2019-2020年高二英语Unit13 The water planet 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit13 The water planet 人教版Tasks which should be achieved in this unit: a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic of water and the ocean. b. Learn how to make suggestions and how to express opinions. The water is being used to /for. We should/ could. If we , we can . It would be better to c. Vocabulary in this unit: benefit, disadvantage, range, available, pure, mass, float, absorb, stable, bottom; d. Useful expressions: benefit from, range from to., all the way, be made up of, that is, freezing point, break down, mix with, be measured in, take advantage of, keep steady, manage to do. e. Grammar: Review Modal Verbs. 情态动词can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, cant 等的用法。 1) can /could Jin can speak English well. (ability) Could you please show me the way to Beihai Park? (request) 2) may /might May we see the awards for the teams? (permission; request) She might give you some new clothing. (possibility) 3) will /would The Spring Festival is the most fun. The whole family will e for dinner. (promise; agreement) Often he would dress up like a rich man. (past habit; custom) 4) shall /should The harvest festival begins on Saturday. We shall be there with our friends. (promise; agreement) You should arrive at the airport two hours before he goes. (advice) 5) must /cant Wang Feng wins an award every year. He must be very strong (speculation) You must be joking. That cant be true. (guessing) The First Period Teaching Aims: 1.Learn and master the new words and the useful expressions of this part. Words: cube, sailor, disadvantages, entertainment Phrases: e up with, happen to Useful expressions: The water is being used to/for We should/could If wewe can It would be better 2. Learn something about water by doing experiment. 3. Do some listening. 4. Improve the students speaking ability by talking. Teaching Important Points: 1. Make the students be free to talk about water. 2. Improve the students listening ability by listening. Teaching Difficult Points: 1. How to finish the task of speaking. 2. How to improve the students listening ability. Teaching Methods: 1. Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material. 2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids: 1. the multimedia 2. the blackboard 3. an empty glass, a bottle of water and a bottle of vegetable oil Teaching Procedures: Step Greetings and Lead-inC T: Hello, everyone. Ss: Hello, teacher. T: Attention, please. As we all know, every year during the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival in our country, people like to see the lion dance and guess the riddles. Do you like to guess the riddle, then? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Now I have a riddle. Please guess it. (Teacher uses the multimedia to show the riddle on the screen.) Its very important to all the animals and plants. Its also important to human beings. Its liquid at room temperature. Every day you keep in touch with it. You cant live without it. (a thing) T: Whats it? Ss: Its very easy. Its water. T: Yeah, today we will talk about water. Now please tell me what you know about water. S1: Water is used to drink. S2: Water can be used to water the flowers. S3: I think water can be used to make electricity. CStep Warming upC T: Thank you for your ideas. Next we will make some interesting experiments. Maybe you can learn more about water from the following experiments. S4, would you like to e here to help me? S4: Id love to. T: Now, look at Li Lei and me. We will begin. You should watch the experiment carefully and try to tell me what happens and why. (Teacher puts a bottle of water, a bottle of vegetable oil and an empty glass on the desk.) T: S4, pour some water and some vegetable oil into the empty glass. Other students, please watch carefully. ( A few seconds later.) Ss: Fantastic! The liquid in the glass has bee two parts. T: Try to describe it in detail. S5: Let me try. The part above is vegetable oil and the part below is water. But I dont know why. T: Good question. Whod like to answer his question? (Nobody answers his question.) T: Perhaps it is a little difficult to answer it immediately. Now you can have a discussion about the reason for it, using what you have learnt in physics. (Teacher lets students discuss in groups of four. A few minutes later, teacher checks their answers.) T: Who wants to explain the phenomenon? S6: I think water is heavier than oil, so vegetable oil is on the top of the water. T: Who has different ideas? S7: I think we should say that the density of water is higher than the density of vegetable oil, so the result formed. S8: Whats the meaning of “density”? S9:“Density” is “密度” in Chinese. T: Do you agree with the reason for it? Ss: Yes. We agree with the idea. T: