successful.5. Optimists have high EQs and untroubled by obstacles, a high EQ stands for a persons ability to survive.6. It means that adaptability are important factors in surviving and succeeding in our plex world.Step IV e back to the article again, read it aloud , find out the difficult sentences and new words while reading. T explaines the sentences and new words. 1) Supposed by his research, he suggested that when predicting future successes, a persons brainpower, as measured by IQ tests, might actually matter less than a persons character, or IQ. 2) They also showed a better understanding of the disabled students feelings pared to students who hadnt been introduced to disabled students. 3) It is also worth remembering that having a high IQ will help us in some ways while having a high EQ might help us even more.Step V Fill in the blanksTermIQEQDefinitionHow smart you areHow well you use your smartnessAt workGet you hired.Get you promotedPredicting future success Not always / help you in some ways.Always /help you even moreexamplesHigh IQ and quick-witted students end up failing examsLow EQ have a harder time surviving in lifeBe improved or notGenetics / no Socialist / yesSurvive ability Biggest/ smartness/strongest Most adaptableFacing problemsPessimists / worried about problemsOptimists / untroubled by obstacles. Past Participles 1. It is IQ that gets you hired and EQ that gets you promoted.2. Supported by his research, he suggested that3. For a long time, well- respected researchers discussed if a persons IQ could be raised.4. EQ is best observed in people described as either pessimists or optimists.5. disabled students / marked change / Mayer, recognized by many as a leadingrecognize as/ consideras(to be)/ regardas / treatas pared to/ pared with supported by his research as measured1)pared to/ pared with 要是同相比的话 pare A to B 把A比做B People always pare children to the future of our country and pare teachers to candles. pare A with B把A同B相比较 I cant pared with him in learning English.2) Mayer, recognized by many as a leadingrecognize as/ consideras(to be)/ regardas / treatas3)get sth/ sb done. get sb to do get paid by the hour / get stuck / get hurt / 4) have a hard time doing sth / have difficulty(trouble) in doing sth/ have trouble in doing sth.Which is more important in our daily life ,IQ or EQ? Teaching PlanStep I Give the students some words , numbers, names and years which are related to the teachers information. Wang Hangjing Cai Liying 1963 No 1 High School 43 Zhangzhou xx, New Zealand 15 50 Step II e to the EQ Test and ask the students to do it right now and then report their scores.Step III Read the article as quickly as possible (skimming skills) and answer the questions of Part 2 .Check the answers.Step IV e back to the article again, read it aloud , find out the difficult sentences and new words while reading. T explaines the sentences and new words.Step V Fill in the blanks.Step VI Some language items.Step VII Reading prehension exercises. Step VII discussion Read the article and then fill in the blanks ItemsContentsIQEQDefinitionHow smart you areAt workGet you promotedPredicting future successesNot always / help you in some waysCases of High IQs and low EQsThose with low EQs have a harder time surviving in lifeBe raised or notGenetics / no Socialist / yesSurviving ability Biggest/smartest/strongest Facing problemsOptimists /untroubled by obstacles

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