As we know, if we pour milk and water into one glass, we cant tell where water is and where milk is. But just now we poured oil and water into one glass, it is so different now. Do you know why? Ss: Because oil cant dissolve in water, but milk can. T: Very good. Lets make a summary about the experiment. If we pour vegetable oil and water into one glass, the liquid will bee two parts because oil cant dissolve in water. Since the density of water is higher than vegetable oil, vegetable oil will be on top of the water. Is that clear? Ss: Yes. T: Would you like to watch another experiment? Ss: Id love to. T: OK. Ill perform the next experiment by myself. Look at me. I have a glass of water. Now Ill cover it with a piece of thick paper. Attention, please. (Teacher puts one hand on the paper and turns the glass upside down. Then teacher slowly takes his/her hand away from the paper.) T: What can you see? Ss: The piece of paper doesnt fall and the water in the glass doesnt flow. T: Yes. You are right. Now you are given a few minutes to have a discussion about the reason for it. (Teacher gives students a few minutes to discuss, and then checks their answers.) T: Who can tell us the reason why the piece of paper doesnt fall and the water doesnt flow? S10: I want to have a try. When the glass of water covered with a piece of paper is turned upside down, the pressure from air to the piece of paper is bigger than the pressure from the water in the glass to the piece of paper. So the paper wont fall and the water wont flow. T: Excellent! Thank you for your explanation. I am very glad to see that you are all interested in making experiments. After class, you can carry out another two experiments on Page 17.When you perform them, try to describe what happens and why. OK? Ss: OK. T: Now, lets look at a picture. (Teacher shows a picture on the screen.) T: What can you see? Ss: There is a river in the picture, but its very dirty. T: Anything else? S11: There are some plastic bags and empty tins on the surface of the river. T: Yes. We all know water is important to human beings and all the animals and plants. Unfortunately water is being polluted now. What do you think we can do to protect the water on our planet? (Teacher gives students enough time to prepare. When they prepare, teacher goes among the students to help them to express their ideas correctly.) Sample answer: To protect the water on our planet, I think we should save every drop of water and stop throwing rubbish into water. Besides, we should try our best to help the people around us realize the importance of using and protecting our water. CStep ListeningC T: Next, lets do some listening. Turn to Page 18 and look at the Listening part. You can listen to the famous poems about life on the ocean. Listen carefully and write down some key words when you listen. Before you listen, lets learn two phrases first. Look at the blackboard. 1. happen to e.g. What happened to you last week? If anything happens to the machine, please tell me. 2. e up with e.g. I hope you can e up with a better plan than this. (Teacher writes them on the blackboard and begins to explain them.) T: Now listen, please. (Teacher plays the tape for the first time. Then play it for the second time. During this time, teacher may pause for students to write down the information. Play some parts of the tape one more time if necessary. Finally teacher checks the answers with the whole class.) CStep SpeakingC T: In our daily life, water can be used in different ways. Now well talk about the ways in which water can be used. Look at the pictures on Page 18.The six pictures mean six different ways to use water. You can choose one of the pictures to discuss the importance of using and protecting our water, and then try to use some sentences to describe the picture you choose. If you like, you can make a dialogue with your partner about the picture. When you discuss, you may use the questions on the screen to help you. 1. How is the water being used? 2. Is this a good way to use water? 3. Why do we use water in this way? 4. Who benefits from using water in this way? 5. What are some disadvantages of using water in this way? (Teacher shows the questions on the screen by multimedia and gives students enough time to discuss and prepare.) Suggested answers: (Picture 1)We can use water to make electricity, which can give us light and make us feel warm. I think it is a good way to use water. (Picture 3) Water has a lot of usages and home use is the monest one. Every day we must drink enough water. In addition, we need a lot of water, just for cooking and keeping clean. Water can help us to keep healthy. But if the waste water from home use is poured into river and soil, it will be harmful for some animals and plants. So we must pay more attention to it. (Picture 4) In Picture 4, water is being used in industry. Water is very important to industry. It can be used to make paper, cool machine and so on. But the disadvantage is that a lot of water mixed with some poisonous things being poured into the river and the sea. It is dangerous for the living things in the water. (Picture 6) A: Do you know how the water is being used in Picture 6? B: Water is being used for entertainment. A: Is it a good way to use water? B: Yes, because it can help people keep fit and enjoy nature. But if people throw rubbish into the water, it will be bad for us. A: Yes. It is the disadvantage of using water in this way. We must be careful. CStep Summary and HomeworkC T: Today, were mainly learned something about water by doing experiments, speaking and listening. Besides, weve learnt some new words and phrases, such as: happen to, e up with, density, After class, try to remember them and preview the next partReading part. Thats all for today. Goodbye, everyone. Ss: Goodbye, teacher! Step The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardC Unit 13 The water planet The First Period 1.happen to e.g. What happened to you last week? If anything happens to the machine, please tell me. 2. e up with e.g. I hope you can e up with a better plan than this. The Second Period Teaching Aims: 1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: cube,property,range,medium,relatively,dissolve,pure,relationship,mass,float,absorb,bottom,all the way, that is, addto, mix with, take advantage of, manage to do 2. Improve the students reading ability. 3. Enable the students to realize that it is important to protect the water on our planet. Teaching Important Points: 1. Improve the students reading ability. 2. Master the following phrases: all the way, that is, mix with, take advantage of, manage to do Teaching Difficult Point: How do we make the students understand the reading passage better. Teaching Methods: 1. Discussion before reading to make the students interested in what they will learn. 2. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text. 3. Discussion after reading to make students understand what theyve learned better. 4. Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text. Teaching Aids: 1. the multimedia 2. the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step GreetingsC and Revision (Greet the whole class as usual.) T: Yesterday we learnt something about water. Now who can tell me what you learned yesterday? S1: I learned that water is very important to all the living things on the earth. T: OK, can you give me the reason why it is important? S2: Water can be used to wash clothing, to made electricity, to water the farm and so on. Of course, every day we must drink enough water. So water is very important. T: Anything else? S3:I know something about water. For example, from the experiments we made yesterday, I know vegetable oil cant be dissolved by water. Step Pre-reading and ReadingC T: OK. Thank you for your answers to my questions. As we all know, we cant live without water. But do you know what makes water so important to all the living things? Ss: No, we dont know. T: Maybe we can get the answer to the question after reading the article for today. Before you read, first lets learn the new words and phrases in the passage. (Teacher deals with the new words with the whole class.) T: Now please read the passage quickly to get the general idea and try to use the following structures to make six questions. (Teacher uses multimedia to show the structures on the screen.) 1. What is/are _? 2. What does _ look like? 3. What are different parts of _? 4. What can _ be pared to? 5. How does _ work? 6. What are some examples of _? (Teacher gives students five minutes to finish the fast reading and making questions. Five minutes later, teacher asks some students to write their questions on the blackboard.) 1. What are the properties of water? 2. What does the earth look like? 3. What are different parts of the ocean? 4. What can the ocean be pared to? 5.How does the special air-conditionerthe ocean work? 6. What are some examples of species in the ocean? T: Well done. Who can tell me the general idea of the text? S4: The passage mainly tells us it is water that makes the ocean so important to all the living things in the world. T: Good work. Next, lets read the passage carefully to get more information about water. While you are reading, try to finish the chart in Post-reading on Page 21 and find out the answers to the questions on the blackboard. (Teacher gives students enough time to read the text and collects their information for the chart.) Suggested answers: Property What is it? What is it good for? Chemical structure Every water molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. It is good for the living things in the ocean to absorb the nutrients easily. Density The density of pure water is 1 000 kg/m3, meaning that one cubic metre of water weighs one thousand kilogram. It is good for marine organisms to take advantage of the density of water. Heat capacity Heat capacity is the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of a substance one degree centigrade. It is good for the earth to keep the temperature steady. T: Very good. What about the questions on the blackboard? S5: I think I can answer the first one. The answer is that the properties of water are chemical structure, salinity density, heat capacity and ocean motion. S6: In my opinion, the answer to the fourth question is that the ocean can be pared to a great place to live in. T: Do you agree with them? Ss: Yes. T: What about other questions? S7: I think plankton, sharks and whales are examples of species in the ocean. S8: The answer to the second one is that the earth looks like an ocean planet. T: You are quite right. Any volunteers? S9: Dear teacher. Can you tell us the meaning of the special air-conditionerthe ocean? T: Maybe it means that there are some similarities between air-conditioner and the ocean. S9: Thank you. I got it. T: Then, who can answer the question? S10: Because the ocean can keep the temperature of the earth steady, some students pare the ocean to a special air-conditioning. I think the ocean keeps the temperature of the earth steady by absorbing and releasing heat. T: Well done. There is only one question left. Who wants to try?(Nobody answers the question.) T: Do you think it is a question that the text cant answer? Ss: Yeah. We think so. T: OK. Maybe you are right. But I want to know the reason why you think the passage cant answer the third question. Ss: Because there is not any information about the different parts of the ocean. T: Then, are there any questions you would need to add to “cover” all the information in the text? S11: I have a question. Why is the water in the ocean always moving? S12: Since changes in salinity and temperature affect waters density, the water in the ocean is always moving. Step Further Understanding andC Language Study T: Well done. I think you are very familiar with the passage. In the passage there are some words and expressions we should master. Now lets look at the screen. I will give you some explanations about the words and expressions. 1. incredibly adv. (extremely or unusually) e.g. The water is incredibly hot. 2. available adj.(that can be used or obtained) e.g. Tickets are available at the box office. The book is available to all the students. 3. range vi. range from A to B e.g. Their ages range from 25 to 50. His interests ranged from chess to canoeing. 4.But the way the water molecule e.g. I dont like the way (in which/that) he looks at me. They admired the way (in which/that) she dealt with the crisis. 5. that is (to say) (which means) e.g. A week later, that is, May 1 is her birthday. He is a local government administrator, that is, he is a Civil Servant. 6. take advantage of (make use of something well/make use of somebody unfairly) e.g. They took full advantage of the hotels facilities. She took advantage of my generosity. 7. be sensitive to something (affected easily by something) e.g. She is very sensitive to others words. (Teacher writes the words, phrases and sentences on the blackboard.) Step Listening and Reading AloudC T: Lets listen to the tape. When I play it for the first time, just listen to it. When I play it for the second time, please listen and repeat. Then read the text aloud. Are you clear about that? Ss: Yes. (Te teacher plays the tape for the students to listen. After listening ,the teacher goes among the students and corrects any mistake the students make in pronunciation, stress and intonation.) Step SummaryC and Homework T: Today, we have read a passage about water. As we know, it is very important to all the living things. So we should do all we can to protect water from being polluted. In addition, try your best to retell the passage in your own words. Is that clear? Ss: Yes. T: See you tomorrow! Ss: See you tomorrow! Step The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardC Unit 13 The water planet The Second Period Questions: 1. What are the properties of water? 2. What does the earth look like? 3. What are different parts of the ocean? 4. What can the ocean be pared to? 5.How does the special air-conditionerthe ocean work? 6. What are some examples of species in the ocean? Words: incredibly, available Phrases: range from A to B, that is, take advantage of, be sensitive to Sentences: But the way the water molecule The Third Period Teaching Aims: 1. Review Modal Verbs. 2. Do some exercises to review some important words learnt in the last period. Teaching Important Point: Review Modal Ver


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